الكتب العلمية

ESP Teaching Today : Current Practices, Challenges and Perspectives


 The #Democratic_Arabic_Center based in Germany – Berlin, is pleased to present the work book of the

ESP Teaching Today : Current Practices, Challenges and Perspectives

March, 6th – 7th, 2022 

In collaboration with

  • The Laboratory of Dialects & Speech Processing (Oran 1) – Algeria
  • The National Research Project  P.R.F.U: Toward Critical Thinking Based EFL Class : A Must –to- Have Skill for Impacting Social Change  (ENS Oran)
  • Scientific Research & Studies Center- Tobruk University-Libya

ESP Teaching Today Current Practices, Challenges and Perspectives

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ESP Teaching Today Current Practices, Challenges and Perspectives

First edition “2022” – Book – ESP Teaching Today : Current Practices, Challenges and Perspectives

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Democratic Arabic Center


As any other kind of language teaching, English for Specific Purposes is first and foremost based on the process of learning, a process which nevertheless addresses the needs of certain communities of learners, namely individuals interested in acquiring some professional skills and performing job related practices. Due to its oriented focus, ESP exhibits some characteristics that differentiate it from ESL (English as a Second Language) or EGP (English for General Purposes). First, it is language in context, this fact requiring real life learning situations, scenarios that tent to replicate the specific working or professional settings the ESP students might be related to or interested in. Instead of focusing on general grammar, vocabulary and language structures, this teaching – learning intercourse stresses the importance of practicing the necessary skills one would mostly employ in their future fields of activity

Since its emergence in the late 1960s, ESP has undergone a constant process of development, defining its scope, improving methodology, shaping its objectives and orientations, and enlarging the number of course books designed to serve its purposes. Yet, ESP teaching practices remain extremely varied depending on practitioners ,institutions and countries. Therefore, this conference focuses on today’s diversity of ESP teaching/learning. It also raises the question of the theoratical foundations of ESP practices and, as such, welcomes papers on all aspects and issues of ESP didactics

The main  objective of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners  in the field of ESP over discussions of various themes building upon their classroom experiences and field research tracking day- to- day challenges and obstacles

In sum, the encompassing ambition of the conference is to attain solutions that would, hopefully, improve the teaching of ESP by discussing the importance of developing and intorducing training programs for ESP practitioners

– : To view the Book’s table of content

Index of Issue

  Author(s) Title Page Range
1 Nacira GHODBANE What is Needed in A Globalized World: GE or ESP? An Investigation from EFL Students Perceptions.

The Case of Master One LAL Students at the Department of English–Batna 2 University – Algeria

2 Nachoua KELKOULA & Hanane OUIS Exploring Teachers’ Perspectives on the Challenges

of Teaching English for Medical Purposes:

the Case of 7 th Year Medicine Students

at Bedji Mokhtar ANNABA University (Algeria)

3 Fatiha SAHLI The Role of ESP Practitioner

and the Use of Technology

4 Abir Soundous GHASKIL I am a Global Learner

The Urge to Establish an ESP Master Program

in the Algerian University

5 Agnieszka DUDZIK Beyond words: teaching English for Medical Purposes 62-68
6 Somia BOUDINAR Challenges of Integrating Culture in ESP Course

at the Algerian Tertiary Level:

The Case of Business English Teachers



The Impact of Critical Thinking on Achievement in the Subject of Culture and Civilisation of Language among 1st-Year Students of English, Batna 2 University 78-89
8 Souhila BOUKHLIFA ESP between the Logic and the Scientificin the LMD Curriculum: the case of First year CPST students at Oran’s ENP -Maurice Audin 90-99
9 Khadidja


Learning Needs in the Workplace : Some Techniques Based on Communicative English Teaching Input for Banking and Hotel Employees 100-113
10 Hanaà BERREZOUG Applying Critical Pedagogy in the Teaching of English for Economics in Algerian Universities 114-119
11 Radia BOUGUEBS Digital Literacy Importance in ESP Teacher Education: Perceptions, Engagements and Reality 120-132
12 Houda FADEL ESP Teachers’ Perspectives towards Teaching ESP through the Flipped Classroom Approach 133-142
13 Mokhtaria KHERRAZ Needs Assessment : The Cornerstone of an Effective ESP Teaching. The case of Computer Science Master Students at Dr. Moulay Tahar University-Saida, Algeria 143-156
14 Qwider LARBI Identifying and Analyzing Students’ Needs in a Business English Context: the Case of Master2 Public Management Students at Tlemcen University 157-168
15 Mohamed Charif MANSOURI Teaching Specialized Vocabulary to Property-law Students: A Focus on Confusing Terminology 169-183
16 Noura Bashir SHAGI Using English – Arabic Translation Method as an Explanatory Tool for Teaching ESP 184-195
17 Amal ZINE Pedagogical Qualifications for Teaching English for Specific Purposes 196-208
18 Manel MOULEME New Horizon in Algerian Higher Education ;

Challengying ESP by Training University Teachers on Content-based Instruction


Publisher : Democratic Arabic Center For Strategic, Political & Economic Studies

5/5 - (7 أصوات)

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