A cloud service umbrella based on business intelligence for employees of Sudanese universities Case study of the Sudan Open and White Nile Universities for the year 2023
Prepared by the researcher : Dr. Salma Othman Muhammad Qismallah, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer and Information Technology, Sudan Open University, Khartoum, Sudan.
Democratic Arabic Center
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies : Twentieth Issue – February 2024
A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin
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Sudanese universities suffer from a lack of technical development, the use of modern technology, and archiving and preserving important documents through advanced cloud computing technology. The study also aimed to design a cloud service umbrella that includes all the institutions needed by employees of Sudanese universities. The problem lies in confronting the problems that the infrastructure has been exposed to due to wars and disasters. In Khartoum State on April 15, 2023, as well as the lack of interest in the concepts of development tools, modern smart technologies, and uses of cloud computing. The study’s methodology focuses on focusing on the descriptive, analytical and applied approach by describing the concepts of the electronic cloud and its use, analysis using entities, decision trees, and analysis tools using business intelligence, and among the most important results The study aims to design a developmental applied service umbrella to improve the quality and technology of modern smart programs, service platforms compete with each other, make optimal decisions, and harmonize modern technical applications to deliver services and information to university employees. The study recommends the need to pay attention to training workers on the applied service umbrella and focus on modern technology tools from Artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning and data mining.
The collapse of the infrastructure of all service and educational institutions during the war period, and this had major effects, due to the lack of interest in placing data centers in the various states, and they were centralized in Khartoum State, to achieve benefits for the beneficiaries of university employees, and to design a main platform that includes all service institutions known as the cloud umbrella. This is done by raising all the institutions’ links on the main platform and running the service umbrella, control and oversight through it. Reliance on digital technologies increases day after day, due to the demand of service institutions and the huge data they carry that require optimal decisions. Therefore, it is necessary to use modern technology programs and applications, represented by artificial intelligence and the cloud. Electronic learning, deep learning, machine learning, the Internet of Things, and all modern technical applications, and linking business intelligence with artificial intelligence, which in turn works on analyzing the organization’s data and making the right decision that seems to lead to the success of the organizations. He described these smart technical developments as a significant drop in the cost and prices of technical devices (infrastructure).
For service institutions) and the capacity that these infrastructures have, service institutions are considered one of the largest sources of data collection and storage, and given that data is the essence of every smart decision, and the larger the data, the higher the success of the project, and thus making correct decisions and identifying weak points, so every resort resorts to… Organizations are looking for mechanisms to understand their data and deal with it in decision-making in order to direct and maintain their business strategies regardless of the circumstances. The electronic cloud is one of the effective solutions to this challenge and reliance on artificial intelligence. Electronic cloud technologies are considered one of the basic fields that aim to train innovators and future industry leaders. And address the challenges of objective problems, support important smart applications and provide strong opportunities for business development and production of services in the required manner. The importance of the study comes in directing institutions to make sound decisions that keep pace with developments and modern smart technologies in finding the optimal solution, relying on business intelligence, and determining future visions and expectations.
Chapter One: The General Plan
The study Problem:
The use of the electronic cloud and linking it with service platforms has become a very urgent matter, with its smart technologies that have made it the most important economic option that does not require large expenses for the services it provides. The outbreak of war in Khartoum State, the capital of Sudan, on April 15, 2023 AD, which led to the collapse of the infrastructure of service institutions. Represented in the:
1/ Stopping the work cycle in the state in particular and in Sudan in general (knowing that 90% of Khartoum residents depend on salaries.
2/ Damage to all data centers of central service institutions (limiting all central services to Khartoum State)
3/ Stopping communications and electricity services.
4/ Lack of conviction in the concepts of cloud computing and the services it provides and the lack of integration of electronic services with each other.
The Importance of studying:
The importance of the study lies in the fact that institutions have taken an interest in completing work, supporting the decision-making process in finding the optimal solution for data centers for all service institutions, focusing on subscribing to external hosting, and the role of these advanced cloud technologies from the infrastructure stage to the services stage.
Business intelligence is based on a set of technologies that include data centers, external hosting, and attention to infrastructure (Internet via hosting, electricity, and the use of alternatives such as solar energy, etc.).
Accordingly, the importance of the research focuses on the future of the cloud service umbrella, the application of business intelligence in it and the services it provides upon request, access to information at any time and place, achieving economic growth for the country, as well as bringing about changes in digital technologies and future challenges and supporting and empowering all service sectors.
Objectives of the study:
1/ Designing an electronic cloud umbrella that provides service platforms for employees of Sudanese universities.
2/ Benefiting from all the services of these platforms based on the centralization of the cloud umbrella whenever required (at any time and place). Meeting the needs of service institutions for employees of Sudanese universities.
3/ Identifying the problems that the cloud service umbrella may face if it relies on a business intelligence system based on electronic cloud infrastructure, such as disasters, wars, the collapse of the infrastructure of all service umbrella institutions, and the distribution of data centers in all states of Sudan.
4/ Continuing to operate the communications service, finding modern methods for electricity generators, and working continuously without interruption of the communications and electricity services.
5/ Linking the concept of business intelligence to the electronic cloud, defining relationships so that the cloud umbrella can benefit from its services, determining the benefits achieved from those investments, and enabling service institutions to gain more knowledge and concepts about the electronic cloud and benefiting from its technical tools.
Study hypotheses:
The study is based on two very important hypotheses:
1/ There is a significant relationship between the cloud service umbrella and business intelligence.
2/ There is a significant relationship between the cloud service umbrella and university employees.
Study methodology:
The study methodology focuses on the descriptive, analytical and applied approach by describing the concepts of the electronic cloud, its use, and analysis using entities, decision trees, and analysis tools using business intelligence.
The limits of the study:
Spatial boundaries: Republic of Sudan, Sudanese universities, smart virtual platform, cloud service umbrella.
Time limits: the year 2023.
Objective limits: Cloud service umbrella using business intelligence for university employees.
Study population: employees of Sudanese universities (professors, students, employees, workers).
Study sample: A sample of students, professors, employees, and workers was chosen as systematic, intentional random samples.
Study tools: include system analysis tools represented by the Unified Modeling Language.
Data collection sources: primary and secondary sources from books and references.
Organization of the study: The study consists of four chapters: the first chapter, the general plan, the second chapter, the theoretical framework, the third chapter, the study methodology, and the fourth chapter: the applied aspect, results, recommendations, and list of sources and references.
Chapter Two: Theoretical Framework
First: Definition of the electronic cloud
Electronic cloud: It is a term that refers to computer resources and systems available on demand over the network and which can provide a number of integrated computer [1]services without being restricted by local resources, with the aim of facilitating the user.
Second: Types of electronic cloud
1/ Public cloud:
The term public cloud does not always mean free, although it can be free or relatively cheap to use. Rather, it describes cloud computing from a traditional perspective where resources are provisioned on a self-service basis over a network.[2]
2/ Private cloud:
This cloud enjoys managing data and operations without network bandwidth restrictions, while revealing security issues and legal requirements that result from the use of public cloud computing services. In addition, its services provide the service provider and the user with more control over the infrastructure and improve security and flexibility because the user’s access to the network and its use is restricted. And specific.
3/Community cloud computing:
This type of cloud is controlled and used by a group of organizations, as it is possible to create a shared cloud for many[3]
Organizations with the same requirements seek to share infrastructure with the aim of achieving some interests and benefits that accrue from the electronic cloud. With the spread and distribution of costs among users, this choice becomes more expensive, but it provides a higher level of privacy and security.
4/Hybrid cloud computing:
It is a combination of public and private computing, and users rely on public cloud computing services
To process information and keep information and computer business processes under control using private computing. The host infrastructure is a mixture between the cloud host and servers dedicated to management.
Types of services provided by cloud computing:
There are three main types of services that can be provided by cloud service providers to employees of Sudanese universities (students – professors – employees – workers), which are: [Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS[4]
1/IAS Infrastructure-as-a-Service
It works to provide computer infrastructure instead of purchasing servers and software and reserving large spaces for data centers and network equipment. The user can control the operating system and storage units, deploy applications and protection equipment such as a firewall. Cloud computing uses virtual computing techniques[5]
(Virtualization Technology has been extensively focused on its “Infrastructure as a Service” model as this helps provide
Energy, cost, and space in data centers. Virtual computing is the cornerstone of the cloud architecture.
2/PAAS Platform as a Service
It provides everything developers need to build development environment applications
Standard Platform-as-a-Service technologies take advantage of virtual environments at the “Infrastructure-as-a-Service” layer to deploy and provision software developed in virtualized sources of infrastructure-as-a-service.[6]
3/SAAS Software as a Service
It is a layer of cloud computing that is concerned with the applications that are most relevant to the end user, such as email systems and .
Customer relationship management, shared software and workflow management systems. This is software that is deployed via the cloud and/or deployed to operate
Behind a firewall in cloud computing. The most famous companies that provide this service are Google, which provides and other services: Google Docs & Google Mail
The importance of the electronic cloud for universities:
It consists of developing information technology work, facilitating the construction and [7]use of faster and more flexible resources, and reducing infrastructure costs.
[8]There are advantages of the electronic cloud in service organizations that focus on:
-Reducing administrative expenses.
-Protecting service institutions from risks.
-Save time with automatic updates.
-Avoid data loss.
– Obtaining capabilities whenever requested.
The electronic cloud works to develop smart cities and explore technologies to improve the quality of life and increase efficiencies in the urban environment.
The electronic cloud enhances the operations of service institutions by building competencies, increasing productivity, enabling the provision of advanced services, saving time and effort, and providing high levels of security at a lower operational cost.
The electronic cloud works to manage the information technology infrastructure, [9]integrate applications, and develop new functions and capabilities for the client in order to keep pace with the requirements of service institutions and works on ease of use, expansion, and flexibility.
Grid computing works on a large scale to access services and implements a series of workflow steps in the service platform.
Second: Business Intelligence:
Definition: It is the process of collecting and processing business information to derive insights, make profitable business decisions, and analyze the information to improve the overall performance of the business.[10]
Business intelligence from a computer perspective:
It is a theory, methodology, processes, characteristics, and techniques that transform raw data into useful, meaningful information for business purposes.
The difference between business intelligence and artificial intelligence:
Business intelligence mainly focuses on humans while artificial intelligence focuses on machines and systems.
The main goal of artificial intelligence is to develop machines capable of working like the human brain, while business intelligence aims to make decisions.
Business intelligence and its impact on service organizations:
It is a broad category of applications and technologies for collecting, providing access to, and analyzing data for the purpose of helping enterprise users make better business decisions. It is an umbrella term for the economic environment and internal processes, thus enabling optimal decision making.
The importance of business intelligence for service organizations:[11]
It has the ability to deal with huge amounts of information to help organizations identify and develop new opportunities and implement an effective strategy.
Advantages of business intelligence on the cloud:
-Cut costs
-More effective
-Increase storage
-Specialization in operations
-the quality
-the wish
-Easy access and movement
-Spread speed
[12]Business intelligence objectives for service organizations:
-Support better business decision making
-Data extraction
-Business process management, measurement standards and predictive analytics
Trends related to business intelligence:-
-Increasing investment in artificial intelligence technologies[13]
-Big data
-The growing importance of data governance
-Increase self-service business intelligence programs and tools.
-Specialization in operations[14]
-the quality
-the wish
-Easy access and movement
-Spread speed
Business intelligence objectives for service organizations:
-Support better business decision making
-Data extraction
-Business process management, measurement standards and predictive analytics
Trends related to business intelligence:-
-Increasing investment in artificial intelligence technologies
-Big data
-The growing importance of data governance[15]
-Increase self-service business intelligence programs and tools
-Interpreting data through storytelling
-Collaborative business intelligence
-Cloud analytics
Architectural elements of a business intelligence system:
-Data warehouses
-Transportation, extraction and loading operations
-Instant analytical processing
-Data mining
-Techniques for reviewing information.
Business intelligence techniques:
[16]Service organizations will not be able to obtain the benefits of business intelligence by using its tools alone without knowing its various techniques and following the methodology appropriate to their orientations, which are as follows:
It is one of the techniques that includes studying the available data, analyzing it, understanding it in depth, and making decisions based on it.
-Predictive models:
Forecasting and developing future possibilities, as the organization can use various statistics and analyzes to predict the future trends of the organization’s decisions.
Data Mining:
Data mining is a method used to discover patterns in large data sets and then manage this data for the benefit of service organizations.
Visual models:
It is used to transform data and statistics into visual content and display the discovered facts in the form of graphs, charts and other visuals that help in the correct interpretation of the vision.
[17]Benefits of business intelligence for service organizations:
-Increasing profits and productivity
-Gaining a competitive advantage among service institutions.
-Continuous development, survival and adaptation to technologies.
-Faster access to the right decision.
-Reducing risks and obstacles.
– Gaining the satisfaction of beneficiaries.
– Improving the performance of workers on the service platform.
-Effective management of the financial aspect.
-Determine key performance indicators.
Business Intelligence Challenges:
There is a gap between modern smart technologies and their application on the ground, but with time and the development of programmers, these challenges gradually clear up over time.[18]
The future of business intelligence:
Many experts predict that one of the major trends for digital business intelligence will be a place where tools and platforms become more widespread, giving the business the insights it needs to make quick and effective decisions.
Business Intelligence integration strategy with the cloud:
Integrating business intelligence with the cloud requires a well-defined strategy, as part of a technology strategy[19]
The information is for the service organization so it should adapt to it. The success of implementing cloud-based business intelligence depends on the existence of a strategy that will provide the necessary infrastructure to implement the cloud service umbrella[20].
Chapter Three: Study Methodology
Methodology: The analysis process means analyzing the system. In this process, data is collected, described, prepared and analyzed.
The system analysis process includes three stages:
- The first stage: data collection.
- The second stage: data processing.
- The third stage: prediction in extracting information.
Steps to analyze the applied cloud service umbrella:
- First: Business intelligence methodology on the enterprise platform
- Second: Steps to analyze the main platform and link it to other service platforms.
Mechanism of Action:
In this paper, we will talk about the mechanism and operation of the main virtual cloud and the service sub-platforms it contains that work to provide the beneficiary with all the service requirements he needs.
The system analysis stage is the first stage of implementing the electronic cloud, represented by the inputs, from defining the problem and making decisions to solve it.
This study includes defining and setting the hierarchy of sub-platforms within the electronic cloud and the goals to be achieved, in addition to designing the budget and preparing the project team that determines the start and completion dates and the resources needed for implementation and maintenance.
At this stage, each of the beneficiaries is also identified (students – university professors – employees – workers – platform manager)
The platform manager gives a clear picture of the goals, benefits, costs, and progress in implementing the project.
In order for this project to succeed, it is necessary to identify the resources used to complete daily operations and establish a database for internal operations. The most important of these operations is backup operations. This operation has affected the Sudan war and is still in its seventh month, so the focus must be on the stage of analyzing the current infrastructure and how the process is carried out. Storing huge data without relying on data centers alone and paying attention to external hosting.
The cloud service umbrella for employees of Sudanese universities
Figure No. (1) shows the service platform for institutions
Platform name P stands for U means beneficiary or user
Table No. (1) shows the symbol and name of the process
Educational platforms for development | P1 |
Bank transactions | P2 |
Acceptance of children of employees at the ministry of higher education | P3 |
External contracts | P4 |
Scholarship | P5 |
Medical insurance | P6 |
Traffic and licensing department | P7 |
Passport and cards | P8 |
Civil registry | P9 |
University | P10 |
International airport | P11 |
Marketing | P12 |
Digital warehouses | P13 |
Data center and hosting | P14 |
Backup supervisor | U1 |
Cloud platform designer | U2 |
Employees | U3 |
Worker category | U4 |
University professors | U5 |
Students | U6 |
Figure No. (2) How the electronic cloud umbrella works to provide service platforms to employees of Sudanese universities
Business intelligence integration strategy with the cloud
Source: Figure prepared by the researcher based on(Verizon, 2009, 5)
Source: Prepared by the researcher based on data
We used Unified Modeling Language, a simplified language and markup tool with realistic grammar
The service canopy flow regression model
Chapter Four: The applied aspect
Steps to design the main platform:
We created a cloud platform on the application layer on the cloud and created sub-platforms that include links to those platforms.
The cloud designer manages developers on service platforms as follows:
There is an administrator for the universities platform, and this developer supervises the following operations:
– Identifying public, private and private universities and making links to all of these universities and the colleges and institutes they contain by linking the basic database between them and focusing on counting the users, including students and university professors with their different degrees, employees and workers, and the platform administrator should be the leader of the developers and cloud administrators for the various universities.
If we assume that the platform official for all universities is the main designer
Public designer Cloud designer for government platform
Cloud designer for private platforms private designer
Private college designer
There are cloud administrators for each university to view the contents of the database in this cloud
*With an emphasis on the fact that there is a person responsible for backup operations for each university separately and linking them with the person responsible for backup operations in the main cloud.
Source: Prepared by the researcher
The platform uploads its databases in the form of links provided that there is a permanent connection to the Internet and uploading the updated data, i.e. updating the data and working on manual (8 hours) and automatic (automatic) backups every 8 hours. By placing them in data centers in different locations (placing them in all states of Sudan)
With a focus on providing hosting services outside the country due to security conditions, disasters and wars.
The main cloud designer must link the university cloud to the medical insurance interface, in coordination with universities such as Shaken, Blue Nile, and other insurances. There must be a cloud administrator for all insurances and link them to their contracts with all universities.
There is a direct connection between the university and the insurance company. For example, we have a professor at the University of Sudan who has insurance for Shaken Company. Due to some circumstances, the professor moved to another university for a period of second ment, and the other university had Blue Nile insurance. The cloud administrator must design a platform that includes all medical insurances, and thus the professor does not find difficulty in his procedures. The platform provides all the services facilities they need.
This platform creates competition in medical insurance companies for higher education employees and thus creates great benefits. In turn, the employee, worker, or student can subscribe to the insurance he desires, knowing that the cost of all these insurances is on the main umbrella of university employees.
There is a main platform, especially for banks that contract with universities at that time. The central bank cloud designer links all bank accounts with universities in a main interface in order to provide facilities for employees and perform procedures through this platform without visiting the bank, meaning that priority is given to university employees and the creation of quick service applications that achieve success and focus on Investments, bank loans, and financing. This boils down to employees benefiting from all banking transaction services available on the platform.
Airport and Foreign Travel Platform Officer: The administrator of this platform works to include the main database for employees of Sudanese universities, link them to the designated platform, and provide service facilities for employees upon request, such as booking flights and renewing visas, and linking them to the passport platform and all the services they need.
Also linking the main platform to the traffic and licensing platform, where the platform designer includes the database of university employees in the interface of the traffic platform, provides services to the beneficiaries, and allocates a dedicated week for them to achieve their goals and priorities.
There is a platform for scientific development and creativity that includes sub-platforms for students, providing the courses, courses, and software they need, and various programs such as teaching (languages) and linking them to Coursera sites, a platform for professors for development, promotions, and scientific creativity, and a platform for workers and employees for training and practical workshops.
There is also a platform concerned with the affairs of the children of university employees (professors, employees, workers). The platform works to limit this category to help the university admissions department in terms of seats and priority for this category, as it works to ensure application and reserve seats in universities.
There is a special sub-platform for students that links it with higher education and scientific research to authenticate certificates
For professors, there is a special platform for documentation and coordination with the foreign embassy.
All of these service sub-platforms work to provide all types of services in their various forms upon request, which creates a smart cloud revolution or renaissance that works to integrate the achievement of purposes.
If we apply the concept of business intelligence to this platform, it is a very complex process, through which the risks of the main database are analyzed if backups are lost, the costs of services and the Internet on a permanent and continuous basis, external hosting, data center costs, and the benefits achieved. Therefore, developers and programmers organize a series of predictions and imaginations and measure them at intervals. The minimum is (one year) in order to verify estimates or guesses.
There is an Internet problem in Sudan that can be solved by using the cloud through hosting, but there is a bigger problem in Sudan, which is the electricity infrastructure. We suffer from the problem of electricity interruptions, so there must be radical solutions. There are systems that depend on investment in which indicators are measured for using business intelligence solutions. On the cloud umbrella represented by the Internet, infrastructure solutions such as electricity, service providers, and other cloud requirements.
Evaluating business intelligence on the cloud:
The process of evaluating cloud-based business intelligence is a difficult process, through which risks, costs and benefits are analyzed
achieved, and is carried out by a team composed of specialists in the field of information and communications technologies, and the evaluation is done through analyzing a series of Analyzes on the results of a specific period of time (for example, a year) in order to verify estimates (guesses) and correct deviations, if any.
Calculate the cost of the electronic cloud using equation (1):
The total benefits achieved after implementing business intelligence on the cloud umbrella with its services TB (total benefit)
Total business intelligence costs on the cloud TC (total cost)
ICT(initial total cost)
Through the equation, the main platform of the umbrella can calculate the return on investment if it applied traditional business intelligence.
After applying the first equation to apply the return on investment, the second equation can be applied to calculate the total benefits achieved from cloud umbrella services.
Cloud BI Cloud TC
Equation (2) is shown in the table below
Benefits achieved as a result of increased implementation of business intelligence on cloud services | IPB |
Benefits achieved as a result of reducing service umbrella costs | (DCB |
The total costs resulting from cloud umbrella services | Cloud TC |
It is possible to calculate the benefits achieved (providing all requirements for employees and beneficiaries at any time and in any place) as a result of reducing the costs of the cloud services umbrella through business intelligence based on the cloud service umbrella through the third equation.
The service canopy flow regression model
Hardware costs for IHC cloud umbrella service organizations
Application software costs to facilitate and align sub-platforms with the ISC cloud umbrella
Initial costs of implementing business intelligence in the service cloud (IIC).
There are benefits achieved as a result of increased profit after implementing cloud-based business intelligence according to the following equation.
The benefit of IAB speed of completion
The benefit achieved as a result of increased scalability of the ISB service umbrella
The benefit achieved in reducing the response time when requesting the MB service
The benefit achieved by increasing beneficiary satisfaction from the ISB umbrella
The benefit achieved as a result of focusing on using the CB service umbrella
Benefit achieved as a result of troubleshooting RB problems
The benefit achieved as a result of using green information technology (GITB).
The benefit achieved as a result of better use of time UTB
In the case of using a cloud service umbrella, one of the two solutions is required, provided that the benefits and results achieved exceed the capital
1/ An applied service cloud umbrella is designed to control the operation of all service institutions
2/ Speed and ease of spread, access and movement between applied services.
3/ Infrastructure services are activated, including the Internet and electricity generators (increasing functional capabilities)
4/ The cloud umbrella benefited from computing and artificial intelligence applications and linked them to business intelligence
(Openness of Sudanese university staff to modern smart technologies and adaptation to them)
5/ Reaching quality to improve programs and smart technical applications and benefit from on-demand services (distributing data centers throughout the country), in order to ensure data integrity.
6/ Reducing spending costs on modern smart technologies through the benefits of the electronic cloud umbrella.
7/ Analyzing the risks, costs and benefits achieved and creating competition between institutions.
1- Training cloud workers on advanced software and applications and focusing on smart technologies that rely on data mining and predictions.
2- Benefiting from the fields of artificial intelligence techniques, linking them to the electronic cloud, and applying them to the fields of deep learning.
Establishing data centers in each state or region and paying attention to manual and automatic backup operations. -3
Subscribing to more than one external hosting for the safety of cloud data.
4- Finding alternative solutions for infrastructure (internet outages, hosting subscriptions, electricity centers).
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[1] 1-P. Mell and T. Grance, “The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing”, Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Special Publication 800-145, USA, 2011
[2] Jansen, Wayne & Grance, Timothy. Guidelines on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2011
[3] Sanjay P. Ahuja, Sindhu Mani “The State of High Performance Computing in the Cloud”, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and
Information Sciences, ISSN 2079-8407, PP:262-266, VOL. 3, NO. 2, February 2012
[4] Y. Mhedheb, F. Jrad, J. Tao, J. Zhao, J. Kołodziej, and A. Streit,
“Load and Thermal-Aware VM Scheduling on the Cloud”, in Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, LNCS, vol. 8285,
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[6] Strowd, Harrison & Lewis, Grace. T-Check in System-of-Systems Technologies: Cloud
Computing Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon CMU/SEI-2010-TN-009.
[7] Chen, T., Chuang, T. T., & Nakatani, K.The perceived business benefit of cloud computing: An exploratory study. Journal of International Technology and Information
Management, 25(4), 100-122 (2016).
[8] Spodarets, Yegorov , Dragan. “Cloud and Grid Technology Based Educational and Research Computing System”, Third International Conference
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