Investigating the Impact of Simulation on Enhancing Sudanese EFL Students Communication Skills (A case study of secondary schools White Nile State)

Prepared by the researcher
Dr. Abdelrahman Mohammedain Abdelrahman, Associate professor, white Nile University, El- Imam El mahadi University
Dr. Malkah EL Sadig Yagoob – Assistant Professor -Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences -University of Al Imam El Mahdi – Sudan
Dr. Ibtisam Hamid Mohammed Ali, Assistant Professor ,Emirates College of Science and Technology –Sudan
Democratic Arab Center
International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies : Eighteenth Issue – September 2022
A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin
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This study aims at investigating the impact of simulation on enhancing EFL students’ communication skill. The researchers adopted descriptive analytical method to conduct the study. The target group is composed of teachers and students of English language at the secondary schools in White Nile State .The tools used for data collection are interview and questionnaire.(25)copies of interview for the teachers of the English language at secondary schools ,they were (male /female).Also a questionnaire for (100) students who are studying English language as a foreign language at the secondary schools in White Nile State was adopted . After the analysis of the data using (SPSS) and textual analysis ,the findings of the research are as follow : the majority of the students believe that there are many types of simulation that positively affect EFL students competencies such as role-playing simulation, dynamic simulationetc. but they are not utilized, the impact of integration of simulators in students’ competencies helps in teaching and practicing, and Sudanese educational institutions don’t use simulation in teaching and learning communication skill of EFL students .In the light of findings the researchers recommend the following:new strategies of teaching EFL communication skill should be adopted by the ministry of education in Sudan. Teachers of English language should be trained enough to use educational devices such as video You Tube and language laboratory as technological simulations so as to improve communication skill in and outside classroom. Factors that lead to the difficulties in using simulation in teaching and learning EFL students communication skill of Sudanese educational institutions should be removed.
Language teachers are responsible toestablish andimplement learning methods that enable their students toenhance oral language proficiency. To achieve thisaim,a lot of researchers andinstructors suggested simulations to transfer the normal classroom into an authentic setting where language skills can be practiced in more realistic conditions. A simulation task is given and participants are required to resolve a problem of some kind using their own life experience and character. This is what is done when simulation is practiced. Itmimics and imitates reallife situations as closely as possible.
The field of simulation and its impact on enhancing communication has grown and became an area of interest in many ways. The use of simulation as a day-to-day tool is now even more common practice in the world wide . Many new simulation approaches have been developed in the recent years. But a lot of instructors do not utilize them. The present interest in communications via digital devices such as mobile, a primary area of application of simulation as a means that can be used to enhance communication and the use of wireless systems add different flavor than the traditional ones.
According to Michel C. Jeruchim Philip and K. Sam Shanmugam (2002:31) Simulation can play an important role during all phases of the design and engineering of communication systems, from the early stages of conceptual design through the various stages of implementation, testing, and fielding of the system.
English language simulation occupies a prominent place in teaching and learning process. It becomes a crucial of advance learning of classroom environment. This study is conducted to investigating the impact of simulation on enhancing EFL student’s communication skill. Jones (1982:p.5) defines simulation as” A reality function in simulated and structured environment’ ’According to what has been mentioned in the above definition, one could say that it describesthe activity of producing conditions which are similar to real ones and its effects on foreign language achievement in education , communication happens between the teacher and the student in the classroom .It enables students to share their experiences with their teacher who provides information about the lesson so they need to interact with each other.
Teachers can use simulations as an ideal technique to use language communicatively and creatively.It makes teachers more flexible to take students individual differences in to account. So, simulations represent as an efficient and effective learning in the classrooms while providing naturalistic environment.
No one can deny the role of modern technology and its great contribution in improving learning English language via a model of simulation this fact appears clear in a lot of students who used simulation as effective factors in enhancing their communication skills.
According to , Fandino (2013:p.116) : EFL classrooms need to be filled with meaningful and intellectually stimulating activities , practices and processes that allow students to not just articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral , written and non-verbal communication but also understand complex perspectives , make judgments and decisions and work creatively with others .
According to what has been said above, one could say that a simulation is not controlledactivity as participant participates in the simulation by their own character , experiences , skills and knowledge but it needsstrong desire and motivation to be used as a means of enhancing communication.
According to Sean McPhee(2010 :p.11 ) ‘the effectiveness of communication depends on richness of these ideas and the exact way it’s done that can achieved via simulation .’ if the sender wants to conveys a massage exactly , simulation is a crucial factor.
This study presumes that some Sudanese EFL learners and instructors ignore the importance of simulation technique in and outside classroom.They don’t apply it during their lesson andin other accessesthat resulted in poor performance in communication.
The researchers’ experiences as a teacher of English at Sudanese secondary schools as well as some Sudanese universities can proof that simulation is ignored in schools and universities so it resulted in declining the standard of learning English language effectively and fluently. Teachers and students do not use the available materials which are introduced in diversities of modern technologies such as YouTube, social media and language laboratory. Consequently, education technology has become as an auxiliary source in teaching and developing languages basic skills:listening,speaking, reading and writing.
A great contribution is needed to be exerted to apply simulations in the field of teaching and learning EFL in Sudanese secondary schools. It is crucial factor in enhancing communication via educational technology researches anddevelopment.
Statement of theProblem
This research aims to investigating the impact of simulation on enhancing EFL student’s communication skills. It aims to answer a basic question that face a lot of Sudanese instructors as well as EFL students of why simulation technique is not utilized in teaching and learning English to improving communication skills and teaching process although it helps millions of learners to enhance their communication skills .
Simulation is not utilized although it has been considered by a lot of scholars in the field of learning and teaching English language as an important factor in the process of learning communication skills. According to Fandino,ibid (2013):p.116).”` EFL students need to be filled with meaningful intellectually simulation activities , practices and processes that allow them not just articulate through ideas effectively using oral , written and non – verbal communication but also to understand complex perspective, make judgment and decisions , and work creatively with others.Some of the teachers at secondary schools don’t help students to adopt simulation when teaching English in the classroom.
Some of Sudanese secondary schools do not own a ready-made programs of simulation in their schools. Also a lack of linguistics laborites in Sudanese secondary schools cause hamper to teachers who do not use simulation which is the basic problem that face them.
Simulation programs are financially expensive to purchases and maintain if disrupted and the possibilities of schools are physically weak. In addition to, teachers are not trained enough to use simulation in teaching and learning EFLclassroom.
Objectives of the Study:
This study aims to achieve the following objectives:
- To investigate the types of simulation that affect EFL students’performance positively.
- – To find out the impact of utilizing simulators in enhancing students’performance.
- To explore the use of simulation in Sudanese educational institutions.
Questions of the Study :
This study aims to answer the following questions :
- What are the types of simulation that positively effect EFL students’performance?
- What is the impact of integration of simulators in EFLstudents’performance?
- Why Sudanese EFL students do not use simulation when they learn English?
Hypotheses of the study :
This study aims to verify following hypotheses:
- There are many types of simulation that have great impact onenhancing students’performance but they are not used in Sudanese educational institutions.
- Integration of simulators in education is expected to enhance the students’ performance.
- Sudanese institutions do not to use simulation in learning English. .
The researchers adopt the descriptive analytical method to conduct the study. A questionnaire was used for secondary school student in White Nile States as well as interview for English language teachers .
The population of the study consist of both Sudanese secondary school teachers of English language and the students as well . The samples are randomly chosen that consists of (100) students and (25|) teachers . SPSS program for the student questionnaire and textual analysis for teachers’ interview will be adapted as a device to analyze data.
Literature Review
The way that teachers follow in teaching English has been changing from time to, time has changed teachers’ methods, approaches and techniques of teaching English language. It is evolved and there are a new breed of learning technologists in a world we increasingly see a lot of devices such as computers, mobile , phones as means of learning that are used to enhance students communication skills in the teaching and learning English language.
Franco Landriscinas(2013 ) . Simulation is therefore always considered to be a ”a fake ” representation of the real world .Hence ,the notion of simulation is imitation or reproduction of an objective of reality as something of epistemic beliefs of students and teachers approach as a way of a learning method .
Simulation as a language learning approach /tactic have been interpreted in different resources and /or by different authors in different ways .The term used in the( role playing ) simulation literature are often used interchangeably as well ,such as :”Simulation ”, ” game” ,”simulation game ” ,”role -playing game ” ,”role -play simulation ” .
A simulation is a teaching and learning method which the situation feels real and the situation feels real and thus leads to more engaging interaction by learners of all ages In simulation students can bring items to the class to create a realistic environment .Simulations different than role plays is that they are more elaborate .
A simulation is a technique that involves significant interaction between groups and individual based on real world and real experiences. It is a technique in which an activity involving complex interaction between groups and individual based on simulation of life and experiences.
However ,their performance is not for amusing audiences . From the definition above it can be inferred that simulation is an oral activity in which the participants have responsibilities to participate actively in the interaction .In simulation students can bring items to the class to create a realistic environment .Simulations different than role plays is that they are more elaborate .
Simulation is a technique for learning that can be applied to many different disciplines and types of learners .According to Jones (1982 ),simulation has been defined as reality of function in a simulated structured environment and also can be defined as set of circumstances that mirror real life and participants act as instructed.
Simulation also can be well-defined as the action of representing the behavior of some state or some process by means of something suitably equivalent. Some of the significantfeature of simulation as a technique of teaching English language that is not controlled, so the participants bring to the situation their own skills experience ,and knowledge .It enriches the learning process and makes the academic setting a real life -situation which is one of the fundamental conditions for effective and efficient language learning that enhances the learning process.
The meaning of a simulation can includes system and model ,system state variable ,entities and attributes ,list processing ,activities and delays ,and definition of discrete- event simulation . It is to make-believe that you deal with real thing while really working with an artificial thing .
According to. Jerry Banks ,et al :2010 : p ,21) A simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real -world process or system over time .Whether done by hand or on computer ,simulation involves the generation of an artificial history of a system and the observation to draw inferences concerning the operating characteristics of the real system
Simulation as a powerful tool if understood and used properly . Simulation according to Shannon cited (1975 ), is’ ‘the process of designing a model of a real system and conducting experiments with this model for the purpose either of understanding the behavior of the system or of evaluating various strategies (within the limits imposed by a criterion or set of criteria ) for the operation of the system ) According to this definition simulation can be a discrete -event simulation .
From the above a simulation is an activity in which students discuss a problem which is a setting that has been clearly described to them . ”A simulation is a ”representation which employ substitute elements to replace real or hypothetical components ,and as such it has much to offer the language teacher working in the un real situation of classroom”.’ ‘ibid : Anu Mari:1997”.Here the students of the language learner reacts to the task or problem and acts with the constrains of the environment given in the situation .In a language learning activity we find that simulation uses as a role –play however can students taking a part of different characters .
On the other hand, outside a simulation , role-play sometimes supplies of finite interaction between characters rather than the resolution of a problem .It provides opportunities for detailed work on pronunciation and intonation ,as well as syntax , and a possibility to use drama in the foreign language situation .
For role –play simulation ,the student is himself react to the simulated task on the basis of his own personal experience and transferring his own first language experience to the simulated foreign language situation .
From the above we find that both role –play and role-simulation are suitable for classroom techniques and provide oral practice .Besides, role – play requires more fanciful situations, and the possible end product will be more exaggerated language than that produced by role –simulation; it is more supportive of the shy or weak student. Role-play as a technique of simulation and here situation simulation for primary training and practice in the foreign language situation. Thus , students providing them with practice in a wide variety of language skills .As in British Council for English Teaching Information Center: (1977:p.5)we find that ”Games ,Simulations are related techniques as an extension of the language teacher’s repertory are receiving renewed attention . The value of oral-directed pair or group –activities in teaching for communicative competence in obvious .”
According to(ibid France Landriscinas :2013). Moreover , there are many interpretations of the term ”simulation” and here the term is texted to mean ,not playing roles , but the simulation of whole environment in which is set a task or problem to which the participants react. The very nature simulation makes it to be studied ,based on a model of the system ” .The aim of this definition is to unite the meaning of the term simulation to situation more easily encountered in scientific and educational context , and to complete it with the terms model and system .
The terms used in simulations reflect the main distinctions between simulations and other interactive activities ,particularly as regards the nature of the event ,the roles of the teacher and the students ,their behavior and the goal of the activity .
According to the from the definitions and concepts of simulations; role-play ,role-simulation and Games one can understand that role-play ,where or less elaborate , does however seem to be an essential feature of simulations because the participants are required to act ”as if” they were found themselves in hypothetical situation ,and perhaps also as if they were different from their real -selves .Also a simulation is governed not so much by rules as by information ,data- to use the fashionable term – a scenario ,together with a clearly defined objectives.
Using of Simulation to improve the Pronunciation
According to A.J Hoge(2014:53) Pronunciation is a big worry for many English learners. It challenges then when they want to speak as native speakers do. One of the greatest challenges with pronunciation is the problem offeeling strange when trying to use a native accent which is impossible to do so .if someone wants to speak as if he is American , he or she many feel unnatural. Their voice sounds strange to them. This is normal because speaking adifferent language naturally forces you to create different sounds.
So how can we develop more natural English pronunciation? This study suggests adopting a simulation as a technique that can help learners to enhance the pronunciation. A.J Hog suggest suggests to play a little gamewith movies to enhance pronunciation . the learners try to become their favorite English speaking actor or actress. When they speak, pretend they are actors. Instead of worrying about their English, concentrate on speaking exactly the way the actor would.In fact, it’s important to think of this as a game and to even exaggerate the actor’s pronunciation, movementsand facial expressions.Sometimes in A.J Hoge own classes he imitate the famous actor John Wayne, who played the hero in many oldWesterns and was seen as the typical American. He walk around his classes as if he is wearing cowboy boots andready to go after some bad guys. Maybe you’ll feel more comfortable playing Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts oranother movie star . . . the idea is to exaggerate their pronunciation and push yourself to speak just like them. Have fun, and you’ll be surprised how much this will help your pronunciation. This is what is applied when we practice a simulation.
Previous Studies
Previous studies that will be mentioned are useful as a reference for the researchers in their research. They are used to show the association between the previous researches with the current one in order to avoid being a claim. The researchers selected some previous studies about the contribution of simulation on enhancing communication skill of EFL students.
This study was presented by Negla Ahmed Albasheer Osman (2014) It was entitled as ‘The acceptance and use of information and communication technologies by staff members in Khartoum state’s universities –Sudan’ A questionnaire was used as a method to collect the data, The Sample includes 787 Questionnaires. The Population is the staff members (SMs)of Khartoum state universities(KSUs) (Sudan). The findings of the study reveals the following :to have a negative in significant effect, facilitating factors (EFs) has positive dominant significant effect.ICTused for different purposes, but less frequently and seldom used in teaching. These are significant difference in actual users and no-users of ICT among SMs according to personal and demographic characteristics (gender, age ,academic rank, discipline ,profession ,experience ,training ,type of university etc.) The most important study recommendations are as the following:There is still a need for more research in using TAMSand -research is needed in the Sudanese education contexts and other contexts ,in advances communication technology smart phones and internets usages. .
This study was presented by StiRugoyah (2017) The Title of The Study :”The Effectiveness of Using Simulation to Motivate Students’ Speaking Skills ” The Method that was adopted is experimental group /questionnaire and observation.
The Sample of the study was 10 students and the .Population :ten grade students of vocational school in academic year 2010 /2017 . The main findings of the study as follow : The use of simulation technique is quite effective to motivate students’ speaking skills .There is significant difference between the students ‘ speaking skills of those who were taught role play using .In other words simulation technique is more effective to motivate student speaking compared to role play . The following arethe most important recommendations : Students should practice speaking English teachers to use simulation in teaching speaking because of its effectiveness to the students to improve their speaking skills. Simulation aids students to be more active and creative .They are free to speak without any fear of making mistakes .
This study presented by :KarimaChergui( 2016) It was entitled as ‘ ‘The Effect of Using Simulation Activities Developing Algerian EFL Students’ Speaking and Listening Proficiency ” The main findings are as follow :The positive impact of simulation on developing listening and speaking proficiency meets in EFL .Simulation activities improved the EFL students listening and speaking proficiency .Using innovative teaching techniques ,using drama and games to help EFL learners to adopt their language to the changes of the language use requirement. The positive effect of using task –based teaching with language classroom to develop oral proficiency .Simulation not only generates communication ,but leads to activity learners and providing fun and rigorous learning environment as well .Simulation activities for better applications in the class to teach not only oral skills but also raise students’ cultural awareness in their classes .The main Recommendations are as follow: For successful simulations ,EFL teachers should in encourage learners to take further responsibilities jointly with their partners to reduce the proficiency gap among them while interacting in the simulation.
This study was presented by Annamaria Bagnasco, et al (2014) it was entitled as ‘The role of simulation in developing communication and gestural skills in medical students’. It is research paper published in BMC Medical Education. The main concern of this study is to investigate the application of the principles of simulation learningas an effective means of developing the communication and gestural skills of healthcare professionals. The study aimed to assess student satisfaction with laboratory training in an Advanced Simulation Center.All of the third-year students of the Medical School (n = 261) were invited to participate in the laboratory sessions at the Advanced Simulation Center. They were divided into groups and attended the Center for one week. The team of trainers included medical doctors and nurses involved in teaching at the University Medicine and Nursing programs. At the end of the week, the students were administered an anonymous questionnaire made up of two sections: the first one was on the content of individual laboratory sessions; the second on the training methods, materials used and the trainers. A five-point Likert scale was used to measure satisfaction. The following results were found out: Questionnaire results showed a high level of satisfaction with the methods used, the instruments developed, and with the expertise and approachability of the educators. Almost all of the students wanted to participate in similar laboratory activities in the future.The study highlighted the need to permanently integrate laboratory training sessions into the curriculum of medical students, who found them very useful and stimulating. This study is related to the recent one in a way that both of them tackle the issue of the contribution of simulation as a factor in enhancing communication skills. This study focuses of the medical students as a population whereas the recent one focuses on the Sudanese secondary school students as well as teachers.
This study was conducted by M. Laura Angelini and AmparoGarcía-Carbonell(2019). The title of the study as ‘Developing English Speaking Skills Through Simulation-Based Instruction’. It aims to investigate the problems that face foreign language teachers and researchers face a major challenge enabling students’ learning. Not only must they provide training in the target language, but they must also find ways to optimize class time and enhance students’ communication skills in the target language. How does technology intersect with English teaching in ways that benefit learning? A possible approach would align with integrating web-based strategies and optimizing class time through new methodologies, techniques and resources. In this study, a group of university engineering students were taught with simulations to aid their learning of English as a foreign language. These engineering students were taught English through both class-based and a large-scale real-time web-based simulation. We present the results of quantitative analysis of students’ oral production. The goal was to show whether simulation-based instruction contributes to significant progress in oral language production in English. The results indicate that students progressed significantly in four language-related areas: vocabulary, pronunciation, variety of expression and grammar. This study related to the recent one because both of them deals with the issue of utilizing a simulation as an effective factor in enhancing communication skill. It mainly focuses on Developing English Speaking Skills Through Simulation-Based Instruction whereas the recent one deals with the impact of simulation in enhancing the communication skills of Sudanese secondary EFL students.
This study was conducted by Yuh-Shihng Chang , Chao-Nan Chen, and Chia-Ling Liao (2020) It wasentitled as ‘Enhancing English-Learning Performance through a Simulation Classroom for EFL Students Using Augmented Reality—A Junior High School Case Study. The main concern of this study is to find a way to improve the English-learning effectiveness of EFL students, the researchers propose the use of augmented reality (AR) to support situational classroom learning and conduct teaching experiments for situational English learning. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the learning performance of EFL students can be enhanced using augmented reality within a situational context. The learning performance of the experimental student group is validated by means of the attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction (ARCS) model. According to statistical analysis, the experimental teaching method is much more effective than that of the control group (i.e., the traditional teaching method). The learning performance of the experimental group students is obviously enhanced and the feedback of using AR by EFL students is positive. The experimental results reveal that (1) students can concentrate more on the practice of speaking English as a foreign language; (2) the real-life AR scenarios enhanced student confidence in learning English; and (3) applying AR teaching materials in situational context classes can provide near real-life scenarios and improve the learning satisfaction of students. This study is related to the recent one in a way that both of them tackle the issue of the contribution of simulation as a factor in enhancing communication skills. This study focuses onenhancing English-Learning performance through a
simulation classroom for EFL students Using Augmented Reality whereas the recent one focuses on the Sudanese secondary school students as well as teachers.
This study was conducted by Brandusa-Oana Niculescu(2011). It was entitled as ‘Using Simulations in Communicative English Language Teaching’. This studyi sassumingthat simulation is mission in learning English. Learners have been regarded as a passive member of the classroom which is shaped by the holy dominance of the omnipotent instructor. But things have turned to a new dimension – the teacher is no longer “the sage on the stage” but the silent overseer in the back. Modern methodology fosters a shift from teacher-centered to student-centered and even student-generated approaches, leaving enough space for maneuver to the individual learner and laying emphasis on the power of self-instruction and responsibility for learning. The greatest emphasis of the instructional act should be placed on the students’ exploration of their own attitudes and values. This study focuses on Using Simulations in Communicative English Language Teaching ‘whereas the recent one focuses on the Sudanese secondary school students as well as teachers.
Data Analysis
This section deals with the population and sample of the study, presenting, analyzing and discussing the data of the study, explaining the methodology used to describe the sample and the data collection tool used in the questionnaire and the statistical methods used to prove the validity of the hypotheses.
After reviewing the literature of research and previous studies, the researcher designed a questionnaire to suit the subject of the study and its objectives, in order to collect data from the sample members. It was considered that the questionnaire is comprehensive to measure the problems that face students in dealing with a simulation as a technique that is useful in helping EFL students to enhance learning English language.
Questionnaire includes 30 items spread across fifth Lacertian hypotheses ranging from (strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, strongly disagree) I strongly agree (5), agree (4), undecided (3), disagree (2), strongly disagree (1) where I strongly agree and agree with the positive side, Negative, while undecided means the frequency of the answer in the sense of uncertainty and thus are excluded in the provision and the table below shows the distribution of weights on the approval levels.
Hypothesis (1) There are many types of simulations such as one which is done by current technology , that have great impact on students competence and performance which are not used in Sudanese educational institutions
The descriptive statistics of the first hypotheses:
There are many types of simulations such as one which is done by current technology , that have great impact on students competence and performance but are not used in Sudanese educational institutions
1-All statements expressing the first hypothesis (There are many types of simulations such as one which is done by current technology , that have great impact on students competence and performance which are not used in Sudanese educational institutions) are higher than the standard mean (3). This result indicates that the sample members agree on all the expressions expressing the hypothesis.
2-The most important of the terms of the hypothesis is the term (Role –play has limited link for different skills such as speaking ,greeting and listening together in the real world) with a relative importance of 97%, where the average responses of the sample on the words (4.68) and standard deviation (0.55).
3-The average of all expressions (4.61) and the relative importance of 92%. This indicates that the sample respondents agree with all the statements that measure the first hypothesis with a standard deviation (0.70), indicating the homogeneity of respondents’ responses to these terms.
Hypothesis (2): Integration of simulators in education is expected toenhance the student learning by integration of teaching and practice.
Descriptive statistics of the second hypotheses:
Integration of simulators in education is expected toenhance the student learning by integration of teaching and practice.
1-All statements expressing the second hypothesis (Integration of simulators in education is expected to enhance the student learning by integration of teaching and practice) are higher than the standard mean (3). This result indicates that the sample members agree on all the expressions expressing the hypothesis.
2-The most important of the terms of the hypothesis is the term (I cannot speak because there is no attempts of practice of the basic school) with a relative importance of 97%, where the average responses of the sample on the words (4.69) and standard deviation (0.54).
3-The average of all expressions (4.36) and the relative importance of 92%. This indicates that the sample respondents agree with all the statements that measure the second hypothesis with a standard deviation (0.85), indicating the homogeneity of respondents’ responses to these terms.
Hypothesis (3): Sudanese institutions are expected to use simulation in education
The descriptive statistics of the third hypotheses: Sudanese institutions are expected to use simulation in education
1-All statements expressing the third hypothesis (Sudanese institutions are expected to use simulation in education) are higher than the standard mean (3). This result indicates that the sample members agree on all the expressions expressing the hypothesis.
2-The most important of the terms of the hypothesis is the term (Teacher can use simulation techniques for secondary schools’ students to develop communication skills) with a relative importance of 97%, where the average responses of the sample on the words (4.61) and standard deviation (0.38).
3-The average of all expressions (4.17) and the relative importance of 92%. This indicates that the sample respondents agree with all the statements that measure the third hypothesis with a standard deviation (0.71), indicating the homogeneity of respondents’ responses to these terms.
The analysis of the teachers’ interview
The analysis of the teachers’ interview is done via textual analysis technique in which the answer of the interview will be subjected and compared with the hypotheses and the questions of the study to find the conclusion and findings .
The interview’s questions to be answeredby the Sudanese EFL the teachers :
- Do you think that using simulation can help in enhance the students’ performance? if the answer is yes or no , why?
Seventy percent of the teachers believe that using simulation can help in enhancing the students’ performancebecause it helps them to speak as if there are native speakers.
- What are the types of simulation that positively affect EFL students’performance?
The majority of the teachers who has answered the interviews’ questions think that the simulation that students get directly from native speakers from different modern technologies can help students to enhance their performance in English language.
- What is the impact of integration of simulators in students’performance ?
The above question has beenresponded by the teachers that believe integration of simulators help in having good performance .
4 – Why do Sudanese EFL institutions do not use simulation in teachingEnglish?
To answer the above question , the teachers believe that the lack of technology hinders students to use the simulation devices to enhance the performance.
- To what extent do you think that modern technologies have impact in providing devices which can be used in teaching and enable the teachers and student to use as simulations in teaching English?
Majority of teachers believe that modern technologies that provide devices which can be used in teaching and enable the teachers and student to use as simulations in teaching English. These devices have a positive influence in enhancing Sudanese performance in English language.
Hypothesis one which is about the types of simulations that have great impact on students’ competencies which are not used in Sudanese educational institutions. The majority of the students believe that there are many types of simulation that have great impact on students’ competencies which are not used in Sudanese institutions education. According to the statistical analysis, the first hypotheses is significance .So it is accepted.
According to the analysis of hypotheses two, we can say that the hypothesis is significance which refers to the integration of simulators in education is expected to enhance the student learning by integration of teaching and practice. So the second hypotheses are accepted.
According to the analysis of hypotheses three , we can say that the hypothesis is significant which refers to the Sudanese institutions are expected to use simulation in education .So, the majority of EFL secondary school students believe that the Sudanese institutions are expected to use simulation in education so the third hypotheses is accepted .
The classroom language sometimes is different from the language that we use outside the classroom. So learners need additional technique to enable them to communicate effectively. One of these technique is the use of simulation. It enables the laters to get real-life experience, that makes them feel that the knowledge they encounter in school is inapplicable to their lives, the advocated use of simulations for communicative purposes engages the learners in first-hand experiences of knowledge which successfully bridge the gap between “reality” and “classroom. Learning of English that is acquired through simulations allows students to use their lives in learning English. Teaching the language must be supplemented by others tools such as simulation so as to be effective.
The practice of using simulations as a pedagogical learning and testing tool in the classroom offered students and teachers alike a great sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in taking part in activities that are innovative, pragmatic in nature, and fun.
Language represents an effective tool of communication. Simulation enhances EFL students’ communication skills. Performance in speaking will be improved .In doing simulation; the participants also do various aspects macro skills such as communication, interaction and social. The methods of teaching, training teachers and surrounding environment are the most effective factors that cause difficulty in using simulation as a means of EFL communication skills. The majority of the responded teachers agree that the sources of difficulty for students are that the teachers are not trained enough to use simulation, lack of motivation, problems related to the curriculum and mending of devices of simulation. Simulations can offer efficient and effective learning in the classrooms that by providing naturalistic environment, which maximize the opportunities of creating real communication in EFL Classrooms. Thebehavior is not controlled on a simulation .So , participants bring to the situation their own skills ,experience ,and knowledge .This characteristic of simulation enriches the learning process and makes the academic setting a real life situation which is one of the fundamental conditions feels real and thus leads to more engaging interaction by learners of all ages .Mode and simulation is an art that is learnt over time and through experience. So they should be looked after by the instructors
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