Secrets of betting on basketball and tennis at the Mostbet bookmaker

Beginners in the world of sports betting often make common mistakes due to ignorance of the basic principles of the work of bookmakers and the secrets of effective betting. As a result, lost money and complete disappointment in sports betting as a source of income. To prevent this from happening, we suggest studying the main secrets of betting for popular sports.

Tennis Betting Secrets

Many betters prefer tennis for betting due to the fact that in this sport there are only two possible outcomes - the victory of one or the other player. Also, tennis events take place all year round, which makes it possible to bet without interruption. This sport lends itself perfectly to analysis, because. the result of the match depends only on one (maximum two) athletes. Tennis players usually show a stable level of play.

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One of the secrets of tennis betting is to determine the comfort of the coverage for a particular tennis player. Some prefer grass, others prefer hard, others prefer clay. Athletes can show completely different results on these surfaces. When analyzing an event, the rating of a tennis player in the overall standings should be taken into account. This data allows you to realistically assess the chances of the player. Of course, a tennis player in 19th place will not always beat an athlete in 20th place, but the difference in the TOP-20 and TOP-50 is quite significant.

IMPORTANT! Avoid those tennis players who have either been previously seen in fixed matches, or those whose results are often questioned and investigated by a special commission. Even in the top hundred of the ATP there are several tennis players on whom it is more expensive to bet on, because just with a wave of their hand they can “merge” the match with an obvious underdog, although nothing accompanied this.

In tennis, the statistics of personal meetings of athletes is of great importance. Some tennis players who are far apart in the rankings may show approximately equal results. This is due to the fact that there are uncomfortable opponents. Therefore, analyze the statistics of personal meetings before placing a bet.

Ice hockey betting secrets

Hockey is the fourth most popular sport in the world. To successfully bet on this sporting event, learn the following hockey betting secrets:

Analyze the underdog team. As a rule, the game of weak teams rests on one or two main hockey players. If they are injured or disqualified, you should expect a disastrous result. A good chance to earn from a bet on a handicap total more;
You should also study the composition of the favorite. If this game is not so important for him, then the second team can go on the ice. In such matches, the outsider has a good chance of winning;
When betting on totals, it should be borne in mind that in the NHL teams play from the attack, so they score more and more often. In the KHL, playing mainly from defense, the teams show not so good performance. Naturally, within these leagues there are teams that do not fall under the general statistics. This should also be taken into account;
The coaching staff has a great influence on the coherence of the team's game. Therefore, when replacing a coach, one should expect a decrease in the effectiveness of the game at the beginning.

Basketball Betting Secrets

Basketball is one of the most scored sports. The number of points scored by each team often exceeds a hundred. In this regard, the specifics of bets on basketball are related. For example, the handicap for the underdog team may be 25.5 points. The total total can exceed 200. The NBA is the most popular among bettors. In this association, all teams play at about the same level, and the club that finished in last place last season could well become the first this year.

The secrets of betting on basketball are practically the same as in other sports. There are a number of features that will help you make more efficient bets. So, in basketball (especially the NBA) they often use the strategy of chasing to win in quarters. According to the statistics in the National Basketball Association, when any teams meet, at least in one of the quarters, one team will win with a high degree of probability. Therefore, starting from the first quarter, you can bet on the victory of the same team. If you lose, the bet is doubled.

By carefully analyzing the NBA basketball team, the results of the last season, changes in the composition and motivation of the players, you can bet on the passage of the playoffs, or even victory in the championship. Bookmakers offer fairly large odds for these events.

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