Research studies

The Impact of cultural marketing on intellectual capital through organizational Performance- Applied Study in Iraqi Universities


Prepared by the researcher  : Dr. Ali Aboudi Nehme Al Jabouri & Imam Al-Kadhum – College (IKC)

Democratic Arabic Center

International Journal of Economic Studies : Twenty-seventh Issue – November 2023

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN  2569-7366
International Journal of Economic Studies

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This research examines the impact of cultural marketing components on intellectual capital through organizational performance in Iraqi universities. Empirical results suggest that the marketing mix positively affects relational and structured capital. Both associative and for 48.4% organizational performance. It is not expected to be found not significantly, directly impact organizational performance, it is correct to mention significantly affects organizational performance because it is an integral part of relational capital if the culture is in a dynamic state. The impact of relational capital on organizational performance is adjusted by gender and age. The effect is stronger among younger men. In the case of structural capital, its impact is mitigated only by sex so that the impact is slightly stronger for females rather than males. key findings.  mediated by the impact of regulatory performance to guide the global market on the performance of higher education institutions. Second, this research is the first attempt to understand how intellectual capital has enhanced the performance of organizations through organizational performance readiness. Thus, the primary meaning of these findings is that private higher education institutions need to direct their innovations to society for society’s future performance and benefits. Applied implementation is important in the relationship between organizational performance and intellectual capital


  broad that intellectual capital affects a company’s organizational performance in a variety of industries, intellectual capital has continued to grow using different methods of analysis in different contexts. Thus, a lot of compelling concepts have been in knowledge-intensive industries and advanced technology. In the past decade, the state of emergency in the knowledge economy has been attributed to the widespread recognition of the IFRC as a decisive factor driving innovation and economic growth. Intellectual capital provides a potential source of sustainable competitive advantage. Although intellectual capital is difficult to accurately measure as an intangible primary resource, its added value remains undisputed. Moreover, most research has been conducted on intellectual capital and its relationship to performance in Western business environments. Meanwhile, although few researchers have been involved in highlighting the impact of international cooperation in the knowledge-intensive industry such as telecommunications, their overall subscriptions to the IC literature are very limited. Thus, this research aims to investigate the impact of intellectual capital on organizational performance in Iraqi private universities. One of the main reasons for examining these institutions in Iraq is that universities are among   and rapidly growing sector. The education sector contributes significantly to the Iraqi economy, and this sector represents an opportunity for the country to increase its competitive advantage over its Arab neighbours in the region. Iraq possesses the vital elements of a knowledge hub in the region .



The role of international cooperation in the functioning and progress of the Organization is clear. Therefore, the research focuses on whether cultural marketing impacts intellectual capital and whether its three main components have the same positive relationship with the performance of private universities as with other sectors of society. And how universities manage their intellectual capital to achieve efficiency in their performance”


  1. To explore the role and function of IC in relation to private universities in Iraq.
  2. nvestigate the link between intellectual capital and university performance and effective work.
  3. Study the role of intellectual capital by comparing public and private sector universities.
  4. To understand the importance of intellectual capital management in developing countries


The main objective of the research was to determine the impact of the components of intellectual capital, namely human capital, structural capital, relational capital, and the performance of institutions in private universities in Iraq. Most researchers agree that intellectual capital is positively correlated with performance in the education sector and universities. The conceptual framework of this research is based on three variables that predict human capital, structural capital, relational capital, and two dimensions of organizational performance.

  1. Human capital is positively related to organizational performance in Iraqi universities
  2. Structural capital is positively related to organizational performance in Iraqi universities
  3. Relational capital is positively correlated with organizational performance in Iraqi universities
  4. There is a positive impact of intellectual capital on the performance of the organization.


Intellectual Capital

First of all, we define intellectual capital, its inclusion and classification, which is the total inventory of all intangible assets, knowledge and capabilities of an organization that can create competitive values or advantages to achieve its excellent goals.  Another definition is the total inventory of all intangible assets and capabilities in an organization that can create competitive values or advantages and another definition is the total inventory of the group – knowledge, information, technologies, intellectual property rights, experience, organizational learning, competence, collective communication systems, customer relationships and brands capable of creating value for the organization. (Chen, 2008). (Smith, 2017) In addition, with the popularization of the Internet and the service industries, the gap between the organisation’s market value and book value is constantly increasing; Consequently, the real value of the Organization is no longer correct in its financial statements. (Huang,2020)

Determining the mutual influence of the intellectual capital of universities is therefore of great importance to ensure their development. Within the framework of the university concept, higher education institutions can ensure the creation and which in turn is a source and component of their intellectual capital, taking into account the relationships established with other subjects of the regional economy. With proper management, the synergistic effect can create the interaction of the parties, enhancing the role of intellectual capital for individual region’s subjects as well as the multiplier effect that arises during the development of the intellectual capital of the university increasing the intellectual capital of the region, It can be ensured only by the active participation and participation of the intangible resources of the territory in the activity of the University. Literature analysis made it possible to identify separate publications on issues of mutual influence of intellectual capital of regions and universities located within their borders, which are often of a framework nature. Therefore, we focus more on the role of universities in developing the human potential of the country and the region. (Chávez,2021) and also take into account the role of university education as a decisive factor in the creation and development of intellectual capital. In this regard, we note the need to develop the intellectual capital of the university that is broadcast to the region during staff training. The role of the university in the formation of its intellectual capital is much broader and argues that it should not be determined solely by the training of specialists; it should be the basis of scientific, technical, social and economic development, the foundation that binds professors, based on ideas, developments and projects historically accumulated and their active birth. In the new historical stage of the development of society.

The development of human capital for regional economic subjects is ensured in the process of training professors in universities; the development of organizational capital is based on technologies created in universities. We suggest that special attention be paid to technological networks, which represent a group of economic entities that interact with each other at all stages of the innovation process. The role of universities in developing the intellectual capital of professors, which is expressed through the following key directives: (Ďuriček, 2014)

  1. Training competitive specialists on the basis of close integration of educational activities with basic and applied research.
  2. Developing the entrepreneurial activity on the university platform with the participation of the external community and ensuring that its requests are met, which is ensured by involving professors in an activity directed towards joint practice
  3. Ensure the implementation of individual pedagogical paths that can meet the educational needs of each person at their appropriate level. (Nuryaman,2015)

University performance is measured on the basis of academic excellence achieved. In line with the paradigm shift of higher education in the era of globalization, the university must change the orientation from a national and analogue economy to a global, digital and information-based economy. To meet these challenges, universities must enhance their performance in both academics and administration. Performance measurement has increasingly prompted the call for accountability in higher education. However, there are still a few university performance measurement frameworks that have been developed. Many performance measurement frameworks are created from private sectors to intentionally generate profits. The performance of universities can be measured through aspects of education and research, which are aligned with the roles and functions of the university. Intellectual capital is the most important strategic asset and importance towards organizational performance in various fields. The university is an organization and therefore provides a means to achieve IC since international cooperation is very important for universities. Universities produce knowledge, also within the framework of scientific and technical research such as research or publication results or through scientific tourism. Thus, university organizations are the best framework for presenting ideas related to intellectual capital theory. We assume the academic community, as well as the global community, that the intellectual capital of the University should receive the highest quality and not require any kind of intervention. However, reality refutes this statement and today’s universities are slowly progressing towards innovation. Public universities do not have an owner structure like private institutions. ( Al-Jubouri,2020)The motivation for this case is a set of challenges related to how to embed tacit knowledge and collective intelligence into human capital and organizational processes. (Albassam et al,2022) This means that the intangible nature of IC leads to difficulty in understanding and management within the entire organization. In fact, most scientists and managers have only vague concepts about how to manage invisible resources based on nurturing and developing human capital, structural capital, and relational capital. (Gogan,2014)

Dimensions of intellectual capital in Universities

Intellectual capital refers to the asset that will produce future intellectual flows and those that first come to mind are inherently innumerable. So what is intellectual capital? Intellectual capital has been defined in many ways and by a large number of researchers, most of them as a combination of resources and intangible activities that allow an organization to transform resources into a system capable of creating value for professors and a combination of human, relational, and organizational resources and activities. Human capital is defined as the knowledge and competencies that universities have and organizational intellectual capital is defined as the collective knowledge, even the capabilities of individual employees, that contribute to an organization. (Ďuriček, 2014) As a result of the work of many researchers, there is general agreement that IC simultaneously refers to three distinct dimensions of capital: human, structural and relational. Human capital: the knowledge and competencies that exist with professors. This type of capital, along with relational capital, they cannot be owned, but it must be shared with professors and grown according to the environment we create. The culture will lead to rapid growth and long service. Organizational capital: collective knowledge, beyond the capabilities of individual professors. For example information systems, policies and procedures and intellectual property.  (Draghici etal, 2016 )opened up the knowledge economy Provide opportunities for each organization to replace expensive physical assets with inexpensive ones. Relationship capital: In all relationships with external parties, the relationship between these three components is very close and the task of management is to integrate them into their management thinking, which requires understanding its components. Walasek, 2016 The strategy should integrate these perspectives into a broad-based synergistic solution that can be economically assessed. This integration represents the last step on the road to organizational capacity. Unlike physical assets, intellectual assets can be multiplied (we can use them simultaneously and at low costs) and this is what makes intellectual assets much higher than physical assets. The three types of capital often work together to create core competencies that will have a strategic impact.  ( Al-Jubouri,2021) and we will explain the dimensions in detail.

Human Capital

Human capital includes all business capabilities embedded in employees and not owned by the enterprise. It is the individual store of knowledge of the organization as sent by its employees. Human capital is the core element of intellectual assets and one of the most important sources of organizational performance for companies. In this context, human capital refers to resources that include the knowledge, skills, and experience of employees, or members of an organization possess individual tacit knowledge. The concept of human capital (gifted capital) is associated with innate ability, intelligence, creativity and gifted mental ability. (Anwar et al, 2022)


elements of codified knowledge. It is embedded in systems, databases, and software Unlike human capital, structural capital (SC) includes the mechanisms and structures of an organization that support the productivity or performance of employees. It brings them together. (Marcin,2013)

Relational capital

Relational capital represents the knowledge embedded in customer preferences including suppliers and relationships with partners. At its core, RC is concerned with mobilizing knowledge and relationship resources through social structure. It is the broad concept of customer capital. It is through research in the existing literature to relational capital as knowledge embedded in all relationships between the organization and stakeholders.  . ( Galiakhmetov,2015)

Implementation of intellectual capital operations in universities

There is growing interest in the academic community and researchers to find new ways to measure IC. The IC metrics industry has more than 15 different inputs to measure what has long been considered unmeasurable. The growing interest in intangible assets has extended from corporations to public institutions such as universities over the past decade. As universities are critical institutional actors in national innovation systems, higher education and research institutions are trying to make them more comparable, flexible, transparent, and competitive. We all see universities as a pipeline for intellectual capital because we form human capital and give the necessary knowledge in terms of intellectual capital, but do universities understand and rely on their intellectual capital? Most educational institutions point out that we should not assume that universities are aware of what they have or do not have in terms of intellectual capital, (Al-Jubouri, 2019) it directs its efforts to improve research management and contribute to comparative analysis in universities, By highlighting some methodological and conceptual considerations in relation to an analytical framework needs to be developed in a unified manner. A common disclosure model should be used in the intellectual capital scheme applied to all universities.  There are already some tools for disclosing research collaboration within universities, through three selected main areas, which are the most representative works of current trends in international cooperation that can apply to universities: (Al-Jubouri, 2022)

  1. Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation for intellectual capital data on the methods of the new guidance by regulatory performance
  2. Guidelines for managing and reporting intangible assets. It is the only experiment in the field of universities at the researcher level.
  3. development and innovation in universities through scientific conferences. (Kayacan,2017).

Organizational Performance (OP)

Organizational performance is an important issue for both for-profit and non-profit organizations. Improving company performance is something that most organizations strive to achieve. Some of the factors mentioned in the literature that have an impact on organizational performance and improvement include organizational culture, organisational environment and strategy, individual and organizational learning, and employee engagement and commitment to organizational goals. Performance refers to the ability of an organization to create results and actions at an acceptable level. In addition, organizational performance indicates the degree to which an organization meets its own needs and the needs of stakeholders for survival. Organizational performance as a measure of how well an organization has achieved its objectives. Organizational performance can be measured using different goals and measurements. However, (Aqqad,2017) Performing this task is not easy when it comes to measuring organizational performance based solely on financial metrics. Adequate non-financial measures must also be used. Most researchers suggest measuring organizational performance using five dimensions: innovation, rate of new product development, customer satisfaction, customer retention, and operating costs. On the other hand, others have proposed four dimensions to measure organizational performance: return on assets, return on equity, revenue growth, and employee productivity. This research uses the dimensions of operational performance and financial performance as proposed in today’s environment, organizations must strive to operate in the most efficient and effective way. This is because organizations need to face the changes brought about by these highly dynamic and unstable environments. Operational performance refers to performance related to the internal operation of organizations, such as productivity, product quality, and customer satisfaction. (Shehzad, 2014) In addition, operational performance is the ability to measure the results of an organization’s operations. Operational performance can be defined as the non-economic aspects of an organization’s social and societal relations and competitive success factors that affect the efficiency of its operations. Operational performance is typically measured using five dimensions: cost, quality, delivery, flexibility and innovation. The reason why these non-financial measures are so popular is that they are used as a way to transform a company’s strategy and vision into a tool that affects performance and leads to superior financial performance.

Therefore It is a vital issue for all for-profit and non-profit organizations. Organizational performance is also the most important criterion in evaluating organizations, their work and their environments. Improving organizational performance is a prerequisite for the strategic management of an organization seeking maximum performance. Performance is a comprehensive concept of all activities in organizations of all kinds. Organizational performance is defined as the quality of work, the efficiency of employees in decision-making, the improvement and development of processes, the relationship of employees with their leaders, the diversity of services and products, innovations, market share, employees’ skills and experience in solving problems, new methods and modern technologies for product development. (Hasan, 2016). In our research, we focused on measuring the performance of organizations on two main dimensions: (1) financial performance and (2) operational performance. The two dimensions were used in the research to measure the performance of the organization.  ( Al-Jubouri,2022)

Financial Performance (FP)

Traditionally, financial reporting heavily influences performance measurement, leading to the development of many financial metrics. Financial performance is referred to as the achievement  economic objectives that are reflected in the results of financial and market indicators. Financial performance also refers to a measure of how the financial condition of an organization changes, or the financial results resulting from management decisions and the implementation of those decisions by the organization’s members. In fact, most of the financial indicators used include profit margins, return on assets, return on equity, growth, costs, return on investment, and sales growth.

Non-Financial Performance (NP)

Non-financial performance metrics are non-financial aspects of an organization, such as product quality, customer satisfaction, on-time delivery, efficiency, productivity, market share, employee satisfaction, achieving the strategic goal, and developing and optimizing the workforce. The main advantage of measuring non-financial performance is its positive impact on future financial performance. In addition, non-financial performance metrics are widely used to convey an organization’s strategy and vision to influence organizational performance and thus influence the future performance of the organization. ( Al-Jubourim2023)

Intellectual Capital and Organizational Performance

It can be concluded that regardless of the industry in which the organization operates, intellectual capital has an important relationship with the performance of the company. To examine the relationship between intellectual capital and the performance of the organization in terms of profitability and productivity. The results showed that intellectual capital has a lot to do with productivity but nothing to do with profitability. In addition, research on 300 British companies has shown that there is a significant positive correlation between intellectual capital and a company’s financial performance.  Intellectual capital has a significant impact on organizational performance. Moreover, intellectual capital positively affects the performance of the company. This competitive advantage arises from the use of rare, intangible and company assets. Also, the current and future competitiveness of the company as well as the growth of the company’s value is determined by intellectual capital. Competitive advantage is achieved by those companies that succeed in mobilizing their intellectual capital in the form of knowledge, technological skills, experience and strategic capabilities.( Al-Jubouri,2019) therefore, Intellectual capital depicts valuable and uncommon resources and competencies, giving the company a permanent competitive advantage and superior performance for the company, and human capital is the human factor in the organization, which combines in intelligence, skills and experience that employees use and exploit when they leave the organization and give a distinctive feature to it. At the same time, macroeconomic perspectives are human capital a driver of national economic activity, competitiveness and company prosperity, and a source of innovation and strategic innovation. Intellectual capital takes into account what happens between individuals, and how employees relate within a company; intellectual capital is the store of knowledge that an organization has and includes information system, explicit knowledge, product and process innovation, and process improvement. Relational capital is an intangible asset that relies on developing and maintaining high-quality relationships with any organization, individual, or group that affects or affects your business.   ( Al-Jubouri,2020)

4-analytical aspect:  Hypothesis I: There is a significant correlation

Table (1) shows results testing the relationship between human capital and organizational performance.

  Organizational Performance minion


Beta R T  Calculated F  Calculated Sig. Variable


1.803 .723 0.74 .523 4.025 30.732 .000b Human Capital

Source: Prepared by the researcher according to the outputs of the calculator and the SPSS program

It is clear from Table (1) that the regression equation indicates the constant (a = 1.803), which means that there is a human capital value of (a=1.803) when the value of organizational performance is zero.

The value of the marginal tendency of human capital has reached (β = 0. 723) It indicates that a change of (1) in organizational performance will lead to a negative change of (0.723) in the calculated value of human capital, and that the correlation rate  estimated at (0.74) and this indicates a correlation between the two variables a good positive positive relationship at a significant significance (0.000),   The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) also indicated a coefficient of (0.523), which means that human capital is interpreted by its value (0.523) from the variation in the calculated value, which is of significant significance within the limits of a significant level (0.05) and in light of these results this hypothesis is not rejected.

Second hypothesis: significant correlation between structural capital and organizational performance.

Table (2) shows  results testing the relationship human capital

Organizational Performance values minion


Beta R T Calculated F Calculated Sig. Variable


1.601 0.512 0.53 .623 4.025 30.732 .000b Structural Capital

Source: Prepared by the researcher according to the outputs of the calculator and the SPSS program

It is clear from Table (2) that the regression equation indicates the constant (a = 1.601), and this means that there is a structural capital value of (a = 1.601)) when the value of organizational performance is equal to zero, while the value of the marginal slope of structural capital has reached (β = 0. 512) It indicates that a change of (1) in organizational performance will lead to a negative change of (0.512) in the calculated value of structural capital.  The correlation rate estimated at (0.53), and this indicates a good positive correlation between the two variables at a significant significance (0.000) .

The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) also indicated a coefficient of (0.623), which means that the structural capital is explained by its value (0.623) of the variation in the calculated value, which is of significant significance within the limits of the level of significance (0.05) and in the light of these results this hypothesis is not rejected.

Hypothesis III:  significant correlation

Table (3) shows results of testing the relationship between relational capital and organizational performance.

Organizational Performance values minion


Beta R T Calculated F Calculated Sig. Variable


1.432 0.551 0.62 .801 4.225 30.742 .000b Relational capital

Source: Prepared by the researcher according to the outputs of the calculator and the SPSS program

It is clear from Table (3) that the regression equation indicates the constant (a = 1.432), and this means that there is a relational capital value of (a = 1.432)) when the value of the organizational performance is equal to zero, while the value of the marginal tendency of the relational capital has reached (β = 0. 551) It indicates that a change of (1) in organizational performance will lead to a negative change of (0.551) in the calculated value of the relational capital.  The correlation rate is estimated at (0.62) and this indicates a positive correlation between the two variables at a significant significance (0.000).

The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) also indicated a coefficient of (0.801), which means that the structural capital is explained by its value (0.801) of the variation in the calculated value, which is of significant significance within the limits of a significant level (0.05) and in light of these results this hypothesis is not rejected.

Fourth hypothesis: There is a significant impact

Table (4) shows the results of the impact relationship test between intellectual capital and organizational performance.

Organizational Performance values minion


Beta T ا Calculated F Calculated Sig. Variable


1.873 0.781 .801 4.225 30.742 .000b Intellectual Capital

Source: Prepared by the researcher according to the outputs of the calculator and the SPSS program

It is clear from Table (4) that the regression equation indicates the constant (a = 1.873), and this means that there is a value of intellectual capital (a = 1.873)) when the value of organizational performance is equal to zero, while the value of the marginal inclination of intellectual capital has reached (β = 0. 781) It indicates that a change of (1) in organizational performance will lead to a negative change of (0.781) in the calculated value of intellectual capital.  The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) also indicated a coefficient of (0.801), which means that the structural capital is interpreted by its value (0.801) from the variation in the calculated value, which is of significant significance within the limits of a significant level (0.05) and in light of these results this hypothesis is accepted.

4-Conclusions and recommendations:

The research has a set of conclusions and recommendations that resulted from finding the relationship between the research variables, namely:


  1. Intellectual capital has a major role in the development, organization and preparation of organizations, but most of our organizations are unable to invest intellectual capital.
  2. Lack of attention to competencies and knowledge holders within organizations, which led to a decline in their organizational performance, which made most organizations delay in their future activities.
  3. The decline of most of our organizations in their organizational performance, which is the neglect of intellectual capital, which is the basis of all organizations.
  4. The departments in the Iraqi organizations work in the spirit of the manager and not the leader, which lost confidence between the senior and lower management and made employees as a tool to meet the work in the renewed time without giving room to put forward ideas and opinions.


  1. Business organizations should allow workers to put forward ideas and opinions in solving outstanding problems
  2.  Paying attention to competencies and expertise within the organization to solve outstanding and emergency problems to raise organizational performance within organizations.
  3.  Empowering workers to find optimal solutions in critical times, solve emergency problems and achieve a sense of responsibility among subordinates to push organizations forward.
  4. Senior management must work in the spirit of leader and group discussions to achieve the desire and initiative of individuals to put forward ideas and opinions to achieve a future vision for the advancement of the reality of organizations.


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