Research studies

The impact of cloud accounting on the quality of accounting information An applied study in a sample of Iraqi public shareholding companies


Prepared by the researche : Gufran Nadhum Trat  / Ministry of Finance / General Authority for Taxes / Iraq

Democratic Arabic Center

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies : Twenty-First Issue – May 2024

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN  2628-6475
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies

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The presence of many web applications in various fields of accounting is one of the most important uses, as the use of electronic systems represents one of the important means of modern means of information that is increasingly being used by institutions, companies, and all different economic units in general, and accounting information systems, especially technologies, is one of the most important developments of the Internet’s impact on the system. Accounting information. Therefore, the research aimed mainly to identify the impact of cloud accounting on the quality of accounting information in Iraqi public shareholding companies. The measurement tool (questionnaire) was used for the purpose of testing the effect of variables.

 The results of the research were that cloud accounting is considered one of the modern technologies based on cloud computing that helps those in charge of the system. Accounting information in performing their work easily. Cloud accounting also helps organizations reduce costs and benefit from many advantages, but this is accompanied by many possible risks that must be taken into consideration. Therefore, it has become necessary to draw companies’ attention to the advantages of cloud accounting in the long term and limit it to short-term judgment. On its ineffectiveness and comparison with traditional systems.

Introduction :

          Cloud accounting represents a new technology trend, because it represents the basic environment and platform for providing secure data storage and convenient Internet services in the future, as well as the huge power of cloud accounting that seriously affects company information, reporting and general work.

Because the quality of accounting information is considered a vital element and an important basis in evaluating the performance of companies and an important tool in drawing up its policies and making future decisions, especially with regard to decisions to invest in securities, especially if this information is prepared in accordance with local or international principles and standards, which gives it quality and effectiveness in its use.

Therefore, the application of cloud accounting in the field of accounting through the use of an accounting program is the addition of a third party on the Internet to collect the information contained in it into accounts and statements, which was not known in the past and is a major matter, as it can be considered a leap in information and technology. Companies seek to build information systems and use modern technologies represented in cloud accounting to help them manage and store large amounts of information and business, which in turn depends on the principles and foundations represented by international financial reporting standards.

The first topic :

General framework of the research:

1-1 Research problem:

Cloud accounting is still in the research and development stage, and its success in enhancing its presence and gaining the trust of beneficiaries represents a revolution in the field of the computer and software industry. In light of these rapid developments, companies in general face many problems in storing large amounts of data, in addition to the development of accounting and its techniques and its transformation into new forms, the most important of which is cloud accounting, which depends on transferring the processed information and computer storage space to the so-called cloud, through the Internet. Adopting this technology requires preparation and preparation for its application, and the necessity of developing international financial reports in line with cloud accounting applications and their risks in order to ensure the preservation of the quality and credibility of financial reports and the information they contain.

Hence, the following main question can be formulated: Is there an impact of cloud accounting on the quality of accounting information?

The following sub-questions branch out from the main question:

1- Is there an impact of using cloud accounting on the suitability of accounting information in Iraqi joint stock companies?

2- Is there an impact on the objectivity of accounting information in Iraqi public shareholding companies?

3- Is there an impact of using cloud accounting on the appropriate timeliness of accounting information in Iraqi joint stock companies?

1-2: Importance of research:

This study derives its importance from the importance of the topic it addresses, which is revealing the latest second-generation web technologies, which is cloud accounting, as it is considered one of the topics that has spread recently, and this topic is considered among the issues that are affecting companies, which are required to respond to them and keep pace with development. Progress and keeping pace with modern technologies. The importance of this study is also represented by the set of expected additions it presents, which can benefit researchers in the academic field and practitioners in practice, which are (identifying a new concept known as cloud accounting, shedding light on the latest second-generation web technologies (cloud accounting). What this technology can provide is knowledge of the role that cloud accounting plays in the quality of accounting information and ways to benefit from it.)

1-3: Objectives of the study:

The study mainly aims to identify the impact of cloud accounting on the quality of accounting information in Iraqi public shareholding companies. The study seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1- Identify the concept of cloud accounting and present its advantages.

2- Identify the impact of using cloud accounting on the objectivity, suitability, and timeliness of information in Iraqi public shareholding companies.

1-4: Research hypotheses:

In light of the research or study problem and its questions, the following hypotheses can be formulated:

Main hypothesis H0: There is no statistically significant effect at the level of statistical significance for cloud accounting on the quality of accounting information in Iraqi public shareholding companies.

The following sub-hypotheses emerge from the main hypothesis:

H01: There is no statistically significant effect at the level of statistical significance for cloud accounting on the suitability of accounting information in Iraqi public shareholding companies.

H02: There is no statistically significant effect at the level of statistical significance for cloud accounting on the objectivity of accounting information in Iraqi public shareholding companies.

H03: There is no statistically significant effect at the level of statistical significance for cloud accounting on the timeliness of accounting information in Iraqi public shareholding companies.

The second topic:  Theoretical framework of the research:

2-1 The concept of cloud accounting:

2-1-1: Definition of cloud accounting: The topic of cloud accounting has received the attention of many researchers, experts, as well as organizations, and its definitions have varied. (Abdullah.2017:13) explained that it is “the process of storing data and programs and accessing them over the Internet instead of on a hard drive, as “The cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet. It goes back to the days of flowcharts and presentations that would represent the massive computer server infrastructure of the Internet as just a white cloud, accepting connections and distributing information even as it floated.”

As for (Ashok.2018:51), he referred to cloud accounting as “a set of accounting information and data with shared resources that rely on the Internet in terms of storage and applications so that they can be easily accessed by the service provider.”

While (Amron & Roslina, 2019:19) expressed it as “it is a computerized system that collects, records, and stores financial data in an electronic cloud within the Internet, and processes it to produce information for decision makers. It includes users, procedures, data, instructions, software, information technology infrastructure, and internal controls.” And security measures.

In the current research, cloud accounting can be defined as a set of accounting programs and an information system for financial and administrative data placed or stored within an electronic cloud, which specializes in collecting, arranging, processing and analyzing appropriate financial information through relevant accounting applications and then communicating it to the relevant parties, to take Appropriate decisions.

2-1-2: The importance of cloud accounting:

Moving accounting from the desktop to the cloud has been a huge leap forward in financial management, while removing many of the drawbacks and cost implications of traditional accounting from the equation. Cloud accounting adds great importance in the main areas in which the cloud accounting system adds real and tangible value, including (Ghosh, 2015: 15):

1- Cloud accounting provides access to your accounts anywhere: through it, key business numbers can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, eliminating the need to work from one central computer in the office.

2- Availability of access to real-time information: By updating the company’s bookkeeping and bank reconciliation, you can achieve real-time reporting. This real-time overview is vital when looking at a company’s financial health, planning future spending, and when making financial and strategic decisions.

3- It works to access the application ecosystem: Open application programming interfaces mean that through cloud accounting, a group of third-party applications and tools can be added to expand the basic business system. For example, adding cash flow forecasting applications, online invoicing applications, and the company’s project management tools. And a host of other practical solutions to choose from. These tools save more time, reduce resource costs and identify problems in advance. (Huang, N, 2016: 14)

4- Provides the feature of viewing bank accounts: Many cloud accounting platforms provide a direct summary of your bank accounts, giving the ability to link the company’s bank account directly to the manager’s account. Instead of manually entering each bank statement line, this speeds up bank reconciliation while giving a more accurate view of the bank balance.

5- Secure data exchange: It gives the user easy access to accounts using its own programs and applications. Without the need for USB sticks or sending emails back and forth, it gives advisors secure access to all your financial information in real time. Making it faster and safer. (Mahalakshmi, 2017: 5)

2-1-3: Types of cloud accounting programs: There are four types of cloud accounting programs (Al-Shamrani, 2019, 255):

  1. Private cloud: The cloud infrastructure is managed and operated for only one organization, so that a consistent level of control over security, privacy, and governance can be maintained. It is also known as the internal cloud. The private cloud may be managed by the company or a third party.
  2. Public cloud: The infrastructure for this type of cloud is based on being available to the general public, and is owned by the company that sells cloud services. It is also known as external cloud or multi-cloud.
  3. Community cloud: It is referred to as special-purpose cloud computing for shared environments * as it is managed by a number of related organizations or companies participating in a common field. Community clouds may be managed by organizations or a third party.
  4. Hybrid cloud: The infrastructure of this cloud is made up of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures (private, community, or public), but they are connected to each other by a unified technology to enable data transfer, which provides the benefits of multiple deployment. There are also many types of accounting software: (Shenawa and Al-Shammari, 2019: 7)

2-1-4: Obstacles to applying digital accounting: Despite the advantages and benefits achieved by using digital accounting, there are a group of obstacles to its application, the most important of which are the following: (3, 2016, Nurhajati, Y.)

1-The need for large storage spaces.

2- Maintaining the security and confidentiality of customer data.

3- Availability of appropriate applications for all institutions and their economic feasibility

4- Provides comprehensive coverage for fast Internet access.

5- Convincing executives and decision-makers of the feasibility of moving to digital accounting.

6- Complete reliance on other companies limits the technology used and reduces work flexibility for users.

2-2: The concept of quality of accounting information:

2-2-1: Definition of accounting information quality:

The term quality refers to the set of distinctive characteristics of the product, activity, or process that make it meet the declared and expected needs or be able to meet them (ISO, 2017:9). The quality of accounting information is of great importance in determining the quality of reports that will be issued later based on accounting information, and therefore it must There should be rules and standards to rely on that determine the quality and nature of information in a way that makes it more useful. The quality of accounting information is a standard by which the extent to which accounting information achieves its objectives can be judged, as it can be used as a basis for comparison between accounting methods for the purpose of measuring and disclosing lists. The quality of information Accounting must have the criterion of utility, meaning the ability of information to meet the needs of a specific decision (Al-Sakani, 2010: 65)

The concept of quality of accounting information refers to the credibility of this information and the benefit it achieves for users, and that it is free from distortion, error, and misleading, and that it is prepared on the basis of a set of legal, regulatory, professional, and technical standards that help achieve the goal of its use (Ali Bey, 2013: 40).

 2-2-2: Characteristics of the quality of accounting information:

The characteristics of high-quality accounting information, or what is known as the qualitative characteristics of accounting information, are among the necessary matters that must be taken into consideration to judge its quality. Accounting information is considered the basic output of the accounting system, and these characteristics are what give the information its value and importance to the extent that it is characterized, as the quality cannot be imagined. Accounting information is provided to its users only in light of the availability of these characteristics, and it is not sufficient to prepare accounting information based on the foundations and rules included in accounting standards, regardless of its source, if it is not characterized by the characteristics of high-quality information (Al-Jaarat, 2012: 191). Qualitative characteristics refer to the qualities and advantages that It makes the information presented in the financial statements more useful to investors, lenders and other users in making economic decisions based on this information contained in the financial reports. The following are the characteristics mentioned by the common conceptual framework for financial accounting and reporting issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the Accounting Standards Board international,

  17-19): 2010, FASB).

2-2-2: Standards for the quality of accounting information:

The concept of quality of accounting information should be comprehensive and not limited to the availability of only one standard represented by qualitative characteristics such as a technical standard, neglecting other standards that are no less important and directly affect the achievement of the concept of quality of accounting information. Accordingly, legal, regulatory, and regulatory standards must be available. Professional and technical” (Rapina, 2014: 149). The most important of these standards that must be present in accounting information to judge its quality will be stated as follows:

1- Legal standards: Many professional organizations in many countries seek to develop standards for the quality of accounting information, and achieve compliance with them by enacting clear and regulating legislation and laws for the work of economic units while providing an effective organizational structure that controls the performance aspects of these units in accordance with legal requirements. Which obligates these units to adequately disclose them

(Sherif, 2015:58)

2- Oversight standards: The success of management and the activity of the economic unit depends on the presence of effective oversight that determines the role of each of the audit committees and financial and administrative oversight bodies in organizing financial treatments to ensure that their policies and procedures are implemented properly and in accordance with the procedures of the accounting system and the control system.

The Ministry of Interior and that its financial statements are characterized by credibility (Jomaa and Nawal, 2011: 17)

3- Professional standards: Professional accounting bodies and councils are interested in preparing accounting and auditing standards to control the performance of the accounting and auditing process, which highlights the concept of holding management accountable by owners to ensure their investments, which in turn led to the emergence of the need to prepare financial reports that enjoy integrity and honesty (Bohafs, 2018: 146).

4- Technical standards: The availability of technical standards leads to developing the concept of quality accounting information, which in turn is reflected in the quality of financial reports and increases the confidence of shareholders, investors, stakeholders, and economic unity, and this leads to raising and increasing investment (Abbas, 2014: 15)

The third topic:LPractical aspect:

3-1: Design the questionnaire form.

In this study, a questionnaire form will be designed, which includes a number of paragraphs that express the impact of cloud accounting on the quality of accounting information, for the purpose of proving the research hypotheses, as it was prepared based on a review of the available scientific sources related to the topic of cloud accounting and the quality of accounting information. With the aim of identifying the most important points that affect the quality of accounting information, and giving suggestions and correcting deviations to achieve good accounting information in the future.

3-1-1: Research community and research sample:

In collecting data, the researcher used the questionnaire form, which is a tool to follow up on the research topic, through a series of examples related to the different axes of the research topic, with the aim of helping in analyzing and evaluating these axes. The aim is to record a number of effects related to specific events, whether desirable or undesirable, for any A process within a specific period of time, and facilitating the process of collecting and organizing data, to reduce the largest possible number of errors. The questionnaire form method is used to collect and record data, whether in the form of event numbers in a specific and fixed manner, as its scale is three, five, or seven, consisting of axes or levels. The questionnaire form relies on the use of a unified form to collect data over a certain period of time, which helps record data in a unified and organized manner, and facilitates making decisions based on objective data.

3-1-2: Measuring the validity and reliability of the study questionnaire:

First: Validity of the tool: It means that the scale measures what it was designed to measure, and the validity of the tool was measured through content validity: The content validity of the questionnaire was verified by calculating Pearson correlation coefficients between each item of the study tool with the overall score for the section or field in which This paragraph belongs to the five-point Likert scale, using the statistical program (SPSS). Table (1) shows the values of the correlation coefficients for the total paragraphs of the sections.

Table (1): Matrix of the total values of Pearson correlation coefficients at the significance level of 0.005

Interviewer Correlation coefficient
Cloud accounting 0.855
Quality of accounting information 0.824

Source: Prepared by the researcher based on the results of statistical analysis spss.v26

   It is noted from Table (1) that the total values of the correlation coefficients have risen to statistically significant levels between these items and the total score of the axis to which they belong, which indicates the high validity of the study tool used in achieving the goals for which it was developed.

Second: Measuring the stability of the tool:

Stability means that the measure is stable and does not contradict itself, which means that if the measure is re-applied to the same sample, the measure gives the same result with a probability equal to the value of the coefficient. To test and measure the stability of the research tools, the Cronbach Alpha* reliability coefficient was used, using the internal consistency of the respondents’ answers to the research tool items, and the results are shown in the table. (2)

Table (2): shows the reliability coefficients

the field Number of paragraphs Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient
Cloud accounting 5 0.778
Quality of accounting information 5 0.893
Total marks 10 0.871

Source: Prepared by the researcher based on the results of statistical analysis

3-2: Description and analysis of the research sample

First: General information about the sample

The researcher randomly selected the research sample, and this sample included unit officials and a number of employees of private joint-stock companies in Baghdad, in Al-Mansour specifically, represented by (Al-Harir Exchange Company, Al-Rayyan Company, and Al-Atheer Company), and the results were as follows:

1- Gender: The statistical results presented in Table (3) showed that the percentage of females in the sample was (48%) compared to (52%) for males. This shows that the numbers of employees in joint-stock companies are almost similar, and this is due to the companies in the research sample adopting fair principles in Employment of its workers, as shown in Table 3, shows these percentages.

Table (3): Description of the research sample, gender

Variables Target sample Repetition Percentage
Gender Male 39 52%
Females 36 48%
Total 75 100%

Source: Prepared by the researcher based on the questionnaire form.

2- Description of the research sample according to length of service: The statistical results presented in Table (4) showed that (52%) of the research sample members had a service range between (5-10 years). This sample represented the highest percentage, and then comes the group (More than 10 years), as the percentage of this category reached (32%), then the last category (from 1-5 years) with a percentage of (16%). It becomes clear that the joint-stock companies in the research sample have multiple experiences, and it is noted that the percentage is lower for those with little experience, due to The nature of work there…and Table No. (4) shows these percentages.

Table No. (4): Description of the research sample according to length of service

Variables Target sample Repetition percentage
Length of service From 1-5 years 12 16%
From 5-10 years 39 52%
More than (10) years 24 32%
Total 75 100 %

Source: Prepared by the researcher based on the questionnaire form.

3- Description of the research sample according to academic qualification: The statistical results presented in Table (5) indicate that a percentage of (74.6%) of the sample are holders of a bachelor’s degree, as this category represented the highest percentage in terms of academic qualification, then followed by the category of individuals surveyed who held a bachelor’s degree. The percentage of the master’s degree in this category was (16%), while the doctorate or its equivalent category was (9.5%), while the other categories had a percentage of (0%). This means that the research sample has the ability to know the nature of the work, which reflects positively on the final results of the study. Table No. (5) shows these percentages.

Table No. (5): Description of the research sample according to educational attainment

Variables Target sample Repetition percentage
Acadimic qualification Diploma 0 0%
Bachelor’s 56 74.6%
Master’s 12 16%
Ph.D 7 9.3%
Other 0 0%
Total 75 100 %

Source: Prepared by the researcher based on the questionnaire form

Second: Statistical analysis of the sections of the cloud accounting section

se Paragraph Arithmetic mean standard deviation Relative weight t value Ranking  
1 The employees working in the company have in-depth knowledge of the concept of cloud accounting 4.38 0.567 88.60 23.17 1  
2 The company has an intention to adopt cloud accounting in the near term 3.97 0.676 78.20 13.11 5  
3 The advantages of cloud accounting play a major role in making it better than traditional accounting for adoption. 4.13 0.547 81.92 19.47 3  
4 There are many obstacles and challenges to cloud accounting that make companies reluctant to use it at the present time 3.99 1.029 78.72 9.37 4  
5 The technological and financial risk factor of cloud accounting makes the company hesitant to use it. 4.16 0.743 80.06 13.44 2  

The tabular t value at a significance level of 0.05 and a degree of freedom of “74” equals 1.995.

From Table No. (6) the following is clear:

1- Paragraph (1), which is (that the employees working in the company have in-depth knowledge of the concept of cloud accounting) came in first place in terms of the degree of agreement among the members of the study sample, with a mean value of (4.38), which indicates the direction of the research sample towards (agreed). Completely), and with very good homogeneity in the answers, and this is confirmed by the value of the standard deviation of (0.567) and the relative weight equals 88.60%, which is greater than the neutral relative weight of “60%”. The value of t reached (23.17), which is greater than the value of the tabular t. At a significance level of 0.05 and a degree of freedom of “74” it equals 1.995. This indicates that the employees working in the company have in-depth knowledge of the concept of cloud accounting.

2- Paragraph (2), which is (The company has an intention to adopt cloud accounting in the near term) came in last place in terms of the degree of agreement among the members of the study sample, with an arithmetic mean value of (3.97), which indicates the direction of the research sample towards (agreed), and with homogeneity. Very good in the answers, and this is confirmed by the value of the standard deviation of (0.676), and the relative weight reached (78.20%), which is greater than the neutral relative weight “60%”. The value of t reached (13.11), which is greater than the value of the tabular t at the level of significance. 0.05 and a degree of freedom of “74” equals 1.995. This indicates that the administration has an intention to adopt cloud accounting soon.

3- Paragraph (3), which is (The advantages of cloud accounting have a major role that make it better than traditional accounting for its adoption.) came in third place in terms of the degree of agreement among the members of the study sample, with an arithmetic mean value of (4.13), which indicates the direction of the research sample towards ( Agreed), with very good homogeneity in the answers, and this is confirmed by the standard deviation value of (0.567) and the relative weight equals 81.92%, which is greater than the neutral relative weight of 60%. The t value reached (19.47), which is greater than the tabular t value at the level of significance. 0.05 and a degree of freedom of “74” equals 1.995. This indicates that the advantages of cloud accounting play a major role in making it better than traditional accounting for its adoption.

4- Paragraph (4), which is (There are many obstacles and challenges to cloud accounting that make the company reluctant to use it at the present time) came in fourth place in terms of the degree of agreement among the members of the study sample, with a mean value of (3.99), which indicates the direction of the research sample. Aim for (agreed), with very good homogeneity in the answers, and this is confirmed by the standard deviation value of (1.029) and the relative weight equals 78.72%, which is greater than the neutral relative weight of “60%.” The value of t reached (9.37), which is greater than the value of the tabular t at the level. The significance of 0.05 and the degree of freedom of “74” equals 1.995. This indicates that there are many obstacles and challenges to cloud accounting that make the company reluctant to use it at the present time, including obstacles to Internet flow, as it constitutes a major obstacle for all customers due to the constant interruptions and weak flow in general.

5- Paragraph (5), which is (The technological and financial risk factor of cloud accounting makes the company hesitant to use it.) came in second place in terms of the degree of agreement among the study sample members, with a mean value of (4.16), which indicates the research sample’s direction towards ( Agreed), with very good homogeneity in the answers, and this is confirmed by the value of the standard deviation of (0.743) and the relative weight equals 80.06%, which is greater than the neutral relative weight of “60%”. The value of t reached (13.44), which is greater than the value of the tabular t at the level A significance of 0.05 and a degree of freedom of “74” equals 1.995. This indicates that the technological and financial risk factor of cloud accounting makes the company hesitant to use it.

Third: Statistical analysis of the paragraphs of the accounting information quality section

se Paragraph Arithmetic mean standard deviation Relative weight t value Ranking  
1 Using cloud accounting provides relevant information that helps in making decisions within the company 4 0.566 76.60 14.17 2  
2 The use of cloud accounting improves the level of financial reporting by providing integrated information about the company, which enhances the feature of honest representation. 3.68 0.345 56.20 11.12 5  
3 Using cloud accounting provides error-free information about the company, which enhances honest representation. 4.13 0.534 76.92 15.47 1  
4 The characteristics of cloud accounting in terms of speed and diversity affect the characteristics of accounting information in an integrated manner, as well as the determinants of cost and benefit. 3.96 1.030 69.72 8.37 3  
5 The use of cloud accounting improves the comparability of information between company branches or between a particular company and its market counterpart. 3.94 0.542 78.92 15.11 4  


The tabular t value at a significance level of 0.05 and a degree of freedom of “74” equals 1.995.

From Table No. (9) the following is clear:

1- Paragraph (1), which is (using cloud accounting leads to providing appropriate information that helps in making decisions within the company) came in second place in terms of the degree of agreement among the study sample members, with a mean value of (4.00), which indicates the direction of the research sample. Aim for (agreed), with very good homogeneity in the answers, and this is confirmed by the standard deviation value of (0.566) and the relative weight equals 76.60%, which is greater than the neutral relative weight of “60%”. The t value reached (14.17), which is greater than the tabular t value. At a significance level of 0.05 and a degree of freedom of “74” equals 1.995. This indicates that the use of cloud accounting will provide appropriate information that will help in making decisions within the companies in the research sample.

2- Paragraph (2), which is (The use of cloud accounting leads to improving the level of financial reports by providing integrated information about the company, which enhances the characteristic of honest representation) came in last place in terms of the degree of agreement among the study sample members, with a mean value of (3.68). , which indicates the trend of the research sample towards (agreed), and with very good homogeneity in the answers, and this is confirmed by the standard deviation value of (0.345) and the relative weight reached (56.20%), which is greater than the neutral relative weight of “60%”. t (11.12) is greater than the tabular t value at a significance level of 0.05 and a degree of freedom of “74” equals 1.995. This indicates that the use of cloud accounting leads to improving the level of financial reports by providing integrated information about the company, which enhances the characteristic of honest representation.

3- Paragraph (3), which is (Using cloud accounting leads to providing error-free information about the company, which enhances the characteristic of honest representation.) came in first place in terms of the degree of agreement among the members of the study sample, with an arithmetic mean value of (4.13), which indicates The trend of the research sample towards (agreed), and with very good homogeneity in the answers, and this is confirmed by the value of the standard deviation of (0.534) and the relative weight equals 76.92%, which is greater than the neutral relative weight of “60%”. The value of t reached (15.47), which is greater From the tabular t value at a significance level of 0.05 and a degree of freedom of “74” equals 1.995. This indicates that the use of cloud accounting leads to providing error-free information about the company, which enhances the characteristic of honest representation.

4- Paragraph (4), which is (The characteristics of cloud accounting in terms of speed and diversity affect the characteristics of accounting information in an integrated manner, as well as the determinants of cost and benefit.) came in third place in terms of the degree of agreement among the study sample members, with a mean value of (3.96), Which indicates the trend of the research sample towards (agreed), and with very good homogeneity in the answers, and this is confirmed by the standard deviation value of (1.030) and the relative weight equals 69.72%, which is greater than the neutral relative weight “60%”. The t value was (8.37). It is greater than the tabular t value at a significance level of 0.05 and a degree of freedom of “74” equals 1.995. This indicates that the characteristics of cloud accounting have an impact on the characteristics of accounting information in an integrated manner, as well as on the determinants of cost and benefit.

5- Paragraph (5), which is (The use of cloud accounting leads to improving the comparability of information between company branches or between a specific company and its counterpart in the market.) came in second place in terms of the degree of agreement among the study sample members, with a mean value of (3.94). ), which indicates the trend of the research sample towards (agreed), and with very good homogeneity in the answers, and this is confirmed by the value of the standard deviation of (0.542) and the relative weight equals 78.92%, which is greater than the “neutral relative weight” of 60%, and the t value reached (15.11). It is greater than the value of the tabular t at a significance level of 0.05 and a degree of freedom of “74” equals 1.995. This indicates that the use of cloud accounting leads to improving the comparability of information between branches of the company or between a specific company and its counterpart in the market.

3-3: Testing research hypotheses

This axis aims to test the influence relationships between the independent variable (cloud accounting) and the dependent variable (quality of accounting information), and in light of the main hypothesis which states (there is no statistically significant effect at the level of statistical significance for cloud accounting on the quality of accounting information in public joint-stock companies Iraq), from which three sub-hypotheses emerged, using a simple linear regression model. The levels of analysis were taken at the sub- and total levels to determine the significant effect of each sub-variable of the independent variables on each sub-variable of the dependent variables. As for accepting or rejecting the main effect hypothesis, the By calculating the number of significant models as a percentage out of all models, if it achieves more than (50%), the hypothesis is accepted, but if the significant models are less than this percentage, the hypothesis is rejected. As for the dimensions of the hypothesis, this is done by comparing the calculated (F) with the tabulated (F) value. Below the level of significance (0.05) as follows:

The main hypothesis of the research: (There is no statistically significant effect at the level of statistical significance for cloud accounting on the quality of accounting information in Iraqi public shareholding companies). Three sub-hypotheses have branched from this hypothesis, as shown in Table (10)

Table (10): shows the effect of cloud accounting on the quality of accounting information


          Cloud accounting




Accounting information

Fixed limit (a) Beta coefficient

The coefficient of determination R2 Calculated F value Moral decision
Relevance of accounting information 1.775 .128 .615 3.981 .642 effect
Objectivity of accounting information .756 .661 .714 15.994* .012 effect
Timeliness of accounting information 2.949 .349 .905 4.508* .095 effect
  Moral models number       2      
  Relative importance       30%      

* Tabulated F value at 0.05 level = (3.89)

1- Analysis of the impact of cloud accounting on the suitability of accounting information: It is clear from Table (10) that the calculated (F) value reached (3.981), which is greater than the tabulated (F) value of (3.89) at a significance level (0.05), and at a significance level ( 642.), This means that there is an effect of cloud accounting on the dependent variable, suitability of accounting information, and from the same table it is possible to notice the value of the constant (1.775a =), and this means that there is an effect of cloud accounting in the amount of (1.775), even if the suitability of accounting information is equal to Zero. As for the value of (128 = ), it means that a change of one unit in cloud accounting will lead to a change in the suitability of accounting information of (128). As for the value of the coefficient of determination (R2), it was (.615). This means that cloud accounting explains 61% of the variance occurring in the suitability of accounting information.

2- Analysis of the impact of cloud accounting on the objectivity of accounting information: It is clear from Table (10) that the calculated (F) value reached (15.994), which is greater than the tabulated (F) value of (3.89) at a significance level (0.05), and at a significance level ( 012.), This means that there is an effect of cloud accounting on the dependent variable, the objectivity of accounting information, and from the same table it is possible to note the value of the constant (0.756 = a), and this means that there is a presence of cloud accounting of (0.756) even if the amount of objectivity of accounting information is equal to Zero. As for the value of (661 = ), it means that a change of one unit in cloud accounting will lead to a change in the objectivity of accounting information of (661). As for the value of the coefficient of determination (R2), it was (714), This means that cloud accounting explains (0.71%) of the variance occurring in the objectivity of accounting information.

3- Analysis of the impact of cloud accounting on timeliness of accounting information: It is clear from Table (10) that the calculated (F) value reached (4.508), which is greater than the tabulated (F) value of (3.89) at a significance level (0.05), and at a significant level. (.095), and this means that there is an effect of cloud accounting on the dependent variable, the timing of accounting information, and from the same table it is possible to notice the value of the constant (2.949 = a). This means that there is a presence of cloud accounting of (2.949), even if the amount of timing is The accounting information is equal to zero. As for the value of (349 = ), it means that a change in the amount of one unit in cloud accounting means a change in the timing of the accounting information of (349). As for the value of the coefficient of determination (R2), it was (905). This means that cloud accounting explains 90% of the variance occurring in the timeliness of accounting information.

Based on the above-mentioned results, I collect them, and considering the percentage of relative importance, we find that it is less than 50%. Therefore, we reach the rejection of the null hypothesis and the acceptance of the existence hypothesis, which indicates the presence of a statistically significant effect at the level of statistical significance for cloud accounting on the quality of accounting information in Iraqi public shareholding companies. This indicates that it is necessary to adopt this technology and be prepared and prepared to apply it, for the purpose of developing international financial reports in line with cloud accounting applications and their risks, in order to ensure the preservation of the quality and credibility of financial reports and the information they contain.

The fourth topic:

Conclusions and recommendations

4-1: Conclusions:

1- Cloud accounting is considered one of the modern technologies based on cloud computing, which helps those in charge of the accounting information system perform their work easily.

2- Cloud accounting helps organizations reduce costs and benefit from many advantages, but this is accompanied by many possible risks that must be taken into consideration.

3- There is a moderate degree of in-depth knowledge of the concept of cloud accounting in the business environment of joint-stock companies, the research sample, in addition to an absolute lack of confidence in relying on it, despite the advantages it produces related to reliability, lower risks, and lower cost, especially with the expansion of the volume of activity, which is accompanied by an expansion of financial statements. .

4-2: Recommendations:

1- The need to draw companies’ attention to the advantages of cloud accounting in the long term, rather than limiting it to the short term by judging its ineffectiveness and comparing it with traditional systems.

2- Gradual integration is considered a good option that business organizations and companies can rely on in order to learn about the various advantages available through conducting accounting courses, taking into account the comparison of traditional and modern accounting, and then evaluating that period before relying entirely on cloud accounting.

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