Journal of Afro-Asian Studies : Fifteenth Issue – November 2022

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies
A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin. The journal deals with the field of Afro-Asian strategic, political and economic studies
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Journal of Afro-Asian Studies Fifteenth Issue – November 2022
Index of Issue
Article titled | author | page number |
1. University Youth Attitudes to Follow Transformation on Facebook “A Field Study on the Media Students of Arab Universities.” | Dr. Marian Tadrous – Ph.D. in Strategic Media – School of Communication and the Arts – Liberty University – (USA)
Dr. Eman Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, Assistant Professor of Radio and Television ,Departmentof Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University, (Egypt).. Dr. Jad Oweidat – Ph.D. in Media and Communication – Bordeaux University ( France.) Dr. Noha Sabri Muhammad Al-Qatawneh – Ph.D. in Electronic Journalism and Media Legislation at the Institute of Journalism and News Sciences – Manouba University – (Tunisia) – Kingdom of (Jordan) |
09 |
2. Discretionary fiscal policy and its role in confronting the economic crises in Jordan for the period (2000-2020) | Prof. Adib Qasim Shandi: Wasit University / Faculty of Administration and Economics
Researcher Ali Al, Hadi Rashid Abboud Al, Yasiri: Wasit Education Directorate (Iraq) |
33 |
3. Prevalence and antimicrobial sensitivity pattern of bacteria causing urinary tract infection: A comparative study between men and women |
Israa Ali Abboudi: Faculty of Science – University of Kufa (Iraq) |
4. Renewable Energy as a Tool for Sustainable Development in Iraq |
Dr. Nagham Hameed Abdulkhudhur : Wasit University / College of Administration and Economics / Economics department (Iraq) Dr. Rabab Nazim Khuzam Al-Okaili Petroleum Products Distribution Company/ Ministry of Oil (Iraq) Dr. Batoul Hassan Radad Al-Zubaidi (Audit Bureau (Iraq) |
5. Espaces verts urbains: État des lieux et perspectives. Cas de la ville de Kénitra | Meryem Ouzemri,
Docteure et inspectrice de l’enseignement Morocco |
82 |
6. Comparative study of two products as ecto-parasite(pour on ) deltamethrin with Repeller(plant extract) on Buffaloes |
Howra Ali Aboudi University of Kufa – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Iraq) |
102 |
7. Using Role Play in Teaching English Literature at Sudanese Secondary Schools |
Dr. Mohammed Alameen Yousif Kiber, Associate Professor, White Nile University, Kosti, (Sudan) Dr.Abedelrahman Mohammdain Abdurrahman Ahmed , Associate Professor , El Imam El Mahdi University, Faculty of Arts and Humanity, Kosti, (Sudan) Dr. MohiEldeen Ahmed Abdelrahman Ahmed, Assistant Professor, White Nile University, Faculty of Arts, English language department, Kosti, (Sudan) |
109 |
8. The Impact of Racial Segregation and Migration on African Society in Alan Paton’s Novel “Cry the Beloved Country” |
Dr. Malka Elsadig Yagop – Assistanct professor – University of Elimam Elmahadi, (Sudan) Dr. Amel Yasin Seralkhtem Ahmed, (Sudan) Kosti Dr. Abdelrahman Mohammedain Abdelrahman – Associate professor – White Nile University, Kosti (Sudan) |
120 |
9. Planning the use of financial information systems and their impact on the profitability of microfinance institutions |
Riyadh Hassoon Jabbar Imam Al-Kadhum College (IKC) (Iraq) |
141 |
10. La problématique de la rente énergétique dans le système politique algérien entre la dialectique du dévouement, de l’efficacité et de la stabilité des capacités de distribution | Dr. Becheikh Keira:département de Sciences Politiques, Faculté de Droit et Sciences Politiques, Université Ahmed Ben Ahmed, Oran2,( Algérie ) |
154 |
11. Garanties transférables pour l’inclusion des entrepreneurs dans le monde de l’entrepreneuriat |
Kandsi Abdenour Chercheur au doctorat à la Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales.Université Mohammed V Rabat ) Morocco |
170 |
12. Towards Building a Rational Republic the Democratic Experience in Iraq after the Demise of the Baathist Regime from 2003 to 2018 |
Dr. Ali Abdul Mohsen Karim Al-Baghdadi Imam Al-Kadhum College (IKC) (Iraq) |
181 |
13. The decline of fertility in Tunisia. Determinants, effects and representations |
Adel Bousnina :University of Tunis )Tunisia( |
205 |