Research studies

The study of the translation analysis of plastic surgery texts from English into Arabic


Prepared by the researcher : Asst. Prof. Ibrahim Talaat Ibrahim , Al-Iraqia University. Republic of Iraq

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Human Resources Development for Studies and Research : Twenty-First Issue – July 2023

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
  ISSN 2625-5596
Journal of Human Resources Development for Studies and Research

:To download the pdf version of the research papers, please visit the following link


Medical translation is defined as one of the most significant fields of translation because it is deeply related to human life. Besides, any mistake is made during the process of translating any medical text might cause the patient in question to die. The current study is about one of the important areas of medical translation, it is called plastic surgery texts from English into Arabic. the researchers raise the following question, how far the graduate translators whose translations are chosen for the purpose of analysis are able to render plastic surgery terms successfully. They selected 3 plastic surgery texts in English. also, they received 10 translations for each case. The results of analysis at the end of the paper answered the question raised by the researchers.

  1. Introduction

Since the late 18th century until the present time, translation has been viewed as an essential technique for transferring information from one language into another. It can transform the nation’s culture, information, science, history, customs, thoughts, and religion, among other things, for other countries. This is accomplished by identifying the equivalent term for each word in the source language (SL) and keeping the core ideas, or copy information, as referred to by researchers. Caution must be exercised when dealing with these features during the translation process, and the translator in question should not introduce new concepts if they lack a suitable term. The translator’s expertise and cultural background contributed to this accuracy. Furthermore, proper preparation is crucial for pairing teams within the stadium and subsequently securing the victory. Before beginning the translation of any content, a large number of articles and books were reviewed. Each type of translation has its own rules and values; one such transfer is scientific translation, which contains a great deal of terminology and requires that the researchers study and analyse the words before their transfer; they are discussed in the following subject. Medical translation is one of the most significant areas and a complicated phenomenon that requires in-depth knowledge and accuracy at work. This type of translation utilises a large number of medical acronyms to facilitate communication between medical experts. There are several medical abbreviations that have meanings in both English and Arabic, such as Central Nervous System (CNS), “الجهاز العصبي المركز .” Medical translation entails transferring information from English into Arabic or other languages without changing anything; you cannot replicate the original text even if you are skilled translators, and the translation should be unnoticeable when a person reads the translated material so they can fully comprehend it. Relatedly, plastic surgery is a new field that has never been explored before, and it is the most important medical process that involves the repair of physical defects, whether they are structural or functional, involving the skin, musculoskeletal system, cranio-maxillofacial structures, hands, extremities, breast, trunk, and external genitalia. Cosmetic surgical procedures are used by the plastic surgeon to improve the patient’s overall appearance.

  1. Literature review

 Many studies were carried out in the field of scientific translation, especially in the area of the translation of medical terminologies from English into Arabic. Besides, the researchers are going to shed light on a recently carried out study with reference to the translation analysis of COVID-19 terms from English into Arabic in Prof. Ibrahim Talaat’s paper, which is titled “Applying VTT in Assessing the Arabic Translations of Western News Headlines: COVID-19 as a Case Study,” published in the Human Resources Development for Studies and Research Journal in January 2022. The COVID-19 research keywords (COVID-19, variation translation theory, VTT, news headlines, and graduate translators) have never been explored before. A look at how ten students applied the translation theories to ten cases to render the terms of plastic surgery shows that the translators probably used other ways to get the meaning across. The results of the analyses showed that the vast majority of the graduate translators whose translations were chosen for analysis used variant translation procedures with VTT, which confirmed the first hypothesis. However, some translators failed to turn the Arabic translations of COVID-19 terms into headlines, which confirmed the second hypothesis. The current study deals with the translation analysis of English plastic surgery terms into Arabic. in other words, the topic in question was not trodden before (1).

3.What is translation?

Translation is defined as the process of transferring or conveying a text from one language into another. This process includes two sides, the first of which is the source text and the second of which is the target text, and there are variety of arguments by theorists around, it is said that the translator should follow; if he follows the first, that means he employs the forigenization translation, and if he follows the second, that means he applies the domestication translation. Baker explained the one of the most commonly applied strategies in dealing with various kinds of non-equivalence at the word level is the translation by general word (2). “it is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text” and “as one ought to be able to say something as well in one language as in another” (3).

3.1. Scientific translation

Scientific translation embraces a wide variety of sorts, such as medical translation, and is further subdivided into a variety of categories, such as the translation of plastic surgery. Is a subfield of technical translation that is concerned with the translation of scientific literature such as scientific publications, scientific research papers, and clinical trials. Scientific translation necessitates precision because the materials frequently contain subject-specific terminology. There are some scientific branches that often require scientific translation, such as medicine, biology, pharmacology, chemistry, physics, zoology etc. (4).

3.1.1. Medical translation

It is one of the most important and complex translations in the world and requires great background knowledge and accuracy. Medical translation includes a search for the suitable equivalents for each medical term (5). Plastic surgery translation

It is one of the most important type of medical translation that includes the plastic surgery reports prescription, medical analyses, clinical experiments and surgery procedures results etc.(6)

  1. Methodology

The process of translation involves either transferring the text from the source into the target language or attempting to find the equivalent of the source text in the target text. Theories of translation focused on identifying the methods of translation and text types that were most suitable for each individual text that was being translated. These theories have been written by a variety of theorists and linguists, including Nida, Newmark, Catford, House, Gutt, and Venuti, etc. Translation theories are concerned with translation strategies to find suitable solutions to the text’s problems and criticize the translated texts in terms of how well they maintain the original meaning. The followings are the selected strategies used in the methodology of analysis.

4.1. Optimal translation

It is a hard process because it requires translators to have a deep knowledge of language to find equivalents in the target language that deal with source language terms instead of a background in linguistic systems (7).

4.1.1.Established equivalent

Is defined as using terms that refer to the same meaning and the translators should understand the original meaning of source text then translate them (8).

Chemical (كيميائي)

Abdominoplasty (شد البطن)

Hyaluronic acid (حمض الهيالورونيك)

Blepharochalasis  (تهطل الجفن)

4.1.2.Explanatory translation

It is presented as follows: “serving to explain \ giving explanation” (Merriam Webster dictionary). explanatory translation serves TL This is because it finds a target equivalents for source terms and should be either lexical units or lexically relevant units. (9). This type is translating the terms with explaining the source meaning to target meaning according to the TL systems\ beliefs\ culture and making an acceptable text (EXPLANATORY TRANSLATIONS).

4.2. Semantic translation

It is the author oriented and it caring about SL culture with preserving the original idea and the writer’s method of thinking. The translator makes the target text is similar with source text as a copy the method and structure patterns of source language then pest them in target language (10).

4.2.1. Transliteration النقحرة

It is (sound for sound) and (letter-for-letter (process, it is representing the terms of source text by rewriting their closer spelling in target language (11). Which is used to transliterate the proper, Christian, and historical names and other scientific terms as:

Socrates (سُقْرَاط)

Plato (أفلاطون)

 John (يوحنا)

Hyaluronic acid (هايلورونيك اسيد)

4.2.2. Literal translation

It is (word-to-word) translation according to Richards and Schmidth (2002), literal translation as lexical item, idiom and structure from source language to target language and conveying the original communicative thoughts of the source language learners to the target language learners (12).

4.3. Mistranslation

There is a direct communication between the mistranslation & misunderstanding that occurs when the translator didn’t understand the original text which will convey this mistranslation and effects to the target reader )13) As in Wordsworth’s   lines:

“She dwelt among the untrodden ways

Besides the springs of Dove”

(Wordsworth,1798: 683)

“سكنت في دروب غير مطروقة

 قرب منابع الماء التي يردها الحمام”


Here the translator had not understood the word “Dove” means small river he thoughts that the writer means the word “dove” and he translate it as a kind of birds.


The translator omits one or more than one important words when he did not find the suitable equivalent or if the expression is not vital enough (14).

4.3.2. Wrong translation

Wrong translation is “ (Error)  reflects  a  gap  in  student’s knowledge and it is systematic. On the other hand, (mistake) is generally considered as a fault in performance and it does not occur systematically” (15) and “misunderstanding the source text or incapability of translators in producing a product in the target text” (as  cited  in  Kafipour  & Jahanshahi, 2015). There are three types of translation error, they are as follows: linguistic error, comprehension error, and translation error (16) (17).

  1. The analysis of English-Arabic plastic surgery texts

5.1. Case 1:

Unlike many other congenital ear deformities, which are most effectively treated in the first few weeks of life when the ears are soft and moldable, cryptotia may be effectively treated with ear molding well beyond the neonatal period. In some cases, successful non-operative correction of cryptotia has been reported even up to 5 years of age.


 عكس العديد من تشوهات الأذن الخلقية الأخرى، والتي يتم علاجها بشكل أكثر فاعلية في الأسابيع القليلة الأولى من الحياة عندما تكون الأذنان طرية وقابلة للتشكيل، يمكن علاج اختفاء صيوان الاذن بشكل فعال بصب الأذن بعد فترة  .حديثي الولادة. في بعض الحالات، تم الإبلاغ عن تصحيح ناجح غير عملي للتشفير حتى سن 5 سنوات.

Sample 2

على خلاف العديد من تشوهات الاذن الخلقية الاخرى والتي يتم علاجها على نحو فعال اكثر في الاسابيع منذ ولادة حين تكون الاذنين ناعمة و قابلة للتشكيل و ايضا يمكن علاج التجويف الخفي اكثر فعال عن طريق قولبة الاذن بعد فترة . حديثي الولادة وتم الذكر عن عمليات اخرى غير جراحيه ناجحه حتى لعمر ٥ سنوات

Sample 3

على عكس العديد من تشوهات الأذن الخلقية الأخرى ، والتي يتم علاجها بشكل أكثر فعالية في الأسابيع القليلة الأولى من الحياة عندما تكون الأذنين ناعمة وقابلة للتشكيل ، يمكن علاج تجويف الاذن بشكل فعال باستخدام قولبة الأذن بعد فترة حديثي الولادة. في بعض الحالات ، تم الإبلاغ عن تصحيح ناجح غير المنطوق من تجويف الاذن حتى تصل إلى 5 سنوات من العمر

Sample 4

يتم علاج اختفاء صيوان الاذن على عكس العديد من تشوهات الأذن الخلقية الأخرى بشكل أكثر فاعلية في الأسابيع القليلة الأولى من الحياة الطفل عندما تكون الأذنين ناعمة وقابلة للتشكيل ويمكن علاجها بشكل فعال من خلال قولبة .الأذن لدى الاطفال حديثي الولادة فقد تم الإبلاغ عن تصحيح غير جراحي ناجح لصيوان الاذن حتى عمر 5 سنوات

Sample 5

على عكس العديد من تشوهات الأذن الخلقية الأخرى ، والتي يتم علاجها بشكل أكثر فاعلية في الأسابيع القليلة الأولى- بشكل فعال عن طريق قولبة الأذن بعد cryptotia من الحياة عندما تكون الأذنين ناعمة وقابلة للتشكيل ، يمكن علاج فترة حديثي الولادة. في بعض الحالات ، تم الإبلاغ عن تصحيح غير جراحي ناجح للتشفير حتى عمر 5 سنوات

Sample 6

عكس العديد من تشوهات الأذن الخلقية الأخرى ، والتي يتم علاجها بشكل أكثر فاعلية في الأسابيع القليلة الأولى من تشوهات الأذن عند الرضع( بشكل فعال من ( cryptotia الحياة عندما تكون الأذنين ناعمة وقابلة للتشكيل ، يمكن علاج خلال قولبة الأذن بعد فترة حديثي الولادة. في بعض الحالات ، تم الإبلاغ عن تصحيح غير جراحي ناجح للتشفير حتى .عمر 5 سنوات

Sample 7

يمكن معالجة الاذن المخفية بطريقة فعالة بعد فترة الولادة للطفل من خلال صب)قولبة( الاذن. ليس كمثل العديد من امراض تشوهات الاذن الاخرى والتي في الغالب تعالج في الاسابيع القليلة الاولى من الولادة عندما تكون الاذن ماتزال .طرية وقابلة للتشكيل .في بعض الحالات سجلت عمليات غير جراحية لتصحيح للأذن المخفية حتى سن الخامسة

Sample 8

على عكس العديد من تشوهات الأذن الخلقية الأخرى ، والتي يتم علاجها بشكل أكثر فاعلية في الأسابيع القليلة الأولى-1 بشكل فعال عن طريق قولبة الأذن بعد cryptotia من الحياة عندما تكون الأذنين ناعمة وقابلة للتشكيل ، يمكن علاج .فترة حديثي الولادة. في بعض الحالات ، تم الإبلاغ عن تصحيح غير جراحي ناجح للتشفير حتى عمر 5 سنوات

Sample 9

يمكن معالجة اختفاء صيوان الأذن بفعالية من خلال قولبة الأذن بعد فترة الولادة، على عكس تشوهات أذن خلقية جمة -1 تعالج بنجاعة خلال الأسابيع القليلة الأولى من عمر الوليد عندما تكون الآذان لينة وقلوبة*. وفي بعض الحالات، أفادت .تقارير بنجاح تصحيح أختفاء الصيوان لدى الأطفال دون تدخل جراحي حتى سن الخامسة.

 قلوبة: قابلة للقولبة. تستعمل صيغة “فعول” للالفاظ مثل “قابل ل” و “يصلح أو صالح ل” مثل “صهور” أي “قابل للصهر” و* .”طروق” قابل للطرق. ينظر: دليل الترجمة والتحرير – دائرة الترجمة العربية/ الأمم المتحدة 2004

Sample 10

بحلاف العديد من تشوهات الأذن الخلقية الأخرى ، والتي تعالج بفاعلية كبيرة خلال الأسابيع الأولى من العمر: حيث تكون وهي دفن الجزء العلوي من غضروف الأذن الخارجية جزئ ًيا ( cryptotia الأذنين ناعمتين ومتسارعة النمو ، يمكن علاج تحت الجلد على جانب الرأس( بشكل فعال بقولبة الأذن لطفل تجاوز مرحلة حديثي الولادة . ففي بعض الحالات ، تم .التوصل الى تصحيح غير جراحي ناجح للتشوه حتى عمر ال 5 سنوات

5.1.1. The analysis:

In the first sample, the translator was unable to find a suitable equivalent in the text (تصحيح ناجح غير عملي), so he resorted to an wrong translation strategy which is not a correct translation, it should be (تصحيح غير جراحي). Moreover, in the second sample the translator used the optimal translation strategy to translate texts (congenital ear deformities) and (moldable) by using the established equivalent strategy, and then he used a mistranslation, which is the omission translation strategy, as in (عمليات غير جراحية),

where he rendered the word (correction) to(عمليات) as a plural noun of surgery process and he thought that this equivalent is more effective word, in fact he omitted the original meaning as the seventh sample translation. In the third sample, the translator found the optimal translation of the following texts: (congenital ear deformities) and (moldable,) and he was successful in translating both of them; however, he was unsuccessful in employing the appropriate equivalent in the following product (تصحيح ناجح غير منطوق), which he meant unspoken correction it could be (غير جراحي), and as a result, he resorted to mistranslation of the wrong translation strategy. The reason for this is that he changed the original he substituted the original idea with irrelevant equivalent; the translator was unable to comprehend the source text. Additionally, in the fourth sample, the translator was able to achieve the desired result by employing the most via employment the optimal translation strategy, which resulted in the translated version (علاج اختفاء صيوان الاذن), which is an established equivalent. Additionally, the translator understood the source text, which allowed him to select the appropriate option (congenital ear deformities), as seen in the seventh and ninth samples. Concerning the fifth example, the translator was successful in translating all of the terms; moreover, he did not remove a single word and maintained the primary meaning of the text. He was able to give all of the information by using the simple version of the translation without any explanation or any additional words, and he utilized the optimal translation strategy established equivalent, as shown in the sixth, eighth, and eleventh samples. Also, in the ninth sample, (معالجة اختفاء صيوان الأذن) as the said analysis of the fourth sample, and the translator resorted to literal translation of semantic strategy in the term (moldable), that he translated it into the version (قولبة) as in the tenth sample.

5.2. Case 2:

The abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a “tummy tuck“, is a procedure to reduce excess skin and fat around the abdomen and strengthen the abdominal wall musculature.


شد البطن، الذي يشار إليه عادة باسم «شد البطن»، هو إجراء لتقليل الجلد الزائد والدهون حول البطن وتقوية عضلات جدار البطن


عملية شد البطن يشار اليها عادة باسم (نحت البطن) هي عمليه لتقليل الشحوم الزائدة و الدهون حول البطن و شد عضلات جدار البطن


عميلة جراحية في البطن، التي يشار إليها عادة باسم “شد البطن” ، هي إجراء لتقليل الجلد الزائد والدهون حول البطن ، وتعزيز الانسجة العضلية في جدار البطن


عملية نحت البطن ، التي يشار إليها عادة باسم “شد البطن” ، تجرة لتقليل الجلد والدهون الزائدة حول البطن وتقوية عضلات جدار البطن


عملية شد البطن ، التي يشار إليها عادة باسم “شد البطن” ، هي إجراء لتقليل الجلد الزائد والدهون حول البطن وتقوية عضلات جدار البطن


عملية شد البطن ، التي يشار إليها عادة باسم ” شد البطن” ، هي إجراء لتقليل الجلد الزائد والدهون حول البطن وتقوية عضلات جدار البطن


عملية شد البطن، وهي في الغالب تشير الى تنحيف وشد البطن من خلال تقليل الجلد الزائد و الدهون المحيطة بالبطن وتقوية عضلاتها


عملية شد البطن ، التي يشار إليها عادة باسم “شد البطن” ، هي إجراء لتقليل الجلد الزائد والدهون حول البطن وتقوية عضلات جدار البطن


تعد عملية رأب البطن، التي تعرف باسم “شد البطن“، جراحة تجميلية من شأنها إزالة الجلد الزائد والدهون حول البطن -2 . وتقوية جدار عضلاتها


عملية شفط الدهون والمتداولة ب “شد البطن” ، هي طريقة لتقليص الجلد الزائد والدهون حول البطن وتقوية عضلات جدار البطن

5.2.1. The analysis:

As for the first sample, the translator was successful in translating all medical idioms without encountering any difficulties, and he was able to find appropriate lexical equivalents without any additional explanations while maintaining the original source’s style of writing. The translator utilized the  optimal translation strategy of translation, which was specifically established equivalent. Moreover, in the second sample, he added the word (عملية) at the beginning of the sentence, which means he resorted to the explanatory translation of the optimal strategy as a fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth sample of translation. The translator converted the text (tummy tuck) into( نحت البطن) and he used an explanatory translation of the most effective translation strategy. Besides, in the third example, the translator expressed the description as (عميلة جراحية في البطن), but he did not specify what this particular kind of surgery is used for! Hence, he followed the omission translation of the mistranslation strategy. He utilized the explanatory translation of the optimal translation strategy of the translated text (الانسجة العضلية), and the original meaning refers to a group of musclesعضلات ; therefore, he translated it into muscular tissues. He also utilized the optimal translation strategy of the translated text. Furthermore, in the ninth sample, the translator changed the term (abdominoplasty) into) رأب البطن ( which is similar to or the nearest equivalent to “abdominal skin lifting.” Since both of these terms have the same meaning, the translator followed the established equivalent of the optimal translation strategy. Finally, the tenth sample, The translator was not able to convey the correct meaning when he translated the term (abdominoplasty) into(عملية شفط الدهون)  which differs from the point of view that this surgery is used to lift the abdominal skin, but the translator explained that it is used to remove the belly fat. He relied on a mistranslation strategy, which was a wrong translation.

5.3. Case 3:

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty following hyaluronic acid injection with improved facial aesthetics and eye symptoms. Dermatochalasis of the upper eyelids (blepharochalasis) is a typical age-related change in the upper third of the face and a major concern for facial aesthetics.


رأب الجفن العلوي بعد حقن حمض الهيالورونيك مع تحسين جماليات الوجه وأعراض العين، داء الجلد في الجفون العلوية (توسيع الجفن) هو تغيير نموذجي مرتبط بالعمر في الثلث العلوي من الوجه وهو مصدر قلق كبير لجماليات الوجه.


أصلاح الجفن العلوي حقن الهيالورونيك لتحسين جفون العين توسيع الجلد في الجفون العلوية هو التغيير الجفن بسبب العمر و يصدر قلق كبير لجماليات الوجه


تجميل الجفن العلوي بعد حقن حمض الهيالورونيك مع تحسينات تجميل الوجه وأعراض العين، توسع الجلد في الجفن العلوي (توسع الجفن) هو تغير نموذجي مرتبط بالعمر في الثلث العلوي من الوجه ، وهو مصدر قلق كبير لجماليات الوجه


بعد حقن حمض الهيالورونيك  يشد الجفن العلوي ليساعد على تحسين جماليات الوجه وأعراض العين، توسع الجلد في الجفن العلوي (توسع الجفن) هو تغيير نموذجي مرتبط بالعمر في الثلث العلوي من الوجه ومصدر قلق كبير لجماليات الوجه


رأب الجفن العلوي بعد حقن حمض الهيالورونيك مع تحسين جماليات الوجه وأعراض العين، توسع الجلد في الجفن العلوي )توسع الجفن) هو تغيير نموذجي مرتبط بالعمر في الثلث العلوي من الوجه ومصدر قلق كبير لجماليات الوجه


راب الجفن العلوي بعد حقن حمض الهيالورونيك مع تحسين جماليات الوجه وأعراض العين، توسع الجلد في الجفن العلوي )توسع الجفن) هو تغيير نموذجي مرتبط بالعمر في الثلث العلوي من الوجه ومصدر قلق كبير لجماليات الوجه


جراحة رأب الجفن (هي بمثابة نوع من الجراحة تعالج تدلي الجفن وقد تنطوي على إزالة الجلد الزائد والعضلات والدهون) بعد حقن حمض الهايلورنيك و منتجات النضارة للبشرة واعراض العين. تهطل الجفن العلوي من العين هو عرض مرتبط بالعمر وتغيير يحدث في الثلث العلوي من الوجه مسببا قلق حول جماليات الوجه


الجفن العلوي بعد حقن حمض الهيالورونيك مع تحسين جماليات الوجه وأعراض العين، توسع الجلد في الجفن العلوي )توسع الجفن) هو تغيير نموذجي مرتبط بالعمر في الثلث العلوي من الوجه ومصدر قلق كبير لجماليات الوجه


رأب الجفن العلوي بعد حقن حمض الهيالورونيك مع تحسين تجميل الوجه وأعراض العين، و بعد توسع الجلد في 30 الجفن العلوي (ارتخاء الجفن) تغييرا نموذجيا يرتبط بالعمر في الثلث العلوي من الوجه ومصدر قلق كبير لجماليات الوجه


سحب الجفن العلوي بحقنه بحامض الهيالورونيك لتحسين ونظارة الوجه وتوسيع العين. تعد عملية سحب الجلد في الجفن العلوي (سحب الجفن) : تحديثا انموذجيا يتحدد بالعمر ، ويكون في الثلث العلوي من وجه الانسان، وله قيمة فائقة بالعناية بجمالية الوجه

5.3.1. The analysis:

Speaking of the first sample, the researcher found out that the translator was successful in determining an appropriate meaning for the first medical term (رأب الجفن), just as they were in the fifth, sixth, and ninth samples. Also, he was able to find a flawless meaning of (حمض الهيالورونيك) in all of the samples, with the exception of the second sample, in which he followed the transliteration of the semantic translation strategy. This is due to the fact that the translator did not mention what kind of substance this is, nor did he refer to the fact that this substance is an acid. The phrase (blepharochalasis) was translated in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and eighth samples into( توسيع الجفن ) or) توسع الجلد). This is the wrong decision, and the reason for that is because the original meaning refers to getting rid of excess skin. The translators have resorted to the wrong translation of mistranslation strategy, and he has adopted the same strategy of the phrase )Dermatochalasis( into the product ( داء الجلد). Moreover, the translator used the word (أصلاح) in the second sample, which suggests he resorted to the explanatory translation of optimal translation strategy. Besides the third sample, the translator changed the term )blepharoplasty( to the word (تجميل) which is an explanatory translation of optimal translation strategy. Furthermore, he successfully employed the optimal translation strategy, in particular the established equivalent, to translate the term (blepharoplasty) into( يشد)  in the fourth sample analysis he conducted. The seventh sample also uses an explanatory translation of the optimal translation strategy of the word جراحة ))  to add more clarity on the sentence that he used it to explain that (رأب الجفن) is a kind of surgery process. (Blepharochalasis) is a well-established equivalent of the word optimal translation strategy, which is written as (تهطل). Moreover, the eighth sample begins with the text (الجفن العلوي) without indication by any words or the type of surgical is it lifting, cutting or removing? Because of this, there was a loss of information, and the reader was unable to comprehend the target text as a result of the omitted translation or the mistranslation that the translator utilized. Besides In the ninth sample, the term (blepharochalasis) was translated into (ارتخاء) This translation provides an explanatory translation of optimal translation strategy. Furthermore, the tenth sample indicates that the translator was successful in determining the term’s equivalent of the term (blepharoplasty) in the target language, which is written as(سحب الجفن العلوي) and that he adhered to the optimal translation, particularly the explanatory translation strategy. But he was unable to accurately translate the term “blepharochalasis,” which he had interpreted as referring to a specific kind of medical procedure. Instead, he managed to produce the wrong translation of “mistranslation strategy.”

  1. Results of analysis

The following table presents the results of the analysis concerning the translations of plastic surgery texts into Arabic accompanied by total rates of success and failures.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Success rate Failure rate
1 F S F S S S S S S S 80 % 20%
2 S S S S S S S S S F 90 % 10%
3 F S S S S S S F S F 70 % 30%
Total Rates of success and failure 80 % 20 %
Table (1) Results of Analysis

  1. Discussion of results

The researcher found out that the translators whose translations of medical text (plastic surgery terms) were selected achieved a high rate of success (70 %) because they made use of optimal translation which embraces explanatory translation and established translation strategies in the most of successful case. The following excerpts are examples with regard to successful translation strategies:

Example No.1

Explanatory translation: Laser hair removal عملية ازالة الشعر بالليزر

Example No.2

Established translation: Laser hair removal ازالة الشعر بالليزر

On the other extreme, it was discovered that the rate of failure is within     (30 %) due to the employment of mistranslation which includes omission and wrong translation strategies. The examples below refer to cases of failures:

Example No.1

Omission translation: abdominoplasty     عميلة جراحية في البطن

Example No.2

Wrong translation: non-operative correction تصحيح ناجح غير عملي


It is concluded that plastic surgery translation from English into Arabic requires great efforts from translators’ side to produce a suitable product in the target language. As for the successful translations, the graduate translators depended upon explaining the vague plastic terms in the target language by choosing explanatory translation strategy. Also, some terms have their equivalents in Arabic. This is why, they made use of established equivalent strategy not to mention optimal translation strategy. Therefore, the rate of success is (80 %), while some translators failed in rendering some terms in particular situations due to their employment of omission strategy as well as wrong translation strategies. This is why, the rate of failure is (20 %).


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المركز الديمقراطى العربى

المركز الديمقراطي العربي مؤسسة مستقلة تعمل فى اطار البحث العلمى والتحليلى فى القضايا الاستراتيجية والسياسية والاقتصادية، ويهدف بشكل اساسى الى دراسة القضايا العربية وانماط التفاعل بين الدول العربية حكومات وشعوبا ومنظمات غير حكومية.

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