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Unveiling Trauma in Young Adult Fiction: A Comparative Analysis of Harry Potter The Hunger Games and The Book Thief


Writing and editing : Dr. ZEGHOUDI Imane

A Comparative Analysis of Harry Potter The Hunger Games and The Book Thief

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Unveiling Trauma in Young Adult Fiction A Comparative Analysis of Harry Potter The Hunger Games and The Book Thief

First edition “2024” – Book : Unveiling Trauma in Young Adult Fiction: A Comparative Analysis of Harry Potter The Hunger Games and The Book Thief

All rights reserved to the #Democratic_Arabic_Center  Germany – Berlin. Reproduction of this book or any part of it, or storing it in the scope of retrieving or transmitting the information in any form, without the prior



“Unveiling Trauma in Young Adult Fiction” embarks on an insightful journey into the intricate nuances of how three seminal works—Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, and The Book Thief—tackle the theme of trauma. This comprehensive analysis delves into the multifaceted layers of each narrative, scrutinizing the characters’ responses, the underlying narrative structures, and the resonant themes that shape the portrayal of trauma. The book follows a structured and thorough examination, shedding light on the transformative power inherent in storytelling. Beyond merely entertaining, it provides valuable insights for educators and parents, equipping them with tools to navigate discussions on challenging themes with young readers. By uncovering the depth and complexity of trauma within these young adult works, the analysis goes further to underscore the profound impact of literature on emotional intelligence and resilience. In this way, “Unveiling Trauma in Young Adult Fiction” emerges not only as an essential guide but also as a bridge between scholarly exploration and the transformative potential of storytelling, ultimately enriching our understanding of the lasting influence of young adult literature on the lives of its readers.

Table of contents

03 Dedication
05 Introduction
08 Chapter One: Resilient Pages: Navigating Trauma in Young Literature
08 1-Brief Overview of the Concept of Trauma
12 2- Modern Trauma Theory
16 3-Trauma and Literature
21 4-Navigating Trauma: From Twain to Rowling, A Literary Exploration
23 5-Representing Trauma in Literature 
24 5.1. Navigating Trauma in YA Literature
27 Chapter Two: The Magical World of Harry Potter
27 1-An Overview of “Harry Potter” and J.K. Rowling’s Approach to Trauma
28 2-Analyzing Trauma Portrayal in the Series: Harry, Hermione, Ron
30 3-Character Resilience and Coping Strategies: A Comprehensive Discussion
40 3.1. Obsession
43 3.2.Life and Death
57 Chapter Three: Survival in The Hunger Games
57 1-Exploring Trauma in Suzanne Collins’ “The Hunger Games”
58 2-The Traumatic Conflict in Iraq
60 3-The Hunger Games Trilogy: An Overview
61 3.1.‘The hunger Games’
65 3.2.‘Catching Fire’
67 3.3.‘Mockingjay’
71 4-Katniss Everdeen’s Trauma in the Hunger Games Arena
78 5-The Psychological Landscape of Trauma and Survival in ‘The Hunger Games’
79 6. Sorrow’s Depths: Loss and Grief in Katniss’s Journey through ‘The Hunger Games’ Trilogy
79 6.1. Katniss’s Loss of Her Father
80 6.2. Rue’s Traumatic Death
81 6.3. Transformation and Rebellion
82 7-Exploration of Survivor’s Guilt as a Pervasive and Complex Theme in Suzanne Collins’ “The Hunger Games” Trilogy
82 7.1. Navigating the Profound and Intricate Threads of Survivor’s Guilt in a World Imbued with Trauma and Brutality
83 7.2. Katniss’s Internal Struggle and the Profound Emotional Burden of Survivor’s Guilt
84 8-Survivng the Games: Victors and Trauma
92 Chapter Four: The Haunting Truth in The Book Thief
92 1-Exploring Trauma in World War II: Markus Zusak’s Perspective in “The Book Thief”
93 2-Examining Traumatic Experiences: An Analysis of Liesel, Max, and Other Characters
96 3-Signs of Trauma in Liesel’s Behaviour
101 4-Security And Empowerment: Critical Components in Overcoming Trauma
105 5-Literature and Writing: Two Potent Drivers of Liesel’s Healing Journey
105 5.1.- Seeking Refuge and Comfort through Books
108 5.2. The Therapeutic Potential of Writing
112 Chapter  Five: Comparative Analysis
112 1-Examining Divergent Approaches to Trauma in ‘Harry Potter,’ ‘The Hunger Games,’ and ‘The Book Thief’
113 2-Comparing Trauma Themes in These Works
115 3-Impact of Each Series on Young Readers
118 Conclusion
120 List of References
125 Table of contents


Publisher : Democratic Arabic Center For Strategic, Political & Economic Studies

5/5 - (11 صوت)

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