تأثير الاقتصاد الريعي على التحول الديمقراطي دراسة حالة : دول الخليج
اعداد : قيصران هناء – قسم العلوم السياسية جامعة بسكرة الجزائر
- المركز الديمقراطي العربي –
- مجلة العلوم السياسية والقانون: العدد الخامس ديسمبر – كانون الأول – سنة “2017” من مجلة العلوم السياسية والقانون، وهي مجلة دولية محكمة تصدر عن المركز الديمقراطي العربي المانيا- برلين.
للأطلاع على البحث من خلال الرابط المرفق :
The impact of the rural economy on democratization
Case Study: Gulf States
The democratic transition considered as a circumstancewhichIncludesmovingfrom an authoritarianrule to another one based on broad participation of a free will public free to formpolitical and syndical parties .also constructive on freedom of opinion and expression and protection of humanrights .
Howeverthere are severalaffecting obstaclesthatinhibit the success of the democratic transition process , the most important is the economicbarriers especially the rentier economy issue , the democratic transition processisoftenrelatedwitheconomic crises . becausemost countries thattakethis type ( rentier economy ) sufferfrom budget deficits and inflation in addition of the monopolism of proceeds by the rulingelitesmostlythiswillbring the debtcrisis and restructure of its institutions , from the nature of the prevailingeconomic system in these countries whichis a rentier economymakesthemeligible to take a real steptowardsdemocratic transformation .
The aim of thisstudyis to identify the economy of rent and the democratic transition, and the relationshipbetweenthem. It alsoaims at addressing the situation of the Gulf countries, whichwitnessed the rise of indicators of economicwelfare, becausetheyfollow the rent system, but thisrisedid not follow the process of democratic transformation.
The studyproved a final result: – The renteconomyis the basis of the authoritarian state.
– The high oil revenues in the Gulf states increase the power of the state, and itdoes not help the success of the process of democratic transformation.
– The economicwell-being of the Gulf states because of theirrent system has not paidtheir people to claim theirpoliticalrights. Governments have providedthemwith services, subsidies, donations and privileges by buyingtheirloyalty to win the legitimacy of the regime.