Research studies

The Impact of Microsoft Business Intelligence (BI) Tool on Decision Making in Higher Education – MENA Region Study

Prepared by the researcher – Dr. Radwan Choughri. Jinan University, Tripoli, Lebanon

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Human Resources Development for Studies and Research : Third Issue – January 2019

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin.

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
  ISSN  2625-5596

Journal of Human Resources Development for Studies and Research

 :To download the pdf version of the research papers, please visit the following link


This study investigated the impact of Microsoft Business Intelligence Tool on decision making in higher education institutions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.  Among the goals of the research was to test three hypotheses:  There is a significant relationship between the use of BI tools and better management of the performances of lecturers; there is a significant relationship between the use of BI tools and better management of student affairs, including academic & non-academic results and payments; and there is a significant relationship between the use of BI tools and good decision making by decision makers. An online questionnaire was used to obtain data from administrators in higher-learning institutions in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon. A total of 353 valid responses were received. An analysis of the findings proved each of the three hypotheses. The findings imply that higher-learning institutions must embrace BI tools to assist in decision making if they are to remain competitive in the modern market.

5/5 - (2 صوتين)

المركز الديمقراطى العربى

المركز الديمقراطي العربي مؤسسة مستقلة تعمل فى اطار البحث العلمى والتحليلى فى القضايا الاستراتيجية والسياسية والاقتصادية، ويهدف بشكل اساسى الى دراسة القضايا العربية وانماط التفاعل بين الدول العربية حكومات وشعوبا ومنظمات غير حكومية.

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