الكتب العلمية

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies : Thirteenth Issue – May 2022


Journal of Afro-Asian Studies

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin. The journal deals with the field of Afro-Asian strategic, political and economic studies

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN  2628-6475
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies

– : To view the journal’s table of content

Index of Issue 

Article titled author page number
Birth of the Zaibatsu: Meiji Industrial Modernization Dr. Habib Al Badawi

Lebanese University – Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences (B.I) – History Department.

Analysis of the phenomenon of double deficits in the structure of the Iraqi economy Dr. Nagham Hamid Abdul Khader Al-Yasiri

Wasit University/ Faculty of Management and Economics

Dr. Ruaa naseer kadhim

Wasit University/ Faculty of Management and Economics


Ministry of Interior / Directorate of Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism in Wasit

International Relations between the United States, Russia and China in the 21st Dr. Bouchra Benderraji       College of Humanities and Social Sciences University batna 1 Algeria 56
Impact of Institutional Building on the Performance of Business Organizations Dr. Iskandar Hassan Abdel Sattar

Senior Lecturer , Lebanese International University – Aden

Israel-Palestine Peace Agreements and the Role of Third-Party Mediation Dr. Raed M. I. Qaddoura

Strategy and Security Studies at the National University of Malaysia /Assistant Professor of Strategic and International Relations at the Palestinian Universities

Political Corruption and Economic and Social Deficit in the Light of the International System in Lebanon as a Model

“A Model” “A Study in Political Geography”

Hana Omar Mohamed Kazouz

faculty member at Al-Zaytoonah University – Tarhuna– Libya


Lecturer, Faculty of Arts and Sciences -Alkufrah, University of Benghazi, Libya.

Dr. Salem Hamed Abosnan.

Assistance Professor, Faculty of Arts and Sciences -Alkufrah, University of Benghazi, Libya.

Ms. Khadeejah Ali Eisay

Lecturer, Faculty of Arts and Sciences -Alkufrah, University of Benghazi, Libya.

Teaching English Literature at Sudanese Secondary Schools Dr. Abdelrahman Mohammedain Abdelrahman Ahmed

Associate Professor of English literature  –University of El Imam El Mahdi- Sudan

Dr. Mahmoud Abbas Ibrahim Hassan, Assistant professor, English Language Department , Majmmah University

Dr. Mahdi Hamad Elballa Hamad   – Assistant   professor -University of El imam EL Mahdi

The Impact of Foreign Exchange rate Fluctuations in Inflation using the ARDL model

 Applied study- Sudan during the period (1979 – 2017)

Dr. Salah Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed, Associate Professor of Economics, Sudan 162
The impact of neuromarketing tools on traditional marketing inputs in order to complete understanding of consumer behavior online Dr. Sanaa J. Mohammed

Technical Institute of Kufa, Al-Furat Al-Awsat

Dr. Ali Aboudi Nehme  Al-Jubouri   

Imam Al-Kadhum College (IKC)

Dr. dejla J. Mohammed

Technical Institute of Kufa, Al-Furat Al-Awsat

The Role of Providing Written Corrective Feedback in Enhancing Khartoum University EFL Students’ Writing Performance


Dr. Mohammed Agban Bakhit, Assistant Professor , University of Khartoum

Mawada Abdalrhman Ahmed Saeed




5/5 - (10 أصوات)

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