Research studies

The role of social networking applications in introducing the West to Islam The World Cup Qatar is a model


Prepared by the researcher : Dr. Noha Sabri Muhammad Al- Qatawneh –  PhD in electronic journalism and media legislation at the Institute of Journalism and News Sciences – Manouba University – Tunisia – Kingdom of Jordan.

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies : Seventeenth Issue – May 2023

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN  2628-6475
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies

:To download the pdf version of the research papers, please visit the following link


   Social networking applications play an important role in introducing Islam during the World Cup in Qatar. In light of the technological development that the world is experiencing, the number of users of these applications has increased to obtain news and information related to current events at the local, regional and international levels. Digital applications can constitute a starting platform for introducing the religion of Islam. During the Qatar World Cup event, by presenting content to visitors in different languages with text, sound and image for non-Arabic speakers, which allows the masses to see and hear what fascinates them about the justice and tolerance of the true Islamic religion during the World Cup, by distributing cards to the country’s guests that include written prophetic sayings In English, it expresses Islamic values and ethics”, as well as holding interactive exhibitions to introduce the history of Islam, which contributes to visitors transferring the values and tolerance of Islam to their countries through their personal and public accounts on the network, which contributes to creating an interactive environment based on dialogue and sharing about the values and tolerance of our religion Al-Hanif,, Therefore, we will shed light in our topic on: The role of social networking applications in introducing the West to His Eminence Lam during the Qatar World Cup.


Longer means social communication, one of the most prominent applications based on the Internet, which has gained a prominent importance as a special way to say and share information and opinions on a large scale ([1]).

The Abdullah bin Zaid Al Mahout Center is also one of the most important Islamic cultural centers affiliated with the Qatari Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs. He played a major role in launching the Qatar plan to introduce the World Cup fans to Islam, by providing religious materials for visitors translated in several languages, In addition to publishing the Ministry of Awqaf website a link containing a religious booklet translated into 6 main languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Russian and Portuguese to introduce the Islamic religion under the title ‘understanding of Islam’ ([2])

The Arab -Islamic culture will also be available to foreigners to see it as progress and civilization and all that dazzles them during the World Cup in Qatar, especially as they realize that the inhabitants and leadership of this Arab country embrace the Islamic religion that carries in the eyes of the Westerners a distorted image according to the assertions of the officials, The Qataris are strongly defending their identity, and they reject any intruder on the ethics of the state, whatever the cost, especially the attacks that I have known recently for their commitment to not promote homosexuality, as well as the rejection of many unethical habits, and in the same context it will allow visitors to hear the call to prayer in the five times With the melody and the beautiful voice, which sends a message related to the vocal and tasteful culture of the adherents of the Islamic religion ([3]).

    The new media has changed the way that specialists in the management of current events are viewed through the availability of methods of interaction and the dissemination of information for the affected masses, as it has transformed the force of communication from those communicating with organizations to citizens of social media users, especially when promoting an event ([4]).

Theoretical framework:

Social media applications and spreading the values ​​and tolerance of Islam during the World Cup Qatar:

is an electronic social structure used by individuals and various institutions in a social framework based on the different relationships between users, such as encouraging a specific team or belonging to an institution, such as the nature of the social status, beliefs, or class to which a particular person belongs ([5]).

Social media applications are also one of the most important digital media applications that contribute to the definition of the masses of the Science Cup with the values ​​and tolerance of Islam and Arab culture.

The Qatar DDE is the twenty -second edition of the World Cup for the National Men’s Championships, which will be held every four years, and the national teams member of the International Football Association compete.

Religious contents that are interactive through digital panels in the stadiums and hotels and the various places that visitors intended is presented in an organized and comprehensive manner to introduce Islam by the championship organizers.

Despite the defense of French President Emmanuel Macron for Charlie Hebti’s fees that were abusive to the Prophet Muhammad as freedom of expression, the organizing committee of the World Cup effectiveness after Macron attended the semi -final match between Morocco and France by placing digital platforms in the match stadium to introduce the life of the Messenger Muhammad his morals and morals, in addition To her his conquests and sales.

Social networking applications and introducing Islam during the Qatar World Cup:

They are interactive sites that allow their use of communication and interaction with each other on the issues and issues that interest their interest ([6]).

Being one of the widespread mobile applications that allows its users many other functions such as communication, interaction, exchange of information and content in various fields ([7])

The local ‘Qatar ‘ account published pictures showing the Parkord’ in the hotel rooms to introduce Islam in all languages ​​of the world during the World Cup, in addition to broadcasting a page of the Qatari Ministry of Endowments, religious materials translated in several languages ​​through an introductory guide to Islam, which allows The browser has the ability to choose his language to get to know the grace of Islam ([8])

There are many social media applications used to introduce Islam during the Qatar World Cup study, including:

  • Facebook: It is one of the social networking sites that allows the user to access the Internet, and who enables its users to communicate with each other, publish their news and share their views on the issues and ideas that it raises ([9]).
  • YouTube: It is one of the most famous websites that enable users to watch many published videos that include various news and information that interests their attention at any time and time ([10]).
  • “Twitter”: A site that allows its users to send short text messages, as it allows virtual communication and interaction between individuals used and the number of tweets reaches 500 million tweets daily ([11]).
  • “WhatsApp”: an application that allows its users to send messages, text and audio files, and share them through various groups with texts, audio, and images, in addition to making calls according to the user’s need.
  • Tik Tok: It is a smartphone application dedicated to recording and sharing videos between users ([12]).
  • “stringing”:A social networking site that allows users to upload photos and videos, filter them digitally, and share them across groups ([13]).

It is possible to benefit from social media applications to introduce Islam during the Qatar World Cup as follows:

  • Distributing religious materials translated in several languages.
  • Distributing printed books in several languages to introduce Islam.
  • Distributing translated books on the biography of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the morals of good deeds.
  • Preventing the sale of alcoholic beverages in the professors and their surroundings and respecting the country’s culture.
  • Putting some hotels in their rooms to introduce Islam.
  • – Putting some hotels in their rooms to introduce Islam.
  • Putting the hadiths in all pillars to introduce the tolerance of Islam and the love of good for others.
  • Changing the muezzins with beautiful sounds and connecting the headphones in every stadium until everyone hears the condemnation.
  • The Holy Quran is allowed after languages. 

interaction with the contents provided to introduce the tolerance of Islam through social media applications:

It is an appropriate measure to determine the effectiveness of the topics published by institutions on the Internet and social networking sites ([14]),The interaction is a dynamic communication process between the sender and the future that depends on the use of modern communication devices such as the computer, videocators and mobile phones to create reactions about the contents that arouse their interest ([15]),And that is through different communication technologies, whether by admiration, comment or sharing ([16]).

Forms of interaction with the contents provided to introduce the tolerance of Islam through social media applications:

There are many forms of interaction with the contents provided to introduce the tolerance of Islam, including:

  • LIKES records: It is an interactive feature that allows the user to show his admiration for the content provided to him through social media applications of various forms, whether they are institutions, channels or newspapers ([17]).
  • Comment interaction: It means that the user shows his suspension of the content that arouses his interest, whether it is published on the page of a institution or the pages of friends or a joint group between them, it is a feature that relies on the interactive participation of the public ([18]).
  • Interaction through sharing: They are the most used communication mechanisms, because it enables the user to share the desired materials from the user from one page to another and is the reason behind the spread of millions of media materials such as pictures, texts, and others ([19]).

resources and references:

  • Al Jazeera website (2022). Qatar World Cup 2022 kicks off with an opening ceremony of 7 cultural musical panels, available at the following link:
  • ALShaker ANissa (2022). APS in light of the new media, “Facebook and YouTube as a model,” a research published in the Journal of Media Studies: Arab Democratic Center: Berlin, Volume V, Issue Nineteen, May 2022, pg. 30.
  • Abdel Salam Abdel Hamid (2020). The use of social networks in activating optimal communication between the college and its students, a research published in the International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences, International Foundation for Future Prospects, Issue 4, Volume 2, October 2020.
  • Eman Mohamed Ahmed (2020). The role of the communicator in achieving the goals of school broadcasting through social networking sites, research published in Education and Child Culture, Minia University, Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Issue 2, Volume 15, January 2020, p. 285.
  • Gi Woong Yun , et al (2018). Hostile Media or Hostile Source? Bias Perception of Shared News, Social Science Computer Review, 2018, Vol. 36(1).
  • Herrman, J. (2019). How TikTok is rewriting the world: TikTok will change the way your social media works—even if you’re avoiding it. The New York Times:
  • Hamish Nourieh, Hamida Khaira (2017). The impact of social communication on family communication, “Facebook as a model”, an unpublished master’s thesis, Algeria: Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Media and Communication Sciences, p. 55.
  • Kamel Jamil (2022). How will the Qatar World Cup be an opportunity to introduce the world to the tolerance of Islam?, Available on the following link:
  • Keith A. Quesenberry (2019). Socail Media Strategy Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations in the Consumer Revolution, Second Edition (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, p.26
  • Jaafar Shahid Hashim (2020). Audience interaction with advertising applications on satellite channels via mobile phone devices, research published in the Journal of the College of Arts, University of Baghdad: College of Arts, Issue 133, June, 2020 AD., p. 562.
  • Moataz Shams El Din (2022). Thousands of volunteers and books in 6 languages… Qatar’s plan to bulldoze fans of Islam, Al-Balad: Available at the following link:
  • Mahmoud Mohamed (2021). Forms of interaction with the issue of the decline in the price of the pound of users of video journalism programs via social networks, research published in the Journal of Specific Research in the fields of specific education, Minia University, College of Specific Education, No. 37, Volume 7, September, 2021 AD, p. 954.
  • Mona Jaber Syed (2018). University youth’s use of Twitter in discussing political and social issues, research published in the Arab Journal of Media and Communication Research, Egypt: Al-Ahram Canadian University, Faculty of Information, Issue 20, March 2020, p. 146.
  • Rashid Al-Azozi (2022). Interactive media: revolution in communicative formats and innovation in professionalism, research published in the Journal of Media Studies, Germany, Berlin: Arab Democratic Center, Issue 19, Volume 5, May 2022 AD, p. 94.
  • Shaimaa Al-Hawary, Mahmoud Mohamed (2022). The role of social media applications in educating young people about the dangers of electronic extortion, an opinion article published in the Journal of Media Studies, Germany: Berlin: Arab Democratic Center, Issue 20, Volume 5, August 2022 AD, p. 234.
  • Samanta, Dubey ,v ,k, sarkar, B (2021). Measure of influences in social networks, Applied soft computing, Available at the following link:
  • Smith, Ronald D. (2021) Strategic Planning for Public Relations. (6th Edition). Routledge, 255.
  • Tulika Bansal, Dhananjay Joshi (2016). A Study of Students’ Experiences of Mobile Learning, Research published in Global Magazine Humanities and Social Sciences: h, USA, Volume 14 Issue 4 Issue 1.0 Year2016,p4.

[1]  Gi Woong Yun , et al (2018). Hostile Media or Hostile Source? Bias Perception of Shared News, Social Science Computer Review, 2018, Vol. 36(1).

[2] Moataz Shams El Din (2022). Thousands of volunteers and books in 6 languages… Qatar’s plan to bulldoze fans of Islam, Al-Balad: Available at the following link:

[3] Kamel Jamil (2022). How will the Qatar World Cup be an opportunity to introduce the world to the tolerance of Islam?, Available on the following link:

[4] Keith A. Quesenberry (2019). Socail Media Strategy Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations in the Consumer Revolution, Second Edition (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, p.26.

[5]Samanta, Dubey ,v ,k, sarkar, B (2021). Measure of influences in social networks, Applied soft computing, Available at the following link:

[6] Mahmoud Mohamed (2021). Forms of interaction with the issue of the decline in the price of the pound of users of video journalism programs via social networks, research published in the Journal of Specific Research in the fields of specific education, Minia University, College of Specific Education, No. 37, Volume 7, September, 2021 AD, p. 954.

[7] Tulika Bansal, Dhananjay Joshi (2016). A Study of Students’ Experiences of Mobile Learning, Research published in Global Magazine Humanities and Social Sciences: h, USA, Volume 14 Issue 4 Issue 1.0 Year2016,p4.

[8]Al Jazeera website (2022). Qatar World Cup 2022 kicks off with an opening ceremony of 7 cultural musical panels, available at the following link:

[9] Abdel Salam Abdel Hamid (2020). The use of social networks in activating optimal communication between the college and its students, a research published in the International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences, International Foundation for Future Prospects, Issue 4, Volume 2, October 2020.

[10] The Shaker Miss (2022). APS in light of the new media, “Facebook and YouTube as a model,” a research published in the Journal of Media Studies: Arab Democratic Center: Berlin, Volume V, Issue Nineteen, May 2022, pg. 30.

[11] Mona Jaber Syed (2018). University youth’s use of Twitter in discussing political and social issues, research published in the Arab Journal of Media and Communication Research, Egypt: Al-Ahram Canadian University, Faculty of Information, Issue 20, March 2020, p. 146.

[12] Herrman, J. (2019). How TikTok is rewriting the world: TikTok will change the way your social media works—even if you’re avoiding it. The New York Times:

[13] Shaimaa Al-Hawary, Mahmoud Mohamed (2022). The role of social media applications in educating young people about the dangers of electronic extortion, an opinion article published in the Journal of Media Studies, Germany: Berlin: Arab Democratic Center, Issue 20, Volume 5, August 2022 AD, p. 234.

[14] Smith, Ronald D. (2021) Strategic Planning for Public Relations. (6th Edition). Routledge, 255.

[15] Rashid Al-Azozi (2022). Interactive media: revolution in communicative formats and innovation in professionalism, research published in the Journal of Media Studies, Germany, Berlin: Arab Democratic Center, Issue 19, Volume 5, May 2022 AD, p. 94.

[16] Jaafar Shahid Hashim (2020). Audience interaction with advertising applications on satellite channels via mobile phone devices, research published in the Journal of the College of Arts, University of Baghdad: College of Arts, Issue 133, June, 2020 AD., p. 562.

[17] Shaimaa Al-Hawary, Mahmoud Mohamed (2022). The role of social media applications in educating young people about the dangers of electronic extortion, an opinion article published in the Journal of Media Studies, Germany: Berlin: Arab Democratic Center, Issue 20, Volume 5, August 2022 from p. 236.

[18] Eman Mohamed Ahmed (2020). The role of the communicator in achieving the goals of school broadcasting through social networking sites, research published in Education and Child Culture, Minia University, Faculty of Early Childhood Education, Issue 2, Volume 15, January 2020, p. 285.

[19]Hamish Nourieh, Hamida Khaira (2017). The impact of social communication on family communication, “Facebook as a model”, an unpublished master’s thesis, Algeria: Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Media and Communication Sciences, p. 55.

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