The Video Game You Must Play in Your Life

Video game you must play

Video games have become an integral part of our lives. They have evolved from simple pixelated graphics to stunningly realistic graphics that can transport you to another world. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose which game to play. However, there is one game that stands out from the rest and is a must-play for every gamer out there – The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

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The World of Hyrule

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an action-adventure game developed and published by Nintendo. It was released in 2017 for the Nintendo Switch and Wii U consoles. The game takes place in the fictional world of Hyrule, where the player takes on the role of Link, a young hero who awakens from a hundred-year slumber to defeat Calamity Ganon and save Princess Zelda.

The Open World

What sets Breath of the Wild apart from other games is its open-world design. The game allows players to explore the vast world of Hyrule at their own pace. From the snowy mountains to the lush forests, every corner of Hyrule is filled with secrets waiting to be discovered. The game encourages players to experiment and try new things, whether it's climbing a mountain or paragliding off a cliff.

The Gameplay

The gameplay in Breath of the Wild is a perfect blend of exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving. The game's combat system is intuitive and responsive, allowing players to take on enemies with a variety of weapons and abilities. The puzzles in the game are cleverly designed and require players to think outside the box to solve them. The game also features a cooking system that allows players to create various dishes that can provide temporary bonuses to their health and abilities.

The Story

The story in Breath of the Wild is one of its strongest aspects. The game's narrative is told through a series of flashbacks that reveal the events leading up to Link's hundred-year slumber. The story is emotional and engaging, and it keeps players invested in the game's world and characters.

The Characters

Speaking of characters, Breath of the Wild has some of the most memorable characters in any video game. From the stoic hero Link to the quirky inventor Purah, every character in the game has a unique personality and backstory. The game's main antagonist, Calamity Ganon, is also one of the most intimidating villains in any video game.

The Music

The music in Breath of the Wild is another standout feature. The game's soundtrack is composed by Manaka Kataoka and Yasuaki Iwata, and it perfectly captures the game's sense of adventure and wonder. From the haunting piano melodies to the bombastic battle themes, every piece of music in the game is a joy to listen to.

The Art Style

The art style in Breath of the Wild is breathtaking. The game's visuals are a perfect blend of cel-shading and realism, creating a world that feels both fantastical and grounded. The attention to detail in the game's environments and characters is impressive, and it makes exploring Hyrule even more rewarding.

The Replay Value

Breath of the Wild is a game that you can play for hundreds of hours and still find new things to discover. The game's open-world design and nonlinear gameplay make it perfect for multiple playthroughs. Whether you want to try a different approach to combat or explore a different part of Hyrule, there's always something new to discover in Breath of the Wild.

The Legacy

Breath of the Wild has already cemented its place as one of the greatest video games of all time. It has won numerous awards and accolades, including Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2017. The game's impact on the video game industry is undeniable, and it has inspired countless other games to adopt its open-world design and nonlinear gameplay.


In conclusion, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a game that every gamer should play at least once in their life. Its open-world design, engaging gameplay, memorable characters, and stunning visuals make it a masterpiece of video game design. Whether you're a fan of action games, adventure games, or puzzle games, Breath of the Wild has something for everyone. So grab your Nintendo Switch or Wii U and embark on an adventure that you'll never forget.

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