اتصل بنــا
Democratic Arabic Center For Strategic, Political & Economic Studies
The Centre is considered an independent body that works within the framework of scientific and analytical research in strategic political and economic issues. It mainly aims to study Arab issues and interaction modalities between Governments,peoples and NGO’s in the Arab World
secretarial – information : info@democraticac.de
Media and press : press@democraticac.de
Book publishing : book@democraticac.de
Continue on the Viper-Watts App : 00491742783717
Dear Colleagues Due to the huge number of questions that we receive concerning the dates of the #Democratic_Arabic_Center Scientific publications and rules of publication
Thus, we are pleased to put at your services the links of the Centre’s journals, and through them you can view all the information in addition to each journal issue’s special email to communicate directly with the journal’s staff – Links attached: –
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies
Journal of Political Science and Law
Journal of Political Trends
Journal of Media Studies
Journal of Social Sciences
International Journal of Economic Studies
Journal of African Studies and the Nile Basin
International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies
Journal of Human Resources Development for Studies and Research
Journal of Strategic and Military Studies
Journal of Iranian orbits
Journal of cultural linguistic and artistic studies
Journal of Constitutional Law and Administrative Sciences
Journal of Asian Issues
Journal of extremism and armed groups
International Journal of Kurdish Studies
Journal of Strategic Studies for disasters and Opportunity Management
Journal of International Law for Research Studies
Journal of Urban and Territorial Planning
International Journal of Scientific Confrences
Journal index of exploratory studies
International Journal of Legal Interpretative Judgement
Arabic journal for translation studies
Journal of Progressive Medical Sciences
International Journal of Amazigh Studies
Concerning your researchers of references, we are pleased to provide you with the links for research studies, books and scientific journals, through which you can search on the required topic:
Scientific books : –
Centre’s link to view the latest reports, situation assessment and analyzes:-
Through these attached links you can search, access and download the publications of the centre for free of charge. And in case you want to publish on the center’s website, please contact us via e-mail: info@democraticac.de
Distinguished Regards.