أحداث المركز

The Third international webinar on : Issues in ESP Class: Local and International Perspectives


 The #Democratic_Arabic_Center based in Germany – Berlin

In collaboration with

The University of Benghazi  –  Libya

Jointly announce the Third international webinar on

Issues in ESP Class: Local and International Perspectives

Saturday – February 25th, 2023 – 18.00-20.15 GMT

Issues in ESP Class

Workshop Chair

  • Dr. Fouzia Rouaghe
  • Dr. Radia Guerza

Workshop Moderator : Dr. Amel Benyahia

Dr. Amel Benyahia is an associate professor at the teacher education school ENS ‘Assia Djebar’ Constantine. She has been working in the field of teacher education for more than 20 years, over this period she’s been involved in teaching and mentoring pre-service teachers of English. A former head of the English department (2017-2021). Her research interests include but are not limited to teacher education, learning strategies, critical thinking, coutse design, assessment and Blended learning

Honorary Committee
  • Prof Dr . Azeldeen Younis El-Dressi (President of University of Benghazi
  • Dr. Youssif Zaghwani Omar  –  University of Benghazi
  • Dr. Fatiha Sahli : Constantine 01 University- Algeria
  • Prof . Ammar Sharaan  – President of Democratic Arab Center

Workshop management

  • Conference Director: Dr. Karim AICHE
  • Director of Publication : Dr. Ahmed Bohko


Due to globalization, English language use and its teaching have grown exponentially in different countries, and Algeria is no exception.  With the introduction of English language as a medium of instruction in the Algerian higher education, policy makers, course designers, and institutions are now to design course materials which should meet learners’ needs appropriately. However, designing course materials make it evident that syllabus design is one of the most controversial areas of additional language pedagogy. Course design and materials development have always been a daunting task. There are several issues that can arise when designing an ESP course, developing authentic materials, assessing course objectives and meeting learners’ needs, be it subjective or objective.

Main Objectives of the Workshop

The aim of this webinar is to invite professionals and researchers to share their expertise in the field regarding one of the following topics

  1. ESP course Design
  2. Negotiated curriculum/syllabus
  3. Materials development and evaluation
  4. Authenticity in ESP context
  5. Challenges non-native speakers face in ESP class
  6. Course/Syllabus design remedial
  7. English as a medium of instruction
  8. Course assessment versus language assessment

Dr. Fouzia Rouaghe   

Fouzia Rouaghe is Associate Professor of English at the University of Mohamed Lamine Debaghine-  Sétif 2. She has been teaching for more than 15 years several modules such as Oral Expression, English for Specific Purposes, Academic Writing, Grammar, Phonology, Cross Cultural Communication and pragmatics. She is CELTA Qualified Teacher Trainer and holds Cambridge Certificate in Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers. She is a reviewer in Rumeli- Turkey and Umm Al Qura -KSA journals in addition to Algerian Journals. She has recently joined the Let- IN team – Atilim University in Ankra- Turkey

Dr. Radia Guerza

Dr. Radia Guerza is a Senior Lecturer at the English Department at Mostéfa Benboulaïd, Batna 2 University. She has BA in TEFL Algiers University, MA in Psycho-pedagogy and Applied Linguistics Batna University, Doctorate in English Didactics Batna 2 University. She is accredited as a Senior Lecturer in 2019. She is a Former Post-graduate student and Visiting Scholar in The United Kingdom at Cambridge University, Oxford University, Birmingham University and an Academic Trainee in the American Educational Research Association, Chicago (United States) where she has been awarded a certificate for applying Critical Discourse Analysis in Education Research. She participated in a national workshop on writing for publication. She participated in more than 38 National and International Conferences. She published internationally and nationally 16 outstanding distinctive Research Papers. She has produced an academic handout for first year LMD students, which has been approved by the scientific committee and scientific board of the Faculty of letters and foreign languages. Her fields of Expertise are Foreign Language Acquisition, Research Methodology, and ICT. She taught Linguistics, Phonetics, Oral Expression, Literature and Research Methodology. She supervised more than 18 MA and BA dissertations. She was the president of the board of examiners for more than 10 MA dissertations. She is a member of the Scientific Board of the English Department and the scientific council of the faculty of letters and foreign languages. She has been assigned in 2014 as a representative of Algerian Students in United Kingdom and she has taken the lead of the Algerian Ministry Supreme Delegation in Birmingham University. She is a leading Expert, Teacher, Practitioner, and Scholar. She is the President of the academic year’s 2019/2020- 2021/2022 Algerian- Tunisian joint post-graduate conference on Research Methodology, other national and international study days, and conferences. She is the president of national and international conferences, study days and seminars. She worked as the Head of the Post-Graduation Office at the Faculty of Letters and Foreign Languages, Batna 2 University.   She is currently the Vice Dean in Charge of Post-Graduation and External Relations at the Faculty of Letters and Foreign Languages

 Keynote Speakers (GMT time)

 Dr. Fan Fang: 18:00- 18:30

Title: Minority Language Use through EMI: A Case Study for an Equitable and Inclusive Language Education

Biodata Biodata: Fan Fang obtained his PhD from the Centre for Global Englishes, University of Southampton, UK

   He    is currently Associate Professor at College of Liberal Arts, Shantou University, China. His research interests include Global Englishes, sociolinguistics, language attitude, identity, intercultural communication, teacher education and language teaching and learning. Fan Fang has published articles in journals including Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Asian Englishes, ELT Journal, English Today, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Language, Culture and Curriculum, Language and Education, Language Teaching Research, Lingua, RELC Journal, System, among others. His latest books include a monograph titled Re-positioning accent attitude in the Global Englishes paradigm (Routledge) and an edited volume (co-edited with Dr Handoyo Widodo) titled Critical Perspectives on Global Englishes in Asia (Multilingual Matters).

Q&A: 18:30-18:40

Pr. Dr. Nadia Idri: 18:40 -19:10

Title: Questioning Visibility of Algerian Medical Communication: an EMP Perspective

Biodata: A full professor with 18 years of experience at Bejaia University, and a project manager at 3ENL+, English Teaching MOOC Design and Delivery for Higher Education Instructors at the Ministry of Higher education and Scientific research, Algeria. Nadia is also the project manager of Teaching English at Bejaia University for University teachers. She has been working to develop EMP-Bejaia (English for Medical Purposes) in the Faculty of Medicine at Bejaia University since 2021. Nadia has been working as a translator of all types of documents (Arabic-French-English) in the the Sub-Directorate of University and Research Partnership, Ministry of higher education and scientific research, Algeria and in charge of the translation bureau (Arabic/English) in the Global Institute of Arabic Renewal, Spain. She has many publications nationally and internationally (more than 60) and a rich contribution in many national and international conferences. In her university, she has been an active participant in most pedagogic and scientific tasks like teacher development and evaluation, doctoral training and mentoring, PRFU projects; conference chairing, a member of the quality assurance cell of the university, a member the Council of ethics and deontology of the University profession, a member of the “cellule d’accompagnement de sensibilisation, d’appui et de médiation » (CASAM), the founder and editor-in-chief of the“Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and society (JSLCS)

Karen Barto: 19:10 – 19:30

 Title: EMI and ESP: Birds of a Feather or Different Animals

Biodata: Karen Barto is a U.S. Department of State English Language Specialist, consultant with Academic English Specialists, and writing specialist based at the University of Arizona. She holds an interdisciplinary PhD in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching and has extensive experience in applied linguistics, including teacher training in English Medium Instruction (EMI) and TESOL, ESP, EAP, curriculum design and development, academic writing, and writing center best practices.

Abdelouahed LAACHIR &  Elhassane El Hilali : 19:30 – 20:00

Title: The current situation of ESP in Morocco: Challenges and Prospects

Biodata: LAACHIR Abdelouahed is Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of Dhar El Mahraz, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco. The author is an EFL teacher who has published various articles related to virtual learning communities and the integration of ICTs in higher education. He is interested in professional development, ICTs, 21st-century education, innovative pedagogies, research methodology, and statistical analysis.

Biodata: Elhassane El Hilali is a senior high school teacher of English language. He is a Fulbright Scholar. He has a master’s degree in Business Communication. He is a PhD student at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities-Dhar El Mahraz- Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco. He also graduated from the College of Education and Communications at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA. He is a certified Online Teaching Programs Designer. His research interests include educational technology, communication and foreign languages.

Q & A: 20:00- 20:15

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المركز الديمقراطى العربى

المركز الديمقراطي العربي مؤسسة مستقلة تعمل فى اطار البحث العلمى والتحليلى فى القضايا الاستراتيجية والسياسية والاقتصادية، ويهدف بشكل اساسى الى دراسة القضايا العربية وانماط التفاعل بين الدول العربية حكومات وشعوبا ومنظمات غير حكومية.

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