Research studies

The innovative Yemeni and geostrategy management to respond to AI Maritme military development at the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean


Prepared by the researcher  :  Mohammad Ali Ahmad Humran –  Sanaa, Yemen

Democratic Arabic Center



  The international maritime security environment is witnessing more complexity with the development of political changes and transformations and the increase in modern international maritime geostrategic conflicts, which have been accompanied by the development and expansion of the theory of integrated and complementary maritime political systems in developing the leadership and management of modern maritime technology. Given the importance of Yemeni maritime geostrategy in Arab, regional and global influence and effectiveness in global trade and modern maritime political transformations and changes.  In view of the changes in the marine environment in its natural and human dynamism, which witnesses daily changes and transformations, impacts, problems and strategic maritime opportunities on the region, and in view of the many natural and human geostrategic marine characteristics in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region, which constitute the third largest global marine phenomenon in area and volume, in addition to the fact that it constitutes A quarter of the world’s population lives in the region, its control over maritime trade lines in the East-West maritime line and the diversity in the development of maritime technology, and it gains elements of regional and global power.  It affected national states and many alliances. This was accompanied by great development in innovations and scientific research, that study anticipated the percentage of Yemen, Arab and IORA spending, specifically in research and innovations in the private sector, reached about 603 billion dollars in 2021. Total spending on research and development carried out by the private sector reached 602 billion dollars in in 2021, in all sectors, it represents 75% of the total Yemen m Arab and IORA that included 59 states expenditures in research, which amount to 806 billion dollars, most of which, at 527 billion dollars, is self-funded, and the largest portion of spending, about 79%, focuses on development programs, and 7% and 14% were allocated to research. Basic and applied, through three main measures of innovation activities, represented by total spending on research and development, local employment in the field of research and development, research and development intensity, and there are four industrial sub-sectors, including pharmaceuticals and medicines, electronic products, information technology, software and non-software, and computers., Design of systems and related services (Taylor, Arouri, & Yoon, 2024).  Yemen’s marine field in the Red Sea and Indian ocean has geostrategic importance of national power are one of the sources of fish richness affecting the Yemeni economy as well as it recognized as the at center of gravity of Arab and regional power. However, they were not utilized by the Yemeni policy nor could Implement the regional and Arab strategy in line with a management plan for marine resources, which aided in the formation of dangers and problems that threatened fishermen, environment, and Yemen national security. As a result, it is necessary to develop a marine strategy for fisheries and offshore islands through spatial marine planning and GIS, in order to prepare Yemen marine strategic plans and course of action that aimed to growing blue economy and to achieve sustainable development in the islands in red sea between 2023and 2033. it will cost approximately 800 million US. It anticipated managing, regulating, controlling, increasing fish production, movement of fishing boats, and contributing in the future to cooperation and planning for development of a joint maritime development strategy with Arab countries and Indian ocean rime association in building a regional maritime power.

  1. Introduction.

  Yemeni maritime field constitutes an influential strategic center of gravity in regional maritime economic relations and point for building and implementing the objectives of Yemeni maritime strategy in Red Sea and Indian Ocean  However, Yemen has been facing local and international challenges, which being obstacles rock to develop strategy and employee marine elements power to secure food and national security, in addition that Arab League, GCC and IORA failed to use both soft and solid power to control and neutralize regional conflicts on the same time failed to protect maritme security at Red Sea and Indian ocean area. There are numerous of studies proved that an international factors more affected at Yemen national security and lunched war anti Yemen since 2015. According to theory and realities of maritme power, which is Key element at International, regional and local comprehensive national power and geostrategic location is precisive factor affected today course of action friends, enemy policy as well as at Global balance.  diversity of Grand and national policy.

Alferd Mahan get advantages of maritme power and understand the nature the importance of maritme geostatic location at Hight sea , International trade , straits , as well as have knowledge’s of nature of maritme policy that could more role at Global balance at building U.S maritme strategy that have ability to control international policy and American hegemony, which U.S and forging policy dominate Yemeni, Arab and regional political sphere and increasing unstable as well as threaten Yemen, Arab and regional national security.

Based on Red Sea and Indian ocean is constant variable connected Yemen, Arab and IORA west and east Indian ocean, so Stated and local, Arab and regional community that they are sharing national, historical, cultural and national interest based on international theories, on the same time they face same threaten maritme since cold war till today by U.S and west collation. So, Study aimed study discover and analysis characteristic natural and human maritme environment by using GIS, collet data’s that could help making decision and political geostrategic planning to build Yemeni and regional maritime strategy by using mixed of modern geographical and maritime approaches. It Based on theories and regional marine application, as well as conducting MSP as modern policy that EU and many countries succeed to solve marine issues and enhance resources productions in blue economy. Study divided to four levels, first discover general features in red sea and Indian ocean, second conducting MSP in Yemen islands in red sea, third analysis challenges, fourth results and suggestions, and conclusion.

Did US Navy nuclear submarines launch missiles from the sea in 2023 and 2024?  Activities and launching of American and British nuclear submarines from the bottom of the sea and their impact on the environment in semi-enclosed seas, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, a case How do we use artificial intelligence to limit the development of naval nuclear submarines, which are temporary, explosive killers on the seabed?   What is the role of marine technology and the United Nations in monitoring this? How will American and Western political thought be persuaded to stop manufacturing and developing marine innovations and marine artificial intelligence for military purposes? What is the role of customary and international laws in stopping the military naval activities of nuclear naval submarines and nuclear maritime strategic deterrent weapons in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region, specifically the exclusive economic zone? Is there global control that stops military naval technological developments and nuclear maritime artificial intelligence?

  Study anticipated that will get advantage of Geography conference to understand  maritme regional geostrategic  elements  that could unify efforts to create joint Yemen , area  and regional maritme security , to clarify important of Unifying Yemen ,Arab and Regional policy for conducting MSP to  able to build joint maritime strategy development in increasing fish production and exports , regulating imports , improving local and regional legislation and laws , providing Yemeni and regional maritime trade bodies and it also comes in response to the direction of the Ministry of Fisheries in updating the marine fish strategy in 2022 and the Supreme Agricultural and Fisheries Committee in the Republic of Yemen.  The study total cost of approximately $800 million, that estimated to conduct at 10 years.  The study will be a good project for stockholders such as Yemen navy and Coast Guard and fish ministry to investment in blue economy of YIRS due to various opportunities for jobs and increase income as well as protect Yemen food security. The future goal is to strengthen regional cooperation, maritime unions with Arab, African, and IORA in order to achieve and build regional naval power that could projected regional marine policy and strategy, as well as to get advantages of changing international policy for liberation from American and Western hegemony, and for building active Arain regional power that contribute to achieving regional and international balance. How do we use artificial intelligence to limit the development of naval nuclear submarines, which are temporary, explosive killers on the seabed?   What is the role of marine technology and the United Nations in monitoring this? How will American and Western political thought be persuaded to stop manufacturing and developing marine innovations and marine artificial intelligence for military purposes?? What is the role of customary and international laws in stopping the military naval activities of nuclear naval submarines and nuclear maritime strategic deterrent weapons in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region, specifically the exclusive economic zone? Is there global control that stops military naval technological developments and nuclear maritime artificial intelligence?

  1. Scope

The study will cover Yemen maritme geostrategy and regional in Red Sea and Indian ocean as well as key maritme issues and chann;grd that affected environment and achieving integrated economic  regional policy , to understand the regional maritime power at international maritme security system, and the role of Yemen maritime geostrategic that influence and affected according to function maritime reginal.  It focus and chose specific area as example to conducted MSP in Yemen islands in Red Sea, as well as the preparation of an executive strategic plan for sustainable marine development and blue economy, the field of models and samples will be chosen and using GIS , including  five points as sample of islands  in which MSP is carried out to identify the natural and human marine characteristics of the islands, and to explore the extent of marine , knowing the island’s inhabitants, how to inspire and entice them, how to contribute to the colonization and development of YIRS in accordance with the needs u using novel techniques for a minimum of two years. and it will clarify the important of partners and allies as well as the role of IORA for conducting MSP to build joint maritime strategy.

3.Study Approaches and Methodology:

3.1. Geography innovation and AI  approaches

 The study used approaches mixed, marine regional, economic, policy, physical and strategic marine regional to find parameter that could help Authority and agencies and making decisions , to understand and get comprehensives general idea  at Red Sea and Indian Ocean features and situation, it used GIS, MSP to discover and analysis the geostrategic marine features  (Shela & steinbure, 2010, pp. 4-10)describe, analyze, and explore the characteristics of Yemeni maritime and  implement Geomorphology approaches  and international relations theories that locations and shape islands affected on international and region economic relation to enhance the effectiveness of Yemen rule to shape the Global and regional political  order (Al-Zawak, p. 35). The legal approach used to confirmed implicating and respect maritime laws in Yemen maritime environment and the organization of marine activities in 1982, that we could complain UN and IOG and charge them for harming Yemen ecosystem by Internal shipping trades as well as the Yemeni maritime laws issued after 1990, and taking advantage of them in the recruitment, exploitation of marine life (Al-Hakimi, 1988, p. 3), Law No. 2in 2006 and Law of fishing, exploitation and protection of aquatic life, and the pertinent provisions of the Yemeni Constitution, as well as the rules of the Supreme Political Council, which was established in 2015. The law that organizes YIRS, (Yemen, 2010, p1-100). As well as adopted modernize Arabian and regional marine law.

3-2. Tools

To study the topography of Red Sea , Indian Ocean , bathymetry , physical feathers it depend on Landsat’s and Shi files and remote sensing by using ArcGIS, while YIRS region, it used Yemen topographic maps at a scale of 1-50000 issued by the Yemeni Survey Authority,  Yemen (DEM12) (EARTH , 2022)and the bathymetry model (GEBCO, 2022), and Landsat 8 images, and marine charts issued by the UK (Admiralty chart,  1985,) and nautical charts Admiral (Dragoon, 2018, pp. 1-100). In addition, using GIS.10.8.1, meteorological stations, and a device (Navionics Asia and Africa) for the operations of reading marine maps, marine and island, blue economy surveys and used sonar, as well as the rate of sea waves and average depths from the coast and sea waves, marine debris, marine channels, marine distances in the sea appeared, and to learnt marine topography and many natural and human marine phenomena’s that could affect on marine policy.

Fig (1). land Sate images and Topography map.

AS WELL as to use  Internet of things,  communications and remote sensing tools,

Source, USAG, 2021.

4.Study Objectives.

  1. 4. To clarify the Important of using GIS at analyses, discover, collected and manage maritme dates in Red Sea and Indian Ocean in order unify Yemen, Arab, and regional policy under IORA to build joint Yemen and regional maritime strategy in red sea and Indian Ocean.

2.4. To discover the role of Geography conference to establish agenda to unify Yemen, Arab, regional and Asian maritme policy to conduct MSP, by using GIS to discover, collect, analyze and manage the marine natural and human characteristics to build new data base that could build modern maritime strategic plans that respond for risks and challenges and solve bule economy investment and archiving sustainable development as well as created joint maritme security system.

3.5. Highlighting the extent of the risks and threats to maritime security from international external actors, represented by the American maritime alliances and the 34 countries present under the pretext of protecting maritime security.

4.4- Clarifying the role of Yemeni and Arab governmental research and innovation centers and civil society organizations in contributing to achieving spatial maritime planning and Yemeni maritime development and determining their directions for building the Yemeni maritime security strategy and heading towards building the Arab and regional maritime strategy.

5.4. Contributing to building the Yemeni and Arab maritime security strategy to build a regional naval force to deter, stop and neutralize hostile forces from being present in the region.

  1. Importance

1.5. Considering the significance of reginal marine geostatic in Red Sea and Indian ocean which have regional power feathers and the location of YIRS and their abundant fish-rich marine and continental areas

  1. 5. The significance of SMSP in advancing food security and the blue economy.

3.5. It responds to the problems and dangers that threaten maritime security by using Israel, US, Russia, Chian, North Korea nuclear strategic weapons deter such as Submarine and Aircraft Carer in the area, as well as to solve obstacles that face investment and growing blue economy.

4.5. Contribute to the strengthening of maritime economic relations and cooperation with the Res Sea basin area, intuitive Silk Road Project and IORA.

5.5. To highlight the importance of strengthening joint African and Asian regional cooperation for countries bordering the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean in conducting marine spatial planning under the supervision of the League of Arab States, the African Union, and IORA.

6.To support unify Arabian and regional policy to build and shift to be regional power to make stable in the area and stop foreign policy involvement and conflicts in red sea and Indian ocean.

  1. Problems, Questionaries and justifications for the study:

 The impact of the activities and launches of American and British nuclear submarines in 2023 and 2024 from the seabed and their impact on the environment in semi-enclosed seas, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, a case study and to conformed for comment that said “There isn’t any publicly available information regarding specific launches of American and British nuclear submarines from the seabed in the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden in 2023 and 2024.

It mentioned that by using Geminin which is new AI in 2023, that   nuclear submarines are not designed for launching from the seabed, and such an activity would be highly unusual and newsworthy if it had occurred.  However, we can explore the hypothetical scenario of a nuclear submarine launch from the seabed in a semi-enclosed sea like the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden and its potential environmental impact.  Scenario:  An American or British nuclear submarine launch from the seabed in the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden.  Potential Environmental Impacts:  Stirring Up Sediments: The launch process would likely stir up large amounts of bottom sediment, potentially releasing contaminants that have accumulated on the seabed over time. This could harm water quality and marine life. Noise Pollution: The launch would generate significant underwater noise that could disrupt marine mammals and other marine life that rely on sound for communication and navigation. Risk of Accidental Release of Radioactive Material: Even if the launch itself doesn’t cause a reactor breach, there’s a potential for damage to the reactor or spent fuel rods during the process, leading to a radioactive leak. This could have devastating consequences for the marine environment and human health. Heightened Concerns in Semi-Enclosed Seas:  Limited Dilution: Due to the restricted water exchange in these seas, any contaminants released during a launch would be less diluted compared to the open ocean, potentially causing more concentrated and long-lasting environmental damage. Sensitive Ecosystems: The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden boast unique and fragile ecosystems like coral reefs and mangrove forests. These ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to pollution and disruptions caused by such an event. Overall Impact:  The environmental impact of a nuclear submarine launch from the seabed in a semi-enclosed sea would likely be severe.  The potential for radioactive contamination, sediment disturbance, and noise pollution could have long-lasting consequences for the marine environment and potentially pose a threat to human health.  It’s important to note:  Launching nuclear submarines from the seabed is not a standard practice for either the US or British Navy. Both countries have strict protocols and regulations in place for the operation and maintenance of nuclear submarines, prioritizing safety and environmental protection, it happened in 2023 and 2024 anti-Yemen nations.

1 .6. Major Problem.

 US, West and Firegine Aircraft nuclear deter, Navy nuclear submarines activates launch missiles from EEZ in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden that have not been killing Yemeni nation but also been killing, harmed, dangers and affected Yemen marine line since 1990 which appeared in the surface in 2023 and 2024? As well as Dailly Activities and launching of American and British nuclear submarines from the bottom of the sea and their impact on the environment in semi-enclosed seas, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Due to the poor spatial strategic planning of the Yemeni marine in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, Yemen has   not been taken advantage of, while red sea and Indian ocean have become a priority for foreign marine strategies that are exposed to illegal fishing, control marine resources and affecting marine environmental pollution.

2.6. Source of problem that study area being located within dominant conflict forces that possess the capabilities and weapons of nuclear strategic maritime deterrence by International and regional factors such as America, China, Russia, France and Britain, Israel and international regional maritime ambitions and conflicts over the region and their impact on Yemeni, Arab and regional maritime security related to the situation.

And the Western theory after the World War and the Cold War until today, which led to a decline in development, the formation of a regional maritime political branch, and the emergence of hostile naval powers that threatened the lives of the Yemeni people and their national unity, and to answer the questions of why Yemeni capabilities were not absorbed in the Yemeni maritime field, as they constitute an element of strength. Regional, and using scientific research to develop the forces and means to employ the Yemeni maritime field to enhance Yemeni, Arab and regional maritime security.?

3.6. Questionaries’. Yemen, Arab and regional area at Indian ocean have been facing same challenges and threat since cold war, which Yemen, Arab and regional maritme threat become one of present challenges at Local, Arab and regional national maritme strategy, The question is how can we use MAP and GIS to understand the discover, analysis, collected and management marine environment and build a database in order to help making decision to build successful marine strategic planning.  Is Red Sea and Indian ocean recognized maritme geostrategic regional and how can regional maritme affected at International maritme security as well as to participate at one of multipolar in the future.

 What is the importance of MSP, GIS to discover Yemen marine features in red sea and Indian ocean?  Yemen maritime location is center of gravity in red sea and Indian ocean based on marine regional, physical, economic and management regional study?

How using MSP in Yemen islands in red sea, maritime regional study and IORA in finding solutions in building Yemeni marine strategy and increasing production of marine life? How can cooperation be achieved in the regional maritime strategic management between Yemen and IORA?

4.6. justifications. There are branches problems in study area have relation and that connected with major problem, for example: Yemeni population increase is witnessing a significant growth, as the proportion of the population in the coastal governorates and at a distance of 100 km from the coast is about 65.5%. (Ishteag, 2022, p. 57). Besides that, Yemen natural marine characteristics   are unique from other in Red Sea.

It located in continental shelf areas and at medium and few depths along the Yemeni coast MSP procedure, which is known as the modern practical way to organize the use of the Yemeni marine field and the interrelationships between natural and human marine phenomena in order to respond and achieve balance in requirements to achieve development and protect the marine environment (Catrina, 2018, p. 6). Through the application of the SWAT system, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats will be known. Analysis will be carried out and a strategic maritime development plan will be prepared for the fishing ports and Yemeni islands, which aims to achieve development.

5.6. Study hypothesis. The hypothesis is that if the marine area in red sea and Indian ocean is known well and understood by Yemeni decision makers and maritime strategic planning team, so they will be able to draw and design successful maritime strategy development that could solve issue and problems as well as well be responded to counter international factors and differences types of challenges in the area

Second. It based on the fact that Yemeni and Arab maritime security witnessed many challenges and violations by the powers that were formed after the Cold War. The researcher tries to prove the necessity of developing the concept of Arab maritime security, which is linked to regional maritime security in the study area, through understanding, knowing, and demonstrating these maritime security challenges and benefiting from them. From the development of Arab maritime geostrategy from a regional perspective, which constitutes potential regional Arab powers, and there are many key factors today that can contribute to the development and transition to building effective Arab maritime powers, including understanding, knowledge, and awareness of the main constants of them.

Firstly. The unified connection between geography and unified Arab politics, including Arab maritime geostrategy, with the development of effective Arab maritime powers, as it constitutes the basic foundation in the development of the Arab maritime security strategy, through which it will contribute to the unification of the unified Arab political vision and strategy, including the unification of the elements of Arab national and maritime security, and the unification of strategic directions. Arab security navy, local Arab Qatari actors, building Arab maritime capabilities, setting the agenda and plans. The reason is that the Arab maritime strategic directions are the precondition for determining and measuring whether maritime security has an effective value or not, since the Arab maritime security strategy is a branch of the joint Arab defense strategy, which is linked to the supreme Arab national strategy and the Arab national security strategy and comes to achieve Established Arab national security goals, which constitute signs and directions of whether joint Arab efforts are heading towards the sea or unifying the Arab nation’s orientations towards land, or will follow the minimum in the field of developing and protecting Arab maritime security.

secondly. Participation of the actors, which are represented by the Qatari Arab countries in the region, and requires developing proposals and sub-marine plans, participating in enhancing cooperation through Arab-structured meetings and meetings, and involving the maritime political and strategic planning team and specialists in maritime science and policies to determine the directions, perceptions, proposals and policies of the local Arab maritime authorities, etc. It must be the direction of the Arab nation, which is crystallized in accordance with the determinants and decisions of the Arab League and the modern Arab and regional maritime security council that was proposed, and the Arab maritime powers, the study has provided many proofs to prove this.

  1. In the event of unification of Arab maritime geostrategy, the Arab nation was able to possess effective maritime and Arab powers in the region and compete with international powers.
  2. The various issues today were dealt with from a narrow Qatari perspective and not from the perspective of Arab political geography, which led to the failure of the Arabs to protect the Palestinian territories due to the divisions of the Balfour Declaration and the Western powers.
  3. The Arab individual security and national dealings led to a weakness in recovering the truth in the Greater and Lesser Tunb Islands, the Iskenderun region, the conflict over the Western Sahara, Egypt’s conflict over the Nile River, Iraq’s conflict with Turkey and Kuwait, and if these issues were dealt with from the perspective of Arab political geography A unified maritime geostrategy will contribute to reaching solutions, and the hypothesis is based on proving the role of Arab geopolitics in its various geopolitical branches and geopolitics. Arab maritime geostrategy is the main decisive factor in achieving the goals of the Arab and Islamic nation. In the event that the topics address the problems from the concept of a unified Arab maritime geostrategy, a solution will be reached. Solutions to various local, Arab and regional challenges with a focus on Arab maritime, security and defense geopolitics.

D.The hypothesis of the study stems from the fact that the failure of the war on Yemen, the naval wars, the instability in the maritime surfaces in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, and the conflicts in the Arab world, are the result of the lack of understanding and knowledge among Yemeni and Arab political decision-makers about the role and importance of Yemeni and Arab maritime geostrategy in the unified Arab policy, which led to The failure of Arab and regional maritime strategic plans related to elements of Arab national security.

  1. In the event that the Arab will and intention are united in developing and unifying the joint Arab policy, the ability to achieve the joint Yemeni and Arab regional maritime strategic will, be able to become self-reliant, neutralize West ern powers, and be able to achieve joint Arab cooperation in protecting and strengthening maritime security.
  2. GIS Important.

This level explains the of the importance of applications of GIS in exploring and collecting information, analyzing and managing data to help study project, Yemen, Arab and regional making political and strategic planning team, Asian Geography Conference in Vietnam 2023, to formulate maritime strategic plans at differences level, local, Arabian, Regional, IORA, Asian area. Based on the theory of GIS maritme , regional , regional  maritme security , MSP , laws , and orientation of  Yemen Geostrategy,   Study aimed to achieve many proposes, how to develop ARC GIS of Asian maritme, remote sensing, wafer, and maritme technology tools and means that help making decision to understand and known Yemen maritme sphere to develop Yemen maritme geostrategy at Red Sea and Indian Ocean in order to be able work together and strength cooperation and partners that could help  to unity Asian maritme policy to be able to respond maritme challenges and danger sea and ocean in Asian, African and Australia continent.

8.1. The Definition of Geographic Information system (GIS) is computerized analytical tools that that process geographic data and production information that helps in making -intelligent decisions, there are valuable to planners, researchers, administrators, scientists, education, environment, social scientists, intuition researchers, students, strategists, analysis, and policy makers (Santos & Baylon, 2013).

The concept of GIS is  one of the applications of modern technology systems that deal with geographic information, It is one of the scientific fields of geographic information, which is interested in scientific applications and through the reference of specialists in this science, which has a relationship with remote sensing, systems Global radars and satellite devices (Yang, 2017),GIS  is  one of the modern geographical developments that have a connection with the elements of maritime power, as space and time are among the elements of modern maritime power, as the dimension of space and time constitutes one of the concepts and foundations of geographic information systems.

For geographic information systems, time is considered universal for academic fields, as for spatial space. From a theoretical perspective, it includes many main foundations and levels within a system, as it constitutes the zero point or the first level in digital standard units, or what are called environmental points in the ocean or space, and thus the point on the various coasts of the study area is equal to zero, the second level is called the place or target space. The targets in the study area are transportation lines, ships, and maritime activities., and technical or tactical space. For example, the state has several spatial spaces: the marine environment, marine resources, difficulties, laws. The fourth level is the space and location of maritime risks and threats in their various forms. The fifth level is the place and space of materials or outputs, and the fifth level is the place and space of solutions (Cartwright & exl, 2018).

8.2. GIS and maritme technology implement.

 GIS is new paradigm and a new of thinking since it appeared at 40 years ago. It convergence many discipline mainly, Geography, Cartography. Geodesy,  Mathematics, statics, computer scientist, remote sensing, global navigation satellite system ,  spatial analysis , so it becomes one of the important means of identifying natural and marine features and characteristics in the study area, as it contributes significantly to understanding, knowledge, referral, management and output of information to help the political decision maker to make the appropriate decision and executive plan, and through the use of information systems biological characteristics can be distinguished, The social and economic situation of the state, as it gives a clear picture of the place and gives a visualization and determines the diversity and distribution of marine resources in the region, and areas of use in the form of maps.

 It can also be used as an indicator in the performance of the national, Arab and regional maritime strategic management during the conduct of marine spatial planning and implementation of MSP which is used during the course of the entire planning process. Information systems are also used as an indicator of the effects of marine, human, physical, social, economic and governmental factors, which constitute the most important factors for the process of conducting a spatial marine plan. They are specifically used to measure the impact of specific areas in the case study of the Yemeni islands in the Red Sea at various stages of time and compare them with other areas.

8.3 ArcGIS maritme. It is a complete system for managing, and production dates and products compliant international Hydrographic organization and contain tools that help to manage, analysis and collected dates, and exporting the rich continent within wide variety of GIS purposes, including planning (ESRI, 2023).

  1. Yemen and Regional Marine Geostrategic in Red Sea and Indian Ocean.

GIS one of most important tools that help study to discover and analysis Yemen and regional maritme features to find and designated strategic element according to more affection at many levels policy, military, economics and maritme security. It found Yemeni maritime domain located in the heart of the Indian Ocean.  its connection and relationship with elements of maritime natural and human power, including international markets, according to marine regional   policy, economic, function, management. Cultural and geostrategic region, Yemen has more influence power and affection on the international policy because many kye maritime geostatic elements:

  1. The economic characteristics of the exclusive Arab marine waters in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea and their contiguous maritime borders, and the absence from the area of Socotra Island to the Suez Canal, constitute exclusive economic zones shared by the Arab countries and member states of the Indian Ocean Organization. Map (1), shown in red, shows the maritime political boundaries. Yemeni and Arab regional economic waters in the Indian Ocean Organization.

Fig (1.) IORA exclusive marine economic in the study area.

Source, Author, depend on GIS

Yemen controlled, Al, Mandeb that located in Chok Point and Yemeni maritime domain is in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean that connected with letteral states in the area, it has marine bodies constitute about 545,000 square km2, and include rich marine resources and high-quality fish. In addition, Yemen possesses about 282 islands, the most famous of which are Socotra, Abd al-Kuri, Mayun, Dhu Harab, and Kamaran, which control the shipping routes. Yemen has one of the most important transit ports in Aden, Hodeidah, and Mukalla, which have a great influence on international politics.

9.2. Maritime geopolitical influences and relationships.

 The Yemeni maritime domain is considered livelier and more dynamic than the continental domain due to a number of factors, including connectivity with multiple neighboring units more than the continental domain through the Yemeni maritime borders with Saudi Arabia, Oman, Djibouti, Somalia, and Eritrea, in addition to the daily and continuous activities of the maritime spatial container with countries.

The world through daily commercial maritime traffic, in addition to the role of the spatial context and the vital maritime domain of the study area and its impact on international relations. We find that the study area is linked to a number of national security trends and concepts at various levels, specializations and fields, whether national security, regional security, collective security, maritime security, cybersecurity. Due to the breadth of the study area and its degree of importance, the challenges that affect national security increase, as We find that the area of marine waters is wide and extends to the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, in addition to the separation and spread of the Yemeni islands, and the threats and challenges that have multiple dimensions to national security, including political, economic, religious, ideological, and environmental dimensions. , military such as maritime piracy (Humran M. A., 2023).

9.3. Economic relationship and Geostrategic maritme Power.

 The Republic of Yemen oversees the most important open seas that are globally connected to international maritime shipping lines, and their location in vital maritime areas for transporting energy supplies, and the proximity of the study area to global markets and consumption areas in the Gulf region, Southeast Asia, and the Horn of Africa, which constituted an area of attraction and investment in the Republic of Yemen to open markets with Countries bordering the Indian Ocean, which constitutes a vital maritime area for further exploration and investment in the future, map (1) (Map (2) Bab al-Mandab Strait and the most important maritime navigation routes for energy transport .We can find the connection between Yemen and Regional strategic maritme location at strategic oil and energy Straite, for example  Hormoze , Suize Chanel , Bab , Almendeb, and Molca strait , as well as International maritme lines Islands, Decisive maritme area such as Gulf of Aden ,

Fig (2) Geostatic Striates and International maritme trade at area study.

Source: Researcher using GIS10.8.1 program based on, US energy information administration analysis based on Panama Eia channel authority, 2013.

10.4. Military, security and political relationship and influences.

From a military and security perspective, the Yemeni maritime domain constitutes points of communication and strategic depth for Yemeni and Arab countries, as they constitute advanced military defensive points on the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea, and on the islands of Dhu Harab, Hanish and Abd al-Kuri. They are also located within areas of interest and presence of American military forces and alliances in the south and north. The Western Indian Ocean, including the modern naval military alliances between America, Australia and Britain in 2021 in addition to the economic blocs in the Arab Gulf states, the Southeast Asian Forum (ASEAN), and the countries bordering the Indian Ocean (IORA), which qualifies the Republic of Yemen to be an international actor and partner at the regional level if it gives importance and priority to spatial maritime planning and works to direct development plans towards the study area. It overlooks the Indian Ocean about (26) countries, and the population is about (2.65 billion). Almost a person, equivalent to (39%) of the total population of the world, and it is characterized by the growth of population density and the difference and diversity in the approaches, political systems and the multiplicity of cultures and economic policies, so according to geostrategic perspective there are many blocs * (Jivanta, 2018, pp. 1-200)and geopolitical, economic and political alliances have a connection and interest in the Indian Ocean (Zhu, 2017, p. 205) The Indian Ocean constitutes is the third largest ocean in the world. Map (1) member states bordering the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.

The geopolitical, economic and political alliances have a link and interest in the Indian Ocean (Clogan, 2017, p. 4). The study loofward to progress and development relation under umbrella of IORA, it has 23 member states, the population is about 3. 2 million people in 2017 census. (Blessing, 2020) Where the French island of Reunion joined, as well as the approval of Saudi Council of Ministers for membership in the organization in 2020, Egypt is also an observer member of the organization. (FAO, World Bank. Reports indicate that the international sea lanes in the Indian Ocean constitute (75%) of the global energy supply (Zhu, 2017, p. 17) and contribute to the strength of Yemen and the promotion of the development of international maritime relations, as well as the possibility of enhancing cooperation and partnership in various fields of investment in the blue economy sector, which appeared in 1989 and the emergence of the green economy, as Yemen is a partner and an active member of IORA.

  1. Analyses of Spatial relation at Yemen and Reginal maritme elements power.

By conducting MSP buy using GIS for describing, discovering and analysis the physical and human marine features in red sea and Indian ocean which have major strategic elements power, but they are not invested and implemented by local state in Yemen and IROA. Map (2). Yemen geostrategic location play major role at International and regional maritme power for decade.

Fig (2) Yemen marine power

Source, Author.

11-1. Analysia Centers of strength and weakness points.

The Yemeni maritime field connect with red sea and Indian Ocean and constitute the most important natural marine geostrategic characteristics of Yemen, and who control Yemen can be able to controller of regional power, Yemen maritime is key elements at Arab national security as well as Islamic and reginal society. it connected between west and east continental area. Yemen filed connected and affected at four major straits Suze channel, Bab, Almendeb, Malka, and Hormoz Strite. Yemen has great civilization and affected on regional marine cultures for ages in south east Asia, Africa and EU.

Through the increase in the change in the geostrategic perspective of the Indian Ocean, its geostrategic importance as one of the pivotal geopolitical marine areas globally, due to its distinctiveness and differences in its changing, overlapping and different geographical entity, as well as its connection and relationship with many cultures and international systems, in addition to language and ideology.  The importance comes through contact and partnership with the countries bordering the Indian Ocean, which constitute large areas of the world, in addition to the fact that many countries have good economic relations with Yemen and could be future markets for Yemeni exports, including Southeast Asian countries, which are among the first thirty countries to receive Yemeni exports, such as South Korea, China, and other countries.

11.2. Yemeni maritime it constitutes one of the important elements of the comprehensive national naval power, lies in investing in the blue economy in the Indian Ocean, and the exclusive economic zone in the Indian Ocean constitutes about 26.7-27.8 million km2, or 38% of the total area of ​​the entire Indian Ocean.(Map 1)  Which can contribute significantly to the benefit and partnership in the organization, given that the world today seeks to strengthen partnerships, cooperation, and regional and international competition, as the average per capita income in Indonesia’s budget reaches 65,233 US dollars per person, which constitutes the highest percentage at the level of the organization. Yemen has good relations with Indonesia, and less the average per capita income in Somalia is 123 US dollars, Yemen is about 1123 dollars, and in poor countries is Mozambique and Madagascar. Through the study, the description and analysis of cooperation and investment in the group of countries bordering the Indian Ocean in the field of

12-3. Weaknesses and lack of strength in a regional freedom.

The political unstable in Yemen and Arab area, which Israel and Arab conflicts haven’t solved yet, so it may be affected at regional conflicts and using nuclear weapons strategic detect that affected on stable in the area, maritme pollution, international factors that increased because seeking for International maritme power in the area and the index danger that being shift form coemptions, crisis to maritme war.

 foreign policy involving and control marina resources on the same time local state couldn’t depend on themselves to have right military power for marine protecting and secure the area (Robert ,2016, P1-20), as well as increasing reginal maritime power conflicts between USCENTCOM, AFRCOM and 34 foreign states that become major threaten marine security area (Humran, 2022, P1-200), including intra-trade among IORA countries is weak unstable.

  1. Sample of using GIS at Yemeni islands in the Red Sea analysis.

By analyzing the statistics in Yemeni maritime trade and Yemen thick exports, and according to local and regional reports that mentioned there are keys challenges faced Yemen and the countries in the study area in the weakness of regional maritime power, the absence of modern joint and developmental maritime strategic plans. The study proposal constitutes an applied and executive work plan, that aimed to develop and enchase Arab and Asian group task force that enhances the value of Yemeni and regional fish production and exports and the settlement of the fish industry and the promotion of intra-marine trade with IORA, and work to enhance food security in Yemen and region countries.

  13.1. Yemen Islands characteristics in red sea.  

 YIRS is an important natural region in western coast of Yemen map (3). They distributed in differences long distance from coast line that lie from Saudi border to the edge Mayon island around 732km long, which affected on the width of Yemen base line to more that 60km, as well as Yemen shelf edge around 100 inlands located on shelf islands and 80 islands on off- shelf islands (Brodle, ROUPHALE, & TURAK, 1971, p. 1_100)) which is known for its abundance of natural wealth, including fish and marine life (Abas، 1996، الصفحات 20-200) ) The majority of the islands are tiny in size (1–5km2) and are situated close to the maritime boundaries between Yemen and Saudi Arabia Map (3). One of the major Yemeni islands in the Red Sea is Kamaran, Hanish Al-Kubra, Jabal Zuqar, Hanish Al-Soghra, and Al-Fasht. A semi-continental climate with a hot summer and rising temperatures from north to south until Bab al-Mandab Strait dominates the islands and Yemeni marine area in the Red Sea. Due to the southern Red Sea’s physical configuration as semi-inland waters, the sea currents there are more agile and swift.

fig (3). study area

Source, Author, depend on GIS

13.2.  Yemen Islands Characteristics analysis.

Study aimed to clarify the important of GIS for analysis, maritme feathers decisive at political policy at differences level as well as to discover the blue economy m buffer zone, international maritme line.  by using GIS and MSP processing we found that YIRS distributed on northern and middle area, while Mayoin islands located on the southern part of Yemen red sea.

The northern islands which are situated on a mid-coast adjacent to the governorate of Hagah, Yemen’s middle islands, which are situated on Hodeida coast; and Yemen’s southern islands, which are situated on the Taiz governor coast. Midi Coast Islands have an area of 1 – 15 km2, Inland waters up to 2000 m deep near the sea gullies in corridor countries small fishing harbors, Antofash population centers, and the Midi coast islands of Dhuhrab, Ardain, Al-Morak, Ghorab, Dhahra, Al-Asheq Al-Kabeer, and Al-Saghir. Most of the Yemeni islands are in the Red Sea, according to bathometry, land sat images, and GIS in shallow waters running south from the northern Midi coast and north from the Midi coast. They contain small fishing harbors and population centers in Antofash. The strategic importance of the islands is formed in the Midi coast, for its border location with Saudi Arabia and includes many islands on a map (4) and administratively follows. Governorate (Humran M. A., 2022, pp. 1-200), The islands of the Midi coast are distinguished by a number of characteristics, they are located in areas rich in fisheries, allowing for the establishment of fishing ports on the island of Dhuhrab and the provision of modern marine vessels. They scattered close in the Red Sea, and through their geographical, topographical and morphological characteristics, located near and within the international trade navigation lines, and they have an impact and effectiveness in the movement of trade and maritime security through the presence of lighthouses, coast guard patrols. Yemeni island of Mayon controls Bab Al-Mandab is in the middle of the corridor, in addition to the fact that the islands are located near the coasts of neighboring countries, and thus it has importance in foreign policy and international relations.

Fig (4). Islands Names and Characteristics.

Source: researcher. byGIS.10.8.1

14.The Role of Geographic conference and (MSP).

 This level aimed to explain the role of geographical conferences that based on the geographic regional theories and prospected. regional prospective in Red Sea and Indian ocean that that helped to collected new ideas and discusses and share regional interested red sea and Indian ocean, and build modern theories how to collected ides   Yemeni & regional maritime alliances such as Arab-Chinese partnerships in applying the regional marine spatial planning in achieving strategic management Regional and strengthening maritime security

  6.1. MSP is critical in determining the best location and assisting the government with economic development trends in the blue economy, including the development of Yemeni islands. A basic method of assessing and allocating the spatio-temporal activities of marine activities in marine areas to meet ecological, economic, and social goals is known as marine spatial planning, or marine space planning. These goals are then identified through a political process) (Yates & Bradshow, 2018, pp. 10-200) In order to achieve economic, social, and geological goals, it defines a scientific management of the spatial and temporal distribution of human activities. Competition has grown in the twenty-first century; in 2017, there were 900 scientific papers and roughly 10,000 articles in the field of MSP (Zaucha & Gee, 2019, pp. 2-199)where there is a rise in interest in maritime transportation, fishing, marine biology, commercial and military ship building and development, resource exploration, seaport development, and pollution prevention in the ocean. Only EUA in araba and regional area has conducted MSP, because it so expensive.

The study confirms that enabling Yemen, in partnership with Arab and regional countries, to implement marine spatial planning is a strategic means of collecting a database through which political, Yemeni and Arab decision-makers can develop successful plans at various environmental, economic, political, social and security levels, through which the Giving the political decision-maker the knowledge and ability to draw strategic plans in the region, and in partnership with the countries of the region to achieve an Arab and regional naval force that will fill the void and contribute to achieving economic development for the peoples of the region (Humran M. A., 2022).

6.2. EEZ and achieving maritime deterrence.

 GIS played major role to that help both International maritme laws experts and maritme organization to manage and order political and border maritme area such Economic water in Yemen and regional strategic area in red sea and Indian ocean that based on Geostrategy theories which insisted at location.

  The UN has determined that EEZ  waters of the state are approximately 200 nautical miles from the baseline of the coast of the state or island state. Article 56 of the UN law stipulates the right of the coastal state to manage and invest all marine resources located within the economic zone and is not limited to the type The size and area of the resource, and Article 60 of the United Nations Law has the right for the state to build facilities within its economic waters in accordance with international agreements, and Articles 16 and 62 affirm the right of the coastal and island state to establish the necessary laws to regulate marine fishing to protect marine creatures from penetration and to maintain sustainable development, in its exclusive economic waters. The state also has the right to pursue and arrest any non-combat ship during its voyage in the exclusive economic waters of the state. The UN has also determined the right of the coastal and island state to exploit its continental shelf in the depths of the sea, and it has the right to work to increase the breadth of its economic waters to more than 200 miles, but it must.

To submit reports to the organization in this regard. Article 72 of the UN Law allows the coastal state the right to invest in the continental shelf, exploit all marine and non-biological resources, and fish for living creatures and non-migratory marine creatures up to the water column. In Article 77, the UN Law allows the coastal state the right to It includes drilling, exploration and research work on its continental shelf, but in Article 78 it excludes the right of the coastal state to join the work of controlling international airspace, which extends from the line of the exclusive economic waters of the state to the high seas, such as those rights to economic waters. The law regulating international sovereignty and management of the ocean floors was defined, as the law emphasized that the state should pay compensation for any losses to the neighboring state if it was exposed to damage and risks due to imbalances during marine prospecting and exploration or any actions carried out by the coastal state, which was determined at the 1982 meeting of the United Nations General Assembly.

From a legal perspective, the geostrategy of the Yemeni and Arab exclusive maritime economic waters and the countries of the Indian Ocean Organization constitutes a soft power in modern diplomacy, in addition to being one of the maritime powers influencing Arab, regional and international security and military policy.

The Republic of Yemen has the right to use maritime surfaces, EEZ during armed conflicts and in the event of a threat affecting Yemeni and Arab national security, including threats from the Zionist entity and American naval forces. Yemen has the right to prevent and deter destroyers, the American naval aircraft carrier, and American naval submarines from passing through maritime economic waters, as specified Yemeni law: Boundaries of exclusive Yemeni economic maritime waters in the Red Sea region, Gulf of Aden, and Arabian Sea. Map (1) Boundaries of exclusive economic maritime waters.

 Yemen has the right to prevent and deter hostile forces in peace and war that constitute a source of danger and threat to Yemeni national security in the maritime field, whether the source of the threat on the surface of the sea is from the destroyers, battleships, and military warships of the hostile forces, as well as the hostile forces that pass under the surface of the sea, represented by Zionist naval submarines. And the hostile American forces, as well as the hostile forces in the air in the Zionist and American hostile aviation, preventing them from passing through the Yemeni maritime airspace, which constitutes a violation of maritime sovereignty in exclusive economic waters.

  1. Maritime deterrence and terrorism. The United States and Western Naval Military Academy documents use terms that are consistent with its policies and its foreign political will, according to its spatial and temporal interest, as it uses the term deterrence, which literally means intimidating someone to go away, and in the Cambridge dictionary it means preventing someone or something from doing something, or deterrence, to reduce the enthusiasm to perform an act. Or an event, and the Webmaster Dictionary explains that terrorism and deterrence meet in the roots of the word, which means intimidation, and the concept of deterrence broadly means any use of implicit or explicit threats or specific force aimed at dissuading an effective group from taking any action and maintaining the status quo. Deterrence differs from Coercion, and the theory of nuclear deterrence, is a political mechanism that emerged after the Cold War and revolves around preventing the use of nuclear weapons and mutual assured destruction between countries (European, 2023).
  2. Yemen, Arab and IORA at EEZ activities.

The economic characteristics of the EEZ Arab marine waters in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea and their contiguous maritime borders, and the absence from the area of Socotra Island to the Suez Canal, constitute exclusive economic zones shared by the Arab countries and member states of the Indian Ocean Organization. Map (1), shown in red, shows the maritime political boundaries. Yemeni and Arab regional economic waters in IORA.

  1. 4. Maritme AI to protect Humanity and maritme environment.

 Maritme Artificial Intelligence and Support Vector Machine (SVM) learning algorithms have enjoyed rapid growth in recent years with applications in a wide range of disciplines, often with impressive results. The present paper introduces this machine learning technology to the field of marine hydrodynamics for the study of complex potential and viscous flow problems. Examples considered include the forecasting of sea state elevations and vessel responses using their past time records as “explanatory variables” or “features” and the development of a nonlinear model for the roll restoration. added moment of inertia and viscous damping using the vessel response kinematics from free decay tests as “features, A key innovation of AI-SVM kernel algorithms is that the nonlinear dependence of the dependent variable on the “features” is embedded into the SVM kernel and its selection plays a key role in the performance of the algorithms. The kernel selection is discussed and its relation to the physics of the marine hydrodynamic flows considered in the present paper is solving these issues ( Yu Ma & Paul D. , 2018).The US Navy operates a fleet of nuclear-powered submarines, which are vessels that utilize nuclear reactors for propulsion.

This technology offers several advantages over conventionally powered submarines, including:  Extended Endurance: Nuclear submarines can operate submerged for months or even years without refueling, as opposed to diesel-electric submarines, which need to surface frequently to recharge batteries.

Powered Submarine High Speed: Nuclear power enables submarines to achieve and sustain high speeds underwater, allowing for rapid deployment and strategic positioning. Stealth: Nuclear submarines are inherently quieter than diesel-electric submarines, making them harder to detect and track. The US Navy operates two main types of nuclear submarines:  Submersible Ship Nuclear (SSN): Also known as “attack submarines,” these vessels are designed primarily for anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, as well as intelligence gathering and special operations support. Opens in a new window USS SSN Submarine Submersible Ship Ballistic Nuclear (SSBN): Also known as “boomers,” these submarines carry submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) and serve as a critical component of the US nuclear deterrent force. Opens in a new window USS SSBN Submarine.

 The first nuclear-powered submarine, USS Nautilus (SSN-571), was commissioned in 1954 and revolutionized submarine warfare. Since then, the US Navy has built and operated numerous classes of nuclear submarines, each with evolving capabilities and technology. Opens in a new window USS Nautilus (SSN571) While nuclear propulsion offers significant advantages, it also presents challenges. These include:  Cost: Nuclear submarines are expensive to build and maintain due to the complex technology involved. Safety Concerns: The presence of nuclear reactors onboard raises concerns about potential accidents and the risks associated with radioactive material. Environmental Impact: The decommissioning and disposal of nuclear submarines pose environmental challenges due to the radioactive waste they contain. How do we use artificial intelligence to limit the development of naval nuclear submarines, which are temporary, explosive killers on the seabed?  What is the role of marine technology and the UNn monitoring this? How will American and Western political thought be persuaded to stop manufacturing and developing marine innovations and marine artificial intelligence for military purposes? What is the role of customary and international laws in stopping the military naval activities of nuclear naval submarines and nuclear maritime strategic deterrent weapons in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region specifically? Is there global control that stops military naval technological developments and nuclear maritime artificial intelligence?

 Nuclear Powered Submarines as Hazards for The Marine Environment. Nuclear-powered submarines, despite their technological advancements, do pose significant hazards to the marine environment. Here’s a breakdown of the key concerns:  Radioactive Contamination:  Reactor Cores and Spent Fuel: The biggest threat lies with the radioactive materials onboard. Over time, corrosion of reactor casings and storage containers for spent fuel can lead to leaks. This can contaminate the surrounding seawater, impacting marine life across various levels of the food chain. Radioactive isotopes can bioaccumulate in fish and other organisms, posing a threat to human health if consumed. Accidents: Collisions or other accidents involving submarines can cause immediate breaches in the reactor core or fuel storage, leading to a larger-scale release of radioactive material. Toxic Materials:  Submarines contain various toxic materials like lead, mercury, and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) in their paint, batteries, and other components. Leakage of these can have detrimental effects on marine organisms and disrupt the ecosystem’s balance. Physical Obstructions:  Sunken submarines act as physical barriers on the seabed, disrupting natural currents and sediment transport patterns. This can have long-term consequences for benthic (bottom-dwelling) organisms and alter the underwater habitat. Examples of Environmental Impact:  The Kursk Disaster: The 2000 sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk in the Barents Sea raised concerns about potential radioactive leaks and long-term environmental damage. Soviet Submarines in the Arctic: Several decommissioned Soviet submarines lie at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, posing a potential threat of radioactive leaks due to deteriorating conditions. Mitigating the Risks:  International Cooperation: Treaties and regulations are crucial for monitoring sunken submarines, preventing further environmental damage, and promoting responsible decommissioning practices. Improved Technology: Advancements in robotics and remote-control technology can facilitate safer monitoring and potentially even salvaging sunken submarines with minimal environmental impact. Decommissioning Strategies: Developing safer and more sustainable methods for decommissioning nuclear submarines to minimize the risk of leaks and environmental contamination. Additional Considerations:  Waste Disposal: The proper disposal of radioactive waste generated by nuclear submarines is another environmental concern that requires careful management. Impact on Ocean Acidification: Nuclear reactors require large amounts of cooling water. This water is discharged back into the ocean, potentially contributing to ocean acidification, which harms marine organisms. Nuclear-powered submarines are powerful tools for defense, but their environment.

8.The Impact of American Nuclear Submarines in Semi-Enclosed Seas: A Case Study of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

The Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden are both considered semi-enclosed seas. This means they have limited water exchange with the open ocean, making them particularly vulnerable to pollution and environmental damage. The presence and activities of American nuclear submarines in these regions raise several environmental concerns.  Potential Environmental Impacts:

Radioactive Contamination: The biggest concern is the risk of radioactive leaks from the reactor core or spent fuel rods. Even a minor leak could have a significant impact on the marine environment due to the limited water exchange in these seas. Radioactive isotopes can bioaccumulate in marine organisms, posing a threat to the entire food chain and potentially reaching humans who consume seafood.

Toxic Materials: Submarines contain various toxic materials like lead, mercury, and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) in their paint, batteries, and other components. Leaks from these materials can disrupt the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem and harm marine life. Physical Disturbance: Submarine activities like sonar use and underwater maneuvers can disrupt marine organisms and their habitats. This can affect their behavior, navigation, and communication. Acoustic Pollution: Underwater noise generated by submarines can have negative impacts on marine mammals like whales and dolphins, which rely on sound for communication and navigation. Specific Concerns for the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden:  Unique Ecosystems: Both the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden are home to a wide variety of marine life, including many endemic species (species found nowhere else on Earth). These ecosystems are highly sensitive to any kind of pollution or disruption. Importance for Fisheries: The Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden are important fishing grounds for many countries. Radioactive contamination or other environmental damage could devastate local fisheries and impact food security in the region. Limited Dilution: Due to their semi-enclosed nature, contaminants released from a nuclear submarine accident or leak would be less diluted compared to the open ocean, potentially causing more concentrated and long-lasting environmental damage.

 Potential Consequences:  Loss of Biodiversity: Radioactive contamination, toxic materials, and physical disturbances can all lead to a decline in marine biodiversity in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Economic Impact: A damaged marine environment could have a significant negative impact on fisheries and tourism in the region. Public Health Risks: Radioactive contamination in the food chain could pose a threat to human health for people who consume contaminated seafood.

Possible Mitigation Strategies:  International Cooperation: International agreements and regulations are essential for monitoring submarine activities in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. These agreements should focus on preventing accidents, promoting responsible practices, and establishing clear protocols for responding to incidents. Transparency and Information Sharing: The United States should be transparent about the activities of its nuclear submarines in the region and share relevant information with coastal states bordering the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Technological Advancements: Investing in technologies for safe monitoring and potential salvage of sunken submarines with minimal environmental impact is crucial. Alternative Propulsion Systems: Research and development of alternative propulsion systems for submarines that are less reliant on nuclear power could help reduce environmental risks in the long run. Conclusion:  The presence of American nuclear submarines in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden poses potential environmental risks. International cooperation, responsible practices, and technological advancements are all necessary to ensure the safety of these sensitive marine ecosystems and the well-being of the people who depend on them.

11.The impact of the activities and launches of American and British nuclear submarines in 2023 and 2024 from the seabed and their impact on the environment in semi-enclosed seas, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

There isn’t new information’s issued by USCENTCOM, UK or any publicly available information regarding specific launches of American and British nuclear submarines from the seabed in the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden in 2023 and 2024. Nuclear submarines are not designed for launching from the seabed, and such an activity would be highly unusual and newsworthy if it had occurred.  However, we can explore the hypothetical scenario of a nuclear submarine launch from the seabed in a semi-enclosed sea like the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden and its potential environmental impact.  Scenario:  An American or British nuclear submarine launch from the seabed in the Red Sea or Gulf of Aden.  Potential Environmental Impacts:  Stirring Up Sediments: The launch process would likely stir up large amounts of bottom sediment, potentially releasing contaminants that have accumulated on the seabed over time. This could harm water quality and marine life. Noise Pollution: The launch would generate significant underwater noise that could disrupt marine mammals and other marine life that rely on sound for communication and navigation. Risk of Accidental Release of Radioactive Material: Even if the launch itself doesn’t cause a reactor breach, there’s a potential for damage to the reactor or spent fuel rods during the process, leading to a radioactive leak. This could have devastating consequences for the marine environment and human health. Heightened Concerns in Semi-Enclosed Seas:  Limited Dilution: Due to the restricted water exchange in these seas, any contaminants released during a launch would be less diluted compared to the open ocean, potentially causing more concentrated and long-lasting environmental damage. Sensitive Ecosystems: The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden boast unique and fragile ecosystems like coral reefs and mangrove forests. These ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to pollution and disruptions caused by such an event. Overall Impact:  The environmental impact of a nuclear submarine launch from the seabed in a semi-enclosed sea would likely be severe.  The potential for radioactive contamination, sediment disturbance, and noise pollution could have long-lasting consequences for the marine environment and potentially pose a threat to human health.  It’s important to note:  Launching nuclear submarines from the seabed is not a standard practice for either the US or British Navy. Both countries have strict protocols and regulations in place for the operation and maintenance of nuclear submarines, prioritizing safety and environmental protection, it happened in 2023 and 2024 anti-Yemen nations.

  1. 17. S. confirmed using Warships and Submarines in Yemen EEZ at Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer fires a Tomahawk Land Attack Missile toward a target in Yemen on Jan. 11, 2024. US Navy Photo the U.S. and the United Kingdom conducted a series of strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen Thursday in retaliation for nearly three months of attacks on commercial shipping in the Middle East.  Strikes came from the air, surface and subsurface, a defense official told USNI News Thursday. Air Force strike fighters originating from a base in the Middle East and Super Hornets from USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) were involved, USNI News understands. The U.S. also launched Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles launched from ships in the Red Sea and at least one submarine. U.S. officials would not identify the submarine, but Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Florida (SSGN-728) entered the Red Sea in November. Florida can carry up to 154 Tomahawk missiles.  The strike was at approximately 2:30 a.m. local time, about 30 minutes after the Houthis launched an anti-ship ballistic missile at shipping lanes in the Gulf of Aden, according to a Central Command release.

 U.K. Secretary of State for Defense Grant Shipps said on social media site X that four Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4s conducted precision strikes on two Houthi military targets.  One of the targets was in Bani, located in northwestern Yemen, which Houthi used to launch attack and reconnaissance drones. Aircraft targeted a number of buildings at the site, the U.K. Ministry of Defense said in a statement.  The other site was an airfield at Abbs, Yemen. The Ministry of Defense said that the Houthis have used the airfield to launch cruise missiles and drones.  The U.S. hit 60 targets at 16 Houthi locations, which included munition depots, command nodes, production facilities, air defense radar systems and launching systems, U.S. Air Forces Central said in a release.  “This multi-national strike reinforces the international community’s commitment to freedom of navigation and against repeated Houthi anti-ship ballistic missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and cruise missiles attacks on commercial and U.S. and coalition military vessels in the Red Sea,” reads the release.  The U.S. and U.K. were supported by Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands, a senior administration official said Thursday.  As of 8:30 p.m. Thursday, the U.S. is not tracking any Houthi response to the strikes, a senior military official told reporters. The attack was separate from Operation Prosperity Guardian, which is a defensive partnership to protect shipping in the Red Sea.  This is the first time the U.S. has attacked the Houthis since the Yemen-based group started launching drones and missiles into the Red Sea.  “This was a significant action,” the senior administration official said. “And conducted with every objective and every expectation, it will degrade in a significant way the Houthis capability launch exactly the sorts of attacks that they have conducted over the period of recent weeks.”  The senior military official on the press call could not give details about damage from the strikes.  The strikes targeted sites that the U.S. determined were associated with the Houthis’ drone, missile and surveillance capabilities, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement. Follow-up actions could be taken if needed, according to the statement (MONGULD, 2024).

  1. American nuclear submarines affected at Yemen EEZ.

In 2023, 2024, US increased sending nuclear submarine to Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian ocean, despite their safety record, pose several dangers even if they don’t explode but sink in Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) like the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, or Indian Ocean.  Here’s a breakdown of the key concerns:

  • Radioactive Contamination: Long-term Threat: Even without an explosion, the biggest danger comes from radioactive materials like fuel rods in the reactor core. Over time, the casings can corrode, leading to leaks that can contaminate the surrounding seawater and marine life for decades. Bioaccumulation: Radioactive isotopes can get absorbed by marine organisms and travel up the food chain, potentially reaching humans who consume contaminated fish.
  • Environmental Damage: Toxic Materials: Submarines contain various toxic materials like lead, mercury, and PCBs. Leakage of these can disrupt the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem and harm marine life. Physical Obstruction: A sunken submarine acts as a physical barrier on the seabed, disrupting natural currents and sediment transport. This can alter underwater habitats and impact benthic organisms.
  • Economic Impact: Fishing Restrictions: Areas around a sunken submarine with potential radioactive leaks might be declared off-limits for fishing, impacting the livelihoods of local communities that depend on these waters. Tourism: The presence of a sunken nuclear submarine could deter tourism activities in the region, affecting coastal economies.
  • Geopolitical Tensions:
  • Salvaging Risks: Attempts to salvage a sunken submarine can be extremely risky, with the potential to cause further damage and trigger radioactive leaks. Responsibility and Cleanup: The question of who is responsible for cleaning up a sunken submarine in another country’s EEZ can lead to complex international disputes.

 The Case for International Cooperation:

  Monitoring and Prevention: International agreements are crucial for monitoring sunken submarines, preventing environmental damage, and developing responsible decommissioning practices. Technology and Assistance: Sharing advancements in robotics and remote-control technology can help with safe monitoring and potentially even salvaging sunken submarines with minimal environmental impact. Financial and Technical Support: International cooperation can provide financial and technical assistance to countries with sunken submarines in their EEZs for safe cleanup and disposal. Additional Considerations:

  • Impact on Marine Biodiversity: The Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean are all rich in marine biodiversity. Radioactive contamination and environmental damage from a sunken submarine can have devastating effects on these ecosystems. Public Health Concerns: The potential for radioactive contamination to reach human populations through the food chain raises significant public health concerns.
  • While American nuclear submarines play a vital role in national security, mitigating the risks associated with potential accidents or sunken vessels is crucial. International cooperation, responsible practices, and technological advancements are all essential for protecting the delicate marine environment and ensuring the well-being of coastal communities worldwide

18.Did US Navy nuclear submarines launch missiles from the Yemen EEZ in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden   in 2023 and 2024?

In January 2024, the United States and the United Kingdom conducted a series of joint military strikes against Yemen that claimed it against Houthi in Yemen. Which is huge danger and harm Yemen nation and marine microneme, this was in retaliation for the Houthis’ repeated attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.  The strikes were carried out using various platforms:  Air Force strike fighters: These originated from a base in the Middle East. While F-15s are a common US strike fighter, the specific type used in these strikes was not officially disclosed. It’s possible they were F-15Es, F-16s, or other aircraft. Super Hornets: These were launched from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) aircraft carrier. Warships: Destroyers like the USS Carney (DDG-64) launched Tomahawk cruise missiles. Submarines: Submarines were also involved, although the specific types and capabilities have not been disclosed. The targets included:  Munition depots Command nodes Production facilities Air defense radar systems Launching systems Anti-ship missiles and drones The U.S. reported hitting 60 targets at 16 Houthi locations, with an additional 36 targets at 13 locations being struck in a later wave of attacks. The aim was to disrupt the Houthis’ ability to threaten maritime traffic and to demonstrate the international community’s commitment to freedom of navigation in the region.  Timeline of Events (Partial):  January 11, 2024: Initial strikes by the U.S. and UK in retaliation for Houthi attacks on commercial shipping. January 13, 2024: The USS Carney launches a Tomahawk missile against a Houthi radar site. January 16, 2024: The U.S. destroys four Houthi anti-ship ballistic missiles. January 22, 2024: Large-scale air and missile strikes on Houthi facilities across Yemen by the U.S. and UK. The conflict in the Red Sea escalated throughout January 2024, with both the Houthis and the U.S. engaging in retaliatory strikes. The Houthis initially targeted Israeli-affiliated ships but later expanded their threats to include U.S. and UK vessels.  This conflict highlights the growing importance of the Red Sea as a strategic waterway and the potential for regional instability to disrupt international trade and security.  For further information and updates on this ongoing conflict, you can refer to reliable news sources such as:  USNI News: https:

  1. Yemeni, Arab and regional maritime diplomacy.

Yemeni maritime diplomacy constitutes one of the mechanisms for controlling and neutralizing crises and improving intra-Yemeni and Arab relations at the Arab national maritime security level, and regional and international economic relations at a second level, and aims to prevent sliding into maritime conflicts. The truth is that due to the weakness of Arab political theories and international relations and the absence of elements of unifying Arab national security and Arab governance, this has had a negative impact on the performance and application of Arab diplomacy and its failure in its management of Arab crises and crises, which has led to the local  countries moving in directions and forces that help them in managing their own issues, and since 1945, which we can call the beginning of the development of intra- and bilateral Arab diplomatic relations, but it did not take place in the desired manner and in the absence of Yemeni and Arab capabilities to control internal and external crises, which America believes must separate crisis management from bilateral relations, whether the relations are bad or good, America believes that control over crises is very strong, and should not be left without measures. This is the core of the Arab problem, as it has not been able to control crises and leave them without measures because of its vision from the perspective of the disparate bilateral Arab relations, which witness fluctuations from good too bad from time to time, as what The conflict is happening now in Yemen and many Arab countries since 1918 AD, 19945 AD, 1952 AD, 1962 AD, most notably 1990 AD, 2011, and the war on Yemen in 2015 AD, and what is happening today in the middle of 2023, Gaza, the Al-Aqsa flood, and the war with the Zionist entity constitute a failure in right-wing, Arab, and American diplomacy. Managing the Yemeni and Arab crises, which is due to the absence of unified Arab politics, and the study sees the necessity of developing the Yemeni and Arab maritime geostrategy from the standpoint of the unified Arab political system, specifically the foreign maritime policy, since if a unified Arab policy had been achieved, we would not have seen an Iraqi-Iranian conflict, and we would not have found the Greater Tunb issue. The problems of the imaginary inter-Arab borders, as well as the Moroccan conflict and the Western Sahara, will be solved if a unified Arab foreign policy is achieved. The Arab-Palestinian-Zionist crisis did not continue for seventy years except due to the absence of a unified Arab policy, which resulted in an increase in problems, and the responsibility today falls specifically on the sponsoring countries. For the file of the Palestinian issue, most notably Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the Emirates, Morocco, and Sudan at the present time.

  1. 3. Examples of regional maritime conflict and crisis management.

Theories in foreign policies differ in crisis management, which constitute one of the influences on the trends and work of diplomacy. Diplomacy in general is affected by the trends of the state’s maritime geostrategy and its management of international conflicts, relations and crises, which differ from one country to another according to the trends and doctrine of the state and its foreign policy directions, and China tends to practice diplomacy. The Navy, despite its possession of effective naval powers and its economic strength, based on the principle of protecting the Chinese political system, ideals of the Communist Party, was able to contain and neutralize internal problems during the popular demonstrations in Hong Kong in 2019 AD, which constituted one of the external interventions, as the Xi Pin-Chen regime did not Beijing sent tanks and army forces to the streets, and even practiced crisis management and Chinese governance procedures, which included reviewing laws and modernizing Chinese national security. The success of maritime diplomacy appeared in managing the American-Chinese conflict, Indonesia and Taiwan over the South China Sea, where China views America as a party. He is an outsider to the region and has nothing to do with regional issues.

  1. Managing Yemeni, Arab and regional maritime conflicts and crises.

Maritme  Diplomacy and Yemeni-Arab maritime crisis management constituted success in the case of Eritrea’s occupation of Hanish Island, and Yemen was able, through diplomacy, to recover the island through the International Court in 1998 AD (Hamran, 2023 AD), and the form of air traffic over the state’s maritime economic waters constituted a problem and a dispute between America and China, as it objected China, using its military aviation, one of the American planes that tried to bypass traffic and fly over the economic waters in the South China Sea. China also intercepted one of the American naval destroyers 200 feet from the deck of the ship, and forced it to leave the Chinese economic waters in the China Sea. America seeks to implement a policy of deterring China and preventing it from expanding and controlling the vast maritime domain. America uses its allies and partners in the region to put pressure on China and unify and strengthen the American deterrence strategy in deterring the Chinese army from practicing maritime activities and their presence and presence in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as the South China Sea region. America is investing about $458 million in the study area (Garmony, 2023).

 Based on the premise of Yemeni, Arab, and regional control and achieving the power to control crises in their various forms, the study recognizes the necessity of practical initiation, rising above internal issues, and paying attention to common Arab and Islamic interests by unifying efforts to confront American hegemony and Zionist racism, and from the standpoint of strengthening the strategy of Yemeni, Arab, and regional deterrence of the military naval powers in The maritime domain is in the exclusive Yemeni, Arab, and territorial economic waters in the study area, and because of its connection to the closure of the maritime and airspace, which is part of the sovereignty of Yemen and the Arab countries and their Arab national security, which extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Gulf, map (8.1). The map shows the continental and maritime borders of the Arab nation and IORA.

Fig (6) Control Air space by IORA

​ In the event that the countries decide to enter into a defensive alliance in the Indian Ocean, which constitutes a powerful tool in changing the flight path, the importance of the airspace of the Arab maritime economic waters in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden was demonstrated when the Sultanate of Oman announced the closure of its airspace to the aircraft of the Zionist entity due to the entity’s crimes against the people. The Palestinians in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood (Hebrew, 2023).

11.Challenges and Obstacles. 

   There are many natural and physical and human activates challenges US, West and Foreign military nuclear power activities at EEZ in Red Sea and Indian Ocean, that threaten Yemen, Arab and regional maritime security at Red Sea and Indian Ocean, which affected Yemen national security, international and regional maritime security ad well as fiery local society, marine ecosystem on the area map (5). According to author surveys, reports and studies results that conducted via online marine workshop with (wmu, 2022)“Ocean Decade programs”, WMU conference and “lets investigate ocean traveler together” hold on October 2019, International conference on marine /maritime spatial planning from 22-23, November, 2022, there are local, regional and international factors that have difference level on affections.

1.11. Local challenges.

The weakens of communication between islands and central authority, weakness of islands budgets Purified water desalination plants for drinking in the islands, First aid centers, The importance of establishing centers for marine research and control in the islands, Appointing management managers and approving a budget to operate the islands from the allocations of the governorates affiliated to it, Providing a daily routine patrol for the islands or a helicopter, Providing operational stations by energy solar panel, establishing protection centers and coast guard areas, we encourage authorly to get benefiting from the Egyptian experience in investing the Yemeni Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior for its employees in the islands and working to settle them. Discharge on the beach, Hight level of letters, for example authority in Hodeah, lahg and Hagah should encourage students at schools, universities and local society to protect environment, So the study suggested to hold training known (beach sampling training from 1-20 November, 2023 Also Safer oil tanker, Hael Saee instructress at Rass Esaa 10%, smugglings (Humran M. A., 2023).

2..11Regional and international challenges.

They  have Highest  percent of affection on Yenne EEZ,  and IORA , YIRS, for example  Submarine nuclear power and aircraft military activities at Yemen and IORA EEZ have been affecting maritme environment all days, , International maritime lines that ships tankers ,  ships trades ,  ships oils , war ships that around 66 ships  around Yemen economical and territorial water per day  that affect  40%, while Foreign  fish ships and boats company affected  20%,smuglimg , immigrations , armed smuggling,  piracy affected 10% , untenability fishing efforts  rear of investments at coral reef, seagrasses, international ship pollution on Yemen ecosystem, not modernize marketing, absent of maritime strategic plans that encourage youth for inventions and investment at islands on red sea. Beside that Fish community face fishing technical and equipment’s that high prices. so, by using XGIS, Buffer zoon (Yang, 2017, pp. 1-30) integration, important points, variables certation evaluations, classifications, and responded of stockholder, as well as study used reports of Transports centers, FAOO, International trade conferences 2021, and Arab Transport conferences to evaluated the size of dangerous and threaten in red sea. Map (5)

Fig (5). challenges and threaten Yemeni islands and marine security

Source, author, depend on GIS.

3.11. Climate change and marine dead zones.

The sea is a source of oxygen, and because of sea pollution, it contributes to covering sea surfaces, which reducing dissolved oxygen, it is dangerous areas that contribute to the killing of fish where marine life multiplies. Because of transport ships, naval destroyers, and stupid nuclear submarines, they contribute to the effect. The study expected that the Red Sea will be added to these dead areas, where oxygen is greatly reduced, which leads to suffocation and death of marine life and animals, as well as fish breeding ground. Three-dimensional methodology and strategy and finding solutions. Healthy seas and oceans constitute one of the foundations for the continuity of the planet and natural life, from the perspective of realistic theory and the environmental school.

 Addressing the causes, where the focus is on reducing nutrient pollutants, including ships, that contribute to affecting oxygen. protecting the fragile marine environment and sea and ocean resources from marine pollution, by conducting studies in areas of expanding oxygen deficiency in Bab al-Mandab, the Suez Canal and near the Yemeni islands in the Red Sea, as well as developing a tracking plan to study the decline in the percentage of oxygen in the world’s oceans, including the southern part. the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, which are among the priorities of the Yemeni maritime geostrategy in the region, to be able to monitor and identify sites exposed to the influence of pollutants in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region and place them on maps, and develop digital models for them that are most affected and the lines and methods of effective solutions.

11.Yemen’s role in maintaining maritime, national, Arab and regional security.

  In view of the Yemeni strategic location and the importance of the Yemeni maritime space in maritime, national, local, Arab and regional security, Yemen supported the theory of maritime alliances and called for the holding of the Jeddah Conference in 1956 AD and the annexation of the Moutawakel Kingdom of Yemen, Egypt and Saudi Arabia in order to preserve the Red Sea. It also called on Yemen to convene The Taiz Conference in 1973, and Yemen called for the importance of neutralizing the passages and maritime areas in the Red Sea from conflicts. Yemen contributed to the initiative to establish an Arab maritime alliance in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean regions. Yemen also contributed greatly. Yemen participated in an initiative called Rules and a Code that includes agreement on a number of rules. It was agreed upon and includes a number of countries in the region that have an interest in the study area and the vital maritime domain of the Republic of Yemen in the western Indian Ocean. Its aim is to combat piracy and maritime theft through theft of ships in the western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. The signatory countries are the governments of both Yemen. , Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, France, Djibouti, Somalia, the Comoros, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, the Maldives, Tanzania, Mozambique, Sudan, South Africa, the Emirates, Oman, Egypt, Seychelles, and Moritz, where this agreement was agreed upon. The code dated January 29, 2009 AD, where the code of conduct at work stipulates the reduction of piracy and armed robbery, in accordance with the resources available to countries and their harmony and compatibility with national local laws, and the rules of applicable international law.

The participants in this signing intend to achieve the goals, which are.

1-11. Exchanging cooperation in and reporting on relevant information, intercepting ships or aircraft suspected of involvement in acts of piracy and armed acts against ships, facilitating appropriate care for sailors and seafarers working on ships as well as passengers who have been exposed to threats, acts of piracy and armed robbery on ships, treating them and returning them to their homelands. With a guarantee that countries will arrest those accused of involvement in acts of piracy and armed robbery and send them to trial.

2- 11. The participants are committed to cooperating in implementing the code of conduct coded in the Gulf of Aden and the western Indian Ocean. Thus, it becomes clear that the Zionist entity is not participating and has not been approved to join this code. In addition, the brothers in the government of Bahrain are not signatories to the code of cooperation, and we do not know about any alliance. The Bahraini Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaks through the participation of one of the officers of the Zionist entity as a liaison officer in coordination and cooperation with the US Fifth Fleet stationed in Manama in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which from the perspective of maritime and Arab national security constitutes a threat to Arab national security and Yemeni national security. Likewise, it did not The Hadi government has decided to clarify this matter because participation is a violation of Yemeni laws and the Constitution of the Republic of Yemen. It is also a threat to Yemeni national security, which rejects the militarization of the maritime region in the western Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden, and the Red Sea, which was stipulated in the Taiz Conference. In addition to the position of the Ministry of Defense. The Yemeni naval forces, coastal defense forces, and coast guard forces are the naval institutions that are related to maritime security and Yemeni maritime national security, where cooperation and sitting with Zionist liaison officers and joint cooperation with Yemeni officers constitutes a violation of the security and military combat doctrine specified in the concepts and Military and security bases in the Republic of Yemen.

12.. The importance of the study area in Yemeni and Arab maritime national security.

  From a geostrategic maritime security perspective, it includes the use of sea surfaces as a theater for military naval operations and maritime control and control, diplomatic use and diplomacy of naval gunboats, displaying the state flag on warships and police uses, maintaining maritime security and achieving social peace in the broad vital maritime domain, and strategic trends change. From one period to another as a result of a number of factors and considerations for each coastal country, the maritime strategy has witnessed a major change in the twenty-first century due to the development of technology and the change in the geopolitical characteristics of a number of countries. The individual maritime natural and human centers of gravity are represented as follows.

1.12. The Yemeni maritime domain, with its various elements, constitutes an important and focal point in political geography, in addition to being one of the main elements in Yemeni and Arab national maritime security in order to achieve many goals, including preventing the arrival of foreign naval ships from influencing and threatening the Yemeni coast and waters, as they constitute these challenges and an issue. A first-class security threat, local, regional and international.

  1. 12. Yemen constitutes a geostrategic center of gravity from various aspects, represented by its cultural and historical legacy and the geopolitical position of the Yemeni seas and islands, one of the most important pillars of Arab national security. It constitutes a source of inspiration for the Arab peoples at the military, cultural, political and strategic levels. Thus, it has become an object of ambition by the dominant and colonial countries, and a target for projects. Regional and international hegemony and control. The Yemeni seas and islands also constituted a fundamental geostrategic depth for the Arab world in general and the Gulf states in particular, as they are located at the flank of the Arabian Peninsula and the outlet for many Arab countries and the Arab Gulf states to the world. It also constitutes an advanced point for Arab national security on the island of Socotra, where it is affected. The Arab and the Gulf countries directly cause disturbances in Yemen, in addition to the effects and maritime disturbances in the study area that have a direct impact on the European countries and North America, since the vital maritime space of Yemen constitutes one of the most important corridors of maritime shipping routes for energy resources, which passes through Haram Strait.
  2. Results:

1-12. Conducting MSP, by using GIS, drones survey and undertaker vehicles, Landsat are essential tools that processing easily to build general understand and illustrated for area even we couldn’t reach some islands because of war in Yemen, but study desktop in the islands and background for working on the area that help us.

2.12. Study discovered that red sea and Indian ocean is one of the geostrategic locations that have regional maritime power characteristic and required to unify Yemen, Arab and IROA Policy to shift to full of the political gap and build Arabian regional power to make stable and secure the area.

3.12. Study found that Islands have unique natural that have wide biosphere, EEZ which are wealthy and virgin maritime resources and valuable for opportunities blue economy activities.

4.12. Study found that Islands have geostrategic location that could play major role to serve, secure, support, protect the international maritime trade, as well as help international maritime for guiding ships and building maritime services and logistics points as well as investment on blue economy activities.

5-12. Study analyses by using MSP and GIS being able creating a database for fishing ports and structures on the Yemeni islands in the Red Sea, as well as it conducted and produced maps (6) that including results and illustrated elations and impacts on others phenomena.

Fig (6).  YIRS region’s marine phenomena.

Source, researcher rely on GIS.

6.12. The study found that the best area for budling modern fish boat multi services in Kamaran island as well as Fosht, Honish, and for investment and growing blue economy at EEZ area and government should buy the boat’s value in the common area and the purchase of two medium and modern boats is around 4,800,000 US$.

8.7The study found that cooperation and cement relationships, sharing efforts for SMSP, as well as building economic agreements with Red Sea and IORA is major step to achieve Yemen islands maritime strategy and protect maritime security.


  1. Integrating Yemen , Arab and IORA Marie policy, Conducting Yemeni and regional spatial planning is essential step for understating and know the features of red sea and Indian ocean that help Yemeni, Arab and reginal leaders and decisions makers to have wide and clear vison about maritme challenges, threat and dangers conducted by international factors and build joint regional maritime strategy to achieve the right and successful development in the region area.

2- Establishing a command-and-control center to manage marine information systems and a regional marine strategy in order to enhance cooperation and exchange information and data for marine fishing activities and enhance communication with regional countries in the western Indian Ocean and South Africa.

  1. Raising the capabilities of workers in fisheries sector and benefiting from regional expertise in the settlement of fisheries industries and the construction of fishing vessels, imparting the skills of the local community, decision-makers and political decision-makers in marketing management, and the importance of strengthening marine and fisheries economic relations in order to increase the quantity of production and increase marine exports.
  2. Developing and rehabilitating fishing ports and providing them with services to increase production, building a tuna fish factory, developing and modernizing the traditional boat-making workshop, benefiting from local expertise and cadres in small and medium marine industries, as well as from the Arab countries and the Republic of China.

5.Establishing new Yemen, Arab and regional maritme group task force that interested in reginal maritme security in Red Sea and Indian ocean that will help to unify IORA national maritme security and defense strategy. ‘

  1. TUOAA, Send message to Asia Geography Association,

Dear, Prof, President of the Asian Geographical Society.

topic. Approval of a proposal to form a working group for data, marine planning and geographic information systems within the framework of the League of Arab States and the Indian Ocean Organization

The Union of Arab Academics and the Yemeni Geographical Society extend their best regards to you, Given the importance of skipping The Yemeni, Arab and regional marine spatial plan, according to what was included in the road map for the year 2021-2027, to achieve the sustainable development goals of the United Nations for the year 2023, and given the importance of the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region in the elements of local, Arab and regional powers, which requires more monitoring, attention and cooperation in collecting information, it was proposed Form a working group regarding this.

We hope that you will read, agree and adopt the proposal.

Mr. Muhammad Ali Ahmed Hamran

President of TUOAA.

December 22, 2023.


  1. Center for Yemeni, Arab and Regional Marine Spatial Analysis (COF).

It is considered one of the working groups and training centers in marine geospatial information systems ((Arc GIS maritme – TUOAA the Union of Arab Academics, which constitutes one of the scientific platforms and was established on November 18, 2023 AD, the global ocean contracts platform was approved and regulated, and its importance is in meeting and communicating with Yemeni and Arab experts and specialists and countries of the region that are members of the League of Arab States and the Indian Ocean Organization in marine technology systems, marine planning. Spatial, blue economy through channels, social media and the Internet, and one of the most important benefits in establishing the following spatial transformation group and center(Lewin, 2023):

  1. Providing the Arab and Regional Center, as well as the Yemeni, Arab and regional maritime institutions, the Yemeni Geographical Society, the Union of Arab Academics, the Asian Geographical Society, and the Organization of Indian Ocean States with many experiences and talents in geospatial information systems technology, and benefiting from Malaysian and Chinese expertise in this field.

2Encourages innovators and inventors in technological development Modern marine and modern geographic information systems, and benefiting from the strategic cooperation and partnership agreement signed between the Union of Arab Academics and Malaysian innovative organizations. DIGIT-MTE.

  1. Contribute to building a database in technological systems Marine and geography in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region.
  2. The group contributes to providing skills, experience, and strategic knowledge in geographic information systems Hand all applications, including marine applications.
  3. Marine information systems in coastal management and the strategic marine environment. Many digital platforms specialized in managing marine information and data were benefited from, and the study established working groups with digital platforms interested in managing, collecting and analyzing information and data via satellite satellites. Such as:
  4. (EOS – Data analyses) ,It is one of the space scientific platforms of satellite systems that are used To contribute to finding solutions to terrestrial problems, including monitoring crops and their development around the world, and to provide and produce a diverse image, as the researcher took advantage of the platform in establishing a working group in monitoring crops and changes in phenomena and marine coasts in order to be able to make a positive change in which the use of geo- Spatial graphics(CORP., 2023)It contributes to defining and providing the study with information and developing spatial strategic knowledge by producing many satellite images. NDVI Different resolutions that are used with geographic information systems.
  5. Data technology working group in marine spatial planning, model 12/20/2023.The first working group on data technology for Arab maritime and regional spatial planning is the Indian Ocean Organization, the Arab League, the South China Sea, and members of the Asian Geographical Society.
  6. Objectives.
  7. the condition. The Working Group for Data Technology in Marine Spatial Planning is not an institution or association and does not constitute a subgroup of the League of Arab States or the Indian Ocean Organization, nor is it a political group, but a voluntary scientific research group that is Yemeni, Arab, Islamic, and regional within the maritime domain in the Indian, Atlantic, and Mediterranean Oceans, which It includes sub-seas, semi-enclosed seas, and gulfs within the framework of member states, and is a social networking platform to facilitate the process of communication and communication among experts and holding meetings. Via the Internet if necessary, in order to contribute to the discussion and exchange of development research, proposals and studies, which are presented within the main proposed regional maritime committees.

* It contributes to finding out what is new in the aspect of modern maritime innovations, and avoiding duplication and repetition in discussing topics, activities, proposals and innovations at the level of the Arab, regional and Asian regions. An example of this is reviewing current and future projects in planning in the region.

* Communicate to discuss new developments with Arab and regional institutions in the field of marine planning, modern data, marine means of communication, and new information about coastal management in the exclusive economic zone in the study area, and monitor developments and changes in the marine environment through communication with the competent institutions in the region.

* Working to establish a day a year to discuss and exchange opinions about what is new in maritime planning and recent data within the countries of the region.

  1. mission.

. He guides the team needs to know what data and information are available, how and where they can and can be used at the region level, and how to communicate and coordinate information to understand and know the extent of its use, specifically with regard to marine spatial planning in the region.

. One of the group’s tasks is to enable members to learn about the marine areas in the region to discuss and identify needs regarding the application of marine spatial planning.

. Preparing awareness-raising guidelines regarding the necessary data and standards in marine spatial planning applications that are compatible with marine policies in the region.

. Work on standard criteria that allow harmonization of plans Spin the regions, marine basins and oceans within the framework of the Indian Ocean Organization, the League of Arab States and the Asian Geographical Society, which is in line with the aspirations of the peoples of the region.

. The possibility of cooperation and communication in helping to create an electronic portal on the website of the League of Arab States and the Indian Ocean, as well as the Asian Geographical Society, containing information and plans for marine spatial planning.

3.Formation of the technical work team For the team.

  1. Membership, including Members are from specialists in Data/ GIS (Geographic Information Systems) / SDI (Data Infrastructure). spatial), alderperson marine spatial planning, planner MSP. choose Experts: A committee or body will be formed that will invite member states of the League of Arab States, the Indian Ocean Organization, and the Asian Geographical Society, provided that the Asian Geographical Society is tasked with addressing the authorities in those countries to raise proposed names of specialists and experts in marine spatial planning, geographic information systems, where they do not represent member states.

The experts do not represent Member States.

  1. For their part, the formed committee will identify and approve the experts, and the selection will be based exclusively on their CV, knowledge and experience in this field.

Do. The committee will appoint a final list of experts and will report back Member States of the memorandum organizations, and addressing organizations, maritime regions and geographical associations in the field of marine spatial planning,

And the. will be identified and set Additional experts From specialists in the Esri platform, the African Union, countries and the European Union and benefiting from them.

C.He may participate in meetings at the invitation of the Chairman of the Working Group artistic, depending on the issues to be dealt with such as representatives of other organizations and technology Experts.

  1. Presidency of the group’s administrative body.

a The chair is appointed by the committee

  1. A deputy and assistant to the Chairman of the Authority shall be selected by the Committee.
  2. Coordinates work group activities, meetings, sets agenda and tasks, and invites experts and And other works.

And the. Will set goals and evaluate priorities/activities, with specific outcomes.


  1. Maximum 4 times a year.
  2. They can be organized as group meetings or specialized workshops;
  3. They can be held as face-to-face meetings or online conferences;
  4. May prefer to hold consecutive meetings/conferences/other work

And the. Groups for example. Projects related, today marine Arab, regional and Asian, Meetings International maritime planning, international data meetings and conferences.

  1. Expert participation in meetings will vary depending on the specific items/topics/task

The group sets itself up. Not all experts on the list need to be invited to attend all meetings.

  1. The General Secretariat of the Group. The group has a minimum of a secretary, to keep reports and join the work and agenda for planning The marine location accomplishes this task.

7.Connection /Publishing.

  1. The team can, in its work Inside that It benefits, inter alia, from the following:

. Dedicated pages in the marine forum for The League of Arab States, the Indian Ocean Organization, the Asian Geographical Society, benefit from the reports, data and publications on the site.

. Custom pages in a collaborative platform and communicate For group use for communication purposes, the group can make use of resources that Developed by the League of Arab States, Indian Ocean, Asian Geographical Society, and STAT Invite the Chairman and/or individual experts to participate in meetings In order to provide reports on a regular basis


The US Navy operates a fleet of nuclear-powered submarines, which are vessels that utilize nuclear reactors for propulsion. This technology offers several advantages over conventionally powered submarines, including:  Extended Endurance: Nuclear submarines can operate submerged for months or even years without refueling, as opposed to diesel-electric submarines, which need to surface frequently to recharge batteries. Opens in a new window USS Nuclear-Powered Submarine High Speed: Nuclear power enables submarines to achieve and sustain high speeds underwater, allowing for rapid deployment and strategic positioning. Stealth: Nuclear submarines are inherently quieter than diesel-electric submarines, making them harder to detect and track. The US Navy operates two main types of nuclear submarines:  Submersible Ship Nuclear (SSN): Also known as “attack submarines,” these vessels are designed primarily for anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, as well as intelligence gathering and special operations support. Opens in a new window USS SSN Submarine Submersible Ship Ballistic Nuclear (SSBN): Also known as “boomers,” these submarines carry submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) and serve as a critical component of the US nuclear deterrent force. Opens in a new window USS SSBN Submarine The first nuclear-powered submarine, USS Nautilus (SSN-571), was commissioned in 1954 and revolutionized submarine warfare. Since then, the US Navy has built and operated numerous classes of nuclear submarines, each with evolving capabilities and technology. Opens in a new window USS Nautilus (SSN571) While nuclear propulsion offers significant advantages, it also presents challenges. These include:  Cost: Nuclear submarines are expensive to build and maintain due to the complex technology involved. Safety Concerns: The presence of nuclear reactors onboard raises concerns about potential accidents and the risks associated with radioactive material. Environmental Impact: The decommissioning and disposal of nuclear submarines pose environmental challenges due to the radioactive waste.

Maritme knowledges and innovation strategic management to get more information’s and collected dates, to draw and build the future as well we to established new regional maritme system are one of essential goals for the Union of Arab Academics to achieve.  Yemen maritme geography. Arg GIS Pro, MSP. Red Sea and Indian regional geostrategic thought are main tools, and factors that found Yemen, Arab and Regional maritme strategic is have that contributed for building maritime geopolitics and contributed to strengthening African and Asian regional cooperation since centuries. Study believe that achieving marine development, security and stability in Yemen or an Arab country is linked to all Arab policy at strategic level and non-Arab country can to be alone and able to achieve development, security, and stability, and to move toward strengthening its foreign policy and international effectiveness on its own.

Study found even Yemen or Arabian and individual states in Asian area have geostrategic location but they count to implement and use it as element power among international and regional conflicts. It is a real time and necessary to unify Arab, African, and Asian efforts which is the geography commence is one of modern Asian maritme diplomacy goals and instruments that could help to build regional maritme power. It is time to encourage regional maritme studies and development because the size of the risks and limitations are greater than the size of the state alone, and from the perspective of alliances and military force, it is one of the means of obtaining regional power to achieve continuity and maintain. Survival.

 By using GIS application that helped study to get general ideas and understand that Yemen geostrategic location have center of gravity and play major role at Yemen, Arab, IORA. regional maritme security s well as at Global Balance, but It can’t use it as element transition for more affection without cooperation and working together with IORA. It is clear that using GIS application found that Yemen Exclusive Economic maritme is connected with red sea states and there is not High Sea, if Yemen, Arab and IORA area united reginal maritme strategy maritme system, they will be able to create joint maritme strategy and achieve IORA maritme diplomacy at peace, war time.

By unifying Yemeni, Arab and regional politics at the present time, as the world is witnessing a number of transformations, including liberation from unipolar politics and the shift to multipolarity. Through unifying national and regional politics based on the theory of regionalism, the Arab countries will be able to build an effective and influential regional Arab force. In the global system by taking advantage of the characteristics of natural and human power and promoting the development of regional maritime alliances, including the Organization of Indian Ocean States. The question is, do the Arab countries possess the characteristics of a regional power from the perspective of the geostrategic maritime region, and what is the location and impact of Yemen and its geostrategic natural and human effectiveness in the maritime region? What are the factors of strength and weakness through which the elements of regional power can be measured, which are represented in size, economic strength, population, economy, culture, technology, and compare them with the countries of the world? The importance of Yemeni, Arab and regional maritime spatial planning in building foundations and databases that contribute to developing strategic visions and plans? What is the extent of the threats and challenges, and how is the role of studies and the art of maritime geostrategy highlighted in making regional maritime strategic decisions and plans at the present time, which constitute the focus and essence of the study.


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