Research studies

Mountain tourism in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region: the multiplicity of components and the weakness of territorial development

Le tourisme de montagne dans la région de Beni Mellal Khenifra : la multiplicité des composantes et la faiblesse du développement territorial


Prepared by the researche   

  • Younes Seif ennasr, Hassan first University, Settat, Morocco
  • Said Sghir, Sultan Moulay Sliman University, Beni Mellal, Morocco

Democratic Arabic Center

Journal of Urban and Territorial Planning : Twenty-two Issue – December 2024

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN (Online) 2698-6159
ISSN   (Print)  2699-2604 
Journal of Urban and Territorial Planning

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The problem of achieving development remains one of the biggest goals for which economic, social, legal and other institutions and organizations were created, and the soil remains the cornerstone in achieving local territorial development due to the existence of latent and apparent qualifications and components that need a deep understanding and awareness of its characteristics and nature, and the development of strategies in order to transform them into real territorial resources that contribute to the development of the field and the human being, through effective territorial projects, including the tourist potential that abounds in the mountainous areas of the Beni Mellal Khenifra region, and the multiplicity of its varieties and forms, but it did not It is subject to a real development perspective through which all these potentials can be exploited, and made a lever for the territorial development of the mountainous areas, given the tyranny and dominance of the sectoral approach at the expense of the territorial approach. The completion of this research was based on the combination of theoretical and field research, according to a functional structural approach, to study the role of territorial resources in creating the desired level of territorial development if there is the necessary will among the various actors and effective development strategies, because the mountainous areas are rich and diverse elements that need to be valued, mobilized and rationally respected.


Le problème de la réalisation du développement reste l’un des plus grands objectifs pour lesquels des institutions et des organisations économiques, sociales, juridiques et autres ont été créées, et le sol reste la pierre angulaire de la réalisation du développement territorial local en raison de l’existence de qualifications et de composants latents et apparents qui nécessitent une compréhension et une conscience profondes de ses caractéristiques et de sa nature, et l’élaboration de stratégies afin de les transformer en véritables ressources territoriales qui contribuent au développement du terrain et de l’être humain, à travers des projets territoriaux efficaces, y compris le potentiel touristique qui abonde dans les zones montagneuses de la région de Beni Mellal Khenifra, et la multiplicité de ses variétés et de ses formes, mais il n’a pas Elle s’inscrit dans une véritable perspective de développement à travers laquelle tous ces potentiels peuvent être exploités, et transformée en levier pour le développement territorial des zones montagneuses, compte tenu de la tyrannie et de la domination de l’approche sectorielle au détriment de l’approche territoriale. La réalisation de cette recherche s’est appuyée sur la combinaison de recherches théoriques et de terrain, selon une approche structurelle fonctionnelle, pour étudier le rôle des ressources territoriales dans la création du niveau souhaité de développement territorial s’il y a la volonté nécessaire entre les différents acteurs et des stratégies de développement efficaces, car les zones montagneuses sont des éléments riches et diversifiés qui doivent être valorisés, mobilisés et rationnellement respectés.


The mountains in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region have multiple and varied components, in a range of fields and fields, including the tourism field, as they are characterized by uniqueness in terms of natural, heritage, cultural, customs and traditions, which can be a real development locomotive that reflects positively on the individual and society.

There is no doubt that these qualifications require the development of real plans and approaches that respect specificities and take into account the natural constraints experienced by mountains, through the adoption of effective and effective territorial projects, stemming from the bottom up, through the involvement of the local population and the various actors.

In light of the predominance of the sectoral and technical approach, the mountainous regions of the Beni Mellal-Khenifra region did not benefit from their potential and apparent potential, but rather deepened natural, economic and social problems. The imbalances and disparities between mountainous areas and the plain and coastal areas have increased, as the high rate of mountain migration is a reflection of these imbalances and disparities.

Since the sixties of the last century, many projects have been launched for the development of these mountain areas, where sectoral programs have been launched aimed at reducing the lack of infrastructure and access to basic services and social facilities. A number of reforms have also been carried out on planning, planning and management within the framework of decentralization, increasing the financing of development projects in the mountains, with the development of economic projects in the field of tourism and handicrafts, and projects related to the preservation of mountain natural resources, according to a technical and sectoral perspective and approach. However, the progress made in the framework of these development policies has not contributed to effectively addressing the multiple manifestations of vulnerability afflicting these mountainous areas, which have affected their diverse territorial resources, and thus have not contributed to the actual and effective improvement of the conditions and standard of living of the mountain population.

Thus, some efforts have been made to develop mountain areas, but development projects, programs and policies have not achieved their set goals, in the absence of an integrated vision and development approaches appropriate to the specificities of these regions. The lack of reliance on the territorial approach as a means of development has led to the continuation of deficiencies, weak economic and social levels, the deterioration of natural territorial resources, the disparity and disparity between the components of the territorial area in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region, and the consolidation of the isolation and fragility of the mountains, from the lack of basic equipment and infrastructure, which disrupted the wheel of territorial development, as development policies did not make the mountainous soil more attractive, in a context that is witnessing remarkable development and witnessing intense competition.

The absence of a clear vision in the crystallization of territorial development in the mountains leads to the depletion and exploitation of wealth and diverse resources randomly, and the reproduction of geographical areas emptied of their resources and population, as they have not received their share of the issue of accumulation that occurs gradually in the process of building development, which requires a clear development vision and the development of integrated strategies to estimate gains, and build the foundations of current and future development, based on the components and territorial qualifications and population aspirations, with the need for full compatibility in development work between the various territorial actors.

  1. The problem of the subject:

Despite the adoption and approach of some policies, plans and development strategies to prepare and value mountain tourism qualifications, these areas have not witnessed progress at the level of preparation and management of these resources as desired, as they still suffer from several constraints that contributed to their fragility and limited developmental repercussions on the local population, in light of the adoption of a sectoral and technical approach.

  1. Study Methodology:

During the completion of this research paper, several basic elements were relied on in all data, the first part is related to the theoretical work represented in the study of some books and scientific articles that touched the subject from near or far, in addition to visiting several decentralized departments in the region to obtain statistical data, showing the characteristics of the studied geographical phenomenon, with a field survey of the studied field.

A range of technical means were employed to process the various statistical data obtained, in particular Excel for obtaining data, and ArcGIS for mapping.

  1. Objectives of the topic:

This research paper aims to diagnose, study and analyze the potential of the various tourism potentials in the mountains in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region, by identifying the manifestations and factors of their fragility, the repercussions of this situation on the standard of living of the local population, and the nature of the efforts made to prepare and manage these available resources.

  1. Presentation of the studied field:

The Beni Mellal Khenifra region is one of the twelve regions formed by the regional division in 2015, within the framework of advanced regionalization called for in the 2011 constitution, which included amendments that included the previous regional division of Morocco.

This region derives its importance from its vital geographical location at the level of the regional map of Morocco, forming a link between the various regions of the Kingdom, especially Casablanca-Settat and Rabat-Salé-Kenitra, as well as the historical regions, and this region came in a geographical location characterized by an important sociocultural weight, which historically played a strategic role, as a major corridor for the movements of various Moroccan sultans, whether to the two traditional capitals. Fez and Marrakesh, or in other areas such as the oases of the Tafilalet region of Sijilmasa; this factor contributed to giving the region a historical dimension that enriched the mountainous soil, as well as its rich natural and human potential.

The Beni Mellal-Khenifra region is a strategic destination, with its presence on the great tourist hub of Fez, Meknes and Casablanca, as well as its presence in the heart of the High and Middle Atlas, which are characterized by the richness of their locations, qualifications and landscapes, in addition to the agricultural richness of the Tadla plain and the central plateau, and the mineral richness of the phosphate plateau. This region extends over an area of about 37,428 km2, where the mountainous area occupies an important area (Azilal region, Beni Mellal region and Khenifra region). It is bordered to the north by Fez-Meknes and Rabat-Salé-Kenitra, to the east and south by Draa-Tafilalet and to the west by Casablanca-Settat and Marrakech-Safi, with Beni Mellal as its administrative capital. Figure 1.

Figure 1: Location of the studied area within the regional map of Morocco

Source: Monography of Beni Mellal Khenifra region in 2015

  1. Conclusions and discussion:

5.1. The mountainous areas of the Beni Mellal Khenifra region are full of important natural and heritage sites

The concept of sustainability is multifaceted, and it includes several economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects, and there are two important dimensions that must be included within the framework of this concept, namely the issue of its location in approved and programmed development projects and the degree of commitment to it, and on the other hand, the issue of involving the local population and its ownership of these projects, which must be at the heart of all development processes. In order for the territorial projects to be more effective, all territorial components must be integrated into the process of building development, especially the natural and heritage components, which are characterized by a remarkable richness and distinction in the mountains in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region.

The mountainous areas have diverse potentials, are rich in valuable heritage resources, and are characterized by a diversity of natural components (valleys, forests and vegetation, geomorphological forms, natural lakes, dams, waterfalls, etc.) and important rich geological heritage (Aimé Nevrey Bridge, Natural Cathedral, rock carvings, Azurki and Ait Boauli, prehistoric site of Irotan…). Figure 2

Opportunities for the valorization of aromatic and medicinal plants, and the production of free honey and essential oils, add to the prospects of enriching and developing the heritage economy.  Thanks to the mobilization and preparation of natural and historical heritage qualifications, tourism activity can create employment and income opportunities for the population. The cultural, historical and architectural richness of the built heritage reflects the ancient and diverse artisanal traditions, both in rural and urban mountainous areas.

Figure 2: Heritage assets and tourist scenes in the mountains in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region

Source: Regional Territorial Design for Beni Mellal Khenifra 2019

In addition to the opportunities available for the mobilization of heritage, which lies in the artistic know-how handed down through generations, the identity of mountain regions must be consolidated and radiated, at the regional, national and international levels, through the preservation, renewal and dissemination of the various forms of expression of this heritage and intangible heritage, and laying foundations that contribute to their continuity and effective valorization.

5.2. Sites of biological and ecological importance in the mountainous areas of the Beni Mellal Khenifra region

The mountainous areas of the Beni Mellal Khenifra region offer a clear diversity of natural geographical landscapes and ecosystems, which constitute an important territorial resource, where these resources can be used to develop the level of mountain tourism. Which allows providing multiple options that serve the level of territorial development in these areas, especially in the economic and social aspect. Table 1 shows the sites of environmental importance.

Table 1: Sites of biological and ecological importance in the mountains in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region

Sites of biological and ecological importance Area in square meters
Tamga 8500
tizirkount 15000
Akka wizaz 3000
Azoud Waterfalls 100
Imi nifri 2500
Sidi meskour 5000
boutefarda 26608
darwa 888
Tizi nait wira 14000
Agalmam azagza 600
Aglmam mi ami 60
Aglmam sidi ali 500
wardan 3000
Aglmam abakhan 40
tilakguin 300
Lakhdar River

Source: Forest Monography of Beni Mellal Khenifra 2020

It is possible to rely on sites of biological and ecological importance to formulate an effective development vision and plan of interest to mountain tourism, by exploiting all the multiple and diverse natural components and qualifications that abound in the mountains in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region, and valuing them, preparing them and preparing them to improve the development conditions of mountain families.

5.3. Mountain tourism in the region of Beni Mellal Khenifra in light of the approaches and development projects

After independence, the Moroccan state focused on addressing a set of development problems, which did not make tourism its most prominent concern and concern, and investment in this economic sector was only made with the tripartite plan extending between 1965 and 1967. Interest in tourism began through the entry of the international tourism market and the establishment of the Ministry of Tourism, as well as the allocation of investments to develop this sector (Brault F., 2004).

The geographical location is of great importance in the development of tourism activity, as it is a key factor in determining the type of climate, the distribution of vegetation cover, and the control of attractions or areas of tourist demand (Bentaleb A., 2014, p. 522). The mountainous regions of the Beni Mellal Khenifra region are rich and diverse natural, environmental, historical, cultural, material and intangible potential. It is not paralleled by a tourism dynamic, which contributes to the creation of the desired territorial development and is a development lever in the mountains, and strengthens other economic sectors, as a result of the absence of plans concerned with the development of the mountain tourism product.

5.3.1. The development of the tourism approach and the introduction of the mountain dimension

The concept of mountain tourism did not exist before the eighties in the various development plans and programs in Morocco, and did not receive any kind of attention, until the eighties, when a new conception was developed concerning mountain tourism. The Middle High Atlas was the focus of this new type of tourism, which aims to create diversity at the level of the Moroccan tourism product, to achieve local development and to strengthen the position of this type of tourism in the domestic and international tourism markets.

The beginning of the mountain tourism experience in Morocco was demonstrated by the Tabant project, which consists of four village communes, three of which are located in the province of Azilal and one in the province of Ouarzazate, and this project came within the framework of the Moroccan-French cooperation, during the period from 1985 to 1993, with an area of about 290 km2, for the benefit of approximately 40,000 people. This project focused on the development of these areas based on their diverse tourism potential, natural resources and rich tangible and intangible heritage; a set of equipment and infrastructure have been completed, as training centers in mountain professions, and contributing to the electrification of roundabouts. The Tourism Prosecution was created in 1987 and the Mountain News Center in 1991, which later became the Village Tourism Development Office (Hamammou M, 2015, p. 188)

In recent years, interest in mountain tourism has increased, and a new perspective has been focused on exploiting heritage resources (Boujrouf S., 2014), and employing them in crystallizing the territorial development of mountains.

5.3.2. Tourist parks in the mountains in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region: a mechanism characterized by limited developmental repercussions The geological park is a component and valorization of tourist sites in the mountains in the region of Beni Mellal Khenifra

The launch of the M’goun Geological Park project on June 11, 2004, under the framework agreement ratified by the Regional Council of the Tadla-Azilal region, the regional councils of Azilal and Beni Mellal, the two groups of local communities for the protection of the geological heritage component of Beni Mellal and Azilal, and the Association for the Protection of Geological Heritage in Morocco, which oversaw the implementation of this project (Manouar A & Awajay K, 2015, p. 241).

The Mekoun Geopark extends in the middle of the Middle High Atlas mountain range, and on part of the South Middle Atlas, between Beni Mellal in the north and the line of customs of Agil Mekoun in the south. Bordered by clear boundaries, it includes several distinct geological, paleotechnical, (dinosaur ruins), natural (forests, lakes, valleys, and mountains) and archeological and cultural sites (Manuwar A & Awajay K, 2015, op. cit., p. 241).

The park covered an area of about 12,568 km2, of which 5,730 km2 were described by UNESCO as the “UNESCO World Geological Park” in September 2014 and include 15 communities (Azilal, Demnat, Teluguget, Zawiya Ahansal, Tabant, Ait Mohamed, Ait Taguila, Agoudi Nelkheir, Ait Abbas, Ait Bouly, Ait Bilal, Sidi Boukhalef, Tifni, Anrki and Boutfrida).

Recently, the area of the Geopark has become confined to only 15 communities, including 14 communities in the Azilal region and one community in the Beni Mellal region, on the recommendation of UNESCO, where it was limited to communities that have important geological heritage and components, in order to focus efforts and prepare the soil resources enjoyed by the mountains in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region effectively, especially since these areas live real constraints in the level of equipment, which prevent the preparation of all existing components effectively.

This project aims to contribute to the territorial development of mountainous areas by preparing, mobilizing and managing local territorial resources, while preserving natural and cultural resources, as it is an important nucleus for the mountain tourism route in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region, through the development of all forms of geological heritage, natural and human, thus forming a new era and a fundamental pillar of the mountain economy, and this project came within the framework of Moroccan-French cooperation.

Geomorphological and geological sites are not only important to humans and culture, but also to the knowledge of the Earth’s history and climate. Hence the importance of geoparks and geoparks, which are a new philosophy for the management of soil, the valorization and exploitation of the territorial resources of a field. These parks not only exploit nature, but also integrate cultural and historical diversity (Al-Khaliqi Y & others, 2015, pp. 230-231). Where the heritage and environmental components are manifested in (Manuwar A & Awajay K, 2015, op. cit., p. 241) –Geological and geomorphological heritage: The rocky, structural and biogeographic conditions of the Middle High Atlas have contributed to making it contain a distinct geological, geomorphological and paleontological heritage that deserves to be preserved and exploited for various functions of interest to development;

The Middle High Atlas and the Atlas of Beni Mellal have a group of mountain ranges and heights, the most important of which are: Azurki 3690 m, Mount Ignaine 2411 m, and other highlands, in addition to a group of Jurassic limestone (concave Oued El Obeid…).

Several key elements were focused on its success, including the training of mountain guides at the Tabant Training Center, which was established in 1984, in addition to the preparation of interim shelters for the local population, where the tourism product and its basic components were identified and promoted, in addition to conducting a series of seminars and scientific meetings, in order to identify the outcome and possible prospects. Classification of the Geopark as a component of the Global Network of Parks

The Geological Park is classified as a component of the World Parks Network as a World Heritage and a façade for heritage and environmental diversity in the mountainous areas of the Beni Mellal Khenifra region. Due to its contribution to the preservation of the natural and cultural resources of the field occupied by this park, the protection of geological resources in the region, the development and development of sustainable tourism and the economic fabric, and the revival of geological, natural and human heritage and its employment in the field of tourism development ( Retrieved 2 April 2020).

It is considered one of the tourist attractions in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region, as it constitutes a suitable practical base for scientific research and environmental exploration, and a tourist space that allows visitors moments of recreation and entertainment.

The UNESCO Geopark has important educational assets in the natural and environmental field. The importance of this project has led to its international visibility, since it was recently renamed Geo World.

The Middle High Atlas is rich in dinosaur ruins, a distinct earthen resource, an important locomotive for mountain tourism. However, this resource has been subject to multiple constraints, due to natural factors (precipitation, erosion, wind), as well as anthropogenic factors. This is in the absence of plans for the preparation, valorization and preservation of heritage (Manoir A & Awajay K, 2015, op. cit., 245)

Geological and geomorphological sites and forms play an important role in attracting tourism, but they still suffer from neglect, poor preparation and management, and their lack of effective integration into the process of building territorial development.

Thus, this project played a role in bringing about some transformations in the Azilal region, in terms of attracting tourism and providing an important economic base for the local population. However, its developmental impacts remained limited in time and space and limited to specific groups. The level of tourist attraction remained weak, compared to the size of the qualifications enjoyed by these mountainous areas, due to the lack of a set of organizational elements, equipment and basic infrastructure. Khenifra National Park and Mountain Tourism Potential

Khenifra National Park is one of the most important parks at the national level, which was established in 2008, with an area of about 93,500 hectares in the province of Khenifra. It is a park based on the protection of forest cover and biodiversity of the area (é le 07/12/2019).

This park is characterized by beautiful landscapes and geological, biological and cultural wealth of great importance; the park contains the ecosystems of the cedar forest in the middle of the Middle Atlas, as it extends at the level of the geographical areas of Ajdir, Kruchen, Itzer, Sidi Mkoild and Agbalou Larbi (é le 07/12/2019).

The richness of the national park lies not only in the presence of a rich and varied forest cover, but also in the presence of a group of important lakes, such as Aklamam Azkza, Aklamam and Yuan, Aklamam Abkhan, which are characterized by the presence of important fish wealth (é le 07/12/2019). Figure 3.

Figure 3: Scenes of the elements of mountain tourism that abound in the national park of Khenifra

                                                                                        Source :

This national park is considered one of the important tourist tributaries at the level of the mountainous areas of the Beni Mellal Khenifra region, as it is based on ecotourism that is based on the elements of nature and its components, in addition to the inherited and rich local culture and know-how in the region, which, along with the natural components, constitute an important polarizing element, making tourists and visitors to the region feel the nobility and authenticity of the region.

There is no doubt that the gains achieved by this park are important at the level of valorizing and preserving natural resources, and giving them importance in the economic and social dimension, through their investment in mountain tourism, but the direct developmental repercussions on the local population are limited, as these parks crystallize and accomplish far from the aspirations and expectations of the population, and this local population has not been placed at the heart of the development system, and natural soil resources are subject to degradation and fragility, due to several human factors.

The tourist attraction in this area has not yet reached the required level, in the absence of a set of equipment and infrastructure, the absence of a territorial marketing network, and various necessary investments. Tourism projects have not transformed and prepared natural soil resources into resources capable of attracting tourism, by developing equipment and infrastructure worthy of the desired level of tourism, and developing a strategy to introduce them and work to spread them nationally and internationally.

Developing a tourism project with a unilateral perspective that cannot succeed and give its planned fruits and desired goals, due to the complexity and interdependence of territorial data, which need actual and practical planning coordination.

5.3.3. The adopted development visions and their role in the development of mountain tourism in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region Marginalization of the role of mountain tourism in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region in light of the Tourism Vision 2010

Tourism, like other sectors, has known a central approach based on a sectoral approach, both in planning and management; it is not possible to talk under these conditions about the territorial approach to tourism activity.  This trend focused on national goals, which were embodied in attracting 10 million tourists, and a set of mechanisms were harnessed, including the development of tourism projects, the adoption of marketing mechanisms and the structuring of tourist guidance. It adopted the launch of several initiatives that covered several fields, including enhancing reception capacity, by initiating a program aimed at rehabilitating six new stations within the framework of the Blue Plan. These stations are Mogador (Essaouira), Lixos (Larache), Mezaghan (El Jadida), Saidia and Tagzout (Agadir) and Shati El Abyad (Guelmim). The focus of this program was on beach tourism. Thus all attention was focused on coastal cities. Mountain tourism was not a priority for this vision and orientation and no important projects were allocated to it. As geographical areas with a set of ingredients and qualifications, which allow it to be a tourist destination, both internally and externally.

In this context, mountain tourism cannot be an engine for development in the mountainous regions of the Beni Mellal Khenifra region without adopting a territorial approach to tourism projects. The tourism strategies and programs developed within the framework of Vision 2010 completely omitted mountainous areas as tourist areas, capable of attracting a wide segment of tourists, provided that the necessary tourist infrastructure is provided, the human element is rehabilitated, and a road network and transportation are provided through the structuring and support of travel agencies. Adopting the environmental and cultural dimension within the framework of the Tourism Vision 2020

Launched by 2010, the vision aims to double the size of the sector and the ranking among the 20 favorite global destinations for tourists, and aims to achieve a number of goals, including attracting 20 million tourists. This vision has been embraced, along with beach tourism, cultural tourism and ecotourism. Due to their importance and because they are pivotal elements, in the framework of diversifying tourist destinations. It added two main elements to the tourism activity, namely the cultural dimension and the environmental dimension, which are largely found in mountainous areas. Due to the natural, cultural and historical qualities of the mountains in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region, these areas fall within the tourist region called the Atlas and its valleys, according to the tourist division of Morocco within the framework of Vision 2020.

In a competing international context, Vision 2020 has made it imperative that it not focus too much on coastal cities only, as important mechanisms for structuring tourism and attracting significant numbers of foreign arrivals, and focused on other tourist sites characterized by rich natural potential. This vision was also concerned with encouraging domestic tourism within the framework of my country’s treasures and plans. Morocco was divided into eight tourist zones, to ensure that local specificities are employed in the process of attracting tourists, and to value the qualifications of each region.

Mountain tourism comes within Vision 2020 within the framework of sustainable ecotourism, in order to diversify tourist destinations in Morocco, after recognizing the importance of environmental and cultural dimensions as key ingredients in developing tourism potential. The interest in mountain areas is in line with the orientations of the policy of preparing the national territory, which focused on combating regional disparities by exploiting and employing the specificities of mountain areas in the processes and process of territorial development.

Consumers of this type of natural and cultural tourism product are distinguished by their appreciation of nature and their high sociocultural level. Their tours through the narrow paths give them an important opportunity to learn about the traditions and values of the human groups that settle the mountain. This type of tourism is what is called mountain tourism (Al-Ghazwani M, 1998, , p. 49).


The mountainous areas of the Beni Mellal Khenifra region have not been effectively valued for their territorial resources, in order to be an important locomotive for economic development, and to make them one of the basic building blocks in the cycle of territorial development. This is mainly due to the lack of awareness of the dimensions of territorial resources and how to transform them into economic mechanisms, and the assessment of their expected effects on the local population in the mountains.

Despite the passage of several years since independence, and the adoption of a set of development models, the mountainous areas of the Beni Mellal Khenifra region have not witnessed a significant development transformation. It has not had its own development approaches and models, stemming from its local specificities. The structural fragility experienced by the mountains in the Beni Mellal Khenifra region, whether in the natural, economic or social sphere, is a direct reflection of the absence of a clear strategy towards the mountains, and towards the valorization and management of their unique characteristics and components.

The existence of a set of territorial assets and resources does not always guarantee the achievement of a high level of territorial development, if the conditions for development work and the appropriate context for the formulation of an ambitious policy in this field are not met, while supporting the capabilities of the policy of decentralization and deconcentration.

The quality of the development plans adopted decades ago has deepened the poverty and fragility of mountains, making them continuous in time and space and rooted in all mountain reefs.

The territorial approach provides a suitable ground for participatory action, which allows the coordination of the various development efforts of territorial actors to prepare mountain areas, according to their capabilities, components and qualifications, and the development of a development model for these areas, taking into account all entrances and exits of mountain development, in terms of the characteristics and potential of territorial resources and the quality of population needs and expectations, in light of the adoption of an effective political and administrative system that is compatible with the nature of the desired and envisaged territorial development.


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