
The transition to the Immersive Didactics From educational solutions during the confinement of Covid-19 to the teaching in the metaverse


 The #Democratic_Arabic_Center based in Germany – Berlin, is pleased to announce the International Online  Conference on

The transition to the Immersive Didactics From educational solutions during the confinement of Covid-19 to the teaching in the metaverse

Date: 24-25 December 2022

In collaboration with

  • The Laboratory indexing of Algerian Revolutionist Movies /Oran1 university-Algeria
  • The Center for Research and Studies on dialogue of civilizations and comparative religions of Sousse/Sousse university-Tunisia
  • The Laboratory of Dialects & Speech Processing/ Oran 1 university – Algeria
  • Higher Institute of Music and Theater in El Kef – Jendouba University – Tunisia
  • Honoris United Universities Director/Tunisia


International Online  Conference
International Online  Conference

Conference President

Dr Faten Mohamed RIDENE, Centrale’Com_Université -Centrale- Honoris United Universities-Tunisia

Chairman of the Scientific Committee

Dr Ali CHAMSEDDINE_Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts-University of Gabes-Tunisia

  • Honored Committee
  • Pr. Dr.P.Mussadak Jlidi: Center for Research and Studies on Dialogue of Civilizations and Comparative Religions of Sousse/Tunisia
  • Dr.P. Souad Basnassi : Head of L.: Dialects and speech processing/Oran1 university-Algeria
    Dr.P.Mussadak Jlidi: Center for Research and Studies on Dialogue of Civilizations and Comparative Religions of Sousse/Tunisia
  • Pr Aissa RASSELME: University of Oran Ahmed Ben Bella-Chief Editor of the international scientific Journal Cinema Horizons and head of the research lab: the indexing of Algerian Revolutionist Movies-Algeria
  • Dr.P.Mohamed. Ali Ganouati: Honoris United Universities Director/Tunisia
  • Dr. Riad Zammal: Director of the Higher Institute of Music and Theater in El Kef – Jendouba University – Tunisia.

  • Pr. Ammar CHARAANE: President of the Democratic Arab Center -Berlin-Germany

Conference management

  • Chairman of the Organisation Comittee : Dr Firas TRABELSI, Higher Institute of Music-University of Sfax Tunisia
  • General Coordinator: Pr Karim AICHE-Democratic Arab Center-Berlin-Germany
  • Chairman of the Editing Committee: Dr Ahmad Bohkou- Democratic Arab Center-Berlin-Germany

The Scope of the Conference

Didactics, like any other fields of science, has embarked on a process of transformation that has been the product of the fourth industrial revolution. It has delivered most educational programmes to the student in an interactive way, ostensibly taking a cursive form in its relations with users regardless of the diversity of their educational field, while hiding a very complex form at the level of programming

The use of the ‘metaverse’ technique in teaching has been going on since the beginning of the twenty-first century; it is called ‘second live’ (Michael, et al., 2008, p. 17).  It is a technique that has been used since its beginnings for gaming and entertainment purposes, and then directed towards learning as one of the digital means used by the teacher to get away from the routine of traditional teaching modes, or as a means of reward and encouragement for the student to progress in the learning process and or problem solving, to be able to create virtual cities between which characters can migrate through teleportation (RIDENE, 2018, p. 5)

The world of the metaverse takes the form of a simulation-based multimedia environment via the internet, designed to allow users to experience and interact through their self-representations of ‘Avatar’ (Boulos, Hetherington and Wheeler, 2007)

This meta-verse operates with an intensity of use comparable to that of the world of surfers alongside interactive and entertainment games thanks to the precision offered by this technology, which has a logarithmic basis, based on usage statistics to detail results proportional to the measures of understanding and mastery specific to each Internet user

The world of the metaverse has gone far beyond its entertainment purpose, attracting the attention of researchers in many fields; who have even deviated from its use according to the dictates of the “Ritual of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, if that term is acceptable, and in the face of the need to turn to a virtual world, to keep pace with its development in order to achieve detailed results, maintained by measures including its radiation limits. In the field of medicine, for example, tele-surgery has emerged and evolved alongside the healthcare 5.0 metaverse to eventually combine surgical techniques between mixed reality systems: cobots and the Internet of Things (IoT). (Bhattacharya, et al., 2022). In addition, and in the field of heritage conservation, much expanded models have been created for visiting museums and getting closer to cultural heritage through the use of virtual and augmented reality (Trunifo, Lucia, Campana and Magnelli, 2022)

The  varieties of virtual, augmented, extended and mixed realities have encompassed many areas and it is necessary to keep pace with this evolution, especially in the context of educational didactics

Although thinking about virtual education began almost two decades ago, the development of this research only began to accelerate in the context of the full quarantine of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was suffered by all countries in the world. This affected the educational programmes, in the exact sciences, the humanities and the arts, which experienced a qualitative leap in a period of two years (from the census of deaths at the end of 2019 in Ohan, China, to the discovery and promotion of its vaccine worldwide through a list published by the World Health Organisation of Astrazenica, Jhonson, Moderna and other vaccinations). (WHO, 2022)

This important period has pushed teachers to find innovative ways to teach interactive courses, in ways and approaches that are consistent with virtual reality, especially as students are attracted to the metaverse, whether it is the three-dimensional embodiment of human anatomy in medical studies (Ayiter, 2010), or the transmutation and synthesis of mechanical molecules with the help of cobots, or the adoption of other educational capabilities that are still in the process of being experimented with, or that have not yet been developed

We aim, through this international conference, to question the transition observed by the didactics of teaching, regardless of its scientific, literary or artistic field, to provide teacher-interactive lessons, as limiting the presentation of lessons to “PowerPoint” slides or PDF files uploaded on teaching platforms, no longer meets the requirements of the learner. Therefore, the serious quest was to create interactive lessons that focus on the student’s contribution to learning, understanding and application of what they have learned, thus going beyond the educational objectives to shape their personality. This sculpture will result in a more effective person, willing to confirm his or her individual and collective capacities, capable of critical thinking, which will lead to a leadership spirit.  Such an education offers the necessary guarantees to create a generation of graduates capable of entering the labour market with confidence and fluidity

Keeping up with the fourth industrial revolution has become an imperative for teachers in various fields and from all walks of life, in order to be ready to enter the digital world more easily, from the Internet of Things (IoT) to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to virtual, augmented and mixed reality, all of which are grouped together in the meta-verse; their aim being to bring the foundations and didactics of teaching into line with international trends and rapid developments on a digital and technical scale

This is what we are trying to present at this international conference on “The transition to immersive didactics: from educational solutions during Covid-19 containment to teaching in the metaverse”

Main Tracks

Scientific Committee

  • Experiences with the integration of didactics of science, literature and education of art in the meta-verse
  • Dangers and obstacles of adopting the meta-verse in the field of education

 Possible transformations in the educational relationship with the change of the teacher’s roles, and the immersion of the class group in virtual interactions and the shift from physical reality to augmented reality

Possible psychological and anthropological transformations in building the personality of individuals and the pattern of their relationship with the physical, social, cultural and value environment in relation to the high frequency of immersive education mediated with digital software

  •  Artificial intelligence in service of immersive teaching
  • Embodiment and scenography in immersive education
  • Immersive education from a medical and religious point of view

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit your abstract (200-250 words) with a brief biography
  • The collection of the final manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and published both in a collective book
  • and the International Journal of Scientific Conferences


  • Important Date
  • Deadline for submission of full texts, according to the proposed Template
    12-11-2022 – The docu-scripts would be subject to an anonymous double reading
  • Notification (agreement/conditional agreement with corrections to be made to the article/refusal): from 20-11-2022
  • Deadline for sending the full text: 10-12-2022
  • Date of the international conference: 24/25 December 2022
Contact : Please send your abstract to the following e-mail : dr.ali.chamseddine@democraticac.de

 Publishing Rules

  • Research paper should be written either in English – French  as it is necessary to consider the clarity and integrity of the text and avoid grammatical, spelling and linguistic errors
  • The research paper should not include less than 4000 words and should not exceed 8000 words
  • The research paper  should be characterized by objectivity, novelty and scientific accuracy, as they should not be taken from a previous study, article, dissertations or theses
  • Papers should not be published previously in any form
  • Researchers have to adopt the scientific standards in their research studies
  • References should appear at the end of each page as follows
  • For Books: Full Name of Author, Book’s Title, Volume/issue, Place of Publication: Publishing House, Edition, Publishing Year, Page
  • For articles: full name of the author, “title of the article”, journal title, place of publication, issue, date of publication, page
  • For web sites: full name of author, “title of article”, article link, date of publication, date of access to the site
  • The researcher should send a brief biography with the article
  • Research Papers should be sent in the form of a Microsoft word to the following email


  • The researcher should sign a pledge that the article has not been published in any form hard copy or electronically, and not submitted for publication to any other party
  • The researcher will be informed of the initial acceptance or rejection of the research
  • The scientific committee reads and reviews confidentially the submitted research articles
  • Ther reviewers’ remarks will be sent to the researcher. If the article is accepted for publication but needs some modifications,  the writer should make the required modifications within ten days of being notified of the decision of the committee
  • The scientific committee may make some necessary modifications to the submitted material for publication without changing its contents
  • The materials published in the journal reflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the journal
  • Any research or article that does not meet the conditions will not be taken into consideration and will not be published regardless of its scientific value
  • The articles sent to the Journal  require the following specifications
  • Page margins should be as follows: Top 02, Bottom 02, Right 02, Left 02, Header Sheet 5, Bottom Sheet 1.5
  • Title of the article: font: Times New Roman, Size: 16
  • Full name of researcher: (font style: Times New Roman ont size: 13)
  • Degree of researcher (font style: Times New Roman size: 13)
  • Foundation of full affiliation and country (font style: Times New Roman size: 13)
  • E-mail of the researcher (font style: Times New Roman font size: 12)
  • Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 200 words and not less than 150 words (Font: Times New Roman size: 13, italics)
  • Key words: (Between 05 and 08 words, Font: Times New Roman, Size: 13, Italics)
  • The Introduction should include the following components: Introducing the topic, research questions, hypothesis or hypotheses, the importance of the study, the objectives of the study, the literature of the study (previous studies), the study curricula, the study axes. (Font style: Times New Roman size: 13 between lines: 1.5)
  • For content: (font style: Times New Roman size: 13, between lines: 1.5)
  • Principal Headline 1: (font style: Times New Roman size: 16, between lines: 1.5)
  • First subtitle: (font style: Times New Roman size: 14, between lines: 1.5)
  • Second subtitle: (font style: Times New Roman size: 14, between lines: 1.5)
  • Principal Headline 2: (font style: Times New Roman size: 16, between lines: 1.5)
  • First subtitle: (font style: Times New Roman size: 14, between lines: 1.5)
  • Second subtitle: (font style: Times New Roman size: 14, between lines: 1.5)
  • Conclusion: findings and recommendations: (font style: Times New Roman size: 13, between lines: 1.5)
  • List of sources and references: (font style: Times New Roman size: 13, between lines: 1.5)
  • For Times New Roman size: marginalization and referrals: at the end of pages and not in the latest article, font style size: 12, between lines: 1.0

Participation Fees

Participation is free  of charge
The participating researcher receives an electronic copy of the conference proceedings in addition to a-  certificate that proves his/her participation.
The International Journal of Scientific Confrences #Democratic_Arab_Center ,Berlin,publishes research articles from the proceedings of academic conferences.
This conference will be held online through Zoom and sponsored by Democratic Arab Center

Democratic Arab Center For Strategic, Political & Economic Studies

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