الكتب العلمية

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies : Seventeenth Issue – May 2023


Journal of Afro-Asian Studies

A Periodical International Journal published by the #Democratic_Arabic_Center  Germany – Berlin. The journal deals with the field of Afro-Asian strategic, political and economic studies

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN  2628-6475
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies

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Journal of Afro-Asian Studies Seventeenth Issue – May 2023

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Index of Issue 

The seventeenth issue of May 2023

Article titled author page number
1.    Phenomenon of Digital Money Between Concept and Regulation  

Kassem Bilal Abboud, a PhD Student at the Lebanese University



2.    The effectiveness of using artificial intelligence applications on institutional  performance  


The Professor Supervisor

 Prof. Dr. Latifa  Ben  Arfa Rabai– Universite de  Tunis, Institut Superieur de Gestion de Tunis, SMART Laboratory



3.    The reality and requirements of the operational environment of the White Nile University in the light of strategic planning:

(a case study of the Bachelor of Architecture Engineering program)


Abbas El-klhidir (PhD(, Faculty of Architecture Engineering White Nile University, Kosti, Sudan

Mohamed El-tayeb (PhD(, Department of Architecture & Spatial Planning, University of Technology & Science, Khartoum, Sudan.



4.    The reality of using the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution according to the technical requirements of electronic government  in light of the vision of the Sultanate of Oman 2040  


The Professor Supervisor

 Prof. Dr. Latifa  Ben  Arfa Rabai– Universite de  Tunis, Institut Superieur de Gestion de Tunis, SMART Laboratory





5.    The Rule of Obtaining Benefits and Eliminating Evil and its Semantic Commonality among the Heavenly Religions Texts  Prof. Dr. Ali Smeaseam Semantics, interpretation and comparative religions college of jurisprudence – university of kufa- Iraq  


 6.    The level of Palestinian national values among university students in the southern governorates from their point of viewe  

Dr. Roba  Al sayed Mohammed Abu kmeil

PhD in Curricula and Teaching Methods of Science

Altoffah Musqat School Headmistress – East Gaza Directorate Ministry of Education, Gaza/Palestin




7.    The World Cup in Qatar

From the Discourse of Identity to the Discourse of Rationality:

Towards Restoring the Pride of Man

 Dr. Damouche Ouhiba, Mohamed Bougherra University, Boumerdes (Algeria)  


8.    The phenomenon of terrorism in international humanitarian law, the problem of expansion and the ability to contain

)the Algerian experience as a model(


·          D.r Hacini Omar University of Algiers 2 (Algeria)

·          PhD student Birech Ahmed University of Algiers 2 (Algeria)



9.    Management of Early Blight Diseases Caused by Alternaria Alternata in Tomato Plants

(Lycopersicon esculentum) in White Nile State season (2017-2018)

 Elbasher Elkhalifa Elzain Elkhalifa- the researcher  in Head of Plant Protection Department- Ministry of Agriculture in White Nile State  


10.                      The role of social networking applications  in introducing the West to Islam

The World Cup Qatar is a model”


Dr. Noha Sabri Muhammad Al- Qatawneh –  PhD in electronic journalism and media legislation at the Institute of Journalism and News Sciences – Manouba University – Tunisia – Kingdom of Jordan.



11.   La compétition historique des pays pour l’honneur d’accueillir

des événements sportifs mondiaux

 D/Mostefi Halim Docteur en Sociologie, Université d’ Alger *2*(Algérie)  



5/5 - (19 صوت)

المركز الديمقراطى العربى

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