Research studies

The Role of Electronic Authentication in Enhancing Electronic Services – Sultanate of Oman


Prepared by the researche

  • Jaber Hamood Hamdoon AL-Naumani Ph.D. Researcher at University of Tunis Higher Institute of management
  • Professor Supervisor: Latifa Ben Arfa Rabai Professor at the Higher Institute of Management at the University of Tunis

Democratic Arabic Center

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies : Twenty-First Issue – May 2024

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN  2628-6475
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies

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It focuses on analyzing the opportunities and challenges that this system may face in various fields such as financial transactions, electronic legal authentication, verification of academic, medical, governmental, and other commercial information. The thesis begins by providing an overview of electronic transformation and how it enhances the electronic authentication system, particularly with the introduction of blockchain technology and its operation. It explains how blockchain technology can be used in electronic authentication and explores the advantages it can provide in improving the security and speed of electronic authentication. The thesis also presents some recommendations for developing the electronic authentication system using blockchain technology, such as improving compliance with various laws and regulations, enhancing security and privacy, and streamlining processes. In summary, the thesis focuses on studying the electronic authentication system using blockchain technology, analyzing the opportunities and challenges it faces in various fields, and providing recommendations for its development. It presents a promising future for specialists in the field of electronic documentation and can contribute to improving this field and enhancing the use of modern technologies in daily life. Ultimately, the thesis concludes that block chain technology can achieve significant progress in the field of electronic authentication.


Our world today is characterized by numerous fundamental transformations that extend beyond the international system and the balance of power, reaching into practical, technological environments, and the capacity for research and development. It is inherently obvious that all these immense transformations, whatever their form, are based on knowledge and practical accumulation as the solid foundation for social, economic, and service progress. Consequently, legislative roles were necessary to regulate legal relationships between individuals and entities providing electronic services in the path of digital transformation. Legal experts were prompted to study various legal issues related to information technology, giving rise to what is known as electronic services, including electronic authentication services.

Governments worldwide have turned to digitizing administrative processes to keep pace with rapid advancements, aiming to accomplish numerous transactions through electronic authentication services over the internet. This necessitates the development of secure environments and robust protection in the form of new programs and applications capable of safeguarding data and information exchanged between parties to confirm their validity. Transactions between parties, whether giver or receiver, require electronic authentication certificates to be completed securely and comprehensively.

Because digital transformation is a necessity for all governmental and private institutions that understand the importance of continuous improvement and development of their administrative functions and services they provide, it’s essential to realize that digital transformation entails more than just implementing technology within the institution. It’s a comprehensive program that affects the organization from internal working methods to how services are delivered to beneficiaries and targets, aiming to facilitate and expedite service completion in an easier and faster manner.

Block chain technology emerged initially as a supportive technology for encryption, representing a revolutionary advancement in the world of technology and encryption. It has gained increasing popularity due to its ability to achieve transparency and security in electronic verification processes, contributing to enhancing the trust of users, companies, and governmental entities alike.

What distinguishes block chain technology is that it is a distributed database based on a chronological chain of blocks, where stored information cannot be modified or deleted after registration. Blocks are secured using encryption techniques and distributed across a network of independent computer devices, making them securely protected from manipulation and breaches. This technology represents an innovative mindset shift, as electronic authentication is considered the technical solution that enables internet users to exchange information safely and privately through the use of electronic identity, mobile phones, Universal Serial Bus (USB) tokens, which are data and communication carriers with plug-and-play capabilities, and also through text messages (SMS). Therefore, in our discussion, we will shed light on the role of electronic authentication in enhancing electronic services in the Sultanate of Oman.

The cognitive framework

Electronic authentication in governmental institutions is a secure technical means to verify the authenticity of a signature or document by verifying its attribution to a specific individual, through an impartial entity known as an electronic authentication service provider or digital authentication (Prabakaran, D., 2022, p. 70).

Electronic authentication aims to provide secure techniques for documenting information, which is electronically authenticated and verifies the identity of users for authentication. All transactions are electronically signed, with identity verification on websites through electronic authentication using a digital identity service or through activated mobile phone SIM cards (Jain, A. K., Flynn, P., & Ross, A. A., 2011).

It is considered one of the primary initiatives to achieve e-government objectives, as it establishes the fundamental framework for governmental entities to provide electronic services. This facilitates government efficiency and streamlines transactions for citizens and providers. Additionally, it contributes to enhancing the security and credibility of electronic transactions. Electronic authentication serves as the technical and legal solution that enables internet users to exchange information securely and confidentially using electronic identity and mobile phones (Dai, C., 2022, p. 127).

Therefore, e-government utilizes information and communication technology to develop, enhance, and manage public affairs. This is manifested in the provision of official government services, whether between governmental entities or with the public, through an informatics approach that relies on the internet and its technologies. This is done while ensuring specific security guarantees to protect both the beneficiary and the service provider (Serra, L. C., 2015, p. 67).

Electronic authentication and methods of providing electronic services

The electronic authentication project in the Sultanate provides several essential services, including:

  1. Identity Verification: The traditional method of identity verification on websites involves entering a username and password, but this technique may be susceptible to hacking and unauthorized use. However, electronic authentication involves using another method that requires verification of electronic identity and identity on mobile phones or through a code.
  2. Electronic Signature: Any citizen can use this feature to electronically sign any certificate at any time. Users can sign using electronic identity, mobile phones, or a code.
  3. Encryption: This process encrypts information so that only authorized parties can read the data. The electronic authentication center has activated this service to safeguard information.
  4. Email Encryption: Files can be sent securely via email using a Universal Serial Bus (USB) code.
  5. Email Signing: Another method to ensure the confidentiality of data sent via email, accessible through a Universal Serial Bus (USB) code.

The National Electronic Authentication Center in the Sultanate of Oman is a comprehensive system for managing the infrastructure of the public key infrastructure (PKI), which constitutes an integrated security system for managing digital keys used to maintain the confidentiality of information, verify the identity of users, and ensure the integrity of data against tampering and alteration, as well as for performing digital signatures. These features underpin all electronic transactions, such as e-government services, e-commerce, and other web-based applications. This security framework enables users across various categories to conduct electronic transactions securely, reliably, and safely over the Internet. Furthermore, the role of the Information Technology in the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Information Technology is pivotal, serving as the primary center responsible for formulating and implementing the strategies of e-government in the Sultanate of Oman. Its primary importance lies in facilitating and leading the implementation of government electronic services, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the public sector through the utilization of modern technology and fostering a digitally reliant society. The ministry’s responsibilities include building a digitally literate human resource base to successfully implement and adopt government electronic services, with the aim of increasing citizen involvement in utilizing these digital services. Moreover, it assists other ministries and governmental entities in successfully implementing their IT-based projects (SONY. Suppor, 2022).

Key initiatives of electronic authentication include

  1. Providing authentication services in accordance with the policies, requirements, and agreements of the Information Technology Authority.
  2. Facilitating participation in the electronic authentication initiative as either an electronic authentication service provider or a user registration entity.
  3. Securing communication between servers and clients (Heidari, H, 2022, 191).
  4. The Information Technology Authority in the Sultanate of Oman relies on digital encryption, which involves the process of preserving the confidentiality of both static and dynamic information using software capable of transforming and translating that information into codes. Thus, if accessed by unauthorized individuals, they would not be able to understand anything because what appears to them is a mixture of unintelligible symbols, numbers, and letters (hahzad, F. X, 2020, 62).
  5. Electronic signature is considered a document placed on an electronic editor and takes the form of letters, numbers, symbols, or others, with a unique characteristic that allows identifying the signatory and distinguishing them from others (Babu, E. S, 2022).

Types of Encryption Technology

  1. Symmetric Encryption: In this type of encryption, both the sender and the receiver use the same private key that has been set up by the contractual parties to encrypt the message, converting it into codes and unintelligible signals. The decryption is then performed using the same private key that was used for encryption (Abdelghaffar, H.2012, 2).
  2. Asymmetric Encryption: This system relies on two keys, a private key and a public key. The public key is stored on public electronic platforms to allow access by the public, while the private key remains under the control of a single entity, typically the sender. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure the safety conditions to protect the key from misuse by others (Blog, I, 2021).

The concept of digital identity refers to the essence of an entity, thing, or subject. When considering methods of identifying identity, it can be through the following

  1. Individual identifiers: Such as belonging to a specific nationality, being a product of a particular company, or any form of information that distinguishes it.
  2. Unique identifiers: Such as the serial number on a product.
  3. Secure identifiers: Such as a passport or a smart meter.

Technological options for biometric measurements in e-government applications

There are several biometric measurement technologies available for e-government applications, each with its own strengths and limitations. The choice of technology depends on factors such as the required level of security, system requirements, and user convenience. Common biometric measurement methods include fingerprint recognition, iris recognition, facial recognition, voice recognition, and multimodal biometrics. Each method has unique characteristics and applicability, enabling governments to choose the most suitable options for their e-government needs.

Biometric authentication within e-government relies on collecting, storing, and managing sensitive biometric data. Ensuring data security and privacy is crucial to maintaining public trust and preventing unauthorized access or misuse of personal information. Governments must adhere to strong security protocols, encryption standards, and access controls to protect biometric databases. Compliance with relevant data protection laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is essential to safeguarding user privacy rights and ensuring legal compliance. This involves:

  • Encryption: Biometric data should be encrypted during transmission and storage using encryption algorithms such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to protect data from interception or unauthorized access.
  • Secure storage: Biometric data should be securely stored in a dedicated and well-protected database. Access controls should be implemented to restrict access to authorized employees only. The database should have multiple security layers, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and monitoring mechanisms to detect and prevent unauthorized access or breaches.
  • Access control: Strict access control mechanisms should be implemented to limit access to biometric data. Permissions should be granted only to individuals with a legitimate need to access the data, and role-based access control (RBAC) can be implemented to ensure individuals have access rights appropriate to their roles and responsibilities
  • Protection of biometric templates: Biometric templates derived from raw biometric data should be securely stored and protected. The templates should be irreversible and non-reversible to prevent reconstruction of the original biometric data. Techniques such as one-way hashing or encrypted transformation can be used to protect biometric templates from reverse engineering
  • Data minimization: Governments should adopt a principle of minimizing data to the minimum necessary, collecting and storing only the necessary biometric data required for authentication purposes. Unnecessary data should be disposed of to reduce the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.
  • Secure transmission: When transmitting biometric data between different components of the e-government system, secure communication protocols such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) should be used to ensure data confidentiality and integrity, preventing eavesdropping or tampering during data transmission.
  • Identity concealment and pseudonymization: To protect individual privacy, biometric data should be anonymized or pseudonymized wherever possible, removing any identifiable information to make the data unlikable to individuals. The use of pseudonyms replaces identifiable information with pseudonyms, allowing the data to be used for specific purposes while preventing direct identification.
  • Compliance with data protection regulations: Governments must comply with relevant data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or local privacy laws. Compliance involves obtaining informed consent from individuals, providing transparency in data processing practices, notifying individuals in case of data breaches, and respecting individuals’ rights regarding their biometric data.
  • Regular auditing and monitoring: Regular auditing and monitoring of the biometric authentication system should be conducted to detect and address security vulnerabilities or potential data breaches. Records should be retained to track system activities and identify any suspicious or unauthorized access attempts.
  • User awareness and education: Governments should invest in user awareness and education programs to inform individuals about security procedures, their rights regarding their biometric data, and the steps taken to protect their privacy. Educating users about the benefits and risks associated with biometric authentication helps build trust and ensure responsible use of biometric data.

Technologies used in biometric authentication

Multi-modal biometric measurements combine two or more biometric measurement methods to enhance the accuracy and reliability of identity verification. By integrating multiple biometric features such as fingerprints, iris patterns, facial features, and One-Time Passwords (OTP), governments can create more robust and secure e-government systems. Multi-modal biometrics can alleviate the limitations of individual methods, improve accuracy, and provide greater resistance to impersonation attempts.

The benefits of electronic authentication based on the new system include

  • Speed and efficiency: Electronic authentication enables faster and more efficient transaction completion, saving time and effort for individuals and organizations.
  • Security and protection: Electronic authentication provides a high level of security and protection for transmitted and received documents and data, reducing opportunities for forgery and fraud.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The cost of transactions can be reduced using electronic authentication compared to traditional paper-based signatures, which require printing, shipping, and distribution costs.
  • Accessibility and convenience: Electronic authentication can be used anywhere and anytime, providing more opportunities for users to easily conduct transactions.
  • Environmentally friendly: Electronic authentication reduces paper usage and saves time and effort in transactions.
  • Interactivity and collaboration: Electronic authentication enables individuals and organizations to interact and collaborate more easily and effectively, facilitating seamless communication and interaction.
  • Ease of use: Electronic authentication provides a user-friendly interface, making the signing and authentication process much easier, thereby increasing participation and usage.
  • Consistency: High consistency in the signing and authentication process can be ensured using electronic authentication, improving process quality and reliability.
  • Tracking: Electronic authentication allows for accurate tracking of transaction execution, enabling direct and effective monitoring of transaction stages. Electronic authentication between individuals and organizations facilitates access to government and private services with ease, making daily life easier and contributing to improving work quality.
  • Diversity: Electronic authentication can be used for signing and authenticating various types of transactions, such as contracts, agreements, official, and electronic documents.
  • Record keeping: Accurate records of transactions conducted using electronic authentication can be retained, providing important documents for users and organizations in the future
  • Responding to global challenges: Electronic authentication enables overcoming geographical boundaries and helps address global challenges, such as pandemics, economic repercussions, and environmental issues.
  • Scalability: Electronic authentication allows for expansion in areas of work and commerce globally, enhancing economic growth and sustainable development
  • Procedure reduction: Electronic authentication can reduce administrative and regulatory procedures associated with paper-based signatures, thereby improving efficiency and productivity and saving time and resources.


The implementation of multi-level electronic authentication serves as a model linked to a system used to enhance the security of electronic accounts and applications by providing additional layers of verification for users. This system includes multiple levels of verification, conducted through various methods such as passwords, authentication codes, facial recognition, fingerprinting, iris scanning, and others. When using multi-level authentication, the user must input their credentials, such as a password, and then confirm their identity using an additional authentication method, such as an authentication code sent to their mobile phone. This increases the difficulty of breaching accounts, avoiding fraud, and electronic intrusion.

Multi-level authentication is typically used in the execution of activities on government websites, banking institutions, e-commerce websites, and large companies that contain sensitive information. It can also be used to protect mobile devices, personal computers, and critical servers from intrusion. In general, multi-level authentication helps increase electronic security for users and reduce the chances of intrusion and fraud.

The implementation of multi-level authentication builds trust between users and the institutions they deal with, leading to an improved user experience and maintaining the good reputation of companies and organizations. It should be noted that multi-level authentication is considered a qualitative addition to basic methods of protecting electronic accounts. Although the use of multi-level authentication enhances electronic security, it should be used alongside other cyber security measures, such as regularly updating software and applications and avoiding the use of weak passwords.

Additionally, users should follow some safe practices when using this application, such as not sharing authentication codes with anyone else and not using the same authentication code for multiple accounts. Instant notifications should also be activated to receive alerts in case of attempted account breaches. The various multi-factor authentication methods used in the application include:

  • Temporary authentication codes: A temporary code is generated and sent to the user’s mobile phone or email, and this code is used to verify the user’s identity.
  • Voice and image recognition: Voice and image recognition technologies are used to identify the user.
  • Fingerprint recognition: Built-in fingerprint sensors in mobile phones or tablets are used to verify the user’s identity.
  • Phone call verification: A phone call is made to the user to verify their identity.
  • Answering security questions: Security questions are asked to the user to verify their identity. Therefore, the application represents an effective method to improve electronic security and protect sensitive accounts and data. It should be used in conjunction with other cybersecurity measures and adhering to safe practices. Multi-level authentication is a system used to enhance the security of electronic accounts and applications by providing additional layers of verification for users.


  1. Encourage companies and institutions to use electronic authentication utilizing block chain technology to enhance security levels and protection in electronic transactions.
  2. Develop specialized electronic platforms to provide electronic authentication services using blockchain technology, offering a high level of security and protection for users.
  3. Provide training and education for users and workers in various industries on how to use electronic authentication technology using block chain and its benefits.
  4. Collaborate with governments and international organizations to develop the necessary standards and regulations to regulate the use of electronic authentication technology using block chain, ensuring compliance with local and international laws and regulations.
  5. Raise awareness of the importance of using electronic authentication technology using block chain and its benefits for users and workers in various industries.
  6. Incentivize banks and financial institutions to use electronic authentication technology using block chain to improve security levels and protection in electronic payment operations.
  7. Support research and development in the field of electronic authentication technology using block chain to improve performance and efficiency and develop new applications.
  8. Enhance collaboration between different industries, startups, and major technology companies to develop innovative solutions using electronic authentication technology using block chain.
  9. Encourage governments and governmental institutions to use electronic authentication technology using block chain to improve security levels and protection in electronic government services.
  10. Develop awareness and educational campaigns for users about the importance of using electronic authentication technology using block chain and identifying the risks of not using it.

Sources and References

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