The Interaction Users of Facebook pages with The European Economic Influences Resulting from the Corona Pandemic-A Field Study

Prepared by the researcher
Dr. Eman Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, Assistant Professor of Radio and Television, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University, Egypt.
Dr. Marian Tadrous, Former assistant professor at the Faculty of Mass Communication, El Petra University, Ph.D. in Television Drama – Faculty of Mass Communication – Cairo University – USA.
Dr. Noha Sabri Muhammad Al-Qatawneh – Ph.D. in Electronic journalism and media legislation at the Institute of Journalism and News Sciences – Manouba University – Tunisia – Kingdom of Jordan.
Dr. Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed – Ph.D. in Educational media, specializing in “Radio and Television” – Faculty of Specific Education – Minia University – Egypt.
Democratic Arab Center
Journal of Afro-Asian Studies : Fourteenth Issue – August 2022
A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin
:To download the pdf version of the research papers, please visit the following link
The study aimed to identify the forms of interaction of Facebook page users with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic and used the descriptive approach in a sample survey style to collect data. The field sample consisted of (400) individual students from the “Faculty of Mass Communication – at Yarmouk University” and the Department of “Media and Communication Technology at the College of Arts and Languages - Jadara University.” It concluded: There are statistically significant differences between the forms of respondents’ interaction with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic. According to the variable of geographical distribution, the study sample and the students’ attitudes toward the “Faculty of Mass Communication – at Yarmouk University” may indicate that they are more aware of the issue they are pursuing; therefore, they are more interactive with it.
An Introduction:
The media has made a qualitative leap commensurate with the various fields of contemporary political, social, economic, cultural, and scientific life by broadcasting news content related to current events to the receiving audience through multimedia techniques in text, audio, and video.
The social networks “Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube” have provided many different informational features that meet the needs of various institutions and their audience. Being an essential media that allows its users to communicate and interact with each other and exchange and share the content of topics that interest them in text, audio, and image. The “Facebook” network is also one of the technological manifestations in transmitting news and information. It gives the audience new skills and knowledge in searching for any content, especially related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic. Facebook allows the public the possibility of interactive discussion to express their opinions about it freely without restrictions. So the researcher found the necessity to conduct a study to know the interaction of Facebook users with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic.
Literature Review:
The respondents’ use of interaction mechanisms with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample on several levels. Within the framework of what was discussed in the literature review related to the research topic of the economic impacts and the interaction of “Facebook”:
The purpose of the study was Dhi Yazan Al-Awash (2020DA). Identifying the effects of the Corona epidemic on global economies, starting with the damage to internal and external economies and the impact of financial markets on the scientific economy, it turns out: There is a preliminary indicator of foreign trade damage as a result of export booking to sectors of the internal economy that are affected by the epidemic, and there is a partial impact on the global economy with a state of uncertainty From the scope and size of the effects, the presence of an effect on the global financial markets and the proof of the extent of the impact.
In the same context, Ibrahim Muhammad (2020 DA). sought to monitor the websites’ treatment of economic problems and the solutions provided by the websites and relied on the approach of solutions journalism. The author found statistically significant differences between the press websites in presenting the causes and explanations of the economic problems presented.
In a related context (Butosi, C, 2019 DA, 22). aimed to know the responses of the modern digital media audience “Facebook, Twitter” towards economic issues and the impact of that follow-up on their attitudes towards performance and used the descriptive approach in a sample survey style as a data collection tool. The sample consisted of (500) individual users of the two social networking sites “Facebook” and Twitter. It concluded: There are positive tendencies on the part of individuals towards the role of digital media participation (Facebook, Twitter) in shaping their attitudes towards economic performance.
Prisca S. Ngondo (Prisca S. Ngondo 2019). evaluated the use of communication media by public relations practitioners in Zimbabwe. It was found that public relations practitioners spend more than half of their time on digital media related to their work in general; This confirms the critical role that social media plays in public relations activities. “Facebook” is the most used platform in public relations work, followed by “YouTube and Twitter.”
Commenting on literature review:
It was clear from previous studies the interest of Arab and foreign schools in the interaction of social media. As it is a means that allows the user to interact with media content that includes different topics and issues, as it is a characteristic of both the medium and the user, and among these studies is the study of Dhi Yazan Al-Awash (2020), Ibrahim Muhammad (2020), Butosi, C, 2019,22), Prisca S. Ngondo (Prisca S. Ngondo, 2019).
The difference between the two schools: The literature review varied in their methodological procedures in terms of importance, objectives, sample, approach, and tools used to collect information and results, whose results formed the scientific basis on which the study relied with an attempt to build on it to provide a scientific addition and benefited from its reading mainly in comparing its results with the results of the current study, which helped the researcher in crystallizing the problem of the study, its variables and its limits, determining its hypotheses, choosing its method, research tools, and theoretical framework to reach the best results, as the theoretical frameworks of previous studies that were commented on are related to the current study with the interaction of Facebook page users with the European economic impacts resulting from the pandemic.
Corona provided a dimension and objective justification in studying the relationship between respondents’ follow-up to topics related to the European economic consequences resulting from the Corona pandemic in the study sample pages and the degree of benefiting them know their reactions towards it.
The Research Problem:
The roots of the crisis go back to the emergence and spread of the Corona pandemic, which inflicted significant economic damage on the countries of the European Union. The downturn in economic growth in various countries and the loss of thousands of their jobs, especially in the European economy. The European gross domestic product recorded the worst decline since the spread of the pandemic, which prompted the European Commission for the European Union to adopt a “recovery plan” for the economies of the Union countries and postponed the implementation of reforms to stimulate the economies of countries to recover from the effects of the pandemic.
In light of the preceding, we noticed a deficiency in dealing with the public’s interaction with the economic impacts of the Corona pandemic as a product and process during critical events. It prompted the researcher to conduct a study about it, so the study problem revolves around a central question: What are the forms of interaction of “Facebook” page users with European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic?
The following sub-questions emerge from this question:
- Are there differences between the respondents’ follow-up to topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the study sample pages according to type?
- What are the differences between the forms of respondents’ interaction with topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the study sample pages according to the geographical distribution variable?
- What is the relationship between the respondents’ follow-up on topics related to the European economic impacts of the Corona pandemic on the study sample pages and the degree of benefit?
The Hypotheses:
To achieve the objectives of the study and answer its questions, the study hypotheses consisted of three main hypotheses:
- There are statistically significant differences between the respondents’ follow-up to topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the study sample pages according to the type.
- There are statistically significant differences between respondents’ interaction with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the study sample pages according to the geographical distribution variable.
- There is a statistically significant correlation between the respondents’ follow-up of the European economic impacts of the Corona pandemic on the study sample pages and the degree of benefit.
the importance of studying:
The theoretical importance is due to the focus on the forms of university youth interaction with topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the study sample pages. It is an essential media that benefits young people in helping by following up on current events related to it and knowing the patterns of their interaction towards it through dialogue and participation.
The practical importance is based on the university youth benefiting from following up on the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the France24 channel “Arabic” and the “Jordanian T.V.” channel. It is an essential media field in providing the latest news and developments in the European diplomatic arena to know the public’s reactions around it. This help to know the new and innovative theories and perceptions within the relationship between people and new media.
The Study Objective:
The study aims to identify the following main objective: The interactions of Facebook page users with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic.
The following sub-goals emerge from this goal:
- Identifying differences between the respondents’ follow-up to topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the study sample pages according to type.
- Detecting the differences between the forms of interaction of the respondents with the European economic effects resulting from the Corona pandemic in the pages of the study sample according to the geographical distribution variable.
- Showing the relationship between the respondents’ follow-up to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the study sample pages and the degree of benefit.
The Study Sample:
This study was conducted on a deliberate sample of (420) individual students from “Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk University,” “Media and Communication Technology Department – College of Arts and Languages - Jadara University” from users of the France24 channel “Arabic” and “Jordan TV.” Ranging in age from Between 18 and 55 years old, the reasons for selecting the sample are due to:
The researcher selected the university youth sample as the subject as a category and segment that represents an active sector in human society. The fact that young people in this period were curious about the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic aroused their interest. Also, the presence of young people of different age levels, and diverse educational levels, males and females, means that the sample represents the original community of young people correctly within the community.
Therefore, the sample was distributed among the users of the pages of the study, sample users of the social networking site “Facebook” at the rate of (231) males (169) females to identify the forms of respondents’ interaction with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic. When choosing the sample to represent males and females, it was considered. According to demographic variables, (20) questionnaires (researched) were deleted due to the lack of credibility and honesty. This is the sample that was used by (400) male and female students and can be described as follows:
Table (1)Description of the study sample according to demographic variables (n = 400)
Demographic Characteristics | F | % | |
Gender | Male | 231 | 57.75% |
Female169 | 169 | 42.25% | |
Age | 18 – 35 | 255 | 63.75% |
40-55 | 145 | 36.25% | |
Education level | Bachelor’s degree | 215 | 53.75% |
Postgraduate | 185 | 46.25% | |
Geographical distribution | Students of the “Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk | 200 | 50% |
Students of “Media and Communication Technology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages – Jadara University | 200 | 50% | |
Total | 400 | 100 % |
The data in the previous table indicates the following:
- Gender: Males came in the forefront with a percentage of (57.75%), followed by females with a percentage of (42.25%). The researcher attributes the high percentage of male students’ follow-up to female students’ inclination towards follow-up. The nature of participation in current events requires a kind of Boldness and initiative.
- Age: The results showed that the age group (18: 35) came with a high rate of (63.75%), followed by the age group (40: 55) with a percentage of (36.25%), and this is explained by the fact that the younger the age, the higher the rate of follow-up to economic impacts Europe caused by the Corona pandemic.
- Education: The study results revealed that the sample members with a bachelor’s degree came in the forefront with a rate of (53.75%), followed by graduate students with a rate of (46.25%). The Corona pandemic and its interaction are because undergraduate students have a higher density than those with postgraduate qualifications.
- Geographical distribution: The distribution of the sample items was equal to (50%) for each of the students of “Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk University,” Department of “Media and Communication Technology – College of Arts and Languages - Jadara University.”
The Study Community
The human community is represented in the audience of the students of the “Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk University,” the Department of “Media and Communication Technology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages - Jadara University.” Which is used for the France24 channel “Arabic” and the “Jordan TV” channel on the social networking site “Facebook.”
The Study limitation
- Human limits: represented by a sample of students from the “Faculty of Media – Yarmouk University,” the Department of “Media and Communication Technology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages - Jadara University,” used for the pages of the France24 channel “Arabic,” and the channel “Jordan TV,” on the social networking site “Facebook.” ” Their ages range from (18-55) years.
- Spatial boundaries: limited to “Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk University,” Department of “Media and Communication Technology – College of Arts and Languages - Jadara University.”
- Objective limits: They are limited to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the France24 channel “Arabic” and the “Jordanian T.V.” channel on the social networking site “Facebook.” These topics are represented in “supporting debt-burdened municipalities, helping families in the face of increasing unemployment Lowering value-added tax rates to boost consumption to offset losses in commercial tax revenue.
- Time limits: the period during which the researchers conducted a field study on a sample of students of “Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk University,” Department of “Media and Communication Technology – College of Arts and Languages - Jadara University” who used the pages of the France24 channel “Arabic” and the “Jordan TV” channel. On the social networking site “Facebook,” from 9/1/2020 to 30/11/2020.
The Study tools:
A questionnaire newspaper was applied to a deliberate sample of (400) individuals from the students of the “Faculty of Media – Yarmouk University,” the Department of “Media and Communication Technology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages - Jadara University” from users of the France24 channel “Arabic” and the “Jordan TV” channel, on a network website. Social networking “Facebook,” as the study was applied from 9/1/2020 to 30/11/2020
The Study Type and Method:
This study belongs to the descriptive analyses, which depend mainly on the use of the sample survey method. It is the ideal way to obtain quantitative and qualitative data for all paragraphs of the questionnaire. The European economy resulted from the Corona pandemic, where the qualitative responses of the respondents depend on the interpretation of the numerical results reached because the researchers in this type of study begin to monitor and extract the results through the data they have been accessed.
We have followed this approach because it responds to the study’s goal of knowing the forms of interaction Users of “Facebook” pages with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic by measuring the respondents’ responses. On the pages of the study sample, the respondents’ interaction with the European economic consequences resulting from the Corona pandemic. Accordingly, the differences between the forms of university youth interaction with the resulting European economic effects are inferred about the Corona pandemic in the study sample pages.
The Study Variables:
- The independent variable: the interaction of Facebook page users.
- Dependent variable: European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic.
Cognitive framework:
European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic:
The Heads of State and Government of the European Union have taken several measures to coordinate European efforts in public health, protect European citizens and mitigate the resulting economic and social impacts. They were facing the crisis so that Europe could overcome the current crisis and get out of it stronger than before. One of the 19 measures included in the initiative is specifically aimed at creating a European Recovery Fund for Solidarity and Growth (French Diplomacy, 2021).
There are many topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic:
1- Supporting the debt-burdened municipalities.
2- Supporting families with families face an increase in unemployment.
3- Reducing value-added tax rates to boost consumption to offset losses in commercial tax revenue.
4- Interacting with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic.
via Facebook:
It is interactive relationships that create interaction between individuals and groups in the electronic space, such as social networks that provide individuals and groups with freedom and an opportunity for cultural and knowledge exchange. It depends on a multi-directional communication between the sender and the receiver based on their reactions to the contents that interest the recipient, whether by admiring, commenting, or sharing (Mahmoud Muhammad, 2021, 954). Interaction is one of the basic features of electronic news media; it allows its users to publicly record their reactions to a video clip or news article (Schmitz Weiss, De Macedo Joyce, 2017).
And Facebook: is a digital network that enables its users to communicate with each other, publish their news and exchange their views on the issues and ideas they present (Abdul Salam Abd al-Hamid, 2020, 9), as well as users’ participation in various political, social and economic issues in an interactive and reciprocal framework among them all in a climate There is a high level of freedom among users (Abdullah Saad, 2019, 22), as interaction represents additional roles that the audience plays on its own (Theunissen, Petra, 2018, 49).
Forms of interaction with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic via Facebook:
There were many forms of interaction with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the France24 channel “Arabic” and the “Jordanian T.V.” channel with likes, comments, and shares, including:
- Likes records: A type of interaction available in news pages allows users to interact with different issues and topics by pressing the like sign and pressing the enter button. And on the other pages as desired by the user (Mahmoud Muhammad, 57-58).
- Interaction through writing comments: It is a form of interactive participation for the audience based on dialogue, discussion, and the presentation and different opinions of users towards the published media contents of interest (Isma, I, N, Shanmuganathan, T, 2019).
- Shares: They are the most widely used communication mechanism because they enable the user to share the materials desired by the user from one page to another and are the reason behind the spread of millions of media materials, including images, texts, and others (Hamish Nouria, Hamida Khaira, 2017, 55).
The Procedures for Honesty and Reliability of the Questionnaire Sheet:
A questionnaire newspaper was applied to a sample of students of the “Faculty of Media – Yarmouk University”, the Department of “Media and Communication Technology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages - Jadara University” from users of the France24 channel “Arabic” and the “Jordan TV” channel, and the apparent truthfulness of the questionnaire was verified by During its presentation to a group of arbitrators in the field of media, the form was modified according to their observations, as the newspaper applied the questionnaire during the year 2020, in the period extending from 9/1/2020 until 30/11/2020, and the researchers relied on the calculation of The stability of the questionnaire results on the re-test method, where the researchers, after collecting the data, conducted a study on (5%) of the total vocabulary of the field study (20) using the “Cranach’s Alpha coefficient”, which indicates a high proportion of consistency between the respondents’ responses and the following table shows Let us calculate the value of the stability coefficient for the questionnaire sheet:
Table (2) Cronbach’s alpha coefficient to measure the stability of the form (n = 400
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient | Field |
0.91 | Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for all paragraphs of the questionnaire |
The data in the previous table indicates the following:
- The value of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient came at a high rate of (0.91), which means that the stability coefficient is high. It also indicates no significant difference in the respondents’ responses and that the questionnaire sheet is valid for application.
Statistical Analysis:
- After completing the data collection of the field study, the data was encoded and entered into the computer, then it was processed and analyzed and statistical results were extracted using the statistical package for social sciences program known as “SPSS”, by resorting to the following transactions, tests and statistical treatments, which are: (Ratios and frequencies: The simple statistics of the questionnaire questions, and the (T-Test) was used to find the differences between the respondents’ follow-up to topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample according to type, as well as to find out the differences between the forms of the respondents’ interaction with the European economic effects resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages The study sample according to the geographical distribution variable, as well as the use of the Pearson correlation coefficient to measure the intensity and direction of the relationship between the respondents’ follow-up to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the study sample pages, and the degree of utilization.
The sample of the field study was in the age group (18:55), which included a sample of (400) students from the “Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk University,” the Department of “Media and Communication Technology – College of Arts and Languages - Jadara University,” in addition to the results of a health test. Hypotheses and linking them to the questions and objectives of the study, and the following is a presentation of the study results:
Table (3) The pages of the news channels that respondents are keen to follow on social media (n = 400) (you can choose more than one alternative)
G | News Channels Pages | F | % |
1 | “Jordan TV” channel page | 105 | 26.25% |
2 | France24 channel page “Arabic” | 129 | 32.25% |
3 | Both together | 151 | 37.75% |
4 | Followed other pages | 15 | 3.75% |
Total | 400 | 100% |
The data in the previous table indicates the following:
- Confirmed (37.75%) of the respondents confirmed that they follow the pages of France24 “Al Arabiya” and “Jordan TV”. because it is an essential source for the public to obtain the contents related to the issue under study on both pages. Followed by the page of the France24 channel “Arabic.” (32.25%), then the “Jordan TV” channel page (26.25%), and finally the follow-up of other pages (1.25%). The previous result indicates that the pages of the France24 channel “Arabic” and the “Jordan TV” channel got the following percentage.
Table (4) The respondents’ follow-up to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic (n = 400)
G | News Channels Pages | F | % |
1 | I follow very highly | 166 | 41.5% |
2 | I highly follow | 109 | 27.25% |
3 | I follow in unspecified times | 125 | 31.25% |
Total | 400 | 100% |
The data in the previous table indicates the following:
- Confirmed (37.75%) of the respondents confirmed that they follow the pages of France24 “Al Arabiya” and “Jordan TV”. because it is an essential source for the public to obtain the contents related to the issue under study on both pages. Followed by the page of the France24 channel “Arabic.” (32.25%), then the “Jordan TV” channel page (26.25%), and finally the follow-up of other pages (1.25%). The previous result indicates that the pages of the France24 channel “Arabic” and the “Jordan TV” channel got the following percentage.
Table (5) The respondents’ follow-up to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic (n = 400)
G | The respondents’ follow-up on the European economic influences | F | % |
1 | I follow very highly | 166 | 41.5% |
2 | I highly follow | 109 | 27.25% |
3 | I follow in unspecified times | 125 | 31.25% |
Total | 400 | 100% |
The data in the previous table indicates the following:
- (41.5%) of the sample members confirmed that they followed the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample, followed by follow-up at unspecified times with a percentage of (31.25%). Finally, a follow-up to a large extent (27.25%) indicates that they are exposed to the issue with heavy viewing and the size of its importance to them. Resulting from the adoption of several measures by heads of state and governments of European countries to coordinate European efforts in public health, protect European citizens, and mitigate the economic and social impacts of the epidemic.
Table (6) The degree to which respondents benefit from following up on the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic (n = 400)
G | The Degree of Utilization | F | % |
1 | Benefited vary greatly | 238 | 59.5% |
2 | Benefited greatly | 127 | 31.75 % |
3 | Benefit moderately | 35 | 8.75% |
Total | 400 | 100% |
The data in the previous table indicates the following
- (59.5%) of the sample members confirmed that they benefit from following up on the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the pages of the study sample, followed by the benefit to a large extent by (31.75%), and finally the benefit to a moderate degree by (8.75%). It is clear from the previous results: that The vast majority of the respondents benefit from the European economic follow-up resulting from the Corona pandemic to a considerable extent in the pages of the study sample. This is because the interactive media aim to attract the most influential audience and open a way to enrich the interactive discussion about the events of European countries due to the Corona pandemic in the interactive news pages on the web.
(7) The respondents’ follow-up to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the pages of the study sample (n = 400)
Total | Students of “Media and Communication Technology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages – Jadara University | Students of the “Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk University | the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights | G | |||
% | F | % | F | % | F | ||
44.25% | 177 | 40.5% | 81 | 48% | 96 | Support for heavily indebted municipalities | 1 |
14% | 56 | 19% | 38 | 9% | 18 | Supporting breadwinners to face the increase in unemployment | 2 |
41.75% | 167 | 40.5% | 81 | 43% | 86 | Reducing value-added tax rates to boost consumption to offset losses in commercial tax revenue | 3 |
100% | 400 | 100% | 200 | 100% | 200 | Total |
The data in the previous table indicates the following:
- Confirmed (44.25%) of the respondents confirmed that they follow the that they continue to support the debt-burdened municipalities in the study sample pages, followed by the reduction of value-added tax rates to boost consumption to compensate for losses in commercial tax revenues by (41.75%), and finally
- In the follow-up of the students of the “Faculty of Information – Yarmouk University” on topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic: The results showed that (48%) of the sample members followed up to support the debt-burdened municipalities in the pages of the study sample. Followed by the reduction of value-added tax rates to enhance consumption To compensate for losses in commercial tax revenues by (43%), and finally, support breadwinners to face the increase in unemployment by (9%).
- In the follow-up of the students of “Media and Communication Technology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages - Jadara University” to topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic: (40.5%) of the sample confirmed that they are following up on supporting debt-burdened municipalities, reducing value-added tax rates to boost consumption to compensate for revenue losses. Commercial taxes in the pages of the study sample, followed by support for breadwinners to face the increase in unemployment by (19%), and it is clear from the previous results: that the respondents follow up on issues related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic, which comes in light of the announcement of the President of the European Council Charles Michel about The leaders of the 27 European Union countries reached, at the conclusion of a marathon summit, an agreement on a historic plan for economic recovery for the post-Covid-19 pandemic, which amounted to 750 billion euros to help the countries most affected by the epidemic, as it includes the adoption of a stimulus package that provides for preserving the economy and cohesion within the Union from Through solidarity and responsibility among E.U.
- leaders to help the worst-affected companies and lower tax rates to encourage citizens to consumption to recover to encourage consumption from the epidemic, as it becomes clear to us: there is superiority in favor of the students of “Faculty of Information – Yarmouk University” in terms of supporting debt-burdened municipalities, reducing value-added tax rates to boost consumption to compensate for losses in commercial tax revenues, and also superiority: in favor of students. Media and Communication Technology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages - Jadara University” in terms of following up on supporting families to face the increase in unemployment, this may indicate that they are more aware and aware of the issue they follow in the interactive news pages on the network.
Table (8) Forms of respondents’ interaction with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic, in the pages of the study sample (n = 200), (n = 200)
Total |
Students of “Media and Communication Technology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages – Jadara University | Students of the “Faculty ofMass Communication Yarmouk University |
Forms of Interaction |
G | |||
% | F | % | F | % | F | ||
29.5% | 118 | 31% | 62 | 25.5% | 51 | like | 1 |
38.75% | 155 | 38% | 76 | 42% | 84 | Comment | 2 |
31.75% | 127 | 31% | 62 | 32.5% | 65 | Share | 3 |
100% | 400 | 100% | 200 | 100% | 200 | Total |
The data in the previous table indicates the following:
- (38.75%) of the sample members confirmed that they prefer to interact by commenting on the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample, followed by interaction with participation by (31.75%), and then with admiration by (29.5%).
- In the interaction with admiration: (31%) of the students of “Media and Communication Technology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages - Jadara University” confirmed that they prefer to interact with admiration with the European economic effects resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample, compared to (25.5%) for students of the “Faculty of Information – University of Yarmouk.
- On interaction with a comment: The results showed that (42%) of the “Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk Uniersity” students prefer to interact by commenting on the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic. Compared to (38%) of the students of the “Media and Communication Technology – Faculty of Arts and Languages - University of Jadara,” the comment tool is because it freely expresses the public’s opinion about the issue mentioned above. This result is consistent with the findings of the study of Mahmoud Muhammad, Saqal Babu Mariam (Babu Mariam, Mahmoud Mohamed, 2020, 2020, 90), where the interaction was made by commenting on the contents. The media in the foreground also came to the fore in the current study.
- In the participatory interaction: (32.5%) of the students of the “Faculty of Media – Yarmouk University” confirmed that they prefer to interact by commenting on the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic, compared to (31%) for the students of “media and communication technology at the Faculty of Arts and Languages - Jadara University.” The respondent’s participation tool allows the issue to expand, and its audience is multiplied from one site to another.
- It is clear from the previous results: that the respondents find that the interaction and its tools in the study sample pages is an important thing that helps them express their opinions towards the European economy resulting from the Corona pandemic, and this is due to the importance of The issue at the local and global level, and resulting from the outbreak of the Coronavirus, which led to the death of more than 227,000 around the world and caused significant damage to some countries in the eurozone, such as a decrease in GDP, the suspension of production and an increase in the percentage of unemployed as a result of closing companies and losing their jobs, a decline according to the European Office of Statistics. Eurostat”, and consequently the high percentage of viewership and interaction and reaching the goal to be achieved, as it is clear that there is superiority in the exchange of the students of the “Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk University” by commenting and referring. This indicates that they are more aware and aware of the issue they are pursuing. Therefore they are more reactive to it.
Hypotheses Test Results
The first hypothesis states that: There are statistically significant differences between the respondents’ follow-up on topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the study sample pages according to type.
Table (9) The significance of the statistical differences between the respondents’ follow-up on topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the study sample pages according to type. (n = 400)
The Scale
Meale | Female | (T) value | Significance Level | Significance Level | ||
Mean | Total ranks | Mean | Total ranks | ||||
The respondents’ follow-up to topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic | 2.20 | 0.81 | 1.81 | 0.83 | **3.77 | 0.05 | 0.01 |
* Significant at the level of (0.05) ** Significant at the level (0.01)
- Using the T-Test: It was found that there were statistically significant differences between the respondents’ follow-up to topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample according to gender and in the direction of males, and the value of T = (3.77**), which is a function of when level (0.01), and this indicates that the level of male confidence is higher than females and that they are more daring to follow, and therefore follow-up was not equal between the sexes, and the interactive news pages on the network provide their users with interactive tools that facilitate the communication process for interaction, dialogue and participation with The issue under study that interests them.
The second hypothesis states that: There are statistically significant differences between the forms of interaction of the respondents with the European economic effects resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample according to the geographical distribution variable.
Table (10) The statistical differences between the forms of interaction of the respondents with the European economic effects resulting from the Corona pandemic in the pages of the study sample according to the variable of geographical distribution. (n = 400)
The Scale
Students “Faculty of Mass Communication – Yarmouk University | Students of “Media and Communication Technology – College of Arts and Languages – Jadara University | (T) value | Significance Level | Significance Level | ||
Mean | Total ranks | Mean | Total ranks | ||||
Forms of interaction | 2.93 | 1.00 | 2.65 | 0.96 | **2.57 | 0.01 | 0.05 |
* Significant at the level of (0.05) ** Significant at the level (0.01)
The data in the previous table indicates the following:
- Using the (T-Test): It was found that there were statistically significant differences between the forms of interaction of the respondents with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample according to the variable of geographical distribution and in the direction of the students of the “Faculty of Information – Yarmouk University,” and the value of (T-Test) reached ) = (2.57**), which is a function at the level (0.01), and this may indicate that they are more aware and aware of the issue they are pursuing, and therefore they are more interactive with it.
The third hypothesis states that: There is a statistically significant correlation between the respondents’ follow-up of the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample and the degree of benefit from them.
Table (11) The relationship between the respondents’ follow-up of the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample, and the degree of benefit from them (n = 400)
Variables | Respondents’ follow-up to the Beirut port explosion incident | ||
The value of the Person | The significance level | The significance level | |
The significance level | 0.28 ** | 0.01 | 0.05 |
* Significant at the level of (0.05) ** Significant at the level (0.01)
The data in the table above indicates the following:
- Using the person correlation coefficient: it became clear that there is a statistically significant correlation between the respondents’ follow-up of the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample and the degree of benefit from them. The correlation coefficient value was (0.28**), a function at the level (0.01). This indicates that the more follow-up, the greater the degree of benefit.
The results of the study in light of the hypotheses:
After conducting the field study, we reached a set of results, the most important of which are:
- (44.25%) of the respondents confirmed that they continue to support the debt-burdened municipalities in the study sample pages, followed by the reduction of value-added tax rates to boost consumption to compensate for losses in commercial tax revenues by (41.75%), and finally support the breadwinners to face the increase in unemployment by 14%).
- The validity of the first hypothesis: There are statistically significant differences between the respondents’ follow-up to topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the study sample pages according to gender and males’ attitudes. This indicates that the level of males’ confidence is higher than females and that they are more daring to follow up, and therefore did not Follow-up was equal between the sexes.
- The validity of the second hypothesis: There are statistically significant differences between the forms of interaction of the respondents with the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the pages of the study sample according to the geographical distribution variable and in the direction of the students of the “Faculty of Information – Yarmouk University.” This may indicate that they are more aware and aware of the issue that they follow and therefore are more reactive to it.
- The validity of the third hypothesis: there is a statistically significant correlation between the respondents’ follow-up of the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic on the pages of the study sample and the degree of benefit from them, and this indicates that the more follow-up, the greater the degree of use.
Through the study, the researchers tried to find out the differences between the respondents’ follow-up on topics related to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the pages of the study sample according to the type, as well as knowing the differences between the forms of the respondents’ interaction with them, as well as finding the relationship between the respondents’ follow-up to the European economic impacts resulting from the Corona pandemic in the pages The study sample, and the degree of benefit from it, because interactive media has a significant effect on shaping young people’s attitudes towards current events, especially the European economic impact resulting from the Corona pandemic, which led to high unemployment rates in the countries of the European Union, stopping the production wheel and shrinking the economy, which prompted the European Commission For the countries of the Union to propose a new economic stimulus package to help the bloc recover from the economic damage that will result from the Corona virus, which included strengthening financial aid for companies affected by the pandemic and compensating losses, supporting debt-burdened municipalities, and reducing tax rates to recover from the effects of the pandemic, so it became necessary to pay attention by addressing issues related to current events that Arouse the public’s interest to know their reactions towards it and ask questions to find solutions to the problem, in order to reach innovative theories and perceptions within the framework of the relationship between the public and the media.
The study compared a set of recommendations, the most important of which are:
Emphasizes the need for media institutions to be present on social platforms to cover issues and topics related to current events, with the need to host experts and specialists in economics. This help to discuss economic problems resulting from the Corona pandemic and provide solutions or propose plans that support economic reform to alleviate the burdens resulting from the pandemic. It also opens an interactive discussion between media organizations and their audience to offer solutions that lead to recovery from the effects of the pandemic in the interactive news pages on the network, to reach new and innovative theories and perceptions within the framework of the relationship between the public and the new media.
Research Suggestions:
In the light of the study, the researcher presents a set of suggestions, which are:
- The role of social networking sites is to educate the Omani public about the importance of small projects.
- The Omani youth’s use of Tik Tok applications as a source of information on economic issues.
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