Research studies

The use of social networks in teaching courses under the Korana pandemic


Prepared by the researcher

Dr. Shaima Al-Hawari – Professor of public law and public policy- Hassan II University- White House- The Kingdom of Morocco.

Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed – Ph.D Researcher In Media and Communication Science-Minia University

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Media Studies : Fifteenth Issue – May 2021

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin.

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN 2512-3203
Journal of Media Studies

:To download the pdf version of the research papers, please visit the following link


Societies are suffering from the spread of health crises, particularly the corona pandemic, which is more serious than other crises, Where physical damage was done to various educational institutions such as school closure, loss of learning and high drop-out rates, Therefore, all educational systems have one task: to overcome the learning crisis that we are currently witnessing, and to address the pandemic that we all face.

In this context, educational institutions have tended to find alternative ways to ensure the continuation of educational science, By introducing technology in the areas of distance learning, to reduce the risk of hiv outbreaks, In particular, youTube is used to teach different courses to school students to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus and to ensure the continuity of educational science, raise its efficiency and develop distance learning skills, To meet their needs and achieve the objectives of the educational process, In addition to creating an educational environment based on interaction, dialogue and participation between the teacher and his students about the most important difficulties they face in learning through interactive digital platforms.


Interactive communication technology has revolutionized media, communication and social media programs, This has led to the proliferation of many websites that have contributed to the strengthening of the educational process, Which played the role of link between the teacher and the learner, especially in the light of the Corona pandemic.

The social networking site “YouTube” is an important educational tool for the teacher and his students to contribute to the teaching of educational courses to school students in different educational institutions and the development of distance learning skills, To which school teachers went to communicate with their students and to ensure the continuation of the educational process and raise its efficiency, in order to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, Digital platforms have allowed students to watch and upload educational videos without time and space, In addition to interacting with them with admiration, comment and participation via personal computers or mobile applications, which have been very popular and successful, especially in the spread of the Coronavirus, YouTube also owns google, a giant company specializing in software and electronic matters, In addition, there are several uses for YouTube in various fields of education such as medicine, engineering, media, science, mathematics, geography history, language learning and more.

The concept of ‘YouTube’ as an educational tool:

It is one of the sites specialized in producing professional and mass videos, Where users can rely on it to obtain information by watching video clips of multiple topics and interacting with them through viewing, evaluation, comment and mutual discussion ([1]),It is an important educational platform that contributes to broadcasting the educational content that students watch, in addition to that it allows interaction between the teacher and his students ([2]).

Corona Virus

It is a large family of viruses that cause disease to animals and humans, known as respiratory infections that range from common colds to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome “SARS”, Coronavirus is the newly discovered Covid-19 disease in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019 ([3]).

The importance of YouTube in teaching educational courses in schools in light of the Corona pandemic:

YouTube is an important educational tool for teachers, It contributes to the broadcasting of educational courses in various disciplines and the development of distance learning skills for students, especially in light of the spread of the Corona virus, and the importance of YouTube varies, including:

  • Teaching different educational courses: Where YouTube can be used to teach various courses In addition to presenting the scientific experiments that need time to be applied in laboratories to maintain the safety of students ([4]).
  • Implementation of some research activities: The teacher can assign students to search for videos on a topic, Where they are required to write a report of the contents of these sections to make comparisons between them ([5]).
  • Providing various educational resources: Where students offer different groups of educational resources to serve educational courses, in order to form various sources of education.

YouTube and teaching educational courses in light of the Corona pandemic:

YouTube is one of the most important educational sites that educational institutions use to broadcast courses, where teachers prepare educational videos. By providing presentations related to the topic of the lesson and broadcasting them through the site, it allows students to watch educational videos[6]

And the multiplicity of educational courses that teachers teach on YouTube, including:

  • Arabic Language.
  • English language.
  • Islamic education.

How to teach educational courses via YouTube in light of the Corona pandemic:

Both Snyder and Brick believe that there are a set of steps that assist teachers in designing educational lessons and posting them on YouTube, This is to develop distance learning skills and limit the spread of the Coronavirus, the most important of which are:([7])

  • Equipment for the teacher: This step includes determining the educational content to be taught to students by preparing it in the form of a digital video, and there are two methods:
  1. The teacher filmed himself using the camera and delivered the lesson in the usual way.
  2. Use presentation programs such as PowerPoint (MS Power Point).
  • Computer Lab Preparation: It includes ensuring that the teacher has access to the Internet to the school laboratory, so that students can watch the educational channels via YouTube, Students can also be divided into educational groups upon requesting the lesson, by making cooperative participation among students to achieve the lesson objectives.
  • Discussing lectures with students: It includes the teacher discussing the students after presenting the course via YouTube, This is to see the extent of benefit from the educational video that was watched by asking more questions to ensure that they understand the lesson before evaluating them using the projects.
  • Student evaluation: It includes the teacher assigning his students to do projects individually or collectively, These projects can be delivered in the form of a recorded video that is uploaded to YouTube in the form of a presentation that is processed using video processing software.

The advantages of YouTube as an educational platform used by educational institutions in light of the Corona pandemic:

There are many advantages of YouTube as an educational tool in times of crisis, including:

  • The possibility of students viewing educational content in various disciplines and encouraging them to be creative ([8]).
  • It contributes to the development of knowledge among students ([9]).
  • The possibility of achieving cooperative learning among students and enriching the spirit of interactive discussion towards educational content.
  • The possibility of developing distance learning skills and limiting the spread of the Corona pandemic.
  • The possibility of communication between the teacher and his students about the difficulties they face in learning through digital platforms.

Sources and references:

  • Ahmed Nabil Ahmed (2018). The role of YouTube in developing the skills of some artistic activities among adolescents, research published in the Journal of Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University, College of Graduate Studies for Childhood, Volume 21, Issue 21, P.81.
  • ADAM, A, MOWERS, H. (2018). YouTube Comes to the Classroom, School Library Journal, 53(1):22, Retrieved 13/10/2018, from;
  • Adam, Anna & Mowers, Helen. (2007).YouTube comes to the Classroom ,School Library journal,01/01/2007.
  • Bloxx .(2010) .Allowing Safe Access to YouTube in the class room ,Bloxx Nosense magazine,p4.
  • Burke, Sloane& Snyder, shonna .(2008): YOUTUBE: An Innovative Learning Resource for college Health Education Courses ,International Electronic Journal of Health Education ,VOL.11,PP.39-46.
  • Firas Muhammad Odeh (2014), The Role of Social Media Networks in the Educational Process, E-Learning Center, Islamic University, Gaza, Palestine, available at the following link: http://www.elearning.iugaza.edu4
  • Snyder ,Burke (2008):Engaging the YouTube Google –Eyed generation: Strategies for Using Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning ,The Electronic Journal of E-learning ,VOL 6,NO 2,PP119-130.
  • World Health Organization (2020). What is Coronavirus, available at the following link:
  • Clearance Center .(2009).Video Use and Higher Education :Options for the future ,report: Clearance Center and conducted by Intelligent Television with the cooperation of New YORK UNIVERSITY,JUNE 2009.

[1] Ahmed Nabil Ahmed (2018). The role of YouTube in developing the skills of some artistic activities among adolescents, research published in the Journal of Childhood Studies, Ain Shams University, College of Graduate Studies for Childhood, Volume 21, Issue 21, P.81.

[2] ADAM, A, MOWERS, H. (2018). YouTube Comes to the Classroom, School Library Journal, 53(1):22, Retrieved 13/10/2018, from;

[3] World Health Organization (2020). What is Coronavirus, available at the following link:

[4] Bloxx .(2010) .Allowing Safe Access  to YouTube in the class room ,Bloxx Nosense magazine, p4.

[5] ADAM, A, MOWERS, H. (2018). YouTube Comes to the Classroom, School Library Journal, 53(1):22, Retrieved 13/10/2018, from;

[6]Firas Muhammad Odeh (2014), The Role of Social Media Networks in the Educational Process, E-Learning Center, Islamic University, Gaza, Palestine, available at the following link: http://www.elearning.iugaza.edu4

[7] Snyder ,Burke (2008):Engaging the YouTube Google –Eyed generation : Strategies  for Using Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning ,The Electronic Journal of E-learning ,VOL 6,NO 2,PP119-130.

[8] Adam, Anna & Mowers, Helen. (2007).YouTube comes to the Classroom ,School  Library journal,01/01/2007.

[9] Burke, Sloane& Snyder, shonna .(2008): YOUTUBE : An Innovative Learning Resource for college Health Education Courses ,International Electronic Journal of  Health Education ,VOL.11,PP.39-46.

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