
Realities, Experiences, Challenges, and Remedies on Teaching and Learning English, Translation, and Literature in the Post-Pandemic Coronavirus Atmosphere in the World


For improving and developing the situation of translation as well teaching and learning English as a foreign language in Expanding Circle Countries and as a second language in Outer Circle Countries, the Democratic Arab Center in Berlin, Germany with collaboration with :

  • the University of Benghazi  –  Libya
  • the University of Mosul College of Education for Humanities – Iraq
  • Al-Quds Open University –  Palestine
  • Mustapha Stambouli Mascara University –  Algeria
  • Manouba University – Tunisia
  • University of Tripoli –  Libya

announce conducting the 1st international virtual conference under the title

Realities, Experiences, Challenges, and Remedies on Teaching and Learning English, Translation, and Literature in the Post-Pandemic Coronavirus Atmosphere in the World

This conference will be virtually online through Zoom and sponsored by Democratic Arab Center

The conference date is on 6 /7 /8 / 9  – 06 – 2021 – Note: Participation is free of charge

Chair of the conference  : Dr. Youssif Zaghwani Omar  –  University of Benghazi

Honored Committee

  • Prof Dr . Azeldeen Younis El-Dressi (President of University of Benghazi
  • Prof Dr. Yunus Morshed Amr, President of Al-Quds Open University – Palestine
  • Prof. Sameer Najdi – Vice President for Academic Affairs – Al-Quds Open University, Palestine

  • Dr. Mekkaoui Mohamed – Head of the Department of Languages – Mustapha Stambouli Mascara University, Algeria

  • Prof Dr . Nawara Imssalem (Dean of Faculty of Languages at the University of Benghazi
  • Prof Dr. Hazim Dhannoon Ismael – Dean of the College of Education for Humanities – the University of Mosul – Iraq
  • Prof. Karmas Mokhtar  (Dean of Faculty of Arts and Languages – Mustapha Stambouli Mascara University, Algeria)

  • Prof. Amer Zerek                        (Zawia University, Libya)                              Member
  • Ammar Sharaan  – President of Democratic Arab Center

We have invited some professors in English language from American and British universities to present as key speakers. We will announce key speakers later after careful selections


Learning and teaching English in expanding and outer circle countries encounter various challenges. Most of experiences in teaching and learning English in such countries have been proven unsatisfactory. So, this virtual international conference is a great opportunity for researchers and educators to present their papers in an international academic gathering regarding their experiences in teaching translation and English in their countries. The conference, also, provides great opportunities to the participants to publish their papers in an edited book free of charge and benefit from academic discussions.

Objectives of the Conference

The conference aims at enhancing researchers’ knowledge and practices in the fields of teaching and learning English, translation, and literature in the world in the era of Coronavirus pandemic.  Amongst the conference aims are the follows:

  • Exchanging knowledge and experience among researchers all over the world regarding their experiences in teaching English, translation, and literature during the pandemic of Coronavirus;
  • Providing recommendations, suggestions, and remedies for unsuccessful experiences of teaching and learning English, translation, and literature in the post-pandemic Coronavirus;
  • Raising the level of competence and performance during Covid-19 pandemic for researchers, teachers, practitioners, and specialists in the fields of English language teaching and learning, translation, and literature;
  • Raising the awareness of the importance of media literacy as a replacement for traditional education in teaching and learning;
  • Enhancing the role of culture as an integral part in teaching and learning English, translation, and literature;
  • Keeping up researchers, educators, and specialists with the latest publications in the fields of teaching and learning English, translation, and literature;
  • Establishing strategic cooperating and networking opportunities in the fields of teaching and learning English, translation, and literature among researchers, educators, and specialist;
  • Gathering researchers, linguists, grammarians, semanticists, and pragmaticians interested in exploring and discussing communicative practices within and across languages;
  • Shedding lights on various issues in the fields of teaching and learning English, translation, and literature; and
  • Gathering educators and researchers from all over the world to discuss pedagogical points regarding translation, literature, learning, and teaching English;

Axes of the Conference

The conference addresses teaching and learning English, translation, and literature dominance in different arenas and different linguistic codes, focusing mainly, but not limited, on the following themes:

  • Experiences of teaching or learning English, translation, or literature in the post-pandemic Coronavirus.
  • Challenges or remedies of teaching or learning English, translation, or literature in the post-pandemic Coronavirus.
  • Psycholinguistics issues regarding teaching or learning English, translation, or literature in the post-pandemic Coronavirus.
  • Sociolinguistics issues regarding teaching or learning English, translation, or literature in the post-pandemic Coronavirus.
  • Raising motivation for the shift towards digitization of education.
  • Supporting online resources and new learning technologies under Coronavirus atmosphere.
  • Promoting the 21stcentury methods of teaching and theories of learning in the post-pandemic Coronavirus
  • Promoting learners’ self-learning and autonomy
  • Curriculum development in the new era
  • Development of e-learning courses and instructional design
  • Raising the education of sharing and learning culture of knowledge.
  • Thinking design and learning components in the new era.
  • Translation issues in the post-pandemic Coronavirus.
  • Literature issues in the post-pandemic Coronavirus.

Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Youssif Zaghwani Omar  (University of Benghazi, Libya)  Chair
  • Dr. Majed A. Hasanin Dawod  (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)  Member
    Dr. Mohammed F. Al-Obeidi               (University of Mosul, Iraq)                     Member
    Dr. Ahlem Hal              (Mustapha Stambouli Mascara University, Algeria)       Member
    Prof. Mohsen Hamli                             (University of Manouba, Tunisia)           Member
    Dr. Jaber Abu Shaweesh                (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)           Member
    Dr. Omar Ali Elias                       (University of Mosul, Iraq)                              Member
    Dr. Nadia Nuesir                          (University of Tripoli, Libya)                          Member
    Dr. Mohammed Zagood      (United Arab of Emirates University, UAE)            Member
    Dr. Wisam Shawa                       (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)              Member
    Dr. Hamza Elthelb                      (University of Tripoli, Libya)                           Member
    Dr. Fuad Nabhan                        (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)              Member
    Dr. Ahmad Elimam                   (Atlantic International University, USA)          Member
    Dr. Munther Zyood                    (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)              Member
    Dr. Vinaya Kumari                    (Amity University, Uzbekistan)                        Member
    Dr. Nashat Masri                        (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)              Member
    Dr. Kadaoui Soumia                  (Oran University, Algeria)                                Member
    Dr. Amal Natshih                       (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)              Member
    Dr Sekkal Babou Meryem – University of Moulay Tahar Saïda Algeria
    Dr. Luai Abu Ideh                     (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)               Member
    Dr. Muneer Ismael                    (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)               Member
    Mr. Ahmad Maher                   (University of Tripoli)

Preparatory Committee

Prof. Abdulrao’f  Khrewish         (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)            Chair

Prof. Mohammed Shahin            (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)           Member

Dr. Tariq Al-Tarhouni                  (Omar Al-Mukhtar University, Libya)           Member

Dr. Mylad El-Werfali                                                          (University of Benghazhi)

Dr. Suheib Shahin                       (Democratic Arab Center, Germany)            Member

Miss. Mirvat Doma                                                              (University of Benghazi)

Mr. Baseem Ayoob                      (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)          Member

Mr. Kareim Aich                         (University of Rebat, Morocco)                    Member

Mr. Salah Algalli                         (University of Benghazi, Libya)                   Member

Eng. Imad Hodali                        (Al-Quds Open University, Palestine)          Member

Sending Abstract

Each presenter presents for 20 minutes followed by 10-minute question and discussion time

Presenters submit an abstract between 150 to 250 words. Author name, affiliation, and contact information are to be escorted along with a short bio. Full paper are to be submitted later to be edited in a book to be published by the Democratic Arab Center free of charge. All abstract and/or full papers will be blind reviewed and the notification of acceptance will be given within 7 days after receiving the submission. The book will be published before the end of October 2021. Submissions are to be sent to Dr. Youssif Zaghwani Omar (Chair of the conference) at:   dr.youssif-omar@democraticac.de

For more information, contact with Dr. Youssif Zaghwani Omar at the email

dr.youssif-omar@democraticac.de  or on Wahtsapp  00218-917501590. You will receive a notification of receiving the email by the following day at most


The papers accepted will be published in an edited book by the Democratic Arab Center in Berlin, Germany with a certificate of participation

Place and Date

This conference will be virtually online through Zoom and sponsored by Democratic Arab Center

The deadline for accepting abstracts is April 30, 2021

The conference will be held for four days on 6 – 9 June 2021 morning and evening

The deadline for full papers is August 10, 2021

Publication date is December 2021

Democratic Arab Center For Strategic, Political & Economic Studies

Deutschland – Berlin
030- 54884375
030- 91499898
030- 86450098

Continue on the Viper-Whats App : 00491742783717

4.7/5 - (8 أصوات)

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