Pedagogical Contemplations and Thoughts on English Language Learning, Teaching, and Acquisition in the Libyan Environment
A collective book in which a group of distinguished researchers participated in the initiative to support young researchers to write collective books sponsored by the #Democratic_Arab_Center Germany – Berlin
Edited by: Dr. Youssif Zaghwani Omar
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-First edition “2020” – Book – Pedagogical Contemplations and Thoughts on English Language Learning, Teaching, and Acquisition in the Libyan Environment
This collective book includes a collection of 10 research papers conducted by researchers and educators from various Libyan universities regarding some contemplations and thoughts on English language learning, teaching, and acquisition in the Libyan environment. The papers shed lights on some strategies, methods, or techniques for teaching, learning, or acquiring English as a foreign language in Libya. The collective book seeks to provide some useful strategies and methods to assist the processes of teaching, learning, or acquiring English in Libyan environment. The papers, however, were selected carefully from two international conferences held in Libya and chaired and organized by the editor of this collective book. These carefully selected papers cope with and suit the theme and objective of this collective book and express their authors’ views.
تَأمُلَات وأفْكَار تَعْلِيمِيَة حَوْلَ تَعَلَّم وتَدّرِيْس وإكْتِسَاب اللُغَةَ الإنْجِلِيْزِيَةِ فِي البِيْئَةِ اللِيْبِيَة
يَحَتَوي هَذَا الكِتَابُ الجَمَاعِي مَجْمُوعَةً مِنْ 10 أوْرَاقِ بَحْثِيَة أُعِدَّت مِنْ بُحَاثٍ وأكَادِيمِيْنَ مَنْ الجَامِعَاتِ اللِيْبِيَةِ فِيمَا يَخْصُ بَعْض التَأمُلَات والأفْكَار التَعْلِيمِية عَنْ تَعَلَّم وتَدّرِيْس وإكْتِسَاب اللُغَةَ الإنْجِلِيْزِيَةِ فِي البِيْئَةِ اللِيْبِيَةِ، وتُسَلْطُ هَذِهِ الأوْرَاقُ الضَؤَ عَلَى بَعْضِ الاسْتَرَاتِيجِيَات والطُرْق والتَقْنِيَات تَدْرِيس وتَعس وتcquiring English as either ing, or acquiring ng, learning, or acquiring َلَّم وإكْتِسَاب اللُغَةَ الإنْجِلِيْزِيَةِ كَلُغَةٍ أجْنَبِيةٍ فِي لِيْبِيَا، وَيِسْعِى هَذَا الكِتَابُ الجَمَاعِي لِتَقْدِيْمِ بَعْضِ الاسْتَرَاتِيجِيَات والطُرْق المُفِيْدَة لَلمُسَاعَدَةِ في عَمِلِيَات تَعَلَّم وتَدّرِيْس وإكْتِسَاب اللُغَةَ الإنْجِلِيْزِيَةِ فِي البِيْئَةِ اللِيْبِيَةِ، والمَعْلُوم أنَّ هَذِهِ الأوْرَاقُ أُخْتِيْرَتْ بِعِنَايَةِ فَائِقَةِ مِنْ مُؤتَمَرَيْنِ عَالَمِيينِ أُقِيْمَا فِي لَيْبِيَا بِرَئاسَةِ وتَنْظِيْمِ مُحِرْرُ هَذَا الكِتَابُ الجَمَاعِي، وأنَّ هَذِهِ الأوْرَاقُ المُخْتَارِةِ تَتَمَاشَى وتَتَنَاسَبُ مَعَ مُحْتَوَى وهَدَفَ هَذَا الكِتَابُ الجَمَاعِي، وَ تُعَبِّرُ عَنْ آرَاء كَاتِبِيْهَا.
Publisher : Democratic Arab Center For Strategic, Political & Economic Studies