دورات تدريبية

ESP Teaching between Theory and Practice: A Case Study

The Course Training will be held Online through Zoom and Sponsored by the Democratic Arabic Center


In addition to the academic and scientific activities held by the  #Democratic_Arab_Center; based in Germany-Berlin, the center, is keen to focus on training activities, as it deepens communication and exchange of experiences among researchers from different countries.

Besides, due to the current situation (pandemic covid19) the world is going through, the center intends to facilitate the task of attending the training course by providing the opportunity for the largest number of trainees to take the course online

Therefore, the #Democratic_Arab_Center, based in Germany-Berlin, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Dialects and Speech Processing (Oran1), Algeria organize an online training course under the title

 “ESP Teaching between Theory and Practice: A Case Study”

The Course Training will be held Online through Zoom and Sponsored by the Democratic Arabic Center

Date of the online training course: 24/12/2022

ESP Teaching between Theory and Practice

Trainer : Dr. Ouafa OUARNIKI

Organizing Committee 

  • Training course management : Dr.Najoa Suleiman Abdullah: editor in chief of the Political Science and Law Journal
  • Chairman of the preparatory Committee of the Training Course : Dr.Ahmed Bohoko: editor in chief of the International Journal of Economic Studies
  • Chairman of the organizing Committee of the Training Course : Mr.Karim Aiche: Administrative Director of the Arabic Democratic Center-Germany-Berlin

A brief Introduction of the Training Course Issue

The crucial problem encountered in teaching English for Specific Purposes is first in the misconception of the term ESP and second in the application of the ESP course. Indeed, what was observed, at the department of computing, is what we studied theoretically about ESP teaching is not put into application by ESP teachers who teach ESP in other departments. We can note that there is not a separation between ESP and English for General Purposes (EGP) when it comes to syllabuses and methodology. English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for General Purposes (EGP) are considered to be one by the majority of teachers. In fact, what is taught in the general education or private institutions is typically English for general purposes and to some extent what is taught now in our universities under the term ESP is typical general English. Furthermore, needs analysis, which is a major component of ESP, rarely exists, and, if does, it is not systematic because it is only based on teachers’ intuitions. Moreover, the methodology adopted in teaching in the majority of cases is uniform. That is, a teacher would enter a class with the same kind of methodology in mind regardless of the aims of each program. Unfortunately, ESP courses in different departments are always put “in the same basket” and labeled as programs for “Teaching English”. As a matter of fact, there are crucial parameters that ought to be taken into consideration when designing syllabuses such as the nature of language to be taught and used, the learners, the setting and the objectives to be realized.

Objectives of the Training Course

 ESP teachers/ practitioners and researchers in the field of ESP will be able to

  • Distinguish between ESP and EGP
  • Expand their knowledge in the field of ESP
  • Be aware of the significance of Needs analysis in material development
  • Conduct Needs analysis
  • Design courses that would cater their learners’ Needs


Advantages of attending the training course

  • The course is free of charge but priority is given to those who register first
  • Receive an approved certificate
  • Obtain an electronic copy of the scientific material being used
  • The training course will be held online through zoom application

Conditions of taking the training course

  • Commitment of attendance
  • Turning on the camera is obligayory during the whole course training; otherwise, your attendance will be automatically cancelled by the supervising body of the conducted course
  • Make your registration on the link provided for the training course and confirm your attendance as soon as the link will be available


For registration, please send

  • The full name of the person wishing to take advantage of the course
  • Full Academic Affiiation

To subscribe, please contact  the Arabic  Democratic Center on the attached face book link


Democratic Arabic Center –  Germany – Berlin

Tel: 0049-Code Germany
030- 54884375
030- 91499898
030- 86450098
mobiltelefon : 00491742783717


5/5 - (1 صوت واحد)

المركز الديمقراطى العربى

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