Online Assessment Practices at the Higher Education During and Post Covid-19 Pandemic

This book will be released in Germany, with the writers’ names and a serial number accredited by the #Democratic_Arab_Center. All authors will receive a certificate of publication
Online Assessment Practices at the Higher Education During and Post Covid-19 Pandemic
Editor: Dr. Fouzia Rouaghe & Co-editor: Dr. Ouafa Ouarniki
The Rationale
COVID-19 has been tremendously affecting life almost every part of the world. School cancellations were a reasonable response to the burgeoning virus pandemic and the unprecedented circumstances required the immediate closure of all educational institutions without notice or planning. Studies were suspended and postponed and thus assessment and testing were no exception. What was a grave issue was that due to the cancellation and postponement of tests, some students were very anxious about missing out important opportunities and others were eager to know how to advance to the next level. Yet, there exist several challenges of offline testing; involving the wearing of masks and gloves and the need for 1.5m of space between desks and the difficulty in securing test sites because of the vast clusters of people. Some institutions (schools and universities) resorted to computer based testing or online testing as a resolution to this issue and the situation was slowly stabilizing with some online at-home tests being offered for a limited period. Nonetheless, the introduction of online at-home testing was a big challenge for most schools and universities because of several reasons such as resources, internet services, internet affordability (as regards students and teachers), and test fairness and credibility. From one hand, based on the testimony of several university teachers, they did experience many difficulties while designing and administering an online test/exam. Amongst these challenges, were internet connectivity as previously mentioned, the nature of questions bank available on the e-platform and which does not allow much freedom to the teacher design appropriate exam questions as regards validity and reliability. Also, the rate of cheating was highly probable like screen sharing, using advanced smart phones applications and getting a second party assistance. From another hand, even though online tests were possible in some cases, it appeared that students preferred offline exams and quizzes that they had already experienced and are familiar with. Also, learners showed dissatisfaction about the nature of the test questions and complained about the time allotted. Many of them as well questioned the tests validity and reliability. Additionally, many students were against the online testing because it was totally new and they were struggling to adapt. They complained also about the technical issue, computer literacy and the nature of instructions given by the teacher. The book considers the main challenges of online language assessment when shifting from a face to face to an online environment during and post Covid- 19 crisis. The book editor encourages non –theoretical research-based chapters that demonstrate real-world experiences, and practical examples of the academic field of language assessment and testing.
Recommended Topics
Professionals and researchers are invited to submit new and original research on topics including, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Assessing receptive and productive skills online
- Testing and feedback during COVID-19 pandemic
- Challenges of online at-home testing
- Digital assessment literacy
- Inclusive online assessment
- Online at-home testing fairness
- Online language examinations and quizzes
- Post- COVID-19 assessment
- Students’ perceptions of online testing
- Teacher online evaluation
- Teachers attitudes towards online testing
- The qualities of fair and just online assessment
- Validity and reliability of online testing compared to offline testing
Researchers and professionals are kindly invited to submit on or before 12 July, 2023 a chapter proposal of 500 to 1,000 words discussing research projects that have been already completed or that are still in progress. A tentative title and a presented methodology are highly recommended. Full chapters are due on 01 December 2023
Reading Committee Members
Reading Committee Chair: Prof. Dr. Meltem Huri Baturay, Atılım University: Turkey
Ø Prof. Dr. Gonca Yangın Ekşi, | Gazi University- Turkey |
Ø Pr.Dr. Hacene Hamada | Teacher Training College (ENS) – Constantine |
Ø Pr. Dr. Amel Bahloul | Batna 2 University- Algeria |
Ø Pr. Dr. Souhila Hellalet | Batna 2 University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Doğuş Aydın, | Istanbul Kultur University- Turkey |
Ø Dr. Faisal Shamali | Ibri University- Oman |
Ø Pr.Dr. Assia Baghdadi | Msila University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Ramesh Sharma | Ambedkar University Delhi, New Delhi |
Ø Dr. Ouafa Ouarniki | Djelfa University- Algeria |
Ø Pr. Dr. Sabrina Beghzou | Khenchla University- Algeria |
Ø Pr.Dr. Nesrine Ghouar | Annaba University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Samia Mouas | Batna 2 University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Radia Guerza | Batna 2 University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Radia Bouguebs | Teacher Training College (ENS) – Constantine |
Ø Dr. Sedat Akayoğlu | Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University-Turkey |
Ø Dr. Mobina Rahnama | Ibri University, Oman |
Ø Dr. Abir Ghaskil
Batna 2 University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Imane Tiaba | Sétif 2University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Hanene Kichou | Sétif 2University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Saliha Beleumi | Constantine 1 University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Nacira Ghodbane | Batna 2 University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Hafiz Sajjad HUSSAIN | COMSATS University – Pakistan |
Ø Dr. Fatima Zohra Smakdji
Constantine 1 University- Algeria |
Ø Dr Byron John Bunt | Northwest University- South Africa
Ø Dr. Amel Benyahia | Teacher Training College (ENS) – Constantine |
Ø Dr. Pipit Rahayu | Pasir Pengaraian University. Indonesia |
Ø Dr. Leila Djouima | Teacher Training College (ENS) – Constantine |
Ø Dr. Fatiha Sahli | Constantine 1 University- Algeria |
Ø Dr . Sameer Sharma | Uttaranchal University dehradun -India |
Ø Dr. Akram Arabet | Sétif 2University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Malek Benlahcene | Batna 2 University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Tareq Boudjadar | Teacher Training College (ENS) – El Eulma |
Ø Dr Khawla Saidouni | Batna 1 University- Algeria |
Ø Dr. Yahia Almi | Sétif 2 University- Algeria |
Editorial Policy
- Articles should report on original research or present original content that links to above mentioned topics
- A cover letter should accompany the manuscript with a short Bio of the author
- Full-length articles should be no more than 10,000 words in length, including references and appendices, and should include an abstract of no more than 250 words. Decision as papers will be accepted or not depends on reviewers’ comments as well as the quality of the manuscript itself
- The manuscript should follow APA Editorial Style
- The manuscript title should be concise (preferably fewer than 10 words) and adequately descriptive of the content of the article
- The abstract should be written so as to provide the substance of the full paper
- The manuscript should be in English
- The manuscript should conform to the proposed template
- The paper should be based on rigorous academic standards
- The paper should be clearly written and well organised
- The topic should be highly significant, breaks new ground, and provides a foundation for future research
- The rationale for the paper should be well grounded; and based on a known theory or on an interesting issue
- The research methodology for the study should be appropriate and applied properly
- The material of the paper should be technically accurate and sound
- Discussion of the results should be based on analysis of data
- Results should not be overstated or overgeneralized
- Implications and recommendations should be relevant and useful
All the articles published in this collaborative book do not represent the views held by the editor and members of the editorial board. Authors are responsible for all aspects of their articles except editorial formatting.
Authors should upload the template file
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