Research studies

The role of ‘YouTube channels in developing digital education skills


Prepared by the researcher : Dr. Eman Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, Assistant Professor of Radio and Television, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education- Minia University- Egypt

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Media Studies : Twenty-Two Issue – February 2023

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN 2512-3203
Journal of Media Studies

:To download the pdf version of the research papers, please visit the following link


YouTube channels play a role _ important in development skills Digital Education, And that From during merge between Media multi to produce Content media, the digital techniques she can that form platform take off in the environment Informative educational, No we can omission the side educational For ” YouTube ” channels , the actor in Show Contents that contribute to development skills different I have the students and support educational activities for them, what serve and achieve Goals the operation educational, being a platform educational a task owning all ingredients interaction social with different educational skills digital Such as Ability on me Use Computer and search About the information directly About road writing the words tagged related with that skills, As well as About skills Understanding and production Content In addition to me help teachers on me Stimulate the students with lessons Visible and do with experiences miscellaneous, and he What Gives for teachers possibility D development in the area of ​​their work, so we will shed the light in our topic About : role YouTube Channels _ in development skills Education digital .

an introduction:

Digital education is considered as the law regulating the work in the digital world, which with this tremendous development in the world of technology has become an indispensable necessity, and in the event of its neglect, the oil will be mixed with water, and we will regret a lot for the occurrence of many abuses, the least of which is electronic crimes, prevention is always better than treatment, and the existence A digital law regulates technological transactions and ensures respect for freedoms, and allows the use of technology in a manner that does not affect our normal lives is the most important thing in the coming years ([1]).

then the envisioned From Education digital that get up put Regulations Make That generations used technology in the range that no impact on me their lives realism, Because we are if We left command on me wide open We will find ourselves and our children, distance Years, We swim in Scientist From digitals Away About Indeed, and this is command not Acceptable on me launch ([2]).

This makes us urgently need to activate the role of media education in the era of digital media space and information flow. Media education is not a “defense project” aimed at protection only, but rather an “empowerment project” that aims to prepare members of the public to understand the media culture that surrounds them and teach them how to deal with it and to select and choose from it and in it in an effective and involved manner ([3]).

Also, the video content that includes various skills on YouTube channels helps to motivate the students In mastering a lot of different skills and developing their cognitive aspects, as well as their superiority in intelligence Optical.

Cognitive framework:

Digital Education on YouTube channels:

she Ability on me Use the information technology to reach to me Media contents Across means media the new and analyzed and evaluate it and production content Can Share it From through it, as well Include Awareness risk potential Across Internet From Yes Strengthen Security and safety e for immunization masses against risk That means ([4]).

as such Prepare YouTube channels are one of the most important digital applications that contribute to the development of digital education skills Students have in various fields.

Digital media education is based I have to commit with controls and standards that verification Goals the operation pedagogical like research pedagogical and cycles teaching, as well as assessment continuous for students and train them On Use techniques Connection modern ([5]).

The educational video It is broadcasted through the website Interactive Building on me the demand depending on an item time Real when connected to channels TV ([6]).

The importance of digital education:

stem Importance Education digital who change Indeed vulgar to me reality moral and normative reflects The environment the real that we grew up with it And we raised inside it, The importance of digital education can be represented as follows: ([7]).

  • Create opportunities ideal: in Shade technology digital modern get up bosses the work trackers the students my new graduation and evaluate their files Personal on me the network, So From the very important education the students How to build their characters on me Internet in a form Appear picture positive constructive about them.
  • Strengthen Respect : Education contributes digital in a guarantee practice successful For students in various fields ambiance prevails respect Mutual and Responsibility towards themselves and others.
  • Security: Support Education digital Active participation For young people and children security And my cash And responsible in Scientist techniques digital on the network .
  • protection From Bullying: it usually is What Lead Shortage Awareness By education digital to me bullying mail that mostly What be its consequences dire, Bullying mail he is one shapes bullying or harassment using hardware digital Such as phones smart and hardware the computer and hardware portable and hardware tablet.
  • Prevent Bullying : contributes to educating the students Around Education digital in protecting their rights humanity And he knows them with it And protect them From Authoritarianism that From possible that exposed for him Across the internet.
  • a plus Awareness : from Where that Development Happening in Concept Education digital includes many From Capacity and competencies and characteristics and behaviors the public for individuals which motivate them on me Exploit opportunities and benefits that provides it the scientist digital addition to me Create Flexibility in Confrontation Defects potential .
  • development Intelligence Child: She help children on me that increase their ability From intelligence to be safe when use them for devices e and sites communication Social what in that to avoid bullying or send Messages script abusive and degrading gesticulate to me that in this is The environment default.
  • Strengthen acquisition Knowledge : Contribute Education digital in acquisition Lots From Knowledge and skills new own Communion effective and construction And that From During the use Administrator for this technology and practice all shapes participation Social and interaction in the form that Respects rights The human And his dignity.
  • Practically: Make the employee able to perform the tasks Currency efficiency High employment technique in the currency of the field in a way that helps him to promote his organization, as well as establish an ethical charter to deal with individuals of different nationalities and countries, stemming from our local ethics ([8]).

YouTube channels and the development of digital education skills:

It is one of the most famous websites that enable users to watch many of the published videos that include various news and information that interests them at any time and time ([9]).

The skills of digital media education are the mastery of a set of cognitive and technical skills that enable students to deal with digital media and interaction, choose, understand, analyze and evaluate the media, in addition to a set of technical skills represented in their production of new media contents with multiple media in order to enhance positive effects, safe browsing and avoiding Digital media risks  ([10]).

The digital media education for educational institutions also allows the ability to employ technology in a wise way that makes it get the maximum benefit from what is available to them ([11]).

There are many digital media skills on YouTube channels, including: ([12]).

  • A to be able to use: It means the ability to use technology skillfully and share it with others.
  • Analysis and evaluation: It means the ability to convey content, analyze and ensure its credibility and expectation.
  • Possible effects and expected outcomes.
  • Production: It is the ability to produce media content with awareness of the target, audience and how to configure Content.
  • Applying social responsibility, which is the ability to apply social responsibility, ethical principles and life experiences through the content provided.
  • the behavior or Take the initiative: it is intended with it the work in a form Individually or collective To spread the information and solve problems From During participation in the society and work voluntary and initiatives And others.

interaction with Education skills digital On YouTube channels :

It is part of the dialogue that takes place between the media organization and its audience, and through it the organization and its audience can make decisions that create social capital ([13]). being a process Smart exchange In which sender And the receiver roles and dialogue And sharing in contents Subject Informative Across means Connection modern whether with admiration or comment or share ([14]).

Also, digital media education is based on the use of the media in a creative manner in information and to express ideas and opinions freely and independently ([15]).

Forms of interaction with skills Education digital On YouTube channels :

There are many forms of interaction with digital education skills on YouTube channels:

  • Interact by liking: It is a feature that allows the user to subscribe to the various news pages, whether it is newspapers or television channels, in order to follow the latest news related to the contents that interest their interaction with these sites.
  • Interact by commenting: It means dialogue between users on the contents of issues that interests their interest in the news pages they follow to form different opinions about them, as it represents one of the most important interactive posts for the public.
  • Interaction by sharing: It is a feature that allows users to exchange ideas about news material related to issues that arouse their interest and participation from one site to another in text, sound and image.

resources and references:

  • Arrillo-Durán, María Victoria and Tato-Jiménez, Juan Luis (2019). The Benefits of Social Networking Sites in Building Reputation for Enterprises, in: Guerra, Alicia Guerra (Editor). Organizational Transformation and Managing Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. IGI Global. 70
  • Elizabeth (2019). Beyond universal Design for Learning Guiding Principles to Reduce Barriers to Digital & Media Literacy Education competence, Journal of Media Literacy Education, 2017,(2),17-29.
  • Eman Mohamed Ahmed (2020). The role of communication in achieving the goals of school radio through social communication, published research in Education and Child Culture, Minia University, Faculty of Education for Childhood, No. 2, Volume 15, January 2020, p. 285.
  • Eman Mohamed Ahmed (2019). The role of communication in achieving social communication standards, published research in Education and Child Culture, Minia University, Faculty of Education for Childhood, No. 2, Volume 14, January 2019, p. 287.
  • Fahd bin Abdul-Rahman Al-Shammari (2010). Media Education: How do we deal with the media?, Volume 1, Riyadh: King Fahd National Library.
  • Ismail Mansour (2021). What is digital education and its importance in education, available at the following link:
  • Jaafar Shahid Hashem (2020). Public interaction with applications in satellite TV via mobile phones, research published in the Journal of the College of Arts, University of Baghdad: College of Arts, Issue 133, June, 2020. , p. 562.
  • Landry, N et Basque, J (2015). Media Literacy, Contributions, Practices and Research Perspectives in Communication , Revue de communication sociale et publique, N. p15.
  • Roodt, S., Harry, N., Mwapwele (2017). The effect of using YouTube in the classroom for student engagement of the net generation on an information Systems course, In Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association, RSA 2017.
  • Samar Ibrahim Ahmed Othman (2022). Digital education skills in the preparatory stage, social communication relations, social communication relations, research published in the Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East, Egypt: Public Relations, Issue 39, June 2022 AD, pg. 968.
  • Tamer El Mallah (2016). Digital education in an accelerating world, available at the following link:

[1]Ismail Mansour (2021). What is digital education and its importance in education , available at the following link:

[2] Tamer Al-Mallah (2016). Digital education is a necessity in an accelerated world , available at the following link:

[3]  Fahd bin Abdul Rahman Al- Shimmari (2010). Media education, how do we deal with the media?, 1st edition, Riyadh: King Fahd National Library, p.4.

[4]  Samar Ibrahim Ahmed Othman (2022). Digital media education skills among middle school students and its relationship to self-censorship towards the contents of social networking sites, a research published in the Middle East Public Relations Research Journal , Egypt: The Egyptian Association for Public Relations, Issue 39, June 2022, p. 968.

[5]  Eman Mohamed Ahmed (2019). The role of the communicator in achieving media education standards through social networking sites, published research in Education and Child Culture , Minia University, Faculty of Early Childhood Education, No. 2, Volume 14, January 2019, p. 287.

[6]   Roodt, S., Harry, N., Mwapwele (2017). The effect of using YouTube in the classroom for student engagement of the net generation on an information Systems course, In Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association, RSA 2017.

[7] Ismail Mansour (2021). What is digital education and its importance in education, available at the following link:

[8] Tamer El Mellah (2016). Digital education in an accelerating world, available at the following link:

[9] The Shaker Miss (2022). The Algerian News Agency in the light of the new media “Facebook and YouTube as a model”, research published in the Journal of Media Studies: The Arab Democratic Center: Berlin, Volume V, Issue 19, May 2022 from p. 30.

[10] Samar Ibrahim Ahmed Othman (2022). Digital education skills in the preparatory stage, public relations, public relations, towards the contents of social communication, research published in the Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East, Egypt: Public Relations, Issue 39, June 2022 AD, p. 168.

[11]  Tamer Al-Mallah (2016). Digital education is a necessity in an accelerated world , available at the following link:

[12] Roodt, S., Harry, N., Mwapwele (2017). The effect of using YouTube in the classroom for student engagement of the net generation on an information Systems course, In Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers’ Association, RSA 2017.

[13] arrillo-Durán, María Victoria and Tato-Jiménez, Juan Luis (2019). The Benefits of Social Networking Sites in Building Reputation for Enterprises, in: Guerra, Alicia Guerra (Editor). Organizational Transformation and Managing Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. IGI Global. 70.

[14] Jafar Shahid Hashem (2020). Public interaction with applications in satellite TV via mobile phones, research published in the Journal of the College of Arts, University of Baghdad: College of Arts, Issue 133, June, 2020., p. 562.

[15]Landry, N et Basque, J (2015). Media Literacy, Contributions, Practices and Research Perspectives in Communication , Revue de communication sociale et publique, N.p15.

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