Journal of Progressive Medical Sciences

Journal of Progressive Medical Sciences
A Periodical International Journal published by the #Democratic_Arabic_Center Germany – Berlin
The journal is concerned with publishing targeted, applied scientific research, studies, that are useful in all areas of contemporary medical sciences
It publishes scientifically in various medical specialties such as general medicine, surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, toxicology, ophthalmology, ear, nose, throat medicine, oral and pharyngeal surgery, chronic diseases, plastic surgery, pediatrics, family and community medicine, primary health care, internal medicine, reproductive diseases, urology and skin, obstetrics, gynecology, and all medical specialties, health laboratory sciences, radiology, ultrasound, nursing sciences, therapeutic nutrition and public health, in order to reach scientific truth, renewed ideas, modern experiences, and what has been achieved to medicine after using technology, nanotechnology applications, techniques and modern devices that lead to the development of medical sciences, and also encouraging researchers in the field of medical sciences to carry out useful scientific research
The journal also concerned with publishing experimental research, innovative and advanced studies prepared by researchers in medical sciences in order to enrich, develop research
Sober science, creating communication, cross-pollination of ideas, linking researchers from the ocean to the Gulf in a modern information exchange circle refined with purposeful scientific, practical experiences.
Editor in Chief : Prof. Dr. Saif Jabbar Yasir AL-Mayah / University of Kufa -Faculty of Medicine
Editorial Board members
Managing Editor : Prof. Dr. Saif Jabbar Yasir AL-Mayah / University of Kufa -Faculty of Medicine
- Dr. Sultan Mohsin Ghanim Alsaadi / University of Kufa -Faculty of Medicine
- Dr. Haider Hamid Abbas Al-Haidari / University of Babylon – Faculty of Dentistry
- Dr. Younis Abdulridha Ikhewish Alkhafaji / Al-Mustaqbal University – Anesthesia Techniques Department
- Dr. Hussein Ali Mohammed Al. Bayati / University of Wasit – Faculty of science
- Dr. Ali Mansoor Al Ameri / university of Karbala – Faculty of medicine
- Prof. Dr. Selma Merza Hasan / University of Kufa – Faculty of Dentistry
- Prof. Dr. Khawla Abdallah Salman Alzurfi / University of Kufa – Faculty of medicine
- Prof. Dr. Mahdi Sabr Laibi Al-Drisawi- University of Wasit / Faculty of Science
- Prof. Dr. Venus Hassan Abdul Amir Mohammed Al-Saffar / Al Qasim Green University – Faculty of Science
- Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Razzaq Muhammad Nouri / Jabir Ibn Hayyan University for Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences – Faculty of Pharmacy
- Prof. Dr. Eman hasani shbait AL-Salami / University of Kufa – Faculty of medicine
- Prof. Dr. Ruqayah Munther Jalil Awadh / University of Babylon – Faculty of Pharmacy
- Prof. Dr. Wassim Naji Attia / Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University – Najaf Technical Institute
- Prof. Rana Talib Fakher Alnafakh / University of Kufa – Faculty of medicine
- Alaa Mohammed Khalil Awadh / University of Kufa- Faculty of Pharmacy
Publishing terms and rules
- 1/ The journal publishes scientific research and studies in English, German, French, Spanish
- 2/ Research must have useful vital scientific originality and be characterized by depth, innovation, and follow the correct scientific methodology and scientific honesty
- 3/ Scientific documentation method using the American Psychological Association documentation system
- 4/ Integrity of experience, idea, innovation, language, style and wording
- 5/ Quality of content, validity of data, information, accuracy in scientific expression
- 6/ The research must not have been published, submitted to an entity, or presented at a conference
- 7/ When the research is pre-reviewed by specialized arbitrators, the researcher is required to submit a written declaration in which he explains that he has not previously published and will not publish it in other journals, and that he must commit to scientific honesty and observe the ethics of scientific research.
- 8/ The search should be sent using the Word program to the email address
- 9/ The size of the research should not exceed 25 pages of medium size, including tables, illustrations, figures, pictures, sources, references, and a summary, if any
- 10/ Size 14, main titles size 16, bold black, items, margins and footnotes in the same font type, size 12, and the page is set up as follows: top 1.5 cm, bottom 1.5 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm, Times New Roman to write the research
- 11/ The introduction to the research paper must include an abstract of no more than 150 words and the same type of research paper
- 12/ Keywords of no less than 3 and no more than 6 words in the same type
- 13/ Taking into account the agreed upon methodological and scientific rules in scientific research
- 14/ The proposed research is sent to the editorial secretariat to arrange it, classify it, and conform it to the conditions, rules of publishing, the template of the journal, and then it is referred to the scientific committee for final arbitration
- 15/ The research must be original or a methodological reference and not previously published or submitted to another journal
- 16/ Copyright is reserved and owned by the journal after its acceptance and publication, and it may not be published to other parties except after obtaining official written permission from the journal
- 17/ Opinions and experiences express the opinions of researchers and writers and do not express the viewpoint of the journal
- 18/ The journal is not obligated to return rejected research to its owners
- 19/ The journal has the right to publish accepted research according to its own priorities and arrangements
- 20/ Research that requires it was written twice delete one of them, or amendments by the reading committee will be returned to its owners to make the required amendments and corrections before publishing
- 21/ The submitted research must not be extracted from a publication or part of a thesis
- 22/ To remove the submitted research with a list of modern sources and references included at the back of the research
- 23/ All studies and research sent are subject to dual objective scientific arbitration by the Reading Committee, with complete confidentiality, scientific honesty, transparency and complete impartiality, so that the journal has the right to make some necessary formal amendments to the research sent for publication without prejudice to its content, and by specialized arbitrators with experience, knowledge and a distinguished scientific reputation
The Original Article format
Papers reporting original research findings should follow this format; Title page, Abstract, Background, Objectives; Methods; Results; Discussion, Conclusion, acknowledgement and references. The text of Research articles and Reports should not exceed 3000 words (excluding references). A structured abstract should not exceed 250 words. The number of tables and figures should not exceed 5.
Title page; manuscript’s title, all authors full names, highest degrees and affiliations. The corresponding author both e-mail address and fax number should be provided.
Abstract; should be structured in this format: Background; Aims; Methods; Results; and Conclusion.
An Arabic summary with the title, authors’ names, highest degrees and affiliations must be provided.
Keywords 3 – 6 keywords should be provided.
Background: State the purpose of the article and its rationale. Give only pertinent references and do not include data from the work being reported.
A clear description of the methodology used in the study (patients, laboratory materials and other methods used) as well as the subjects’ selection. Inclusion and exclusion criteria should be mentioned. Identify apparatus (give the manufacturer name and address in parenthesis) and procedures in sufficient details. Identify precisely all chemicals and drugs used. State clearly the nature of the study, the tools used in data collection and statistical methods used for each analysis.
Present results in logical sequence. Emphasize and summarize only important findings. Results may be presented in form of text, tables and figures. Avoid repetition of data in the three forms. Tables and figures should be accompanied with clear descriptive legends.
This part should focus on discussing the results obtained. Avoid repetition of the results. Relate the observations and findings to other relevant studies. This part ends with “In conclusion” which should summarize the final outcome of the study, linked with the objectives of the study and should be supported by study data.
This also includes Authors contributions, Conflict of Interest, Ethical Clearance
To follow the Vancouver style of referencing. They should be numbered consecutively in the order they are first mentioned – Arabic numbers. All references must be cited in the text or tables. All six authors must be provided. If there are more than six authors, then write only the first 3 authors and et al. They should contain the following elements as appropriate: name(s) and initial(s) of author(s); title of paper or book in its original language plus translation; for research articles, abbreviated name of journal plus volume number and page range; for books and other texts, place of publication (city and country) and name of publisher (commercial or institutional); and date of publication and DOI number; for texts published exclusively on the Internet, exact URL of the page cited and date when last accessed.
Tables & Figures including the legends must be placed at the end of the manuscript. Number tables and figures consecutively in order of their first citation in the text and supply a brief title for each table or figure. Give each column a short or abbreviated heading. Explain in footnotes all nonstandard abbreviations that are used in each table.
Review articles: (i.e. critical assessments of research on topics of relevance to health problems and health sciences). These should contain sections dealing with objectives, sources, methods of selection, compilation and interpretation of data and conclusions. The text should not exceed 25 page (excluding the accompanying abstract, references, tables and figures), and should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 250 words. The number of tables and figures should not exceed 5
Case reports: Only reports of cases of an unusual nature are considered for publication. Text should include an Introduction, the Report of the case(s) and a Discussion. The text should not exceed 1500 words and the number of references kept to a minimum. The abstract should not exceed 150 words.
Manuscript specifications (length, references, tables/ figures) are the same as a research article, but abstract length should not exceed 150 words.
Short research communications
Articles which do not constitute a complete research study but are of particular relevance or importance to health issues in the region may be considered for publication. The text should not exceed 1500 words (excluding references), and should be accompanied by a structured abstract of not more than 150 words. The number of tables and figures should not exceed 3.
Manuscript specifications (references, tables/figures) are the same as a short research communication, but maximum length is 1000 words. The abstract (unstructured) for submissions purposes should not exceed 150 words.
Letter to Editor
Should be no more than 400 words, no more than 4 references, no more than one table or figure and no more than 4 authors.
Academic activities
Journal of contemporary medical sciences to health Sciences publishes short reports of academic activities (seminars, conferences and workshops), the report should include; a brief description of the activity, it’s main objectives, summary of the important papers presented and the main recommendations of that activity.
Units and measurements
Give measurement of length, height and weight in metric units. Give all hematological and clinical chemicals in SI units; equivalent values in traditional units could be used with or without the SI units.
Abbreviations and Symbols
Use only standard abbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in title and abstract. The full term for which abbreviation stands should precedes its first use in the text.
In experiment on human subjects should follow the guidelines of Ethics Committee (country or institution). The manuscript should include a statement confirming that an informed consent was obtained from each subject.
Research Paper should be sent in the form of a Microsoft word to the following email
Democratic Arabic Center in Berlin – Germany