Research studies

The impact of neuromarketing tools on traditional marketing inputs in order to complete understanding of consumer behavior online


Prepared by the researcher

Dr. Sanaa J. Mohammed  – Technical Institute of Kufa, Al-Furat Al-Awsat

Dr. Ali Aboudi Nehme  Al-Jubouri  – Imam Al-Kadhum College (IKC)

Dr. dejla J. Mohammed –  Technical Institute of Kufa, Al-Furat Al-Awsat

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies : Thirteenth Issue – May 2022

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin.

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN  2628-6475
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies

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In this research we will show a new method of marketing called neuromarketing, a combination of neuroscience results collected and used in marketing, the research question focuses on whether neuromarketing was an entry point for explaining and defining human behavior, or is a sophisticated case of traditional marketing to understand consumer behavior in order to discover the desired purchase button in consumers’ brains. The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of neuromarketing tools on traditional marketing inputs, although no neuromarketing study is available with a detailed overview of the impact of neuromarketing on traditional marketing inputs, taking into account technical and ethical problems as well. The increasing use of neuromarketing techniques to assess customer preferences and decision-making processes is an advantage for customers and marketers simultaneously. Functional MRI is among the most appropriate techniques in neuroscience mentioned in neuromarketing. However, critics emphasize restricting the free will of the consumer and its low ability to make individual decisions in purchasing behavior due to the implementation of neuromarketing. After evaluating external reactions, input models, outputs, and internal reactions to analyze brain activities, the research assesses the impact of neuromarketing on different related marketing inputs, consistent with consideration of its ethical defense. Eighteen donor participants were used for screening and are students who graduated from primary school in business administration. The results indicate that neuromarketing has a significant impact on consumer purchasing behavior, advertising, pricing, product distribution, trademarks, and decision-making as marketing inputs. Neuromarketing can therefore be counted as a great extension in the search for human behavior and the brain as a black box that can positively contribute to its practical viability.


  Neuromarketing has been entering the business world and marketers for nearly a decade and the term neuromarketing was first used by atlanta’s advertising company, Brighta, in June 2002 when they announced the creation of a business department using functional MRI. Although very recent, neuromarketing has been a combination of neuroscience and marketing practices in order to understand, predict and control human behavior. The problem with neural marketing lies in the fact that it is not clear if it is just an academic area of research or a business practice recently used by companies. On the one hand, many neuromarketing companies claim to be able to light up the Black Box of Consumer Behavior and on the other hand there are very few academic or scientific entries to validate such allegations. Therefore, my research question is, whether neuromarketing is another attempt to understand human behavior up close; if the answer is yes, how and with what results, if not, is it another practice of deceiving the business world?

As is known, business is profit-oriented, but one must also think about consumers. Are these practices beyond manipulation or not? Are these sales forecasting and preference claims solely related to corporate profits? Or is it just about how science and technology cooperate and go too far that can even explain what the brain thinks? It’s almost scary to believe that marketers know exactly what one thinks, what one loves, what one will feel tempted by the product or not, and what the process is before one buys something. It’s also pretty amazing, in terms of the advancement of science and technology if possible. In this research, I will answer all the above questions by thoroughly researching previous articles, research, books and other sources in order to provide insight into the controversial world of neuromarketing. There is some evidence to suggest that the brain itself is the main mediator of human behavior, expressed emotions and decision-making processes.

 In addition, some evidence shows that in most cases, people cannot express the reasons for their behaviour or the reasons for their preference for a particular product, consciously or unconsciously. With this in mind, the researchers’ argument is that the nervous economy takes a neurological note and physiological processes seem to be the basis for interpreting consumer behavior. Although neural marketing will not compensate for traditional methods, there is strong evidence that emerging tools such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) will improve the productivity of marketing strategies. Since brands and advertising are supposed to have an appropriate impact on consumer preferences for products, neural marketing is likely to contribute to and influence these consumer preferences by applying neural marketing techniques in a positive way.


At present, with markets crowded with many similar and slightly different products, it has become a major discipline to constantly innovate and distinguish products, which meet the needs of customers in the best possible way. Given the increasing importance of meeting customers’ needs, and the fact that in the past it was not possible to analyse the basic mental processes that occur when making decisions, this objective perspective provided by neuromarketing and neuroscience research seems very promising. In addition, nearly 80% of all new products fail during their first three years in the economic market, indicating that more harmonizations must be made between newly innovative products and actual user requirements. Therefore, non-invasive brain imaging techniques have been used for neuromarketing such as psychophysiological instruments (e.g., eye tracking) and brain imaging tools (MRI). With increasing interest, it has made it possible to actively perform brain observations during the execution of certain tasks, providing marketers with additional internal information about consumers. This research therefore covered all the procedures in which neuroscience and marketing work through online sales and we will answer the following questions:

  1. Whether neural marketing is another attempt to understand human behavior up close; if yes, how and with what results, if not, is it another practice of deceiving the business world? As is known, business is profit-oriented, but one must also think about consumers.
  2. Are these practices beyond manipulation or not?
  3. Are these sales forecasting and preference claims only related to corporate profits?
  4. Is there actually neurological marketing or not?
  5. Why is neural marketing important?

The importance  

Since the emergence of neuromarketing in 2002, it has been increasingly important and popular with companies, marketers and advertisers. Although the topic is gaining increasing interest in the medical and psychology industry, this research focuses on clarifying human behavior through the use of neural marketing and its benefits and disadvantages in the economic sector. There is some evidence to suggest that the brain itself is the main mediator of human behavior, expressed emotions and decision-making processes. Some evidence shows that in the majority of cases, persons are unable to express the reasons for their behaviour or reasons for their preference for certain objects, consciously or unconsciously, and physiological processes as a basis for interpreting consumer behaviour appear to be justified. Although neural marketing will not compensate for traditional methods, there are Strong evidence that emerging tools such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) will improve the productivity of marketing strategies. Since brands and advertising are supposed to have an appropriate impact on consumer preferences for products, neural marketing is likely to contribute to and influence these consumer preferences by applying neural marketing techniques in a positive way.

Why is neural marketing important? The issue of the effects of corporate and community neuromarketing is important because it is assumed that there is a possibility of discovering the implicit processes and mechanism that determine the decision-making process, and that it will reveal confidential information about consumer behavior that could not have been obtained through traditional marketing methods. Although there are crucial arguments against the interference of neural labels in customer privacy, it is expected that using this method, a more effective division of customers can be made, which in turn improves product marketing by considering individual and brand product preferences as well as consumer behavior in general.


One of the objectives of the research is to introduce the reader to the broad subject of neuromarketing and its use of the company as well as the consumer. However, the primary objective is to assess the impact of neuromarketing on many marketing inputs, such as consumer purchasing behavior, advertising, pricing, new product development, communication, product distribution, brands, and decision-making. The goal is to find out which of these marketing inputs is affected by neural marketing and what this might mean for the future. This new technology and objective brain analysis are expected to produce more feasible strategies to attract consumers. In addition, because there are very different views on the subject of neuromarketing and its impact, research is necessary to provide the reader with a comprehensive and objective assessment of different scientific literature. In general, through the additional implementation of neuromarketing techniques, It is desirable to disclose unavailable information about customer behavior and preferences, funds will be saved and marketing processes facilitated, and analysis of the results of neuromarketing research will help divide humans in a way that can identify individual differences in decision-making processes. The main focus is on collecting and evaluating all relevant literature on the impact of neuromarketing on the main marketing inputs mentioned above. The main focus is on the correlation between key marketing inputs and the impact of neuromarketing as a new tool on these factors, along with the market and consumer feedback. There is no literature that integrates all these factors mentioned above, an in-depth explanation of their techniques as well as ethical issues in a single research, although these are the main issues related to neuro-marketing.


Marketing research is essentially about discovering, understanding and predicting individual behavior in the market. By evaluating final consumer decisions (buy or not) it is useless to identify all the basic paths of consumer decision-making. Humans are therefore increasingly seen as a black box that preserves all the secrets of emotions and decision-making processes, both of which are difficult to understand and correct. Mansor, 2018) And so, against the background of traditional marketing research that does not lead to sufficient satisfactory results for both researchers and business representatives, neuromarketing has emerged. The purpose of neuromarketing is to combine neuroscience methods with marketing theories in order to discover the true impact of marketing on consumer behavior  ( Al Jabouri,2022) beyond what is visible. . More precisely, the application of neuroscience techniques in marketing research curricula can lead to a clearer understanding of the impact of marketing techniques on consumers. In the end, the goal of neuromarketing is to gain insights that cannot be discovered through other marketing approaches, in addition to counting them relatively more objectively with traditional behavioral research methods. More specifically, a neuromarketing perspective reveals emotional engagement as a source of future purchasing decisions, memory retention, awareness, and attention as the basis for future purchasing intentions. Keeping in mind that approximately 95% of mental processes are unconscious even for the subject, neural marketing opens up the possibility of approaching the invisible part of neural communication. (Rosca etal, 2019) Thus, access to the human black box goes beyond simply asking customers about their beliefs, feelings, ideas, memories or decision-making strategies, as neuromarketing involves studying neurological processes, focusing on hidden psychological and biological processes. (Silva, 2019) Moreover, the use of neuromarketing methods is justified by a fair balance between production and costs, but also by the ability to use it in the early stages of product and brand development with confidence that neural marketing results will not be affected by biases. The first steps towards the occurrence and development of neuromarketing were taken in 1999 when Gerry Zaltman of Harvard University conducted the first functional MRI research as a marketing tool. The concept of neuromarketing was first created and defined by Professor Ale Smidts in 2002, Al Jabouri defines neuromarketing as a practice area that is part of neuroethology, which is defined as a convergence in psychology, economics and neuroscience. The neuroscientist methods used in neuromarketing are as follows according to ( Lim,2018)

  1. Electromagnetic: Electro-Brain Planning (EEG): Detect brainwave changes using a bar or helmet of electrodes when people are exposed to marketing stimuli.
  2. Electromagnetic: Magnetic Brain Planning (MEG): It identifies changes in magnetic fields resulting from electrical brain activity when people are exposed to marketing stimuli.
  3. Electromagnetic: Stable State Topography (SST): Detects mission-related changes in sedentary brain activities triggered by visual ability (SSVEP)
  4. Metabolism: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): Examines blood oxygenation in the brain resulting from basic neural activity. (PRÁCE,2014)
  5. Metabolism: Positron emission tomography (PET): Tracks the radiation pulse to detect very accurately the metabolism of glucose within the brain.
  6. Electrocardiogram (ECG): Measures the electrical activity of the heart using external electrodes of the skin.
  7. Eye Tracking (ET): Measures eye movement and position using custom eye tracking devices.
  8. Facial Muscle Electrogram (fEMG): Records facial muscles and physiological properties when amplifying small electrical impulses.
  9. Skin Conductivity (SC): Assesses minor changes in skin conductivity responses when activating the automatic nervous system, and testing excess sweat resulting from marketing stimuli.
  10. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): It temporarily disrupts certain brain activities in order to monitor the effects of marketing stimuli on behavior through methods other than evaluating brain activity.
  11. Neurotransmitter (NT): Includes the use of various chemicals that enable the transmission of nerve signals between neurons.

Neuromarketing is closely linked to neuroe economists that emerged before neuromarketing developed into what it is today. Neuroe economics indicates that economists are able to take into account different aspects when making an economic decision. Neuromarketing is a combination of neuroscience and marketing practices. It means using the technique (PET positron tomography, MEG brain magnetic imaging, FMRI functional MRI, EEG, GSR skin response) as mentioned above, Al Jabouri) to measure emotions and record human brain reactions to different alarms such as sound, smell, images, touch, taste, etc. In this way, marketers claim to be able to predict whether the product will succeed through experiments that use imaging technology on customers, recording and activating brain signals. (Boluda,2020) This method is supposed to provide accurate predictions as well as direct results from the consumer brain, unlike other methods that require conscious participation from consumers. According to supporters of these methods, neuromarketing can be the only safe way in which companies can reduce losses and increase profits. Opponents of neuromarketing insist that it is a practice that goes far beyond acceptable marketing and advertising practices because it operates at a subconscious level that consumers cannot control or criticize; they raise the issue of free will and manipulation of marketing techniques. They add that consumers are not aware of these practices even because there is little transparency when it comes to companies.  (Kyriaki,2012).

Form (1) neuroscientist methods used in neuromarketing

Source: Researchers

Neuromarketing tools

The great advantage of neuromarketing is to measure the effect of a particular product or marketing technique in the brain using any device. This ability to measure neuromarketing is what makes it different from other traditional marketing businesses. From this point of view, measurements are a variety of equipment from high to low sensitivity in capturing measured response, and each team varies if the measurement is electrically manifested in brain waves, or measurement of radiation images of the brain. Therefore, it measures neural marketing alarms, temperature, flavors, colors, touch and sound; these feelings are translated into electric waves. The order of equipment and measurement techniques moves from neural marketing to high-quality information created by measurement, and there are some measurement tools: (Valencia,2017).

1-Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI):

The use of this technique in neuromarketing measurements is among the most expensive and high-quality information from the study to be conducted. When using this technique to study a product, it should be analyzed by people who know they are sent to marketing and measured using functional MRI. This technique can be used to measure in ad videos, visual evaluation of trademark posters, in the brain’s interpretation of the smells brand, in creating sound tones, and in comparing whether a product can generate the most to remember about another product, in assessing whether the product is like: more than anything else (bottle shape, poster color, photos, advertising poster, billboard, TV ad),  (Rosca etal,  2019) etc. The principle of functional MRI measurement technology is to inject a dye into a person’s vein while viewing the image to be evaluated, or the image can be placed in front of him to be classified as an advertisement.

The reason for this work is that the brain sends glucose to areas where it focuses on the main function of the brain while exposed to the product, and the amount of glucose that reaches the brain area is recorded as a denser color area. So functional MRI was used to evaluate commercials on TV, to evaluate political speeches, and to evaluate ads. What has been proven is that the brain regions created in psychology are called (precedence effect) (a powerful incentive for a video that allows it to remember something in seconds) and similarly, when there is a greater density of functional MRI images in the left frontal lobe area, it means that the commercial product is presented as the best. Allows a person to find the product (Lin et al.2010). A more commercial product is displayed in memory, not only is there a need to activate the left frontal lobe cortex, but also the front belt area and belt engine. However, if WHO wishes to assess the motive behind its product, the left frontal belt cortex, orbital anterior cortex and the bilateral frontal cortex are required to be activated. But the product should not only have the motive to sell; (Mohd Isa,2020)

  1. Event-related capabilities (ERP):

 Technology that has raised the potential for certain events has been commonly used in forensic psychiatry, in language training. The use of this technique is associated with demonstrating electrical activity for the surprise that occurs in the brain when a person is exposed to a commercial product. That surprise may be positive or negative and therefore this technique differentiates between the motivation sent. The indiscriminate use of this technique without accuracy in different results allows researchers to produce benchmarks and indicative measurement in order to talk about the same issues at the conclusion of the results.  ( Astolfi et al,2011).


 This is one of the most practical techniques but requires training and knowledge of the interpretation of EEG waves. The important thing is to pair the measured electrical activity in the cerebral cortex with the motivation resulting from presenting a marketing article, exposing the individual to smell, tasting something or analyzing a song for a brand. By far the most sophisticated studies are the interpretation of waves in the brain areas of the left frontal lobe area and the right area respectively. Science has shown that the use of a marketing incentive generates tita waves in the left frontal lobe cortex versus alpha waves in the right frontal lobe. Interpret brain electrical scheme waves in neural marketing. (Sah, 2019) and in the development of a new EEG product, allows brain mapping, in order to meet different waves of EEG in all areas of the cerebral cortex and thus get more valuable areas of cerebral cortex information. When more is obtained from the cerebral cortex using an electroencephalogram, it is more similar to functional MRI, without being comparable (Aitamer,2012)

4- Eye Path: Eye Path Technology

 It is an adaptation of elements used by engineers in different disciplines and the association between brain and muscle functions that move the eyes. Thus, the path reaches the eye as a marketing tool to determine where the customer’s appearance is directed. Eye path is an essential tool for neural marketing techniques, allowing the marketer to identify many variables involved in the decision to look at something. The eye path allows you to measure the following aspects when the outlook focuses on marketing a product:

  • Installation element: Measures eye movements under a particular parameter.
  • Duration setting: Determines how long the customer is late looking at the product. It should be remembered that sometimes the customer looks at a product and then passes the other and returns it to the initial product, which is the time of the aggregate exposure (Singh,2020)
  • Important point for the seller: Identify points that give more interest to the customer.
  • Product tracking: Adjust the sequence of events (products) in a particular visual domain.

In web marketing studies, the relationship between consumers and eye movement style is worked out, guiding web page designers to choose the most attractive point of sale as an online marketing tool. Eye use allows the study of theories (cognitive fluency) and “conceptual fluency” because they explain why the brand remembers and connects them to the product when contacted in supermarkets. That’s why you create a print ad in the subconscious after being exposed to the brand text and product logo in the online ad. Some of the advantages of using the eye pathway in neuromarketing techniques can be summarized in: (Berns,2010)

  • Increases brand width.
  • Increases visual attention to ads.
  • Promotes product promotions
  • Highlight key elements of the declaration.
  • Increase sales through optimal design.
  • Improving product satisfaction and real use.
  • Improving the adoption and use of new products. (Krajnovic,2012)
  • Increase brand loyalty if used with EEG techniques or brain blood flow

 Traditional marketing inputs to complete understanding of consumer behavior and dimensions

Consumer behavior includes purchasing and other consumption-related activities for people involved in the exchange. Consumer behaviour can be defined as the social actions, processes and relationships shown by individuals, groups and organizations in accessing, using and using other products, services and resources and the consequent experience with other products, services and resources. Consumer behaviour is motivated or purposeful  (Al Jabouri,2020). Behavior is geared towards the goal of obtaining other products or resources.

It is a means of exchange in the present and the future. ( Szentesi,2017) includes the three important aspects of this definition such as actions, processes and social relationships with various consumer activities. Some activities include experience of need, shopping through distribution windows, shopping by comparison, thinking about available information about the relative advantages and barriers of the product, or seeking friend’s advice on a new product… etc. Consumer behavior also includes experiences, which are the consequences of using products and services. If we analyze the definition above, we can identify the following three phenomena involving consumer behavior: activities such as actions, processes and social relationships.  such as individuals, groups and organizations  (Röndell,2012) and consumer behaviour as the actions of individuals directly in obtaining, using and disposing of economic goods and services, including decision-making processes that precede and identify such actions.

This definition includes some of the other definition features listed and discussed above. In addition,( Al Jabouri,2021) contains one of the most important aspects of the buyer’s decision-making process. This aspect is dealt with in discussing the stages of the purchase process above. The definition of consumer behavior is the activities of people involved in the actual or potential use of market elements, whether they are products, services or retail environments. Understanding consumer behavior is a vital aspect of marketing. Consumer behaviour is to examine how individuals make decisions about what they buy, want, need or act on in relation to a product, service or company. (Al Jabouri,2022) is important to understand consumer behavior to see how potential customers respond to a new product or service. It also helps companies identify opportunities that are not currently met. ( Isa,2020) Recent examples of a change in consumer behavior are consumer eating habits that have significantly increased demand for products.

Companies that have monitored the change in consumer eating patterns have created products to fill a market vacuum.  Understanding consumer behavior allowed active companies to increase their market share by anticipating a shift in consumer desires. To understand how consumer behavior affects marketing altogether, it is necessary to understand the three dimensions that affect consumer behaviour: psychological, personal and social. ( Kahn etal,2013)

 Psychological factor

In everyday life, consumers are affected by many issues that are unique to their thinking process. Psychological factors can include understanding need or attitude, a person’s ability to learn or understand information, and an individual’s position. Everyone will respond to a marketing message based on their perceptions and attitudes. Therefore, marketers should take this dimension into account when creating advertising campaigns, and make sure that their campaign will appeal to the target audience ( Al Jabouri,2019)

Personality Factor

Personal factors are characteristics of a person and may not relate to other people within the same group. These characteristics may include how a person decides, customs, unique interests, and opinions. When considering personal factors, decisions are also influenced by age, gender, culture and other personal issues. For example, an older person is likely to show different consumer behaviors than younger people, which means they will choose products differently and spend their money on items that may not matter to the younger generation.  ( Colombia,2017)

Social Factor

The third factor that has a significant impact on consumer behavior is social characteristics. Social influencers are quite diverse and can include a person’s family, social interaction, work communities, school, or any group of people to whom the person belongs. It can also include the individual’s social class, which includes income, living conditions and level of education. Social factors are very diverse and can be difficult to analyze when developing marketing plans. However, it is important to take into account social factors in consumer behaviour, as they significantly affect how people respond to marketing messages and make purchase decisions. Through research and monitoring, (Al Jabouri,2021) has developed several models that help explain why consumers make decisions, including black box, personal variables and complex models.

The black box model relies on an external stimulus response, which means that something drives consumers to make purchase decisions that are affected by many factors, including marketing messages, sampling, product availability, promotions and price. When the personal variable model is affected, consumers make their decisions based on internal factors. These internal factors may include personal opinions, belief systems, values, traditions, goals, or any other internal catalyst. The third model of consumer behavior is complex. The complex model takes into account internal and external variables. ( Roth ,2013)

Form (2) traditional marketing inputs and complete understanding of consumer behavior for neuromarketing

Source: Researchers

Neuromarketing and its impact on consumer behavior

 Starting with the effect of neuromarketing on consumer purchasing behavior through in-depth analysis, specifically through the use of neural marketing techniques, consumer purchasing behavior can be useful, because consumers are often unable to express their desires and needs when they ask for a particular product, which is why the brain itself is supposed to contain internal information, which may clarify their real desires and needs. If this knowledge is available, people’s purchasing behavior is likely to be influenced and the question of cost aspects of neural marketing will outweigh the advantage of the internal information provided. Neuromarketing techniques are therefore an ideal opportunity to use the latest developments in brain scans to learn more about the mental processes behind customer purchase decisions. Which will in theory be able to determine consumers’ purchasing behavior by activating the brain area responsible for final decision-making, since all neurological and cognitive processes are associated with multiple factors, or so-called multiple factors, and therefore cannot be reduced to a single area. Finally, one can say that neuromarketing methods in general, especially with regard to consumer purchasing behavior, can measure important effects, and their results can be used as a model for future analysis or product development. ( Rosca,2019).


The sample size was 18 participants after taking their consent. Four demographic questions were part of the tool. The research followed ethical guidelines such as legitimate incentives, prevention of hidden marketing, protection and participation of vulnerable groups, debriefing from participants, and accurate communication of the outcome (Hensel et al. 2016).  A group of primary school students from the Business Administration, aged 21 to 30, have been hired by online consumers. The data was collected through eye tracking, with the help of Dr. Ahmed Muslim Zoghbi, an MRI specialist at The Sponsor General Hospital. The data collection and analysis tools used in the project are eye tracking, face tracking and emotion measurement. Classifying emotional state helps you understand how a customer feels and what they experience in a particular situation. Emotional status classification applies to different areas of our lives from neuromarketing to the retail industry (determining how emotions affect product choice and purchasing behavior). The best online retailers were selected from Iraq. According to previous research, small sample sizes are appropriate if the actual effects are really large enough to be reliably observed in such samples in the case of neuromarketing studies. Audio-visual stimuli were used.  Participants were also asked before the survey whether they were taking medications or suffering from brain injuries in order not to bias data in our work.

Data analysis

Eye tracking devices measure and collect data about the perception of certain stimuli. Heat or attention maps show how many installations participants have made in a particular part of the image. Heat maps are indicators of participant concentration, with red-marked areas indicating a large number of stare points followed by red and blue. On the heat map, blue indicates the largest number of installations, while red indicates the lowest number, with varying levels between them. A shadowless area on the heat map shows that participants did not focus on that particular area of stimuli. Visualization can only be used to analyze data from neuro lab tests. The screens that are applied include the look chart, heat map, dimming image, areas of interest, and thermal map video. Analysis shows that the number of installers on product shelves is the highest in (88%). The second highest installation rate is from (72%). The third highest number of installations is from other online retailers. The eye tracking tool contains hundreds of metrics; As in Figure 3

Form 3 eye tracking tool on hundreds of scales( Rosca,2019).

The feelings created in the face of customers while looking at product shelves are considered. Passion qualities stimulated the front time zones. When there was longer, there was also increased physical interaction with the product and a more wonderful display of mostly negative emotions. Customers show joy in emotion, but shelves gradually break up, so online retailers need to plan a more attractive process. The emotion rate when looking at product shelves is 27% in farah and 73% neutral. Pleasure gradually turned into melancholy.

The field called red indicates the highest stare points, followed by yellow and green. The thermal map of the product rack shows high, medium and vulnerable stare points for respondents on the product rack of online retailers. Displaying shelves for online retailers needs to attract and engage customers because the conversion depends on them. The central top position is more attractive, so the shelf screen should include the location of the basic items. That emotions showed 2% grief, 1% joy and 95% neutrality. This means that online retailers rack are not involved. Screen shots of customers’ looks on the retailer’s online product shelves. The central website displays the utmost attention, so retailers must put their attractive offers in the center. It also shows that all the look points of the respondents are at the top.

Figure 4. A picture of emotionally alarm clocked waves after sound. (Ekanayake, 2011).

Shape 5. Functional MRI Images (MRI) (Rosca etal, 2019)


Research suggests that visions of improving advertising are necessary to influence the consumer. Engaging customers in online retail is essential. The look points determine the importance of using the specific part of the product shelves to improve customer participation. We look at the impact of neural marketing applications on consumers. The quality of the ad is measured by the number of installation points and the look by customers. We found differences in look points, installation census, heat maps, and consumer emotions in explaining the impact of neural marketing tools on consumer response in online retailing. Qualitative research provides multiple benefits compared to traditional marketing methods, previous researchers said.

Neuromarketing is a system that involves adding value in marketing search and leads companies to use results-oriented marketing inputs. The development of neuromarketing as a scientific principle contributes to improving quality and better understanding of consumers. The research provides insight into neural marketing applications in advertising to consumers in online retail.

 Conclusions and future trends

 Neuromarketing has received great attention in both the scientific community and the media. Although a few neuroscientist studies have been conducted, current evidence suggests that neuroimaging can be used usefully in many areas of marketing. For a marketer, neuroimaging can be attractive because it may be cheaper and faster than current marketing tools, and because it can provide hidden information about products that cannot be obtained.

 We believe that neuroimaging is unlikely to be more cost-effective than traditional marketing tools, and continued developments in the analytical tools of neuroimaging data suggest that neuroimaging will soon be able to detect hidden information about consumer preferences. Although this information can enhance post-design sales efforts, we believe the real return will come during the design process. The use of functional MRI data during design can affect a wide range of products, including food, entertainment, buildings and political candidates.

There are two aspects to using this information. Product manufacturers can use neural information to force the public to consume products they don’t need and don’t want. However, we hope that future uses of neuromarketing will help companies identify new and exciting products that individuals want and find useful. One example is the new trend in user design as companies allow consumers to participate online in designing new products and by doing so create more useful products for companies and their customers.

The next stage in user design may be one that includes not only what consumers express, but also what they think. Finally, we believe that there is much that neural marketing can contribute to the interface between people and companies, thereby enhancing a more human-friendly design of the products around us. Experienced marketers still remember the hype about unconscious advertising, which soon faded despite the research interest surrounding it (and the search for unconscious configuration remains a large part of academic research in social psychology). How can we be sure that neuromarketing will not suffer the same fate? First, the academic community must take this subject seriously and not leave it to nervous marketers. We should also ask deeper questions about how marketing works and not just examine whether type X advertising works better or worse than type Y. If we take neuromarketing as an examination of the neural activities that underlie everyday activities related to people, products and marketing, this can become a useful and enjoyable path to academic research while providing useful input to marketers.


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  12. Soares Ana Isabel Mota,(2011), MESTRADO EM MARKETING PLANO DE MARKETING IATROS CLINIC 2012-2013, ª Doutora Helena do Carmo Milagre Martins Gonçalves, Professora Auxiliar do Instituto Superior de  Economia e Gestão da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
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  15. Al-Jubouri, A. A. N., Alabassi, M., & Mohammed, J. (2020). Role of Organizational Accountability in the Reduction of Social Loafing Behavior in the workplace: An Empirical Study in Al-Sadr General Hospital. Int J Psychosoc Rehabil, 24(07), 13.‏
  16. AlJabouri, A. A., & Mohammed, S. J. (2020). The impact of marketing deception in the e-procurement decision/exploratory study of students of the Business Department at the Faculty of Administration and Economics at Iraqi universities. TANMIYAT AL-RAFIDAIN, 39(128), 129-149.‏
  17. Al Jabouri, A. A. N., & Kadhum, S. A. (2021). Flying instruments and their impact on the national economy and the extent of their control (CTS guidelines model).‏
  18. Al-Jubouri, A. A. N. (2020). The formal framework and strategic approach to HRM during the crisis: An applied research in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Clothes Factory.‏
  19. Al Jabouri, A. A. N., & Al-Yasiri, N. H. (2022). Marketing religious tolerance and its role in peaceful coexistence between religions and its impact on the local economy is an applied study in Iraq. Ishtar Journal of Economics and Business Studies (IJEBS), 3(1), 1-14.‏
  20. Al Jabouri, A. A. N., & Al-Yasiri, N. H. A. K. (2020). Viral Marketing and its Role in Making a Global Economic Crisis: COVID Virus as a Model.‏
  21. Al-Jubouri, A. A. N. (2020). Museum marketing skills and how to use them to attract international tourists. Journal of El-Maqrizi for Economic and Financial Studies Volume, 4(2), 87-104.‏
  22. Al-Jubouri, A. A. N., & Fleifal, A. A. (2020). The Influential Connection between Knowledge Hiding and Workplace Ostracism in Iraq.‏
  23. Al Jabouri, A. A. N. The comparative role between commercial and Islamic banks in Iraq: Rafidain Commercial Bank, Tigris Bank and Islamic Euphrates-Case Studies.‏
  24. Al Jabouri, A. A. N. The comparative role between commercial and Islamic banks in Iraq: Rafidain Commercial Bank. Tigris Bank and Islamic Euphrates-Case Studies.‏
  25. Mohammeda, S. J., Al-Jubourib, A. A., & Abdulhasan, I. Toxic and Bullying Behaviour in the Workplace: The Relationship and Impact.‏
  26. Al-Jubouri, A. A. N. The impact of banking marketing on Iraqi consumer behavior (a sample of Iraqi commercial bank employees).‏
  27. Al-Jobori, A. A. N. (2019). Social media and its impact on hotel marketing strategy through proactive service (for a sample of tourist hotels in Baghdad). Adab Al-Kufa, 1(39).‏
  28. حاكم محسن الربيعي, & علي عبودي نعمه الجبوري. (2019). The role of media marketing in attracting international tourists through the theory of social penetration (Analytical study of a sample of Iraqi tourist hotels. magazine of college Administration&Economics for economic &administration & financial studies, 11(4).‏
  29. Al-Jubouri, A. A. N. (2015). Employ the contracts of advanced financial options to build hedge portfolio-An Empirical Study in the Iraqi banking sector. Journal Of Babylon Center for Humanities Studies, 5(2).‏
  30. Al-Jubouri, A. A., & Collage, B. I. Ethical marketing and its role in achieving cyber security for Zain Iraq Telecom employees through self-disclosure.‏
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