Research studies



Prepared by the researcher  :  Dr. Khalid Abu Alsaud  – Futurist global thinker from Saudi Arabia

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Afro-Asian Studies : Eleventh Issue – November 2021

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin. The journal deals with the field of Afro-Asian strategic, political and economic studies

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN 2628-6475
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies
:To download the pdf version of the research papers, please visit the following link

Brothers and sisters, our mother earth is dying, let’s heal her, to save her and ourselves… therefore let’s develop collectively the new creative vision of developing the new world order and the new global economic system, according to the requirements of the 21ST century.

The new comprehensive and creative world order of the 21ST century, based on multiculturalism and the new global economic system based on global collective ownership of all big companies, considering the occupation of Kabul by Taliban on 15 august 2021.

The coming competition between America, Europe, China and Russia shouldn’t be how to dominate the world, but how to awake humanity and how to transform collectively the present Civilization Type 0 into the planetary Civilization Type 1, as the global planetary ROBMAN Civilization.


The new world order shouldn’t be based on power and Luciferian doctrines, but based on global peace, justice and multiculturalism. The greatest victory is not to kill your enemies, but to convert them into allies.

The most dangerous enemies of America are the internal enemies, who are seeking to dominate the world through hijacking America, converting America into a handicapped super power without clear vision, unless!

The rise of China, which will become in the near future the rich economic super power NR 1, the COVID 19 pandemic, and the occupation of Kabul by Taliban on 15 August 2021 have created global uncertainty, but at the same time have created the unique opportunity to develop a new comprehensive and creative world order of the 21st century and the global economic system based on global collective ownership of all big companies in the world, considering the following:

The super divine intelligent quantum universal virtual mind was formed from nothing before the BIG BANG,  beyond time and space, has permeated the emptiness before the BIG BANG and the universe after the BIG BANG, can be felt by hearts of faith, to become part of the Lord of creation, beyond comprehension,  comparison and superstition , far beyond  Michael Angelo and tribal imaginations,  Who has started the creation of the universe with BIG BANG from nothing, based on quantum Physics, relativity theories , biological laws and super exact constants…only GOD knows.

Great philosophers, thinkers, leaders and politicians like to ask good and practical questions, beyond propagandas and superstitions, to get much better questions, to reach near the layered reality, usually as Approximation, can be proofed scientifically, will benefit their societies and maybe all humanity.

History is important to understand the present, but shouldn’t be allowed to dictate or to hijack the present and the future, which will lead into stagnation.

I-The International Collective Thought of the New World Order

America and China if decided to compete against each other according to the wishes of the military industrial complexes will lead into global SELF-DESTRUCTION if they decided to cooperate with each other according to the wishes and wisdom of the majority of the people in America and China they will lead into global peace and prosperity for all humanity[1]

Before 2045 super intelligent AGI humanoid robots will be developed, much more intelligent than EINSTEIN, able to improve and replicate themselves exponentially, able to execute 90% of important jobs in the world cheaply and efficiently, able to replace human civilization with Robot civilization— The end of human invention, the beginning of Technological singularity, unless, therefore humanity must  agree to encourage millions super babies with super genes and  with super chips implanted on their brains—to be born and raised ideally, to become the empathic super humans ,able to deal with the c66oming Technological Singularity.

Everything is nothing, and nothing is not nothing, beauty in everything. Everything is vibrating, is moving, is changing, is connecting. Everything is a whole and a part of other thing. All in one, and one in all, breaking all walls.

Emptiness is not empty, consisting of quantum vacuum fluctuations. Thing can be this, can be that, can be here, can be there at the same time. Superposition, entanglement, teleportation, tunneling, uncertainty according to quantum Physics, beyond comprehension and logic

The flying butterfly— idea did solidify, if you grab it with greedy hands—- it will beyond the sky. So Great ideas, great visions with bad propagandas will lead into bad illusion, but will end with great future. But bad ideas and bad visions with the great moral goal justifies only the great moral mean.

Let’s destroy collectively the deadly mistrust between America and China, between America and Russia, between America and the world, to prevent the coming global self-destruction. So, let’s use clear words with clear meanings inside a clear sentence, to describe a clear scientific or philosophical idea, beyond emotion and propagandas. Were it not for people pushing one another, the Earth would have been corrupted. Whoever knows himself knows God.

II-Economic parameters of the new world order

Let’s develop collectively the new global economic system[2], which must be greener, smarter and fairer, considering the interests of all stakeholders, based on the global collective ownership of all big companies in the world, considering the following:

  • Big company means — company with its value more than 400 mill USD.
  • The shares of the big companies will be distributed as follow:30% for the government— 30 % for the original shareholders— 30 % for the employee’s foundation— 10 % for the global foundation.
  • 30 % of the shares of other smaller companies will be given freely to the employee’s foundation and 10 % for the global foundation.
  • The shares of the employee’s foundation will be paid to the original owners from 10% of the profits of the companies for certain years.
  • The incomes of the global foundation will be invested wisely, part of the profits will be used to finance for developing super intelligent AGI robots, programmed for education, managing organizations, governing countries, cybersecurity, scientific research and medical services, to be distributed to developing countries—- and to plant trillions Paulownia trees, Redwood trees, Bamboo trees, fruit trees and other trees, especially in developing countries—and to develop greenhouses covered by solar panels for vertical AEROPONIC and hydroponic farming integrated with fish and algae farming and for mushroom and grasshopper farming in developing countries.
  • The incomes of the employee’s foundation will be invested wisely, part of the profits will be used to support the existing, retired and discharged employees—- necessary when super intelligent AGI robots will execute 90% of important jobs in the world before 2045.
  • Companies will be managed by the board of directors, supervised by super intelligent AGI robots, programmed for managing organizations, scientific research and cybersecurity.
  • Employees will be encouraged and supported to take over companies facing bankruptcy.
  • The taxation on wealth, real estate, shares and inheritance will be increased radically, to reduce the giant Inequality between people.
  • The total wealth of a single individual must be limited by 500 million USD within 10 years, through implementing special taxes.
  • One individual shouldn’t own more than 1000 000 SQM lands inside and outside the country.
  • To forbid globally the production of new gasoline and diesel cars, busses and trucks[3] after 2037.
  • To forbid the use of gasoline and diesel cars, trucks and busses after 2045, to be replaced by electric or hydrogen cars, busses and trucks.
  • To produce new plastic products only by using recycled plastic after 2023.
  • To develop floating factories to recycle plastic waste floating on oceans.
  • To encourage millions super babies with super genes with super chips implanted on their brains, to be born and raised ideally from West and East, to become empathic super humans, able to deal with super intelligent AGI robots, much more intelligent than EINSTEIN.
  • Indirect democracy must be replaced by direct democracy.
  • All companies and countries must cooperate closely to do the followings:
  • To solve soon the global warming and the environmental destruction.
  • To convert UN into the democratic Confederal World government.
  • To provide universal basic income for 90% of civilized humans in the world, before 2045, enough to pay their basic housings, healthy food and drinks, electricity, medicines, medical services, transportation services, telecommunication service and internet, and social, cultural and intellectual activities.
  • To prepare the world for the fourth industrial waves, the coming technological Singularity and the possible confrontation with E.T.
  • To eradicate the roots of evils, poverty, immorality, Fascism, fanaticism, terrorism, wars, organized crimes, monopoly, Luciferian doctrines, domination strategies and dictatorship.
  • To convert military and security companies into civilian companies and to replace all domination strategies with cooperation strategies— to allow the use of 90% of global military budgets for peace projects and for converting Earth into PARADISE for all humanity.
  • To develop collectively many self-sustainable floating cities on seas, oceans and in the air.
  • To colonize collectively Mars and moons.
  • To consider seas, oceans, mountains, rivers, the space around the Earth, and all moons and planets of our solar system as common heritages of all humanity.
  • To develop collectively 1 mill super intelligent AGI humanoid robots, programmed for education, for managing organizations, for governing countries, for cybersecurity, for scientific research, to be distributed to all countries, especially to developing countries.
  • To develop collectively millions modular greenhouses covered by solar panels for vertical AEROPONIC and hydroponic farming integrated with fish and algae farming and for mushroom and grasshopper farming, using 90% less water and agricultural lands.
  • To develop collectively the Orbital Ring.
  • To nationalize all electricity, water and telecommunication companies.
  • To plant one trillion Paulownia trees, Bamboo trees, Redwood trees, fruit trees, MORINGA trees and other trees everywhere.
  • To develop solar panels with batteries on the roofs of hundreds millions buildings in West and East to be financed by the governments, to be paid by the users within 20 years.
  • To destroy all mass destructive Weapons.
  • To convert desert regions into green regions.
  • To confiscate all money and wealth made by corruption and crime activities.
  • The total destruction of Satellites maybe caused by nuclear explosion in the space, must be prevented by all means.
  • To convert the global civilization type 0 into the global planetary Civilization Type 1, maybe as empathic global planetary ROBMAN Civilization.
  • To develop the collective global currency, covered collectively by many rich countries
  • This is the best way to guarantee the survival of civilized humanity in the next CENTURIES with active participation of 50% of humans for all humanity.

III-Reasons for strengthening the new global economic order

Why America, China, Russia, Europe and India must convince themselves and the 1% Elites and the Deep States, to promote the new global economic system, based on collective ownership of all big companies in the world, considering the followings:

  • Because the 1% elites and the deep States have caused the WW1, WW2 and all wars and civil wars and will cause the coming nuclear WW3.
  • Because the 1% elites and deep states, especially in America and China have neglected until now the global warming and the coming global environmental disasters.
  • Because the predatory capitalism of the 1% Elites and the deep states, who consider themselves as the legitimate predators, considering America, Europe and the whole world as their preys, considering the global peace as the loss of opportunity to make giant profits from wars.
  • Because the 1% elites and the deep States are hijacking America and other countries.
  • Because 700 million USD of total wealth for a single individual is enough for a single individual and his family and children and grandchildren to live peacefully with prosperity and happiness for many generations.
  • Because the world is big enough for 10 billion civilized humans, but too small for one million greedy elites, seeking world domination.
  • Because mass psychosis is spreading everywhere.
  • Because wealth and money belonging to the Almighty, given to humans freely, to be obtained and used wisely, for themselves, their families, their societies and all humanity, blessed by the Almighty.
  • Seeking private wealth more than 500 million USD is evil and psychological sickness (Sociopath) is only possible through exploiting people and environments.
  • Because exploiting the global warming, Covid 19 pandemic and the miseries of millions of people, especially in developing countries is evil, must be fought collectively by all means.
  • The biggest Enemies of America are the deep States, the 1% Elites, some of the leaders, some of the billionaires, some media companies, the military industrial complexes, some secret societies (is America, not China)
  • Minds is the fairest thing divided among people, but used differently.

Imagine— if the 1% elites, leaders, politicians, thinkers and billionaires only in America, China, Russia and Europe are using their minds wisely— the world would be converted into paradise for all humanity.

  • Because the 1% elites and the deep States are still haunted by the old mistrust, illusion, dreams, ideas and ideologies, which will lead into the coming global self-destruction

IV-Legal Standards for the New World Economic Order

The new global economic system, based on Collective ownership of all big companies shall issue new laws and regulations pertaining total surveillance systems, privacy and security, considering the following:

  • Only government organizations should be allowed to develop and use total surveillance systems in their countries, to detect and prevent terrorism and severe crimes and to protect the properties and privacy of the people only.
  • Private companies, which are using t otal surveillance systems to be nationalized.
  • Data collected by internet and telecommunication companies are not commodities, therefore not allowed to be misused to exploit, manipulate and control people and governments, are allowed to be used for machine learning only.
  • Lies, mistakes and crimes made by people working in governments and private organizations must be published openly, are not allowed to be kept secretly, in the name of national security.

V-The criteria for regulating the new global economy for NGOs

The new global economic system will organize everywhere the development of special associations as NGO, considering the following:

  • To organize the development of small business activities inside houses and apartments. (Self-employment) including maintenance jobs.
  • To promote and support the development of small facilities in houses and apartments for aeroponic and hydroponic farming integrated with fish and algae farming, for mushroom and grasshopper farming, to be financed by the governments and repaid by the users within 10 years.
  • To promote and support the development of solar panels with special batteries on the roofs millions buildings, to be financed by the governments and repaid by the users within 10 years.
  • To organize the development of small facilities to recycle sewage inside houses and apartments.
  • To organize special courses about different subjects.
  • To organize special lectures about important subjects.
  • To organize the reading of important books and discussions.
  • To organize special group picnic and sport activities and social activities.
  • To organize collective help of people in need.
  • To organize the development of millions small facilities to convert gasoline and diesel cars into electric and hydrogen car.

Imagine if groups of ethical super hackers would agree to cooperate secretly to hack legally the super computers of big banks and giant organizations

  • to relieve government debts, home debts, simple people debts and student debts, especially of developing countries and America, as compensation for the unfair exploitation, interest rates, business activities and taxation systems— part of the new global economic revolution to convert Earth into PARADISE for all humanity.
  • To identify the corruption and stolen money and gold, especially of dead dictators, stored in Western banks, 60: % to be returned to the original countries and 40% to be invested for saving Earth and humanity.

Imagine the deep States, the 1% Elites and the white supremacy are considering themselves only as worth to be protected and to live in prosperity, considering others as second- and third-class humans, deserved to be exploited and to be the fuel of their factories and wars.

There are worlds of objectivity, subjectivity, spirituality, mathematics, quantum Physics, dark matter, dark energy, waves, consciousness of living and not living humans, dancing to the divine symphony around every body, the planet Earth and in the Universe.

Imagine what can special humans with special super chips implanted on their brains perceive.?

VI-Notes from the international reality

These Remarks regarding the rapid occupation of Kabul on 15 August 2021 by 75 000 Taliban and the surrender of the corrupt 300 000 Afghani military and police, after 20 years of American occupation of Afghanistan, which coasted the American taxpayers around 2 trillion USD and the death of 23 thousands Americans and much more of Afghans.

  1. The official declaration that the main goal of America to occupy Afghanistan was to destroy Taliban and ALQAEDA and to spread democracy in Afghanistan was pure propagandas— the main goal of the occupation was to make super profits for the military contractors and the military industrial complexes.— Try to calculate roughly — how much the estimated profits of the military industrial complexes and the military contractors in Afghanistan ?—- why— because America was and is still hijacked by the deep States, 1% Elites, Christian Zionist organizations and military industrial complex—- Ask — Who has created and financed ISIS and ALQAEDA? Who have created the 11 September disasters.? Therefore, a comprehensive examination of the wars against terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq must be made and published for everybody by neutral and reputable organizations within the next 6-12 months, to prevent that such disasters will be repeated in the future.
  2. Imagine — if America would use the 1 trillion USD not for wars, but for profitable peaceful projects as investment in Afghanistan— America would receive yearly more than 100 billion profits from those investments and Afghanistan would become a peaceful and prosperous country in the year 2021. What a pity— what a pity!
  3. The easy victory of Taliban against corrupt Afghan military and government could spread the ideas that Islamic movement using weapons is much better than peaceful Islamic movement. Warning for Islamic countries.
  4. What will be the fate of the big business with Heroines in Afghanistan.?
  5. America must replace the corrupt Afghan military and government with Taliban, can be exploited to fight China, Russia and Iran, which will prevent the development of Afghanistan—unless!
  6. Around 200 000 selected smart Afghan children from different tribes should be sent to developed Islamic and non-Islamic countries, to be raised, educated and trained according Islamic morality by Muslim families, to become the future democratic political and economic leaders of Afghanistan, financed by rich countries. All must guarantee to return back to Afghanistan after finishing their education and training.
  7. Creating the new modern Afghan construction and new modern Islamic laws, based on meritocracy, rule of law, justice, equality, human rights, no corruption, no monopoly, multiculturalism, freedom with responsibility, encouraging women to participate actively in shaping the modern Afghanistan.
  8. Converting Afghanistan with different tribes into one modern Islamic Afghan society.
  9. Converting Taliban fighters into modern Afghan military force.
  10. Developing new education systems, concentrating on Mathematics, modern science, modern Islamic principles and wisdoms according to the requirements of the 21st century and modern science, supported by Turkey, Malaysia, China and other countries.

11.What are the choices?

The first choice—-West and East would agree to convert Afghanistan into the Asian Rwanda and important part of the one belt and one road concept for the benefit not only China but also for America, Europe, Russia, India and other countries— and into a peaceful and prosperous country and the center to collect and rehabilitate all Islamic terrorists in the world, will be part of the new World order. (The win and win concept for all)

The second choice— America (the American military industrial complexes) would decide to convert Afghanistan into the new center of the Cold war, to fight China, Russia and Iran using Islamic terrorism and to stop the one belt and one Road concept of China, which will prevent the development of Afghanistan and many surrounding countries, which will cost billions USD and could lead into the coming nuclear WW3. (The loss and loss concept for all) —- unless!

  1. Therefore the development of the great Islamic union, to become the buffer zone between America, Europe on one side and China and Russia on the other side is very important, to prevent the coming nuclear WW3.

O leaders— wake up, wake up— don’t let your country be hijacked by the 1 % elites, the deep stats, military industrial complexes and foreign countries— learn from Afghanistan— Take your citizens as your allies— give them their rights—serve them well—they will be your loyal supporters— they will surely elect you again and again

VII-The Necessities of the Great Powers’ Agreement to Avoid the Third World War

America, China, Russia, Europe and India must agree to cooperate closely, to prevent the coming nuclear WW3 and the coming global self-destruction, considering the following:

  1. They must change their way of thinking and of perceiving the history and the world, considering all humans with different races, colors, nationalities and religions as one humanity, living on one common planet Earth, to be protected collectively.
  2. They must cooperate closely to develop the new comprehensive and creative world order of the 21st century and the new global economic system, based on global collective ownership of all big companies.
  3. They must develop new pragmatic and creative politics and strategies, based on win and win concept, to prevent destructive confrontations.
  4. They must cooperate closely to prevent the misuse of the South China Sea by any Super Power as part of its strategy to dominate the world.
  5. They must cooperate closely to prevent the misuse of One BELT and one Road initiative suggested by China as the way to defeat America and to dominate the world — and to encourage America and Europe to participate actively together with China in developing the one belt and one Road initiative for China and America and for all humanity.
  6. They must cooperate closely to convince America by all means, to become soon a real free and democratic great nation, not hijacked by the deep States, the 1 % ELITES, the Christian Zionist Organizations, the military industrial complexes and certain secret societies, able to prevent the collapse of the American dollars and the implosion of America, which will lead into global SELF-DESTRUCTION.
  7. North Korea must be encouraged by China and America to unite itself with South Korea to become the democratic, independent, prosperous Confederal Republic of Korea, free of nuclear weapons.
  8. They must cooperate closely to convert military and security companies into civilian companies, and to replace all strategies of domination with strategies of cooperation, to allow the use of 90 % of global military budgets for peace projects and for converting Earth into PARADISE for all humanity.
  9. They must cooperate closely to solve the explosive Israel Palestine conflict permanently through developing the democratic Confederal Republic of Pal-Israel, free of nuclear weapons.
  10. They must cooperate closely to create the independent great Islamic union of all Islamic countries, to become the buffer zone between America and Europe on one side and China and Russia on the other side.
  11. They must cooperate closely to convert UN into the democratic Confederal World government of all sovereign countries, working for all humanity.
  12. They must cooperate closely to stop the global warming and to clean seas, oceans, rivers, mountains and forests.
  13. They must cooperate closely to develop thousands self-sustainable floating dome cities on Seas, Oceans and floating in the air 5-9 km above the sea level, able to survive existentialist disasters on the surface of Earth.
  14. They must cooperate closely to develop one million super intelligent AGI humanoid robots, programmed for education, for governing countries, for managing organizations, for scientific research, for cybersecurity, for preventing wars, for medical services, to be distributed in all countries, especially in developing countries.
  15. They must cooperate closely to prepare the world for the fourth industrial waves and the coming technological Singularity and the potential confrontation with E.T.
  16. They must cooperate closely to convert all humans with different races, religions and nationalities into one humanity, living on the common one planet Earth.
  17. They must agree to cooperate closely to plant one trillion Paulownia trees, Bamboo trees, redwood trees, fruit trees, MORINGA trees and other trees everywhere.
  18. They must cooperate closely to replace Predatory capitalism of the deep States and the 1% elites, who consider themselves as the legitimate predators, considering America, Europe and the whole world as their preys, considering global peace as the loss of opportunity to make giant profits from wars, with social democratic capitalism.
  19. They must cooperate closely to develop millions modular green houses, covered by solar panels for vertical AEROPONIC and hydroponic farming integrated with fish and algae farming and for mushroom and grasshopper farming, in all countries, especially in developing countries, able to produce healthy food cheaply and abundantly, using 95 % less water and agricultural lands.
  20. They must cooperate closely to convert huge desert regions into green regions.
  21. They must cooperate closely to encourage millions super babies with super genes, with super chips implanted on their brains, to be born and raised ideally, to become the coming empathic super humans, able to deal with the coming Technological Singularity.
  22. They must agree to prevent the development of the second COLD WAR.
  23. They must cooperate closely to convert the present Civilization type 0 into the Civilization Type 1, as Empathic Planetary ROBMAN Civilization, the only way to guarantee the survival of civilized humanity in the next centuries with peace and prosperity.

VIII-The world’s rich rule the current international system

Around 2,700 billionaires in Capitalist and Socialist countries are directly and indirectly controlling the wealth of the world, the global politics, economy, cultures, medias, military, intelligence and judicial and religious systems of the world—-  Human rights, democracy, liberalism, freedom and rule of laws are more or less empty words and ideas— used to manipulate, convince and brainwash politicians, leaders and people — With the right hands they finance cancer research,  with the left hands they produce chemicals and products causing cancer—- They will be  directly and indirectly the main causes of global warming,  environmental destruction, miseries of billions people and the planet Earth and the coming nuclear WW3.

Ask— how much taxes those billionaires have paid on their wealth and incomes in the year 2018, 2019 and 2020.?

Therefore America, China, Russia, Europe and India must agree soon to cooperate closely to do the followings to save the Planet Earth and humanity.

  • To replace indirect democracy with direct democracy.
  • To replace all domination strategies with cooperation strategies.
  • To convert military and security companies into civilian companies.
  • America must change all laws and regulations, which benefit the billionaires and the 1% elites, but harming America and the planet Earth.
  • Developing the new executive Supreme committee.
  • To develop the new global economic system, based on collective ownership of all big companies.
  • To convert UN into the democratic Confederal World government CWG.
  • To change radically the taxation systems and to increase the taxation on all forms of wealth and on heritance.
  • To limit the wealth of individual at 700 million USD within the next 10 years.

IX-The ability of legitimate governments to provide the services of their people

Modern good and legitimate governments in 21st century must be able to guarantee the following basic requirements of their people:

  • The main goal of modern governments is to serve and protect their people from the powerful people, natural disasters and outside dangers.
  • To provide fair and just taxation and judicial systems.
  • To provide free and good education systems, according to the requirements of the fourth industrial waves.
  • To encourage their people to participate actively in shaping their societies.
  • To provide basic shelters, healthy food and water, electricity, medicines, security and medical, telecommunication, transportation and entertainment services.
  • To remove severe Inequality.
  • To provide facilities for sport, arts and cultural activities.
  • TO Provide adequate jobs with minimum incomes and social and medical insurances for their people.
  • To guarantee rule of law, justice, human rights, good morality and healthy family systems, able to raise healthy children, to become productive, creative and moral citizens.
  • To prevent corruption, oppression and monopoly.
  • To prevent the experience of fear, frustration, injustice, hopelessness of their citizens, caused by civil wars, wars, chaos and disasters.
  • To help their people to learn practically how to develop and operate their own small greenhouses, for vertical AEROPONIC and hydroponic farming integrated with fish and algae farming and for mushroom and grasshopper farming.
  • To install solar panels with batteries on the roofs of their houses.
  • To be ready to provide universal basic income, especially for the jobless and poor people.
  • To evaluate projects, especially government projects, based on the benefits for the people and the return on investment.
  • To create peaceful and productive relations will all countries.
  • To be ready to replace indirect democracy with direct democracy, to prevent the hijacking of their countries by the deep States, the 1% Elites, military industrial and certain secret societies.

X-America’s potential in the new international order

Let’s convince collectively America ( the Supreme Court, the President, the Congress, NGOS, American thinkers  ,Philosophers, politicians and religious leaders ) to prepare and approve  new laws and to cancel old laws  and issue presidential decrees or new constitutional Amendments,  based on the essence of the American constitution—-we the people affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens and to safeguard their rights , liberty and equality— able to do the followings:

  • To convert America into a real free and democratic great nation, not hijacked by the 1% elites, the deep States, the Christian Zionist Organizations, the military industrial complexes and the private Federal reserve banks.
  • To remove the giant Inequality in the present American societies through replacing the unfair taxation laws with fair taxation laws.
  • To prevent the coming collapse of the American dollars and the implosion of America.
  • To prevent the coming nuclear confrontation with China and Russia.
  • To allow only American governmental organizations to print the American dollars.
  • To replace all domination strategies with cooperation strategies.
  • To change all laws and regulations, which benefit the 1% elites and giant companies, but causing harms to America, the majority of the American people and the planet Earth.
  • To use big parts of the Budgets for education, health care, infrastructure and science and technology and for reducing the debts and accordingly the military budget must be reduced.
  • To participate actively in stopping the global warming by all means.
  • To forbid the activity of lobbyists.
  • To forbid members of executive, legislative and judicial powers to be members of Secret Societies and private companies.
  • To replace the indirect democracy with direct democracy.
  • To prepare America for the fourth industrial waves and the coming technological Singularity and the possible confrontation with E.T.
  • To encourage and support workers to take over factories and farms facing bankruptcy.
  • To issue new laws to provide universal basic income, especially for the poor and jobless people.
  • To forbid the implementation of strategies, to guarantee maximum profits for the shareholders, despite the harms to others and the environments.
  • To convert America into the peaceful and prosperous home of the 99% of the people, not mainly of the 1% Elites.
  • To support the development of the new global economic system, based on collective ownership of all big companies.

  XI-Developing the great Islamic union

America, China , Russia , Europe and India must support the development of the neutral  great Islamic union,  consisting of the Gulf countries, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Iraq, North African countries, Sudan, Brunei, Bangladesh,  to be joined later by other Islamic countries, to become a giant attractive market and a permanent bridge of peace between West and East and buffer zone —between America , Great Britain, Australia, Canada and Europe  on one side and  Russia and China  on the other side, to be initiated by Saudi Arabia, Qatar , Turkey Pakistan, Malaysia,  Indonesia and Iran , able to do the following:

  • To prevent that China may use Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq as part of its strategy to dominate the Gulf countries, the Middle East and the world, especially when America must say goodbye to the Middle East, which will lead into the coming nuclear confrontation.
  • To prevent the coming nuclear ww3, provoked by North Korea or Israel or Ukraine or Taiwan or cyber terrorism or American military industrial complexes—ordered by certain evil fanatic organizations.
  • To prevent collectively the coming global existentialist disasters — caused by cyber wars and global warming and the destruction of all satellites.
  • To forbid by all means the use of Cyber, Biological and Weather terrorism.
  • To develop collectively a super international organization, able to forbid and prevent the misuse of super artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computers, space technologies, cybersecurity and genetics, which will lead into global disasters.
  • To create much better political, economic, cultural, educational relations with China, Russia, America, Europe and India.
  • To replace the evil American, Russian, Chinese and Israeli domination strategies with cooperation strategies.
  • To prevent the expansion of China, Russia, America, Iran, Turkey and Israel into the Islamic countries.
  • To prepare the Islamic countries for the coming fourth industrial waves and the technological singularity and the possible confrontation with E.T.
  • To solve peacefully and permanently the explosive problems between India and Pakistan —between Israel and Palestine –between North Korea and South Korea —between Russia and Ukraine— between China and Taiwan— between Egypt and Ethiopia— between Afghanistan and its neighboring countries.
  • To create permanent peace in Afghanistan by all means.
  • To develop the Islamic union parliament and constitution.
  • To develop the Islamic union military and security forces.
  • To participate actively in stopping the global warming.
  • To develop millions of modular greenhouses covered by solar panels for vertical AEROPONIC and hydroponic farming integrated with fish and algae farming and for mushroom and grasshopper farming, to produce food cheaply and abundantly, using 95 % less water and agricultural lands.
  • To develop millions of facilities to absorb CO2 from the air, to be used to produce sole in and spirulina.
  • To develop 700 self-sustainable dome cities for high technology (Islamic silicon valleys) in Islamic countries and in other countries.
  • To organize the free movements of people, money, goods, ideas between all countries.
  • To participate actively in organizing the universal basic incomes for 90% of civilized humans before 2045.
  • To participate actively, especially with China and America in further development of quantum computers (developed by Pan Jiawei and Chao Yang)
  • To develop solar power plants and vertical wind turbines on the roofs of millions of buildings.
  • To develop huge farms to plant rise and other products using sea water.
  • To convert desert regions into green regions, maybe using sea water.
  • To develop clean and brain internet without dark net.
  • To develop digital currency based on Islamic dinar or dollar.
  • To develop one million super intelligent AGI robots, programmed for education, for governing countries, for cybersecurity, for scientific research, for managing organizations, for medical services, to be distributed in all Islamic countries.
  • To participate actively in eradicating the roots of evils, poverty, illiteracy, wars, fanaticism, terrorism, corruption, organized crimes, immorality, fascism, dictatorship, the deep stats, apartheid, the religious wars, especially between Sunni and Shia.
  • To develop the new modern education systems, according to the requirements of the fourth industrial waves.
  • To encourage collectively the Chinese one belt one road concept for all humanity.
  • To participate actively in creating artificial rains on dry and desert regions, using different technologies and HAARP.
  • To participate actively in converting nations and societies in West and East with different races, religions and ideologies into one global humanity, seeking the development of the coming global empathic planetary ROBMAN civilizations.
  • The huge data and information of 1,8 bill Muslims will be very useful to develop AI in Islamic countries and in the world.
  • To organize the legal migration of millions people from developing countries to developed countries.
  • (Read the book can America and China escape Thucydides trap— Graham Allison) and the book faces of Mohammad—John Tolan and the book the power of the powerless written by Vaclav Havel.
  • America needs China— China needs America—-the world needs China, America, Russia, Europe and India and all other countries.

XII-The new creative world order of the 21st century and the Islamic union

The new creative world order of the 21st  century and the Islamic union should convince America by all means—to become a real ,united ,free, moral and democratic great country, not hijacked by the deep states, the 1% elites,  the Christian Zionist organizations and the military industrial complexes,  to be able to prevent the collapse of the American dollars and the implosion of America, which will lead into global disasters—to be able to reduce its military budgets and to increase the taxations on incomes ,wealth , shares, stocks ,gold and silver, to be able to do the following:

  • To convert America into the great home for all Americans, not for the 1% elites and the white protestants only.
  • To close most military bases. and to destroy all mass destructive weapons.
  • to change all laws and regulations, which benefit the 1% elites, but harm America, the 99 % of the American people and the world.
  • To convert military and security companies into civilian companies, and to replace all strategies of domination with strategies of cooperation, to allow the use of 90% of the global military budgets for peace projects and for converting Earth into paradise for all humanity.
  • To prepare the American vision 2045, how America should be in 2045. binding for all Presidents.
  • To support the development of the new global economic system, based on collective ownership of all big companies.
  • To increase the salaries and benefits of all members of the Congress, judges and police to motivate them not to be corrupt.
  • To control the activities of lobbyists.
  • To improve the infrastructures.
  • To organize healthy and free housings for all homeless people.
  • To organize the basic incomes or jobs for the jobless people.
  • To organize free medical services for all poor and jobless people.
  • To organize free high-quality schools and universities for all.
  • To forbid the trade with derivatives.
  • To continue the good relationship with Israel, but not beyond the vital interests of America, the American people and the planet Earth.
  • To increase the taxation on imported goods, especially on goods made by American companies outside America.
  • To convert UN into the democratic confederal world government.
  • To develop collectively the new creative world order of the 21st century together with China, Russia, India, Europe and other countries.
  • To prepare America and the world for the coming fourth industrial waves and the coming technological singularity.
  • To replace the predatory capitalism of the 1% elites and deep states, who consider themselves as the legitimate predators, considering America, Europe and the whole world as their preys, considering the global peace as the loss of opportunity to create super wealth from wars, also from nuclear wars, with social, democratic capitalism.
  • To develop new strategies based on facts and pragmatism not on propagandas and wishful thinking.
  • To stop collectively the global warming.
  • To replace indirect democracy with direct democracy.
  • To support the development of many facilities to produce Rare Earth, especially in Islamic countries.

If before 2030, America and many other countries could become real free and democratic great countries, not hijacked by the deep states, the 1% elites, military industrial complex and secret societies. UN could be converted into the democratic confederal world government. the Islamic union could be developed on time. the American and the world vision 2045 could be developed collectively. the new global economic system, based on collective ownership of all big companies. the nuclear WW3 could be prevented.  the world should be in 2045 as follow:

  • The world in 2045 should be populated by around 10 billion civilized people with different races, religions, knowledge and ideologies living together peacefully as one humanity.
  • UN will be converted into the democratic Confederal World government of all sovereign countries (CWG) working for all humanity.
  • Indirect democracy will be replaced by direct democracy.
  • The new Supreme Executive Committees will be developed everywhere.
  • Human civilization in the 21st century, must be based on science, technology and ecology, guided by global peace, justice, human rights, morality, multiculturalism and ecology.
  • Millions super babies with super genes with super chips implanted on their brains will be born and raised ideally in West and East, to become empathic super humans, able to deal with the Technological Singularity.
  • 95 % of civilized people in the world will receive universal basic incomes and free healthy food, drinks, electricity, housing and basic services — produced by super intelligent AGI humanoid robots.
  • Millions super intelligent AGI humanoid robots will be developed collectively, programmed for eradicating evils, for education, for governing countries, for managing organizations, for scientific research, for cybersecurity, for medical services, to be distributed to all countries, especially to developing countries.
  • All mass destructive weapons will be destroyed.
  • The roots of evils, poverty, war, corruption, fanaticism, terrorism, monopoly, secret societies, APARTHEID, dictatorship and organized crimes will be eradicated in West and East.
  • Atmospheric rivers will be converted into artificial rains in draught and desert regions to prevent flood in other regions.
  • Super orbital ring will be developed collectively.
  • Millions modular greenhouses covered by solar panels will be developed everywhere, for vertical AEROPONIC and hydroponic farming integrated with fish and algae farming and for mushroom and grasshopper farming.
  • Thousands of facilities to produce sole in and spirulina and in vitro meats and leathers will be developed in West and East using 95% less water and agricultural lands.
  • Thousands self-sustainable cities, dome cities and floating cities on seas and oceans and in the air will be developed collectively in West and East.
  • New taxation systems will be developed to prevent that 60 super rich individuals will possess wealth more than 50% of humans on Earth.
  • Internet of things and of brains will be controlled by the world government.
  • The present civilization type 0 will be transformed into the civilization type 1, as the global empathic planetary ROBMAN civilization.

XIII-Remarks regarding modern principles of the great religions and science.

  • The only One Lord of creation is beyond comprehension, comparison and superstitions, far beyond Michael Angelo and tribal imaginations—can’t be a super human — he has started the creation of the universe with big bang, within 6 days ,in which 1 day of the lord could be 2,6 bill years—- based on natural laws ( quantum physics, quantum  biology, relativity theories) mathematics, evolution and the 6 exact fundamental Constants—-He has sent holy books, consisting of proved revelations through His  messengers, especially Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the last messengers Mohammad PBUH—.Many Revelations are falsified Revelations, to be considered accordingly.
  • In the beginning was the divine word —BE — growing into the hidden laws of nature, mathematics and the 6 fundamental Constants — growing into the big bang, the starting of the creation of the universe, with the appearing of laws of nature, mathematics and the 6 fundamental Constants—with matters, anti-matters, dark matters and dark energy— with developing nonliving, living beings and unknown beings—and later thinking beings on the planet Earth, maybe on other planets.
  • Meditate and study the World and yourself deeply, to feel the Almighty.
  • The true revelations are valid for all time and places, therefore must be interpreted according to time and places.
  • Dive deeper under the oceans of science and technology— to see Atheism vanishing gradually.
  • There are no contradictions between science and great religions, if true revelations with no superstitions would be interpreted accordingly.
  • Modern science seeks approximation only—can prove mistakes, but not the absolute reality.
  • The true faith can help faithful humans to control their evil desires.
  • Political or ideological or religious dogmatism leads into fanaticism, terrorism and wars— therefore must be fought collectively by all means.
  • The majority of individuals should decide politics and economy is only valid, if they are not brainwashed by education, internet and propagandas, controlled by the deep states, 1% elites and certain secret societies.

XIV-The collective development of the new global comprehensive system (GCS) 

Let’s develop collectively the new global comprehensive system (GCS) as new forms of philosophy, ideology, politics, economy, world order, technology, currencies, education, entertainments, societies, self-sustainable cities, cultures, supported by millions super intelligent humanoid AGI robots, more intelligent than Einstein, programmed for education, managing organizations, governing countries, cybersecurity, scientific research, medical services, able to do the following:

  • To convert the planet Earth into paradise for all humanity.
  • To provide attractive meanings of life for 90% of civilized humans.
  • To transform the present civilization type 0 into the civilization type 1 as empathic planetary ROBMAN civilization with two centers in West and East.
  • To convert UN into the democratic confederal world government CWG.
  • To prevent the development of a new deadly cold war.
  • To eradicate the roots of evils, poverty, illiteracy, wars, nuclear wars, fanaticism, terrorism, monopoly, fascism, Apartheid, dictatorship and organized crimes.
  • To develop the coming new global economic system, based on collective ownership of all big companies.
  • To provide healthy food, water, housing, electricity, medical services, education, entertainment, basic services for 90% of civilized people in the world before 2045.
  • To prepare the world for the fourth industrial waves, the coming technological singularity and the possible confrontation with E.T.
  • To prevent the hijacking of the world by the deep states, the 1% elites, the secret societies, the military industrial complexes and the giant companies.
  • Not to allow that the main goal of companies and economy is to create maximum profits for shareholders only — despite the great harms to humans and the planet Earth.
  • To develop thousands self-sustainable cities, dome cities and floating cities on seas, oceans and in the air.
  • To develop self-sustainable colonies on Mars and moon and Venus
  • To develop super orbital ring.
  • To plant trillions Paulownia trees, bamboo trees, redwood trees, fruit trees, MORINGA trees and other trees in all countries.
  • To solve the global warming.
  • To allow millions of people to live healthy for more than 200 years.
  • To allow millions super babies, with super genes and with super chips implanted on their brains from West and East, to be born and raised ideally, to become empathic super humans, able to deal with the coming technological singularity.

XV-Transformation of the United Nations into a Democratic World Confederation Government (CWG)

The new comprehensive and creative world order of the 21st century will convince America, China, Russia, Europe, India and other countries to convert as soon as possible UN into the democratic Confederal[4] World government (CWG), considering the following:

  1. CWG will use in the beginning the UN buildings and offices and facilities and big parts of UN teams and staffs and later other new buildings and staffs.
  2. The planet Earth and all planets and moons in our solar system are common heritages of one humanity, who are all humans with different races, colors nationalities and religions, represented and protected by CWG.
  3. CWG will develop its own constitution and rules and laws according to the principles and goals of CWG.
  4. CWG will create its own world government parliaments, judicial systems, intelligence system, police system.
  5. The CWG will be governed by a special executive committee, consisting of representatives of America, China, Russia, Europe, India, the Middle East, East Asia, Central Asia, Africa, South America and Australia, supported by 10 super intelligent AGI humanoid robots, programmed for governing countries, for managing organizations, for education, for cybersecurity, for scientific research, for financial systems.
  6. The CWG will have its own military and security organizations, supported by American, Russian, Chinese, European, Indian militaries.
  7. The CWG will be financed by monthly fees of members countries, of 1% extra VIT taxes on all products and services sold in the world and from the profits of activities of the CWG and from special Donations.
  8. The activities and goals of The CWG:
  • To prevent all forms of wars and to impose peace everywhere.
  • To eradicate the roots of evils, poverty, illiteracy, organized crimes, corruption, monopoly, immorality, Fascism, dictatorship, apartheid, domination strategies, Luciferian doctrines, fanaticism, terrorism.
  • To spread good morality, multiculturalism, freedom with responsibility, meritocracy, direct democracy, human rights.
  • To develop and implement the new world order and the new global economic system, based on collective ownership of all big companies.
  • To prevent the hijacking of countries by the deep States, the 1% Elites, secret societies, military industrial complexes.
  • To solve peacefully the problems between Israel and Palestine, between North Korea and South Korea, between Ethiopia and Egypt, between Russia and Ukraine, between India and Pakistan, China and Taiwan.
  • To promote the development of the great Islamic union, to become the buffer between America and Europe on one side and China and Russia on the other side.
  • To promote the development of thousands self-sustainable floating in the air 5-8 km above the sea level, able to survive global disasters on the surface of Earth.
  • To promote the development of thousands self-sustainable floating dome cities on seas and oceans and 5-9 km above the sea level, can survive when the sea level will rise 40-60 meters.
  • To stop and solve the global warming.
  • To clean the seas, rivers and oceans, especially from plastics.
  • To supervise the production and raising of millions super babies with super genes, with super chips implanted on their brains, to become empathic super humans, able to deal with the coming Technological Singularity.
  • To organize the development of Orbital Ring and the colonization of Mars, Venus and moon.
  • To organize the development of one million super intelligent AGI humanoid robots, programmed for education, for governing countries, for managing organizations, for scientific research, for cybersecurity, for medical services, to be distributed, especially to developing countries.
  • To prevent those 60 super rich individuals will have more wealth than 50 % of humans on Earth.

XVI-Development of the Republic of Palestine

Let’s develop collectively the new democratic Confederal Republic of Pal-Israel, consisting of Israel, West bank, Gaza and 40km x50 km desert land on Sinai, to become the Singapore of the Middle East, considering the following:

  • Will replace the irrational dream of the Christian Zionists, of developing the great Israel from Nile to ELFURAT as preparation for the second coming of Jesus, who will convert all Jews into Christians in the new God’s Kingdom.
  • Will end the dream of the Christian Zionists to dominate America as the way to dominate the world, which will lead into the implosion of America and the coming nuclear war.
  • Will end the strategy of settler colonization of Christian Zionists in Palestine, like the settler colonization in America, Australia and Canada.
  • Will convert the present explosive relation between Israel and Palestine into permanent just peace, especially when America must say goodbye to the Middle East soon, to be able to deals with China and Russia.
  • Will guarantee the survival of America with greatness and dignity.
  • Will convert the new Confederal Republic of Pal-Israel into the bridge of permanent just peace between West and East free of nuclear weapons.
  • Will be based on direct democracy, multiculturalism, MULTI RELIGIONS, justice, rule of law, human rights, no corruption, no monopoly, no deep states, no apartheid.
  • The 2000 square km desert land near Gaza will be used to accommodate the Palestinian refugees outside Palestine, to be considered as compensation for illegal settlements in West Bank.
  • Egypt will be compensated accordingly.
  • Will remove the heavy burden of Jews, Americans and Arabs because of Zionist Israel.
  • Pal- Israel is the best way to guarantee the survival of Americans, Jews, Palestinians and Arabs with peace and prosperity in the 21st

XVII -Development of the new economic world order[5].

Following to be considered in developing the coming comprehensive creative world order of the 21st century for all humanity and the new global economic system, based on collective ownership of all big companies.

  • China will be soon the rich economic superpower NR 1, which must force all old strategies and visions to be changed radically.
  • The covid19 pandemic has caused political, economic and social changes.
  • The main goal of companies and economy in the 21st century should not be to make the maximal profits for shareholders only, despite the harms to humanity and the planet Earth.
  • America must become as soon as possible a real free and democratic prosperous united country, not hijacked by the deep states, the 1% elites, the Christian Zionist organizations and the military industrial complexes, to be able to prevent the collapse of the American dollars and the implosion of America, able to participate actively in converting the planet Earth into paradise for all humanity.
  • The world must be prepared well for the coming technological singularity, when super intelligent AGI humanoid robots will be developed before 2045, able to improve and replicate themselves exponentially, able to execute 95 % of important jobs in the world cheaply and efficiently, able to replace h uman civilization with robot civilization, the end of human invention. The beginning of the TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY.
  • Around 60 super rich individuals in 2021[6] will have more wealth than 50% of the world population, should not be acceptable.
  • West and East must cooperate closely to eradicate the roots of evils, poverty, inequality, fanaticism, terrorism, wars, corruption, monopoly, global warming, apartheid, territorial colonization, dictatorship and fascism.
  • Intelligence organizations in the world, especially in America, Russia, China and Israel should not be allowed to do evil and criminal activities publicly or secretly in the name of national security without punishment.
  • West and East must cooperate closely to prepare the world for the fourth industrial waves, the coming technological singularity and the coming possible confrontation with intelligent ET.

XVIII-Discussing a new creative and inclusive world order for the 21st century

Therefore, a new creative and comprehensive world order for the 21st century must be discussed thoroughly and developed and written collectively as soon as possible, to develop the global NEW AGE of enlightened societies in West and East in the 21st century, to guarantee the survival of civilized humanity in the next centuries maybe as empathic global planetary and later Star ROBMAN civilization.

Among the ideas presented for discussion:

1-The collective development of self-sustainable floating dome cities

Let’s develop collectively many self-sustainable floating dome cities on the planet VENUS, the beginning to terraform VENUS to become the second home for humanity, to be developed and financed by new global giant stock companies and 1 % of the Budgets of all countries, considering the following:

  • The floating cities will be floating 45 -55 km over the surface of the Venus.
  • The floating dome cities will be shielded against Solar storms and will be covered by special solar panels.
  • The self-sustainable floating dome cities will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained by super intelligent AGI humanoid robots, constructed and programmed accordingly.
  • Billions self-replicating smart micro robots or froglets, programmed to become parts of the floating dome cities and to convert C02 of the Venus atmosphere into food, oxygen and different carbon products, especially fuels, Carbon Nano tubes and graphene for the floating dome cities.
  • Sending many special intelligent robots to mine many giant Asteroids.
  • The new self-sustainable floating Dome cities will be populated by selected people and tourists and super intelligent AGI humanoid robots.
  • Thousands similar Self-sustainable floating Dome cities could be developed also on the planet Earth on 5-9 km above the sea level, able to survive global disasters on the surface of the planet Earth.
  • These projects are only possible if America, China, Russia, Europe, India and other countries would agree to cooperate closely together to convert military and security companies into civilian companies and to replace all strategies of domination with strategies of cooperation, to allow the use of 90% of global military budgets for peace projects.

2-prepare countries for the fourth industrial waves:

  • Revolutionizing the education systems, concentrating on Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Genetics, Quantum technologies and quantum computers, clean energy, considering the education systems implemented in Finland, Korea, Shanghai, Singapore as examples.
  • Developing millions modular greenhouses covered by solar panels for vertical AEROPONIC and hydroponic farming integrated with fish and algae farming and for mushroom and grasshopper farming, using 95% less water and agricultural lands.
  • Reducing the military budgets and increasing the budgets for education and scientific research and infrastructure.
  • Changing the Constitutions and laws and regulations, must be pro direct democracy, meritocracy, rule of law, human rights, justice, multiculturalism, global peace, ecology — against corruption, monopoly, immorality, fanaticism, terrorism, wars, organized crimes, promiscuity.
  • Creating cooperative relations with all countries.
  • Creating internal peace and harmony.
  • Developing many self-sustainable dome cities and floating cities.

3-International regulation of mass migration

Let’s organize collectively the legal migration of 30-70 mill migrants every year from developing countries to developed countries, to eradicate the roots of joblessness and terrorism in developing countries and to solve the problems of population aging and decline in developed countries, considering the following:

  • Migrants will be selected, educated, trained and prepared well according to the requirements of the developed countries.
  • Big families with 5 own and adopted healthy children will be preferred.
  • The migrants will revitalize abandoned villages, farms, small workshops and factories, schools, kindergartens, shops, hospitals, home cares centers.
  • Migrants will come to the developed countries, when their papers, housings, jobs, schools for their children are ready.
  • Migrants will be given financial support, to start their new life.

4- International cooperation by exchanging qualified competencies

Let’s develop special centers in developed countries, to select and train groups of qualified people, to be sent to underdeveloped regions with complete tools and machines inside four wheels cars, considering the following:

  • They must go as groups of four people or two couples, husband and wife, to dig wells for clean water, to install and maintain solar panels with special batteries and small vertical wind turbines, to develop and maintain small greenhouses for Hydroponic farming integrated with fish and algae farming, for mushroom and grasshopper farming, to teach children English, Mathematics, computer science and 3D printers, to provide basic medical services, to organize sport and cultural activities.
  • They will develop nurseries, to plant Paulownia trees, Bamboo trees, fruit trees, MORINGA trees, Redwood trees and other trees.
  • They can do their duties in different regions for 2-6 years, to be financed by their governments, to be considered as parts of the helps of developed countries to developing countries.
  • They are not allowed to be misused for political propagandas
  • Those groups after finishing their duties will return back to their home countries as productive members of their societies with new personalities.


The Creator addressed man with prudence, contemplation and patience before he acted, and as we did not move away from the scourge of World War II, time was quick to redraw new causes that could lead to a third world war. The bipolarity between the former Soviet Union and the United States of America disappeared with the disappearance of the Soviet Union, where America became the only gendarme to impose world order, by increasing its military and economic power.

However, the current world signs are showing new signs of a new world order that will emerge, despite the difficulty of accepting this new world order from some countries, led by the United States of America. And other international powers have grown to meet and exceed the might of America itself in military and economic spheres, such as China and Russia, and both can no longer support US hegemony over the system. global in a way that serves its interests. and harms the interests of the rest of the world.

The New World Order is the only solution to avoid World War III, provided you treat its rules with an intellectual and scientific vision, and that’s what I mentioned in this article when I mentioned: The International Collective Thought of the New World Order, The Economic parameters of the new world order, The criteria for regulating the new global economy for NGOs, The Necessities of the Great Powers’ Agreement to Avoid the Third World War, The ability of legitimate governments to provide the services of their people, The new creative world order of the 21st century and the Islamic union, The collective development of the new global comprehensive system (GCS), The collective development of self-sustainable floating dome cities as prepare countries for the fourth industrial waves, International regulation of mass migration, International cooperation by exchanging qualified competencies

And all these scientific ideas that I have presented, aim to clarify the reasons for strengthening the new world economic order to ensure world development far from crises and World War III.


Laszlo, Ervin; Baker, Jr., Robert; Eisenberg, Elliott; Raman, Venkata (1978). The Objectives of the New International Economic Order. New York, NY: Pergamon Press.

Afif El-Hasan, MD


” The term “new world order” refers to a new period of history evidencing dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power in international relations. Despite varied interpretations of this term, it is primarily associated with the ideological notion of world governance only in the sense of new collective efforts to identify, understand, or address global problems that go beyond the capacity of individual nation-states to solve.”


What is the new global economy?

” Describes the 21 st century economy that is composed of a trilogy of interactive features that include globalization, trade liberalization and the information technology and communication revolution”

[3] Afif El-Hasan, MD

« Like air pollution, climate change impacts vulnerable populations the most, including our children, seniors and communities already disadvantaged by pollution and poverty. As a pediatrician, I see firsthand the harm caused by our oil addiction. Children living in polluted areas experience higher rates of asthma and slowed lung development. This is a terrible burden we are putting on our children and future generations.  We must dedicate all available resources to get off fossil fuels to protect children today and into the future »

” A gallon of gasoline weighs 6 pounds. When it is burned in our cars, the carbon pulls an additional 14 pounds of oxygen from the air to make a total of 20 pounds of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas that is the main driver of climate change.

Gasoline, and the crude oil it comes from, cause environmental harms all along its life cycle, from oil exploration and extraction, to moving the oil (pipeline spills happen every day), to refining it into gasoline, to storing it in underground tanks at gas stations, to burning it in our cars.

The transportation sector is the biggest source of carbon emissions at 30% of the total US carbon footprint (and 37% of the emissions from energy consumption alone), 41% for California, and 47% for Washington State. Gasoline alone makes up 22% of the US carbon emissions from energy consumption

Light duty vehicles like passenger cars and trucks make up 60% of transportation emissions in the US, and 70% in California. Worldwide, SUVs are the 2nd largest contributor to CO2 increase this decade, surpassed only by power generation.

Overloading the earth’s atmosphere with carbon dioxide is causing warming land and ocean temperatures resulting in more severe storms, droughts and other weather events. In 2017 alone, these types of natural disasters cost the nation $306 billion. Moving away from gasoline-powered vehicles to clean alternatives is critical to the effort to avert catastrophic climate change.”


What is confederal system of government?

“The confederal form of government is an association of independent states. The central government gets its authority from the independent states. … The country may be divided into states or other sub-units, but they have no power of their own”

[5] Laszlo, Ervin; Baker, Jr., Robert; Eisenberg, Elliott; Raman, Venkata (1978). The Objectives of the New International Economic Order. New York, NY: Pergamon Press.

« The New International Economic Order (NIEO) is a set of proposals advocated by developing countries to end economic colonialism and dependency through a new interdependent economy »


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