Research studies

The role of dynamic marketing by raising the competencies of university professors through the competencies model


Prepared by the researcher 

Dr. Ali Aboudi Nehme-  Imam Al-Kadhum College (IKC (Iraq

Dr. Ali Abdul Amir Fleifel-  Faculty of Management and Economics – Kufa University, Iraq

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies : Eleventh Issue – November 2021

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin. The journal deals with the field of Afro-Asian strategic, political and economic studies

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN 2628-6475
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies
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Cultural movements are a marketing model that builds brands by identifying, launching, organizing, or aligning culture, and building multi-level connections around the idea so that passionate advocates can join, mobilize, participate and bring about change. The cultural movement requires a radical rethinking of the old rules of marketing. Competencies are therefore a summary of the skills or key personality and behavioral patterns of the individual through the dynamic marketing of cultures. They form the basis of any masterful professional behaviour, and their level of maturity is critical to success in the performance of the professions involved. From this point of view, the competences of university professors are of exceptional importance, mainly because teachers or professors form the basis for creating new knowledge and new values that benefit the university and students, and then also on institutions that act as employers, who should be able to use reasonable use, and the purpose of the study is to analyze the professional personality of university teachers and the disciplines they should enjoy. The study also presents the results of a survey based on a questionnaire conducted with a sample of 453 students from the University of Baghdad. The first phase of our survey (2015/16, 215 students) focused on questioning the disciplines that the teacher should be proportional according to the students.  which is covered by this study, focuses on identifying the negative and positive competencies and characteristics of teachers, i.e. on the question of what characteristics the teacher should certainly not have and should have. In addition to the interesting results of the survey, the most important part of the study is the competency model originally created by the university teacher. This competency model should become a quality standard or an example of positive indicators of the teacher’s behavior at work. The model also needs to clearly identify the negative indicators (undesirable behavior) that teachers should remove from their performance and behavior.

The management of the college or university should be strictly punished for the continuation of such conduct. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, a hypothetical model was built that determines the nature of the relationship between the independent variable (dynamic marketing of cultures) and the adopted variable (competencies) through its impact on educational institutions and students. A range of statistical methods were also used in data analysis based on the Five-Year Likert scale in the design of the questionnaire and the correlation coefficient to determine the relationship between the research variables.


  The university teacher is the most important source of study, which provides students with a curriculum and scientific, this allows him to design the course and educational policies and procedures in a specific way so that they lead to the goals set by the educational goals without the teacher manipulating his students and thus creating the optimal conditions for their moral and self-development. In this regard, we mean in education to pass on knowledge to someone or to guide them on how to do something, to make (someone) learn or understand something to follow or to encourage someone to accept (something) as a fact or principle. The work of the university teacher has a significant impact on the development of knowledge and perception in each society.

 It is a very hard job that requires professional competencies and the continuous promotion of professional knowledge, social competencies, as well as the ability to develop them, and the ability to research science is also linked to the ability to convey science results to students in a way that they understand for their future development.   That in fact, Only larger organizations have adapted their communications policies to include the brand angle and integrate it into their strategies as organizations shift more to guidance than collective management organizations or companies seeking a fundamental renewal of their kinetic marketing strategies and brands, so the university teacher is in direct and constant contact with students.

Provides them with information and knowledge, and helps them acquire and improve their skills and develop their competencies. He tries to assess the growth of their knowledge objectively, to guide future (often lifelong) development efforts so that they can first and foremost build and sustainably maintain their abilities and qualifications through kinetic marketing by interacting with teachers.

Actual results and contribution to the teacher’s work, obtaining objective evidence of their success in the relevant scientific discipline, and the declared outputs of scientific activities ….. Etc., are important things. Every university teacher always provides teaching those subjects, and he is professionally qualified for it. There are a variety of specific skills needed to educate large and small groups, facilitating and preparing the necessary materials (layouts). On the one hand, there is a school that requires the teacher to prepare more publications. On the other hand, there are students who need a high level of teacher presentation skills and abilities.

 It is extremely important to look at the success of university teachers from the perspective of their motivations or their cognitive ability.  (Kucharφíkováa,2014) presents this idea: although scientists may agree that the combined effect of motivation and cognitive ability may be more than the sum of their individual effects, the exact nature of their reactive effects has remained relatively undefined.

 This means that when the teacher’s motivation level is too high, this can (to some extent) complete the teacher’s incomplete cognitive competence. On the contrary, when the level of teacher’s cognitive ability is very high, this level can renew the incomplete level of teacher’s motivations, with regard to the overall development of the university, attention must be given to the correct definition, particularly the systematic development of the competencies of university teachers. Based on all previous opinions and ideas, the intention of this study was to create an efficiency model for the university teacher, based on a brief presentation of views on the main competencies of teachers and because of adverse outcomes. Survey, with regard to identifying the negative characteristics of university teachers, i.e. unwanted characteristics with their effects, which we conducted with a sample of 453 students from The University of Baghdad.

Study problem

There are clear interests among professors and students in the pursuit of meaningful university education. Teachers, students, accreditors and legislators were all on the best way to complete credentials that had a purpose and value. The main task of this study is to align the objectives of dynamic marketing of cultures and the model of competencies for higher education. We take a clear path from the Faculty of Management and Economics – Baghdad University as a model for this study. It also includes a chapter on competencies, with respondents being asked three questions relating to a list of a paragraph:

  1. How do you evaluate your level of efficiency?
  2. What is the required level of efficiency in the current work?
  3. What is the contribution of kinetic marketing to the development of your competencies?

The purpose of this interrelated research study was to determine the strength and direction of relationships between the teacher’s attitude towards inclusiveness and the hours of professionalism and study.

  Study objectives

 The objectives of the study are using information to predict the trends of general higher education teachers towards inclusiveness. The teacher’s position was measured, and information was used to identify teachers currently teaching in inclusion settings, in order to form subgroups and provide statistical controls. Teachers also provided information on the number of hours of professional development related to higher education they received, as well as the average hours of support they received weekly from education staff and officials who specifically addressed the needs of students.

  The importance of study

This study was made up of two variables: the dynamic marketing of cultures and the competency model, and the study aims to achieve the following:

  1. Formulating a theoretical framework that includes a wide range of contributions about motor marketing as a critical dimension for higher education organizations.
  2. Know the kinetic marketing in its different dimensions.
  3. Determining the impact of the competency model on university teachers.
  4. Learn how motor marketing affects teachers through the volatility of cultures.
  5. Explore the type and direction of the relationship between kinetic marketing and competencies in the workplace.

Study hypotheses

The first main hypothesis: there is a morally significant inverse correlation between kinetic marketing and the competency model in higher education.

The second main hypothesis: there is a morally significant adverse impact relationship for motor marketing in the competency model in higher education.

The hypothetical chart of the study

  The study’s hypothetical chart is designed to solve the study problem, and to achieve the study objectives as described in Figure 1 to include study variables. Jennifer’s variable competency model, which the study aims to base by controlling independent variables that have been formed in a variable formed, represents an independent president who is the model of competencies in higher education and its dimensions.

Dimensions of dynamic marketing
Impact relationship

Form (1) study methodology

Source: Preparing the researcher based on the methodology of the study.

Dynamic marketing

       The dynamic or dynamic marketing concept (DMC) arises from strategic management theory and provides a new explanation of how companies in a rapidly changing environment gain their competitive advantage, and defines kinetic marketing as the ability to create new resources, identify, respond, exploit and categorize changes to market sensing, learning, market targeting or positioning. The ability to sense the market is the ability of the company to learn from its customers, collaborators, and competitors in order to sense, process and use information as well as to work continuously on trends and events. (Larso,etal,2014) Kinetic or dynamic marketing is one of the most interesting concepts in marketing. Many consumer behavior theories have been adopted by marketing scientists in order to better understand and address consumer motivations. For example, (consumer decision model, buyer behavior theory and leading theories in consumer behavior research, followed by logical movement theory and planned behavior theory. These four behavioral theories have been widely tested and cited in marketing literature) (Gilal, etal,2018).

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the theory of experimentation and the model of behaviour directed attracted the attention of consumer behaviour scientists around the world. Research on consumer behaviour is clearly full of examples of the impact of behavioural theories; however, the use of many different theories has already limited the applicability of those conclusions. One of the first attempts to predict consumer motivation was fishbein & Ajzen,1975, which suggested that attitudes towards certain behavior and subjective standards could predict consumer behavior.

However, the predictive capacity of this theory is weakened when the conduct studied is not under voluntary control (for example, in cases of conduct in which the individual is not fully controlled) and thus Ajzen (1985) suggested the theory of planned conduct (TPB, an extension of the theory of logical action complemented by perceived behavioral control to explain More comprehensive behavioral intentions (Janzen,1985. attested to in marketing literature) (Gilal, etal,2018). However, the TPB has a range of limitations, due to its limited ability to general cognitive influences, attitudes, subjective standards and perceived behavioral control, and its predictability is certainly questionable by academics and practitioners alike.

These concerns prompted researchers from different areas (such as physical training context and university teacher activity) to explore a more appropriate alternative, developed a target-oriented behavior model, and the planning and marketing planning problems of university teachers could be addressed by formulating a student response model that links demand from a single source of revenue (e.g., curriculum, university or faculty group) to one or more marketing variables (e.g. advertising and management power). (Al-Jubouri, 2019) Moreover, we distinguish between the problems of the university’s motor marketing and allocation budget, which include only one curriculum entity versus multiple curriculum entities (Doyle and Saunders, 1990) finally, Some analyses of optimal motor marketing are constant while others are dynamic as cultures deteriorate, the problems of classical universities are: problems of individual, fixed or dynamic curriculum entity problems and problems with a fixed or dynamic curriculum entity. Thorson etal, 2011)

 The concept of dynamic marketing capability arises from strategic management theory and provides a new explanation of how university teachers at a rapidly changing university have gained their competitive advantage, and has identified dynamic marketing ability as the ability to create new resources, identify, respond to, exploit and categorize changes to student sensing, learning, targeting teachers or positioning. (Al Jabouri,2018) The ability to sense the working market is the ability of students to learn from teachers, collaborators, and competitors in order to sense, process and use information as well as to work continuously on trends and events. Surviving in dynamic and competitive environments, responding to the acquisition and assimilation of external knowledge enables them to identify new opportunities, and allow repetition to integrate information from the external environment in the pursuit of improved effectiveness to the applicable university. (Larso etal,2014).

  University teacher specialty

Competence (in terms of professional competence) can be defined as a summary of the skills or professional talents, key personality and behaviours that an individual needs to possess and demonstrate in order to successfully achieve the professional objectives identified and carry out the relevant professional tasks, duties and responsibilities. Efficiency can be defined as superior performance potential, and efficiency is defined as the proven ability to use knowledge and skills. A different view could be applied to what is known as general human efficiency, which, to some extent, reflects all humanitarian efforts within the Organization. Human efficiency was a summary of the performance achieved (i.e. human action) and the potential generated (i.e. human resources). If one of these components is missing, the efficiency as a whole is also missing. Many authors deal with the definition of desirable and unwanted competencies of university teachers, to the teacher’s competencies as capabilities for excellence, the competencies of the university teacher can be divided into seven groups: branch-specific; educational and psychological education; general education; diagnosis and intervention. Social, psychological, social and communicative; administrative and normative; professional and personal.

Qualified professional improvisation can also be considered an exceptionally important ability. The teacher’s competency profile list consists of the following four elements: professional or technical competencies; ethical responsibilities; systematic educational, psychological and educational competencies; and the development of self-capacity. (Kucharíkováa etal,2014) the current debate on ensuring the characteristics of higher education does not adequately lead to the development of quality assurance measures. Another observation is that researchers seem to measure the quality of higher education compared to a global agenda, including global higher education rankings.  The field of education has undergone significant changes in the past 40 years. These changes focused primarily on the preparation in which students are educated. Over the past decade, research has confirmed that teachers have a significant impact on the academic and lifelong success of their students.

 Most recent research has also revealed some of the characteristics of effective classroom environments, including teachers’ organizational skills and interactions with students. However, in order to take advantage of policy tools Such as evaluation and professional development that seek to improve the quality of the teacher’s workforce, additional questions must be answered about the nature of effective teachers and teaching: What content practices improve student achievement? Are the teachers who influence the tests the same as those who influence non-cognitive results? What is the relationship between educational practices and non-cognitive or untested outcomes? Can these untested results be used to estimate the correct measures of teacher effectiveness? To answer these questions, Blazar,2016, Kinetic Marketing assumes that teachers are constantly reorganizing the distribution of their resources under their control in response to changes in circumstances and developments. Under the so-called imbalance theory, formulated by Schultz (1975), Efficiency therefore depends largely on the so-called allocation capacity of teachers, which in turn is influenced by their formal education and accumulated experience.

 The basic idea is that better educated individuals are more productive in market activities as a result of their high ability to perceive and assess the changing cognitive conditions that surround them, so that they can gain advantages by identifying situations where imbalances occur sooner than others. Early recognition of imbalance allows learners to be more effective when reallocating their resources in an effort to restore balance.

According to this argument, the ability to innovate culturally is the main component of the personalization capacity needed to accurately assess changing circumstances, generate advantages by using new knowledge in the production of sophisticated staff, thereby gaining efficiency whenever resources are allocated. Mobility appears in this light as a process involving a series of activities that are carried out continuously during the teachers’ life cycle, It is a process that may reach their professional, economic and personal environments. In general, in order to make a change that enhances productivity in academic work, it is necessary to achieve a series of four different activities.

 First, university teachers need to recognize a situation and recognize the opportunity, or recognize the need for improvement (discovery); secondly, it is necessary to create, develop, discover or adapt a new idea that can initially solve the problem (proposal); thirdly, it is necessary to evaluate the new idea as a better solution compared to the old ways of doing things (evaluation); (Luis,etal,2012) and the degree of development among graduates can be understood through higher education as a result of the production process that collects educational resources published in higher education institutions. With students’ personal resources, including their efforts, dedication to study, skills acquired before higher education, and their natural talents (Hartog,2001).

 Competency model in education

The issue of proficiency in education is not new per se, as it has been discussed since the 1950s, and even in the nineteenth century in vocational education and training, the last two decades have seen a significant shift towards an entry point based on proficiency in education at different levels of education. Government and educational bodies around the world are looking at the competencies they will identify to achieve their educational goals. Competency-based is an entry point that builds learning about competencies defined as essential to successful performance (Stoffle & Pryor, 1980). There are two areas in which the efficiency-based model has made great strides.

 First, within continuing adult education, vocational training and for work improvement purposes: significant progress has been made because these areas require concrete and easily identifiable skills. Competencies can be easily identified, acquired and, most importantly, measured.

Secondly In primary and secondary education: the creation of competencies is clear and direct, as basic knowledge and skills are targeted. For example, competencies such as literacy and numeracy can be measured and directly linked to the curricula and teaching and learning objectives set by national and local educational bodies). There is continuity in learning to read, which begins with the identification of simple letters, words and sentences in the first grade, yet, at the university and college level, regardless of technical and professional programmes, creating and measuring competencies is not easy.

Most universities with well-qualified competencies have adopted graduates’ attributes based on their overall values and expectations. These qualities are consistent with the organization’s vision and mission, but rarely target specific and unmistakable skills, making them difficult to measure. Furthermore, the issue of competencies is further complicated by senior management who are responsible or responsible for these competencies.

Thus, competencies and public groups may be limited to a general descriptive role and possibly an ambitious role in university education. The academic, along with an in-depth analysis of four key competency areas, is designed to help assess their teaching proficiency through classified self-assessment questions, while providing multiple momentum to enhance special teaching tools and competency profile. (Strasser, etal,2017) In order to deepen our understanding of the concept of efficiency, a number of context-related practical questions should be asked, which will pave the way for a non-abstract understanding of the concept and, ultimately, to build valid evaluation models. In classical higher education, i.e. universities, the following questions must be addressed:

  1. Who determines competencies? Who’s involved in the operation?
  2. Who are the stakeholders? What are their roles? What is the purpose and objectives of participating in this process?
  3. Who is in charge? Who does monitoring? Who offers feedback? Who benefits (or does not) benefit from the framework of public competencies? (Ipperciel& Elatia ,2015)

The use, implementation and interpretation of competencies depends largely on the stakeholders involved in this process. From a pragmatic point of view, stakeholders are in fact the driving force behind the use of competencies. Undoubtedly, they are essential to the whole process. It is likely to be stakeholder-based and can include: university presidents, potential employers, students at various levels, teachers at various levels with different responsibilities, funding agencies and government offices. The list can be expanded, but let’s focus on stakeholders who have a direct impact on the proficiency-based higher education model.

 In a previous study (Ipperciel & ElAtia,2014), they identified the student-teacher relationship as a key element in the evaluation process. This relationship provides a continuum through which insight into how learning and education competencies work. This relationship is necessary for the formative and diagnostic evaluation of competencies. However, university officials also have a strong interest in competencies or postgraduate attributes. The competencies of higher education differ from those in secondary and primary institutions, as well as in professional institutions, as the mission, vision and university directly fuel the adoption of competencies that are necessary.

 In most cases, it is university officials who initiate competency development, although student input is often requested for legal purposes. Anderson believes that one of the responsibilities of academic and administrative university leaders is to gather information on student performance indicators in order to “facilitate the development of specific conceptual frameworks and models that include academic fields. Therefore, we believe that public universities also have quotas in the efficiency-based entrance because they are responsible for setting standards, ensuring quality control and progress in social and economic agendas, with the aim of promoting well-being through social and professional development. The strong participation of governments around the world in promoting an efficient input (including graduate traits) is not surprising. Although they may not participate in the implementation process, they are very interested in the graduation features of students as potential employees. This is why graduates’ attributes are often understood in their relationship to employability.


We have integrated data from students from the Faculty of Management and Economics – Baghdad University of the Ministry of Higher Education using public websites and resolution. Details of the data at the student level, we focused our analysis on students coming out for the year 2015-2016, in compiling the competency model for university teachers, we decided, in addition to theoretical analysis of the area searched and a survey based on questionnaire among students, which focused on the advantages and competencies of teachers (positive) required for a sample of 453 students), to focus the subsequent survey also on identifying negative characteristics.

 1- Participants and the characteristics of the questionnaire survey

Our survey was conducted on graduates of the school year (2015/16) with a sample of 453 students from Baghdad University. The sample included undergraduate and master’s students, with most of the participants being men (the university is usually classified among scientific universities). A more specific description is available to the respondents participating in table 2. The effort was to obtain students’ responses to the following question: What should a university teacher not be, i.e. the features, qualities and competencies that a teacher should not have? It was an open question, as students were chosen to put their comments in the form of a questionnaire

 Table 2. Identify participants in the questionnaire

 Ratio female Ratio mentioning Number and ratio The year
 6.56% 45 12.10% 83 108 – 18.66% – 19.71 First year
15.60% 66 27.70%  90 212 – 43.29% – 20.79 Year 2
3.79% 26 13.70% 46 90 – 17.49% – 21.58 Year 3
4.37% 31 4.52% 66 43 – 8.89% – 22.75 Year 4
Study level: B.A. 312 – 79.45% – 20.71


Study level: Master’s 141 – 20.55% – 23.11


 2-Results and discussion

Comparing and analyzing current study sites provide an opportunity to discuss the general topics I found through my research at both the college and university sites. It also allows me to discuss the similarities and differences between the teachers of the faculty and the students at Baghdad University and student affairs in the higher education program at the Faculty of Management and Economics. With regard to efficiency models and motor marketing characteristics. Forms and properties have been discussed previously. The first topic I found was that there are more similarities than differences between the competencies identified in each model. Moreover, it found similarities with regard to the competencies teachers struggled to achieve and what competencies students easily achieved.

The second theme is that the evaluation tools that they value students in a different way when it comes to acquiring and developing competencies. After that, I’ll compare the competency evaluation process. Fourthly, I will take a look at the subject of the individual student versus the social environment and how it interacts.

The fifth topic is education and communication. Finally, I will discuss the use of the results of the comprehensive evaluation of the competency model by both concerned. An interesting feature about our questionnaire is that students were very willing to participate in this question (all the students we asked to fill out the questionnaire form filled out). They were happy that we were interested in their views on the teacher’s positive and negative image and that there was a targeted effort at the university to improve the teacher’s image as well as the teaching process and teaching conditions. The 25 most common negative characteristics regarding the (unwanted) profile of university teachers are included in, as we can see, both groups of respondents, i.e. students, cited bias and injustice in the first place. Up to 189 students cited this unwanted feature, more than a quarter of respondents. Evaluations in other situations differ slightly, but their fundamental advantages have remained the same.

With regard to other major negative characteristics, Male (male): Fanatic (position 24 in terms of frequency of male responses; this characteristic was mentioned by 23 male students, i.e. (4.56%); conservative 25;17 male students, i.e. (4.33%). As follows: slander and ridicule of students (18th place in terms of frequency of female responses; 15 females, or 7.29%); hostile (22nd place; 11th female, or 5.26%); not interested in students (25th place); 9 females, or 4.86%), the efficiency model represents a full range of competencies required for excellent performance in accordance with the university’s consistent standards.

 The efficiency model, i.e., the core specification profile or competencies, represents the required personal characteristics, abilities, knowledge, skills, experiences, customs, attitudes, value orientations, and individual motivations (Mateiciuc & KaΦáková,2005) the competency model describes a specific set of knowledge, skills and other characteristics of the personality required for the effective performance of tasks within the organization. These properties are usually grouped into homogeneous units.  Kucharíkováa,2014 offers a somewhat more technocratic view of the efficiency model: the efficiency profile usually represents the digital professional requirements functionally provided for a job for human capacity. However, the efficiency model, which is intended to be a qualitative standard or a comprehensive model of work behaviour in greater detail, must be developed as a comprehensive written document, even with the details of each of the key competencies clearly clarified. Not only do they include negative indicators (unwanted behavioural demonstrations) of those competencies, which employees and managers must remove from their practical behaviour and should not be used at work.

 It is necessary to create an efficiency model that must responsibly accept the view of the broader interest of Arab circumstances.  Similarities in competencies were identified at Baghdad University, which contains 10 areas of competence: Advice, assistance, evaluation, research, equality, diversity, inclusion, ethical professional practice, history, philosophy, values, human beings, organizational resources, law, politics, governance, leadership, personal institutions, student learning and development.

The model is divided into the field of cognitive competencies assessment, student learning, legal issues, and diversity. The field of professional practice competencies is divided into five broader competencies than functions and management processes, self-management, communication, working relationship with others, and mobilizing innovation and change. There are many specific competencies that are similar in both models. Examples include leadership, law, diversity, evaluation, professional ethics, history, student development and personal relationships. In general, the competencies covered by the models are similar. Because of the main similarities, I think it’s easier to distinguish between the two proficiency models by discussing the three main differences between models. First, the categories of efficiency areas specified for each model vary. this can, or impose, based on how you look at it, of focusing on those different categories.

 Students seemed to talk about the titles of larger categories rather than the specific bullet points included in both proficiency models. Secondly, the model separates their competencies from knowledge-based and professional-based competencies. Based on interviews, I found that most students indicated that knowledge-based competencies were obtained through class while professional practice-based competencies were obtained through assistants and practitioners. However, one student expressed the benefits of having a flexible model and being able to acquire competencies through all experiences.

It gives us flexibility in recognizing what we believe we are achieving. Some of those cognitive competencies, we can get them and maybe from our practical experiences, but if we feel more connected to them, we can use that evidence as evidence that we’re facing those competencies. The third difference is that the model uses innovation and change as an efficiency that is not covered at all in the model. This efficiency is defined as the ability of the individual to develop creative solutions to problems, participate in the process of change, and change personality. As mentioned earlier, there are many other different competencies, but they seem to be generally covered across models. However, this large class area is not mentioned in a model at all. Therefore, file standards and regulations to ensure quality in the Ministry of Higher Education.

 These standards and regulations are developed to be usable to all universities regardless of their structure, function, size and national system. The competency model of the university teacher should also consider new and progressive educational strategies. For example, problem-solving learning, in particular, has gradually become an increasingly popular student-focused method of teaching and teaching higher education across disciplines.

To develop transferable skills as well as appropriate knowledge in specialization, knowledge is learned in the same context as it is used later. In addition to tangible resources, intangible resources are essentially important, and the cultural transition of students and faculty from traditional methods to traditional methods can be difficult, which means that it is important that faculty members studying appropriate skills as well as professional development opportunities for teachers have to take care of building education. It is a form of collaborative learning, supported by the following principles: learning must take place in real and global environments; students must be encouraged to become self-organized, to be intermediaries; teachers work mainly as mentors and facilitators of learning,  Not as trainers; teachers should provide and encourage multiple perspectives and representation of content.

 The individual student versus the social environment that I found in the data is the concept of the individual student and the relationship of that student to his social environment. This has taken different forms in each institution, but respondents in both institutions believed that competencies provided some standard standards while allowing individual experiences.

 The social environment in each institution has a strong impact on the student’s success, despite the student’s background, potential and self-motivation, there are three specific elements of the social environment that are important for discussion. These components are the relationships between the supervisor and the student and the relationship between the mentor and the student and the group of teachers.

I found that each individual student has a different experience based on his or her social environment. Moreover, each student’s individual background and level of self-motivation interact differently with the social environment to influence his success in the competency model. Structural social approaches to education represent a radical turning point in how the learning process is seen as a process for discovering, building and rebuilding knowledge, attitudes, efficiency and values based on individual activity and current experience with the help of the teacher and in collaboration with classmates, the integration grant, that goes beyond traditional boundaries to include a variety of scientific trends including multidisciplinary, interpretive and integrative trends.

The teaching grant means that scientists are also educated. Teaching involves not only the transfer of knowledge but also its transformation and expansion. What is needed is a more comprehensive view of what it means to be a scientist, and the recognition that knowledge is gained through research, through authorship, through practice and through teaching, which means that teachers must think about new and innovative learning strategies.

Teaching innovations are defined as small changes in teaching science that enable students to convert time to knowledge more quickly (Allgood,2001). Teachers need to know more than just their subject. They need to know how they can understand, how they can be misunderstood, and what is considered to be an understanding; they must know how individuals experience the subject. Teachers can adopt a research-based educational model (ask- explore, create, discuss- reflect) in which students work collaboratively and study concepts, principles, issues or problems in some depth (as opposed to surface learning).

We distinguish between the need for universities to move from a better (mainly conservative) doing things to doing better (essentially innovative) things. There is a need to shift from teacher-centred to student-centred learning; to integrate specific public issues and discipline; and to use completely different learning strategies such as survey-based learning. Certainly, the above-mentioned progressive strategies and elements of university education need to be integrated into the competency model envisaged for university teachers.

 In addition, the competency model should also include the desired forms of specific work behavior (education- science-publishing) for teachers. Similarly, in an effort to maintain the standard content of efficiency models in other sectors of social and economic life, the model must also include manifestations Negative, unwanted and unwanted behavior by the teacher (Table 3). Of course, these should only serve as passive, avoided and rejected components. These demonstrations of the teacher’s behavior must always be punished. Otherwise, they may take root and become long-term professional learning habits for the teacher, thereby jeopardizing the university’s strategic success in the education market. Specific work behavior (education- science-publishing) for teachers.

Table 3. University teacher competency model

Behavior indicators Efficiency report Skill
Positive: –

He has excellent leadership for his professional background, with the latest knowledge and directions. It ensures that science and practice are constantly interconnected, and that abstraction and perfection are applied appropriately. It helps colleagues develop their knowledge and ensures that students are professionally mature.


He neglects the latest knowledge and fails to pursue his professional development. It cannot combine theoretical knowledge with real practical needs in a coordinated manner. Fails to instil students with the need for continuous professional improvement and responsibility for their professional image

A specialized, qualified and recognized person in the field of teaching and research; Professionalism

For students, he serves as an active facilitator and contributor to their growth. It adapts to the content, methods and escalation of teaching to the intellectual ability of students. He constantly cultivates his educational skills.


It is cool and silent towards the students. Does not reflect generational differences and students’ educational abilities


An excellent teacher can identify the terminology and key elements of any subject and explain it to students in an understandable way; Educational competence

permanently enhances his motives. Ethically characterized and enthusiastically enhances the academic and professional motivation of students. Motivates colleagues to cooperate mutually and partner and create a stimulating environment in college.


It’s negative about self-motivation. He doesn’t see the student motivation at all as important, and he failed to respect a variety of student motivations. Inaction or hostile attitude discourages his colleagues in the department as well as in college.


Motivates others through each of his or her works or every lecture or seminar; he sees motivation as the key element in any process, action or effort; respects the dynamics of motivating individuals (students, colleagues) as well as groups (study groups, departments); firmly identifies and removes any demonstrations of his or her behavior as well as that of another person who is immoral, dishonest and discouraging of violence; who has the ability to motivate oneself, maintain oneself and be able to overcome obstacles, to withdraw and deliver energy in a useful way. Motivational efficiency

He always conveys his intentions, decisions and the issue is studied in a clear, understandable and inspiring way. Identifies communication defects and prevents them from occurring. Gives positive feedback to students.


He can’t communicate clearly, he fails to combine elements of verbal and non-verbal communication appropriately. He keeps inappropriate expressions in his language and ignores the quality of his language. Failed to answer questions or suggestions from students and colleagues.


He has great communication skills, particularly assertiveness, empathy, active listening, and persuasion; appropriately combines these communication skills and uses them in his educational activities; prevents misunderstanding of communication (with students and colleagues alike); has written language as well as always distinct and honest; sees and uses communication as a confidence-building tool Communications specialty

Permanently cultivates its personal characteristics. The quality of his personality is a positive model for students and colleagues alike.  Helps students develop their personalities.


Ignores the development of his personal competencies.  Hostile, overly dominant, selfish, narrow-minded and dishonest to others. Contributes to the personal growth of students.


He is a mature, very creative, creative, and courageous character. Always tolerant, sympathetic and useful to others (students and colleagues alike); Personal competence

His creative energies into scientific projects are valuable and socially useful. Originally reveals and responsible for characteristics, tendencies and predictions in the scientific field. Involve and empower fellows and other students in scientific projects.


Fails to show desired interest in scientific research activities and enthusiasm. He sees only any scientific efforts as an element in developing his image rather than as a useful element for society. Not sharing the outputs of his scientific activities with others.


A person is an enthusiastic, responsible and highly qualified scientist and researcher, either at the level of assistant or guarantor owner of scientific projects; his scientific efforts and creative research contribute to the development of knowledge; he reveals and subsequently provides others with knowledge and outputs that are always up-to-date, correct, useful and inspiring; he sees science and research as an engine and at the same time the inevitable determinant of good higher education and the progress of society; and improves his competence in conducting valuable scientific research in his scientific field. Scientific and research competence

It publishes valuable and innovative outputs on a national as well as international basis. He constantly follows the principles of honor as an author. The quality of his publications inspires colleagues.


It is rarely published and published only in his country of origin. He ignores the quality of his publications, deteriorates as an author and fails to take advantage of his potential. Published by plagiarism, and failed to control the discipline of quotation.


A person publishes his or her outputs (publications) in quality, periodicalism and originality, which gives the author high credit value because he or she is of high scientific, social and educational importance (both local and foreign language books; higher education books derived from patriotism or research as well as international authors. Articles in local and foreign journals and scientific conferences); as an author, he always maintains absolute fairness and high discipline for quotation. Publishing specialty

Martina Blaškováa,(2014),  Competences and Competence Model of University Teachers  Source : Rudolf Blaškoa, Alžbeta Kucharþíkováa, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences   159  ( 2014 )  457 – 467


To briefly outline the main findings, we present the study introduction to this research, which was prepared in higher education efficiency models and using a descriptive view of the responses of proficiency models and to identify and evaluate results in higher education (Kuk & Banning,2009) by implementing competency models in recent years due to external impacts, and calling for meeting the needs of the labor market for student affairs. Here are the most important conclusions I have drawn from my research. Through these conclusions and the implications, I hope that I have answered my research questions.

  1. There are several factors that have affected the adoption of the efficiency model.
  2. There is a difference between the experience of the field of efficiency and the development of the field of efficiency.
  3. Structure and accountability are important for the student in order to be successful with the model.
  4. Dynamic marketing of influential culture is important for student success.
  5. The results of the competency model should be collected and used to promote learning and education.


I believe that the Student Affairs program in higher education at Baghdad University has effectively established and implemented proficiency models to improve the level of students in their programs. Programmes and individuals interested in competency models can learn a lot from the experiences of faculty, supervisors and students. Furthermore, software efficiency model documents can serve as effective guides and starting points for those programmes implementing their own model. In the end, I found that the competency model must be integrated into all practical experiences, curricula and the social environment of the student in order to succeed.

The model must be at the heart of the learning experience and all stakeholders must be aware of its components and guidelines. Competencies must become the cornerstone of a student’s professional socialization as a guide to student learning and the integration of professional practice experiences. We hope that the model will help lay the foundation for personal development and the efficiency of motivating teachers is critical to our study.

This is the pre-basis for all educational activities, experts and satisfactory level. Academic motivations can be described as the sum total skills, achievements and effectiveness shown by the individual under the circumstances to which he or she is exposed (Kirikkanat, 2013). The motivation is the strength that drives us to carry out activities. We are excited when we feel the desire to do something, and we are able to continue the effort required during the time required to achieve the goal we have set for ourselves. Motivation must be carefully considered by teachers, in an effort to mobilize the abilities and capabilities of each student to achieve academic success. Motivation increases the start and continuation of activity. Students are likely to start a task they really want to do.

 They’re also likely to keep working until they complete it. Motivation increases students’ time on the job and is an important factor affecting their learning. In this regard, efficiency satisfaction is important for all individuals. Achievement defended the positive effects of efficiency satisfaction. Highly motivated individuals therefore benefited from competency satisfaction and suffered more than frustration from the need of low-motivated individuals.

The motivation for achievement mitigates the effects of efficiency satisfaction when predicting the flow and well-being of the field, but not the overall flow and well-being. This is confirmed by Kucharíkováa etal,2014 (we consider motivational efficiency to be the most important element of the competency model created for the university teacher. The motivational effect, by contrast, on students, other teachers, as well as on the dean and rector, may pose the greatest benefits and at the same time the greatest risk. Publishing and other teacher outputs. Our experience has shown that if a teacher makes efforts, i.e., he has a great motivation to work with students responsibly and enthusiastically, he supports other teachers in these motivational efforts;


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