Digital Transformation in Education: Harnessing the Power of AI and Overcoming the Barriers

Prepared by the researche : Heba Kamal Chami 1; Violla Talal Makhzoum 2
- 1Department of Arts & Science, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
- 1Faculty of Business, Modern University for Business & Science, Beirut, Lebanon
Democratic Arabic Center
Journal index of exploratory studies : Seventeenth Issue – March 2025
A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin
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In a world where digital technologies are dominant and digital environments change unpredictably, it would be questionable not to rethink education and make a change. Artificial intelligence (AI) can revolutionize education, enhance learning, empower educators with new tools,and transfer educational processes. This paper thoroughly analyzes the multidimensional challenges encountered by leaders , teachers and students as they adopt AI and gives potential solutions to enhance learning and teaching.The conference aims to facilitate the leaders and teachers work who are taking steps to decentralize the AI within the digital disruptive era through fostering a global understanding of AI’s impact.
The one-size-fits all that was used in traditional model struggles to cater educators’ needs through its uniform pace. The digital revolution that is based on AI tools was able to change this model by giving different materials that allows educators to tailor instructions to each student specific needs. This greatly redefined the way educators and learners interact and requested skills to personalize learning and optimize the educational process [1]. This paper shows the opportunity to revolutionize learning as AI continues to evolve through explaining the challenges and the possibilities for its positive impact on education to enhance learning and empowering educators.
Paper 1, authored by Zhang, Wei & Tang, Junhong. (2021). Teachers’ TPACK Development: A Review of Literature.. ” ([5])
Paper2, a report by Department of Education,”Implementation of Education Technology in Schools and Colleges Research report,” [6].
Paper 3,”El-Khishen, A. (n.d.). Artificial Intelligence and its Role in Developing the Learner’s Ability to Self-learn. ” ([7]);
Paper 4,case studies by Singh, Vinay & Ram, Surendra. (2024). Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Teacher Education” ([8]);
a study conducted by Sanaa Khneifess, ( 2024) titled “Impact of Artificial Intelligence Use on Teachers’ Teaching Skills”;([8]);
Paper 5, an examination of a study conducted by University of Algiers.”The reality and challenges of distance education at Algerian universities field study at the University of Algiers ”([9]).
Digital literacy is the ability to improve one’s technical and cognitive abilities by using ICT [5].
Professional development are activities that aims to improve teachers’ abilities, proficiency, and knowledge. ([4])
Recently, (AI) have sparked a revolution and set new opportunities for educators and learners .Educators and researchers are increasingly recognizing the importance of integrating it into the classrooms to shape the future of learning. However, integrating AI into the classroom is facing a set of challenges and potential hurdles that require careful consideration. (AlRahman Ali, 2024) has analyzed the impact of AI and highlighted that the teachers and leaders should be equipped with adequate digital skills (enablers) to face the challenges brought by the transformation and digital tools.Berghaus &Back,(2016)defined digital transformation as the “technology-induced change on many levels in the organization that includes both the exploitation of digital technologies to improve existing processes and the exploration of digital innovation which can transform the business model”.
- The first barrier in digital transformation is related to lack of digital skills by teachers and learners.E-learning has become the new formula in classes that is integrating AI across schools and universities. The challenge is that most teachers lack digital competencies. The lack of knowledge and digital literacy is the main barrier facing digital transformation and implementation of AI.
- The second barrier is related to lack the training and support needed to effectively integrate AI into their teaching practices.The educators are the backbone of education and are the change makers , nevertheless, they are used to traditional method and not easy to change after long years of experience especially that integrating AI into the classroom effectively needs to leverage their skills to use the new tools.
- The third barrier is related to risk aversion and resistance to change in which changing academic culture is a slow process. Uncertainty and resistance to change are commonly prevailing concerns along with traditional academics which are barriers to digital transformation. The network and informal online communities offer both the leader and the teacher voluntary engagement in shared learning receiving emotional support and new practices that are needed to accept the new ways.
- The fourth barrier is the lack of adequate IT infrastructure that the unreliable internet and insufficient processing. The emergence of virtual environments has allowed teachers to interact easily with students across the globe but not all students have access to the internet or to the digital tools.
- [Figure1Displays the obstacles and difficulties teachers face while integrating technology in the classroom. (2008)[4]].
Figure 1 :Challenges to classroom technology integration based on existing literature environment.
Despite the challenges and barriers that faces educators, there are practical solutions and strategies that can help educators solve these problems:
- A. Digital Literacy Training to overcome lack of skills: Digital leaders of schools and institutions can address the issue of digital literacy by allowing adaptability, continuous learning, and provide comprehensive training programs for teachers. Leaders of schools can overcome these barriers by building a culture that embarks technology and investing in professional development to improve teachers abilities in integrating technology into their lessons and acquire digital pedagogy so that they will be ab able to become self learner and a quire AI literacy ([7]).
- Promoting a Culture of Innovation: Educational institutions can surpass resistance by fostering a culture of innovation and encouraging teachers to integrate technology into their lessons in a supportive environment can lead to greater acceptance and adoption ([13]).
C.Equitable Access Initiatives: Overcoming the problem of rural areas and limited access to internet in certain areas, leaders has to consider a strategic vision to overcome this problem through exploring grants, partnerships, and innovative funding ways to allow technology and infrastructure for all students and teachers ([1]).
D.Professional Development Opportunities: Professional development that is inadequate can be addressed by giving continuous probabilities for educators to improve their technological skills. These skills including digital and AI literacy should be tailored to each teacher need to face the challenges in their classrooms([12]).
- What Justifies the Significance of Digital Literacy in Education?
Effective and Efficient teaching methods have experienced a transformation in the past decades. Teachers should have proficiency in different kinds of digital tools and know how how to use fitting methods to explain the lesson.Digital literacy forces teachers to integrate technology into their lessons through different kinds (Li&Yu,2022).(1) The TPACK model established by Koestler and Mishra(2009),[5] demonstrates the inter-dependency between pedagogical, content and technological knowledge. It also displays the importance of technological knowledge in modern society as a holistic style of learning how to implement new media into the teaching process.According to the Indeed Editorial Team 2022, technology simplifies the lessons and teaches learners digital skills [2].Nevertheless,teachers faces many internal and external challenges that are complicated and hard to be faced. These challenges include teachers skill,digital literacy and adaptation to new technology.
[Figure 2: Displays A new framework for teacher knowledge.the Mishra, P, & Koestler, M. J. (2006). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge:[5]
Figure 2 Technological pedagogical content knowledge. The source of the image is attributed as HTTP://pack.or
The Problems and Solutions of integrating technology.
Integrating technology into the classroom recommend supportive methods(Johnson ET AL. ,2016)[3].
[Table 1: Displays the obstacles and difficulties teachers face while integrating technology in the classroom “( Department for Education, 2022)[6]].
Barriers or challenges | % |
Learners’ access to digital devices at home | 77% |
Broadband or connectivity for learners at home | 73% |
Cost of technology | 72% |
Staff skills and confidence with technology | 68% |
School/college budgetary constraints/priorities | 66% |
Parents’ or learners’ digital skills | 66% |
Broadband/wireless connectivity in school/college | 42% |
Lack of awareness or knowledge about what technology works | 41% |
Availability of technology in school/college | 37% |
Staff willingness to use technology | 35% |
Safeguarding and data concerns | 35% |
Parental concerns (e.g., safeguarding, data security, screen time, etc.) | 14% |
Limited procurement guidance | 13% |
Table 1: Challenges to classroom technology integration based on existing literature
Access Restriction
Implementing technology in schools demands at the first place the prevalence of digital tools in schools and the access to these devices. Despite the shift that is taking place to virtual or hybrid learning many rural area lack access to the internet and have microeconomics background. (Education Week, 2021). Technology and internet connectivity are the main barriers that that is making the shift slow and prohibiting students from learning in the digital age. students are having a significant hurdle to effective technology integration . Some parents with low income are incapable of paying for digital devices and have trouble in having stable internet in their houses. Moreover, A 2020 report by Pew Research Center pinpoints that “students from lower-income households are not having same high-speed internet connection at home compared to their wealthier peers” This leads to unfair and uneven playing field that makes some students struggle to keep up. Furthermore, a 2023 study by the Alliance for Excellent Education clarifies the need for infrastructure beyond just devices. They highlighted that “schools in rural communities are not having the needed infrastructure, such as reliable Wi-Fi and proper technical support, to integrate technology in their classrooms”[6]. This lack of infrastructure is an additional barriers to allow technology integration . In conclusion, the equal access to technology and proper infrastructure are crucial steps towards making technology integration a robust learning tool in education .
- The Role of Teacher Professional Development in Overcoming Challenges
According to Koestler and Mishmash (2009),[5] educators face many problems in integrating technology into their classes due to lack of continuous training that leaves lot of teachers with out experience.According to, Surrender. (2024), it is crucial that educational institutes allow professional development and support their teachers and staff in enhancing their digital literacy(8).Developing teachers’ digital literacy and enhancing their ability in using digital media and technologies in classes is essential.
Suggestions for Efficient Integration of Ed Tech : This article offers man solutions that future studies can work on to enhance learning making them more engaging and active. It also recommend that every school should hire a professional Professional Ed tech Consultancy to offer academic instructors the technological and instructional support they need to improve their digital literacy and achieve success in digital transformation [9].
The next thing is that professional development and digital equipment opt to be tailored to the teachers needs to successfully be incorporated into instructional processes. SAMR model can be used to achieve realistic results that allows them to go through four stages and maximize students success [2].
Many new appliances can be used to replace traditional ones particularly the interactive whiteboard, which should be replaced with a dartboard to present information digitally [10].
The interactive board can be used as a way to facilitate teachers work by displaying podcasts, PowerPoint presentations, films, and more in addition to the conventional chalkboard.During a lesson, the interactive board is used to show different resources that simplify lesson and allows practical understanding[11]. The CHANGE step: Teachers at this stage change their teaching methodology and begin using digital resources to get students involved through classifications and competitions.
The stage of REDEFINITION:
Today’s education is based on integrating (AI) to enhance the digital skills of students through , enabling experiences like virtual field excursions, global collaborations, and simulations that were previously unthinkable [11]
Nobody can deny the new version of teaching and learning and the facilities that educators has at their disposal through the different apps and technological equipment to further the success of their profession .This also force them to be updated and move with the flow in the twenty one century by integrating technology into their classes without being apprehensive. [4]. With regard to Canard’s research, it is crucial that learning requires advancement and empowerment in order to be more effective; as a result, building, sharing, gauging, and planning are necessary for effectiveness.
Examining paper 4’s allows us to understand that learning request collaboration and empowerment to be effective and productive. EL Rhenish (2024) in his study, “Artificial Intelligence and its Role in Developing the Learner’s Ability to Self-learn.” clarified that Learning should “empower the learner”,” makes them self learner,” and “technology is a cornerstone in the learning process.” As a result, by enhancing their decentralizing AI,educational institutions should empower their teachers with opportunities for professional development and support to help them make the change. [7].
Addressing these barriers and finding best solutions help teachers to be empowered with digital competencies and unlock the informativeness potential of AI in education. AI tools assist teachers and students in different tasks and free up time for various purposes like problem-solving, task completion, communication, collaboration, content creation, and information sharing using these different digital AI tools.([8]). A collaborative effort is recommended in the journey of AI-powered education as well as its crucial to have Open communication, ongoing research, and a commitment to responsible development to empower educators and achieve a more equitable and productive education system for all.
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