Research studies

Media Coverage of the For the of legislation on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on “Facebook” Pages A comparative analytical study between of the two pages of ‘ Jordan TV’ ‘channel and Roya”‘channel


Prepared by the researcher   – Dr. Noha Sabri Mohammed Al-Qatawneh- Doctorate in Electronic Journalism and Media Legislations- Institute of Journalism and News Sciences- University of Manouba, Tunisia- Kingdom of Jordan.

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Media Studies : Twenty Issue – August 2022

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN 2512-3203
Journal of Media Studies

:To download the pdf version of the research papers, please visit the following link


The study aimed to reveal the levels of media coverage of the For legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights on Facebook pages, It used the descriptive method, using the method of content analysis, as a tool for data collection, The analytical sample was represented in the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, Results show,The study results show that There are  not statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of  “Jordanian TV ” and ” Roya”  my channels in the levels of media coverage For the issues relating to the rights of Jordanian women’s rights.  And the existence of statistically significant differences between the two pages of  “Jordanian TV ” and ” Roya” channels  in the forms of Interact with  like and commentary and participation with media coverage of the issues relating of Jordanian Protection of women’s rights, And in the direction The page of channel ‘Jordan TV.


Today’s world is witnessing tremendous technological development in various areas of political, economic and social life.

Social media networks “Facebook, Tutor, YouTube” are also an important communication phenomenon that has played a major role in improving communication between users and enabling them to access different information in various fields, as well as transforming the public from a recipient to an active component involved in sending and receiving information, especially in times of crisis.

These networks have become a great repository in covering current events and sharing insights, ideas and information about them with interaction, dialogue and participation. and, in particular, Media Coverage of the For the of legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels.

This is done through two-way communication In a virtual society based on “political, social, cultural and scientific” relationships on issues of common interest,  So The study will look from a recent perspective on: the Media Coverage of the For legislation on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on “Facebook” Pages.

Previous studies:

In the light of what has been obtained from previous studies relevant to the research topic, The researcher adopted in the division of previous studies On the following axis:

  • Studies on media coverage of the For legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights and the “Facebook” interaction:

The study of Arshad Yassin’s (2021 AD). aims To recognize the promotion of interactive partnership and the creation of an interactive environment with the Iraqi public on Iraqi, regional and international political issues; The study uses the descriptive method and the content analysis method as a tool for data collection, The analytical sample was represented On the channels “Al Sharqiya, Al Jazeera, BBC Arabic”, The study has found that: There is an increase in the percentage of media coverage of political issues, and Al Sharqiya Network ranked first, followed by Al Jazeera, then the BBC “Arabic”, and there is a significant increase in the pattern of interaction with political issues.

The study of Alaa Rizk (2019 AD). aims to Identify women’s rights guarantees in the Jordanian legal system, This is done by addressing and analysing all the relevant legal texts, which demonstrate the Jordanian legislature’s concern to protect women from any violation of the rules of Islamic, In addition to knowing the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which all call for equal rights between men and women, The study shows: that The Constitution provides for equality between men and women in rights and duties, and women grant rights commensurate with the nature of their composition and circumstances.

The study of Saleh Abdul Razzaq (2019 AD). I cared To know the nature of Jordanian women’s political rights in Jordanian legislation in accordance with the various laws of the Constitution of Jordan of 1952 and the amendments thereto; and concluded that different Laws give Jordanian women all political rights, That The Text of Jordanian women’s political rights in Jordanian legislation has contributed positively to increasing the participation of Jordanian women in political life.

The study of Lisette Van Beek and others (2019 AD). aims to get acquainted with the picture frameworks presented on the environment, politics and society through the study of framing at the Swiss agency “PBL”, This applies to those who contact them, The study has found that: That the communicators are aware of the importance of photo frames and are not aware of the ideological connotations of the images, that The communicators persons recognize the importance of photo frames and do not understand the ideological connotations of images, the lack of accuracy and correctness of processing during the visual framing process, The lack of accuracy and health of treatment during the optic framing process.

The study of Nicolas M, Jennings, Kevin (2019 AD). aims to get To recognize the public’s use of Facebook to access political news as a viable source of political information,  Results show: That the Nearly half of Internet users use Facebook to find out about political news as a viable source of information and access to it.

Comment on previous studies and their benefits:

In the light of the scientific survey of previous studies, some theoretical and methodological trends in this regard can be observed:

  • Arab and foreign schools agreed on the need for social media attention to cover current events that have become of interest to local and international public opinion, notably legislation on the protection of women’s rights in Jordanian society, in addition to the important role played by the media in providing news to the public relevant to these legislation to learn about their reactions to them.
  • The two schools differed in objectives, sample, curriculum and results, The results formed the scientific basis on which the study was based, with an attempt to build on it to provide a scientific addition and benefit from its reading mainly in: Identify the problem, Hypotheses, questions and the study Sample.
  • The review of previous literature revealed a weak research trend in the study of media coverage of legislation on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights; as a result of the marginalization of women’s role in society for decades and the inequality between women and men in rights and duties.
  • The theoretical frameworks of previous studies commented in the current study are related: by the levels of Media Coverage of the For the of legislation on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on “Facebook” Pages.

The Study Problem:

    The roots of the problem are women’s confrontation with multiple forms of violence, discrimination and exploitation, They have long struggled to obtain their political, social and economic rights.

    With the growing formal recognition of the importance of Jordanian women’s political participation and their right to stand for election to the House of Assembly after decades of exclusion and marginalization. This has provoked great importance in Jordanian society.

    Jordanian women have played a positive role in the development process, as well as benefiting from the social, economic and political developments created by successive development plans.

They also make up half the human power of Jordanian society, Jordanian women’s political participation was an issue that represented the whole of society.

In the same context ,on  social media news channels have made a huge paradigm shift and real revolution in reporting news and information relevant to current events,

    `With regard to Media Coverage of the For the of legislation on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights On the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, And the audience’s interactions with them through multimedia technologies on the web.

As media coverage of current events is linked to political, economic, social, religious and cultural changes. This has increased the need for a study on legislation on the protection of women’s rights in Jordanian society.,So the problem of study in is a key question: What are the levels of Media Coverage of the For the of legislation on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on “Facebook” ?

The significance of the research:

  • Theoretical importance of research focuses on the levels of media coverage of the For the of legislations on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels. this is The social dialogue remains is the most effective means in these pages. This is due to the Given the importance of women’s role in society as mothers, daughters, sisters and wife, As well as emphasizing its constitutional right, which provides for its participation in various areas of political, economic and social life within the country.
  • The applied importance of research: focus on making Based a comparative analysis of media coverage of the For legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, And Monitoring patterns of interaction around them without recognizing the uses of undecideds on both pages.

Objectives of the study:                

The current study seeks to identify the following main goal: the levels of Media Coverage of the For the of legislation on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on “Facebook” Pages.

The following sub-goals emanate from the main objective:

  • Identifying the differences Between pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in the levels of media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.
  • Stating the differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by like with the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.
  • Detecting the differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by Comments with  the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.
  • Clarify the differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interaction by Sharing with  the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.

Study questions:

The current study seeks to identify the following main questions: What are the levels of Media Coverage of the For the of legislation on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on “Facebook” Pages.

The following sub-questions arise from the main question:

  • What are of the differences Between  the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in the levels of media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights ?
  • What are differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by like with the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights ?
  • What are differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by Comments with  the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights ?
  • What are differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interaction by participation with the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights ?
  1. The Study Hypotheses:
  • There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in the levels of media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights .
  • There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by like with the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.
  • There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by Comments with  the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.
  • There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interaction by participation with the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.

 The Knowledge Framework:

media coverage of the For legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights on pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels:

             It is the process of transferring events that carry with news value from the event site (Haider Ahmed, 2020, 219), This is through various forms, text, pictures and videos (Mahmoud Mohamed, Jad Aouidat,2019, 67).

The social networking site “Facebook” is also an important media tool to cover current events as they occur from the event site.

                Especially the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels.

Media coverage on television channels’ pages plays a pivotal role in reporting news related to current events, Because it is distinguished dynamic and interactive with the audience (My assistant Selma, Aliyah Boubedi, 2020, 352).

Interaction also depends on the simultaneous communication between users and each other via a technology medium such as personal media or Facebook commentary  (Barbara k. kaye, Thomas g. Johnson,2016).

the of legislation on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on “Facebook” Pages:

It is the consolidation of the principle of equality between women and men by introducing some constitutional amendments necessary to give women their full legislative rights. By attempting to amend article VI of the Constitution explicitly recognizing women’s legislative equality with men. resulting from the denial of full Denying her rights under the pretext of increasing the financial burden on the State treasury as a result of its participation in the labour force. The State also ensures women’s empowerment and support to play an active role in building society to ensure equal opportunities on the basis of justice and equity and to protect them from all forms of violence and discrimination  (Marwan Muasher, 2021)

interaction with the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels:

   It is a multi-directional communication between the sender and the receiver based on their feedback on media content that is of interest to them whether by admiration, comment or participation (Mahmoud Muhammad, 2021, 954). In an interactive framework and a high climate of freedom among users (Abdallah Saad, 2019, 22). It is based on the public’s impact on the content of the media message and the degree of communication between the parties to the communication process. ( Jean-Marie Charon, 2017).

“Facebook” is an interactive network that provides users with spaces to share information and follow various news in texts, photos and videos, As well as knowledge of the latest developments related to ongoing events (Samir Kim, 2020, 201).

 Forms of interaction with of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels:

There were many forms of interaction with of  media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights, AND They include the following:

  • Interaction with admiration, which means showing admiration for the content on the site, and it is available between friends, groups, and joining channels (Khaled Mahdi, 2018, 59).
  • Interaction with Comments: it is a form of interactive participation of the public based on dialogue, discussion and presentation of different opinions by users about published media content of interest to them (Isma, I. N., Shanmuganathan, T,2019,35).
  • Interaction by Sharing: It means that users share of content provided by social sites to learn their reactions to topics of interest, as they blur the line between the media and the public (Ibtisam Darahi, 2017, 265).

Type and method of study:

This study belongs to descriptive studies that rely mainly on the use of the method of analysis of the content, Where the optimal way to obtain quantitative and qualitative data in research units, quantitative analysis contains the collection of data according to word and subject units as essential parts of the Numerical measurement, So to find out The levels of Media Coverage of the For the of legislation on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, Where the qualitative analysis depends on the interpretation of the numerical results obtained in the quantitative analysis on the study sample pages, This is because in this type of studies the researcher begins by observing the results through the data.

We have followed this approach because it responds to the aim of the study in  the knowledge on : The levels of Media Coverage of the For the of legislation on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels.

This is order to analyse the form and content of the topics relating to related With these events

These topics are represented in: ” Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament, Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making, and monitoring the interaction patterns around it.

Accordingly, levels of interaction with the issue studied are inferred on both pages.

Study community:

The analytical study community in the  topics  related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels on  social networking site “Facebook”.

Given the large number of sites based on media coverage of current events, The researcher found the difficulty of analyzing its content. So the researcher resorted to conducting a survey to identify the most important of these websites.

According to researchers’ follow-up to sites based on coverage of current events, Results show: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel in the foreground, followed byThe page of’ Roya’ channel, then  The page of’ Sky NWS Arabia ‘ channel, followed by The page of’ France24 ‘ channel, Previous Results show: That the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, I got the highest follow-up percentage.

The Study Sample:

An the analytical study is conducted on the media coverage of the For legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights on pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels. The analytical sample was selected on the basis of the survey results,

It was taken into account in choosing the sample that these sites belong to the sector of sites that provide daily news and below is a description of the sample:

Table (1) the Basic information for news bulletins relevant to media coverage of the For legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights on pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels

Total The page of’ Roya’ channel The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel  


% F % F % F
72.16% 153 70.91% 68 73.91% 85 Number of flyers that talked about  related the topics to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights and news models
11.79% 25 11.34% 11 12.17% 14 Number of videos that talked about  related the topics to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights
11.79% 25 14.43% 14 9.56% 11 The number of thematic pictures that dealt with related topics by legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights
4.26% 9 4.13% 4 4.36% 5 Number of personal pictures that talked about related the topics to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights
100% 212 100% 97 100% 115 Total

 The data of the table above show the following:

  1. The general trend of media coverage of the For legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights on pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels: the flyers that talked about related the topics to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights and news models  got  a rate of (72.16%), followed by Videos, thematic photo at a rate (11.79%), followed by personal photos a rate of (4.26%).
  2. According The Number of news flyers that talked about  related the topics to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel She was the most in the media coverage of the Jordanian affairs a rate of (85) flyers, She also introduced news templates in a picture News, reports, hadiths, television investigations, and television interviews, compared (68)  to The page of’ Roya’ channel.
  3. According The Number of videos that talked about related the topics to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights: The page of the “Jordan TV” channel had the most media coverage of Jordanian affairs with an average of (14) News videos compared to (11). of  the page of the “Roya” channel.
  4. According The number of thematic pictures that dealt with related topics by legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights: The page of the “Jordan TV” channel She was had the most media coverage of Jordanian affairs with an average of (14) thematic pictures, compared to (11).to The page of’ Roya’ channel .
  5. According The Number Number of personal pictures that talked about related the topics to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights: The page of the “Jordan TV” channel She was had the most media coverage of Jordanian affairs with an average of (5) personal pictures, compared to (4).to The page of’ Roya’ channel, Previous results show: There is superiority in media coverage of topics related to the protection of Jordanian women’s rights in The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel. The researcher attributes this to the institution’s possession of enormous material and technological potential, as well as having a network of reporters deployed around the world who are professional in covering different cases by an objective aspect linked to events at the domestic and international levels.

The limits of the study are:

  • Objective boundaries: Limited to media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, These topics are represented in: ” Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament, Discussing women’s issues and Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making, and monitoring the interaction patterns around it.
  • Time limits: This is the period that researchers have taken to apply the research tool, which is the academic year2020DA

Study variables are:

  • Independent variable: Facebook pages.
  • Dependent variable: of media coverage of the For legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights.

The Analytical Study Tool:

  • A content analysis paper prepared by the researcher to identify the levels of to media coverage of the For the of legislations on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels. and to monitor the forms of interaction with them. Firstly, the initial drafting of the content analysis form design was prepared and then it was presented to a number of specialized arbitrators in the field of the study.
  • The paper focused on modifying Some categories of analysis related to media coverage of the For the of legislations on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels. and removed some other categories.
  • the paper is now ready for application in its final form to serve the purposes of the study. The form was applied through the follow-up of the media coverage  For the of legislations on the protections of Jordanian women’s rights, This is done by monitoring the forms of interaction with it all over a three months, from 3 th September 2021DA to 30th November 2021DA, as every issue has a specific life cycle linked to a specific time frame.

definitions of the analysis categories included in the content analysis paper:

The content analysis sheet included the main category and Seven subcategories. The main category of content includes:

  1. The category of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, which the researcher have divided it into: ” Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament, Discussing women’s issues and Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making.”

While the sub-categories analysis includes Seven sub-categories, namely:

  • The category TV templates used in media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, which the researcher have divided it into:” News, report, talk, TV Investigations, television interview”.
  • The category of illustration elements used in of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, which the researcher have divided it into: “Video clips, thematic photos, personal photos”.
  • category sources of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, which the researcher have divided it into: Newspapers and news agencies world on the Internet, Reports of correspondents and delegates in page of’ Jordan TV’ channel, Reports of correspondents and delegates in page of’ Roya’ channel, Official source,  Meetings with guests in the studio, witnesses Proof, Without source.
  • The category of Forms of interaction with of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, The researcher divided it into: “Number of likes, number of comments, number of posts.
  • category of The direction of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, The researcher divided it into: ” negative, positive, neutral”.
  • The category of news values used of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, which the researcher have divided it into: ” ego, the influence, Negativity, Importance, conflict, huge, human interests, proximity, unvalued”.
  • The category Duration of videos of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, which the researcher have divided it into:  “From 1: 3 minutes, from 4: 6: minutes, More than that.

The truthfulness and constancy of the content  analysis paper

To test the validity and reliability and reliability of the content analysis sheet, And to ensure its ability to achieve the objectives of the study. The form was presented to a group of arbitrators, In light of the observations made by the arbitrators, the form was modified, The researcher also analyzed the contents under study on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, And that is under the guidance of a researcher who has the same experience in analyzing the contents under discussion on both pages, And that is how to deal with the model and analyze its vocabulary, The stability coefficient was also calculated by using the Holosti equation = 2m from% n1 + n2, The value of the correlation coefficient between the opinions of the two analysts was (0.96%),It is a statistically significant correlation coefficient indicating the clarity of the content analysis sheet. And then its suitability for analysis.

Study concepts are:

  • The media coverage: It is the News content is produced and broadcast to the public from the event site in text, audio and photo.
  • Facebook Pages: Interactive communication pages used in coverage and broadcasting news that raises public attention from the event site.

The Statistical Analysis:

After completing the data collection of the analytical study, the researcherer used the following statistical factors and tests in analyzing the data, namely:” Ratios and percentages of questions of the content analysis sheet, Ca2 test to calculate differences between Watched repeats on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channelss, The ‘Holoste’ equation to calculate the stability of the analysis for all classes of the Analysis Form.


The analytical study was conducted on the media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights, , from 1 th September 2021DA to 30th November 2021DA, An analysis has been carried in of the topics related to the media coverage  to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels, below is a presentation of the analytical study outcomes:

  • First: Content category:

            Table (2) The category of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels

Total The page of’ Roya’ channel The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel  

the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights

% F % F % F
38.23% 39 34.89% 15 40.68% 24 Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament
61.76% 63 65.11% 28 59.32% 35 Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making.
100% 102 100% 43 100% 55 Total

The data of the table above show the following:

  • The general trend of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels: The Themes topic of Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament received a rate of (61.76%), followed by Discussing women’s issues and Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making. at a rate (38.23%).
  • At the level of each site separately:
  1. The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel: The Themes topic of Discussing women’s issues and Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making received a rate of (59.32%), followed by Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament at a rate (40.68%). This indicates the Channel’s position in support of women’s issues in Jordanian society, which focused on emphasizing the importance of society and their right to political participation and decision-making. in News reported by the channel was broadcast in its bulletins entitled: The importance of women’s role and active political participation, Which stipulated the assertion of the Minister of Municipal Affairs Rabah Al -Dabbas during a television interview on the importance of women taking leadership and sovereign positions and their representation of the parliament, so the channel was supportive of women and the importance of their role in society in a large way,     This result is consistent with the results of Mahmoud Mohamed, Jad Aouidat (2019,70) study, where media coverage of current eventshas received attention, the same case with the current study.
  2. The page of’ Roya’ channel: The Themes topic of Discussing women’s issues and Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making received a rate of (65.11%), followed by Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament at a rate (34.89%). This indicates the Channel’s position in support of women’s issues in Jordanian society and their right to political participation and decision-making, which focused on polling the views of the Jordanian street towards them.
  • in News reported by the channel was broadcast in its bulletins entitled: ‘Women’ are her place and role … What Jordanians said about the woman?, Where some emphasized that there are some efforts towards women’s rights from the point of view of Arab society, stressing their right to political and social participation as an effective force that represents half of society, And which Dr. Nidaa Zaqzouq, Professor of Interpretation at the University of Jordan, confirmed during a television interview based on the Qur’anic texts that emphasize the rights and duties of the mirror in Islam.
  • Second: the shape category:

Table (3) The category TV templates used in media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels.

The page of’ Roya’ channel The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel  





TV Templates


Total Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making. Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament F Total Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making. Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament F
8 2 6 F 11 7 4 F News


100% 25% 75% % 100% 63.63% 36.37% %
4 3 1 F 6 4 2 F report
100% 75% 25% % 100% 66.66% 33.34% %
5 4 1 F 7 5 2 F talk
100% 80% 20% % 100% 71.42% 28.58% %
0 0 0 F 0 0 0 F TV Investigations
0 0.00 0.00 % 0 0.00 0.00 %
6 2 4 F 3 2 1 F television interview
100% 66.66% 33.34% % 100% 33.34% 66.66% %

The data of the table above show the following:

  1. News:The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel She was the Most media coverage to News of Discussing women’s issues and Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making a rate of (63.63%), compared (25%) News  to The page of’ Roya’ channel, This result is consistent with the results of Iman Gharib (2018,253) study, where media coverage  to News received attention, the same case with the current study.

With regard to women’s right to vote: The page of’ Roya’ channel She was the Most media coverage to News of Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making a rate of (75), compared (36.37) News  to The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel.

  1. Reports: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel She was the Most media coverage of special reports of Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making a rate of (33.34%), compared (25%) Reports to The page of’ Roya’ channel.

With regard to Discussing Jordanian women’s issues: The page of’ Roya’ channel She was the Most media coverage of special reports of Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making a rate of (75%), compared (66.66%) Reports to The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel.

  1. Talk: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel She was the Most media coverage of private conversations in Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making a rate of (28.58%), compared (20%)  Reports to The page of’ Roya’ channel.

With regard to women’s right to vote: The page of’ Roya’ channel She was the Most media coverage of private conversations in of Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making a rate of (80%), compared (71.42) Reports to The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel.

  1. TV Investigations: It was missing from the media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on both pages, This indicates the inadequacy of the media’s treatment of the aforementioned issue.\
  2. television interview: It got of media coverage took place.of Related to TV interviews of Women’s right,to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament, Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making  on a rate of is equal on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels. , Previous results show: That there is superiority in favour of The page of’ Roya’ channel in the television templates used to cover topics in legislation protecting Jordanian women’s rights represented in news, reports and talks; This may indicate that the private media has tremendous material potential and a network of reporters trained in modern communication techniques, As well as seeking to prove its worth on the scene To be competitive with the state media. The study sample pages meeting also reverts to the use of the television interview template in media coverage of topics related to legislation for the protection of Jordanian women’s rights in equal proportions, The study sample pages meeting also reverts to the use of the television interview template in media coverage of topics related to legislation for the protection of Jordanian women’s rights in equal proportions  In order to achieve broad public interaction, dialogue and participation on the above-mentioned topics In the interactive pages On the web.

Table (4) The category of illustration elements used in of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels,  

The page of’ Roya’ channel The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel  





  illustration elements

Total Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making. Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament F Total Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making. Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament F
11 7 4 F 14 9 5 F Video clips
100% 63.63% 36.37% % 100% 64.28% 35.72% %
14 9 5 F 11 5 6 F thematic photo
100% 64.28% 35.72% % 100% 45.45% 54.55% %
4 1 3 F 5 3 2 F personal photos
100% 25% 75% % 100% 60% 40% %

The data of the table above show the following:

  1. Video clips: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel She was The most media coverage of videos discussing of Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making a rate of (64.28%), compared (63.63%) Video to The page of’ Roya’ channel.

With regard to women’s right to vote: The page of’ Roya’ channel She was  The most media coverage For videos of the Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making a rate of (36.37%), compared (35.72%) Video to The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel.

  1. thematic photo: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel She was The Most media coverage of thematic pictures `related to Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament a rate of (54.55%), compared (35.72%) Video to The page of’ Roya’ channel.

With regard to Discussing Jordanian women’s issues: The page of’ Roya’ channel. She was  The Most media coverage of thematic pictures `related to discussion women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making a rate of (64.28%), compared (45.45%) Video to The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel.

  1. personal photos: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel She was The Most media coverage of personal photos `related to Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making.  a rate of (60%), compared (25%) personal photos to The page of’ Roya’ channel.

With regard to women’s right to vote: The page of’ Roya’ channel. She was  The Most media coverage of personal photos `related to Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament a rate of (75%), compared (40%) personal photos to  The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel. , Previous results show: that There is a convergence in the use of the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channel of the  illustration elements used in of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights, And that came in the form of videos, objective pictures and a license, as it took a large area, which increases the credibility of the news presented these pages, This indicates an increase in the public’s interaction with the aforementioned caseIn order to achieve the media institutions public interaction, dialogue and participation on the -mentioned from  the  topics In the interactive pages On the web.

(5) sources of the  media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels.

Total The page of’ Roya’ channel The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel  

sources of media coverage

% F % F % F
33.01% 70 38.14% 37 28.69% 33 Newspapers and news agencies world on the Interne
21.22% 45 39.13% 45 Reports of correspondents and delegates in page of’ Jordan TV’ channel.
16.03% 34 35.05% 34 Reports of correspondents and delegates in  page of’ Roya’ channel
14.15% 30 13.40% 13 14.78% 17 Official source,
7.08% 15 5.16% 5 8.69% 10 Meetings with guests in the studio,
5.19% 11 3.09% 3 6.96% 8 witnesses Proof,
3.32% 7 5.16% 5 .1.75% 2 Without source.
100% 212 100% 97 100% 115 Total

The data of the table above show the following:

  • The general trend of the sources of coverage of media coverage of the For legislations on the protection of Jordanian women’s rights on pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels: The percentage Newspapers and news agencies world on the Internet has reached the rate  of  (33.01%), followed by Reports of correspondents and delegates in page of’ Jordan TV’ channel  a rate of (21.22%),then Reports of correspondents and delegates in  page of’ Roya’ channel a rate of (16.03%), followed by Official source, a rate of (14.15%), then Meetings with guests in the studio, a rate of (7.08%), followed by witnesses Proof, a rate of (5.19%), And Finally, without a source at a rate (3.32%).
  • At the level of each site separately:
  1. The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel, relied primarily on the Reports of delegates and correspondents in obtaining news related to the of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights with a rate of (39.13%), followed by newspapers and news agencies world on the Internet with a rate (28.69%), followed by Official source, a rate of (14.78%), then Meetings with guests in the studio, a rate of (8.69%), followed by witnesses Proof, a rate of (6.96%),  And Finally, without a source at a rate (1.75%), This result is consistent with the results of Mahmoud Mohammed (2017,103) study, This is where delegates and correspondents’ reports got attention, the same case with the current study.
  2. The page of’ Roya’ channel, relied primarily on the Newspapers and news agencies world on the Interne with a rate of (38.14%),followed by Reports of correspondents and delegates in page of’ Roya’ channel with a rate (35.5%), followed by Official source, a rate of (13.40%), then Meetings with guests in the studio, Official source, a rate of (5.16%),  And Finally, without a source at a rate (3.09%), Previous results show: That The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel, relied primarily on the Reports of delegates and correspondents  in obtaining news related to the of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights To a great extent It’s because she has a network of reporters all over the world. The page of’ Roya’ channel She was the most Interesting   it regarding with sources of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s compared The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel.

Table (6) Forms of interaction with of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels,

The page of’ Roya’ channel The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel  





Forms of interaction 

Total Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making. Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament F Total Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making. Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament F
1320 787 533 F 1479 730 749 F Number of likes
100% 59.62% 40.38% % 100% 49.36% 50.64% %
1035 432 603 F 1450 699 751 F number of comments
100% 41.73% 58.27% % 100% 48.21% 51.79% %
1010 498 512 F 1164 529 635 F number of posts
100% 49.31% 50.69% % 100% 45.45% 54.55% %

The data of the table above show the following:

  1. With regard to the number of likes: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel was the Most interacted by liking with   Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership Parliament a rate of (50.64%), compared (40.38%) interacted by liking  in   The page of’ Roya’ channel.

With regard to Discussing Jordanian women’s issues: The page of’ Roya’ channel was the Most interacted by liking with  Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making a rate of (59.62%), compared (49.36%) interacted by liking  in The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel.

  1. In Regarding the number of comments: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel was the Most interacted by comments with Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making a rate of (48.21%), compared (41.73%) interacted by comments in The page of’ Roya’ channel., The use of the comment tool is due to the fact that it expresses the opinion of the audience towards The aforementioned case.

With regard to women’s right to vote: The page of’ Roya’ channel. was the Most interacted by comments with Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership Parliament a rate of (58.27%), compared (51.79%) interacted by comments in The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel., This result is consistent with the results of Faisal Farhi, Mahmoud Mohamed (2020,329),  where comments rank to News received attention, the same case with the current study.

  1. number of posts: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel was the She was the most interacted by sharing with Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership Parliament a rate of (54.55%), compared (50.69%) interacted by  sharing  in The page of’ Roya’ channel.

With regard to Discussing Jordanian women’s issues: The page of’ Roya’ channel. was the She was the most  interacted by sharing with Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making. a rate of (49.31%), compared (45.45%) interacted by  sharing  in The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel. Previous results show: That on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels fully agree in employing forms of interaction to interact with of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights by the public, This is due to the importance of the issue in Jordanian society, As a result of Jordan’s ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, This is done through Editing legal texts that affirm the rights of women on an equal basis with men in particular in leadership and senior positions, In addition to increasing its economic participation, especially in the countryside and remote areas, As well as awareness programs for women’s rights and protect them from violence by national institutions and civil society institutions, Thus, the rate of viewing and interaction is high and reaching the goal to achieve

Table (7) category of The direction of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels

The page of’ Roya’ channel The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel  




The direction of media coverage

Total Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making. Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament F Total Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making. Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament F
0 0 0 F 0 0 0 F negative
100% 0.00 0.00 % 100% 0.00 0.00 %
97 36 61 F 115 30 85 F positive
100% 37.12% 62.88% % 100% 26.09% 73.91% %
0 0 0 F 0 0 0 F neutral
100% 0.00 0.00 % 100% 0.00 0.00 %

The data of the table above show the following:

  1. The direction of positive: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel was the  More inclined towards a positive trend  For media coverage on topics Women’s right to vote and Candidacy for membership in Parliament has  a rate of (73.91%), compared (62.88%)  positive trend to The page of’ Roya’ channel, This comes in light of the Kingdom of Jordan’s ratification of the   on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, This is done through Editing legal texts that affirm the rights of women on an equal basis with men in particular in leadership and senior positions, In addition to increasing its economic participation, especially in the countryside and remote areas.

With regard to Discussing Jordanian women’s issues: The page of’ Roya’ channel. was the  More inclined towards a positive trend  For media coverage of topics Discussing women’s issues and  Increasing cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making  a rate of (37.12%), compared (26.09%)  positive trend to The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel. While the negative and positive trend did not get any percentage.

(8) news values used of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels

Total The page of’ Roya’ channel The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel  

news values

% F % F % F
5.18% 11 2.07% 2 7.83% 9 the instantaneous values
22.64% 48 23.71% 23 21.73% 25 the influence
2.84% 6 6.18% 6 0.00 0 Negativity
29.71% 63 29.89% 29 29.56% 34 Importance
20.28% 43 18.55% 18 21.73% 25 Conflict
13.67% 29 13.40% 13 13.92% 16 huge
2.37% 5 1.05% 1 3.48% 4 human interests
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 proximity
3.31% 7 5.15% 5 1.75% 2 no values
100% 212 100%  97 100% 115 Total

The data of the table above show the following:

  • The general trend of news values used of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels: The got importance values ​​for related of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights received a rate of (29.71%), followed by the influence at a rate (22.64%), then Conflict a rate of (20.28%), followed by the Huge values  has  a rate (13.67%), Then  the instantaneous values a rate of  (5.18%), Then  no values  a rate of  (3.31%), followed by the Negativity  at a rate (2.84%),   And Finally, human interests  at a rate (2.37%), While the proximity values ​​did not get me any percentage.
  • At the level of each site separately:
  • The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel: The got importance values ​​for related of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights received a rate of (29.56%), followed by the influence at a rate (29.56%), The researcher explains the importance values ​​as: The news that talked about of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights And its right to political participation and candidacy for the parliamentary elections, then Conflict a rate of (21.73%), The researcher explains this as the first reason for discussing legislation related to the protection of women’s rights in Jordan and the behaviors that are still being exercised against them,The researcher explains this as the first reason for discussing legislation related to the protection of women’s rights in Jordan and the behaviors that are still being exercised against them, The absence of her presence in senior positions is still present. In addition to the fact that there are many violations of their rights in some institutions, such as often unpaid work, In addition to the presence of many violations of their rights in some institutions, such as working without wages, often, So the conflict, the impact is the most values ​​involved in the news, followed by the Huge values  has  a rate (13.92%), Then  the instantaneous values a rate of  (7.83%), followed by human interests  at a rate (3.48%), Then  no values  a rate of  (1.75%), While the Negativity values  did not get me any percentage.
  • The page of’ Roya’ channel: The got importance values ​​for related of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights received a rate of (29.89 %), , followed by the influence at a rate (23.71%), then Conflict a rate of (18.55%), followed by the Huge values  has  a rate (13.40%), followed by the Negativity  at a rate (6.18%),  Then  no values  a rate of  (5.15%), Then  the instantaneous values a rate of  (2.07%), And Finally, human interests  at a rate (1.05%), While the proximity values ​​did not get me any percentage.
  • Examples for news values ​​of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel: In the news reported by the channel broadcast in its publication entitled: Women’s debates to promote women’s political participation, who spoke of the importance of women’s political participation in society as an active force in reform and development, as they represent half of the complex, And also news titled: His Majesty the King stresses the importance of the role of women in the success of the process of political modernization,in which he emphasized its leading force in all tracks of the reform process, as well as overcoming obstacles to increasing their representation in the labour market and economic development.
  • Examples for news values ​​of of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on The page of’ Roya’ channel: In the news reported by the channel broadcast in its publication entitled: The House of Representatives agrees to add the word ‘Jordanian women’ to the Constitution, During which the Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs, Moussa Al-Maaita, confirmed: The addition of the word ‘Jordanian women’ came in honor of and appreciation of women, explaining that chapter two of the Constitution relates to the fundamental rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, In addition to its right to education and work in order to preserve its legitimate entity and support its ambitions within society, It also stipulated that the family is the basis of a society based on religion, morality and patriotism.

 (9)The category Duration of videos  of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels..

Total The page of’ Roya’ channel The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel  

Duration of videos 

% F % F % F
56% 14 54.54% 6 57.14% 8 “From 1: 3 minutes”
28% 7 27.27% 3 28.57% 4 from 4: 6: minutes””
16% 4 18.19% 2 14.29% 2 More than that””.
100% 25 100%  11 100% 14 Total

The data of the table above show the following:

  • The general trend of Duration of videos of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels: The got Duration of videos “From 1: 3 minutes on received a rate of  (56%), Followed by the duration of the videos “from 4: 6: minutes” at a rate (28%),And Finally, “More than that”.at a rate (16%).
  • At the level of each site separately:
  1. The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel: The got Duration of videos “From 1: 3 minutes on received a rate of (57.14%), Followed by the duration of the videos “from 4: 6: minutes” at a rate (28.57%),And Finally, “More than that” .at a rate (14.29%).
  2. The page of’ Roya’ channel: The got Duration of videos “From 1: 3 minutes on received a rate of (54.54%), Followed by the duration of the videos “from 4: 6: minutes” at a rate (27.27%),And Finally, “More than that” .at a rate (18.19%)., Previous results show: The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel  It was the most broadcast  in terms of time duration “From 1: 3 minutes” from 4: 6: minutes”  for related  videos of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights, On different The page of’ Roya’ channel, Which was the most broadcast in terms of time duration More than that”, This may indicate that ‘the duration of the videos was short,  The less short the video duration, the higher the follow-up rate.

Results of the hypotheses:

  • The First Hypothesis: This hypothesis states that:There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in the levels of media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights .

Table (10) The differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in the levels of media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights .  

the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels Frequency X2 Observed X2  Expected Significance


The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel 55 1.46 ** 3.84 0.01
The page of’ Roya’ channel 49

                                                                   ** Significant at level ( 0.01).

 The data of the table above show the following:

  • by using the Ca2 chi-square test it turns out There are not statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in the levels of media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights. The number of repetitions seen has been reached  (55, 49),respectively for the the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels , came the value is arate  of   (1.46 **), It is afunction  significant at the level of (0.01), This may indicate that interest   of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights was equal.
  • The second hypothesis: This hypothesis states that:There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by like with the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.          


Table (11) The differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by like with  the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.    

the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels Form of interaction Frequency X2 Observed X2  Expected Significance


The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel Interact by like 1479 9.02** 3.84 0.01
The page of’ Roya’ channel Interact by like 1320

                                                                   ** Significant at level ( 0.01)

 The data of the table above show the following:

  • by Using the Ca2 chi-square test, it was found that there are statistically significant differences between the pages of Jordan TV channels and Roya TV channels in similar interaction with media coverage of topics related to the protection of Jordanian women’s rights., And in the direction of The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel.The number of repetitions seen has been reached (1479,1320),respectively for the the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels , came the value is arate  of  (9.02**), It is afunction  significant at the level of (0.01),  The researcher attributes the conscious public’s interest in following up of the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights. in The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel, and interacting with it to the existence of a  non- ideologized writer specialized In Jordanian political affairs, he wins the trust of followers. This indicates the high rate of interaction with of the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.

The third hypothesis: This hypothesis states that: There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by Comments  with  the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.

Table (12) The differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by Comments  with  the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.      

the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels Form of interaction Frequency X2 Observed X2  Expected Significance


The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel Interact by Comments  1450 69.3** 3.84 0.01
The page of’ Roya’ channel Interact by Comments  1035

                                                                   ** Significant at level ( 0.01)

The data of the table above show the following:

  • by using the Ca2 chi-square test it turns out There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by Comments with  the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights. And in the direction of The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel. The number of repetitions seen has been reached  (1450,1035),respectively for the the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels , came the value is arate  of  (69.3**), It is afunction significant at the level of (0.01),The higher reaction rate also indicates to the existence of a  non- ideologized writer specialized In Jordanian political affairs, he wins the trust of followers. This indicates the high rate of interaction with of the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.

The fourth hypothesis: This hypothesis states that: There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interaction by participation with the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.

Table (13) The differences between the  pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interaction by participation with the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights    

the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels Form of interaction Frequency X2 Observed X2  Expected Significance


The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel in Interaction by participation 1164 10.9 ** 3.84 0.01
The page of’ Roya’ channel in Interaction by participation 1010

                                                                   ** Significant at level ( 0.01).

The data of the table above show the following:

  • by There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interaction by participation with the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights. And in the direction of The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel.The number of repetitions seen has been reached (1164,1010),respectively for the the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels , came the value is arate of  (10.9**), It is afunction significant at the level of (0.01),The high rate of interaction also indicates the existence of a non-ideological writer specializing in Jordanian political affairs, who gains the trust of the followers.

The results of the study in light of the hypotheses:

After conducting the analytical study, we reached a number of results, the most important of which are:

  • Jordanian websites have agreed to sample the study on topics related to discussions on women’s issues and the dissemination of cultural, social and legislative awareness and their role in decision-making. She was at the forefront. In the same locations, issues relating to women’s right to vote and to stand for membership were addressed. And she was in the foreground, This comes in light of the Kingdom of Jordan’s ratification of th on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, This is done through Editing legal texts that affirm the rights of women on an equal basis with men in particular in leadership and senior positions, In addition to increasing its economic participation, especially in the countryside and remote areas. This indicates the geographical proximity factor and the Kingdom of Jordan’s internal politics. This prompted these Jordanian sites to pay attention to this issue.
  • The Confirmation of the first hypothesis validity: There are not  statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in the levels of media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights,This may indicate that interest   of media coverage of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights was equal.
  • The Confirmation of the second hypothesis validity: there are statistically significant differences between the pages of Jordan TV channels and Roya TV channels in similar interaction with media coverage of topics related to the protection of Jordanian women’s rights., And in the direction of The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel. The researcher attributes the conscious public’s interest in following up of the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights. in The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel, and interacting with it to the existence of a non- ideologized writer specialized In Jordanian political affairs, he wins the trust of followers. This indicates the high rate of interaction with of the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.
  • The Confirmation of the third hypothesis validity:There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interact by Comments with  the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights. And in the direction of The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel. The higher reaction rate also indicates to the existence of a  non- ideologized writer specialized In Jordanian political affairs, he wins the trust of followers. This indicates the high rate of interaction with of the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights.
  • The Confirmation of the fourth hypothesis validity: There are statistically significant statistical differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in Interaction by participation with the media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights. And in the direction of The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel.The high rate of interaction also indicates the existence of a non-ideological writer specializing in Jordanian political affairs, who gains the trust of the followers

Research proposals:

  • media processing frameworks for cases of racial discrimination against women.
  • Media coverage of social impacts on violence against women through Tutter.


That interactive media have a significant influence in shaping public attitudes towards  to  of the topics related to legislation Protecting Jordanian women’s rights on the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels. The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel has created a major breakthrough in the scoop to attract the public. It’s because she has a network of professional correspondents all over the world. In addition to having the physical and technological capabilities and media competencies that have the ability to cover current events around the world,

The coverage was also clearly biased towards the positive trend, Which comes in the light of the affirmation of women’s right to vote and stand for membership of the House of Assembly, As well as increasing its cultural, social and legislative awareness and supporting its role in decision-making

This raised questions about the role of The page of’ Jordan TV’ channel and its relationship with the Jordanian State in supporting women and protecting their rights,

The researcher Identifying tried to find out the differences between the pages of Jordan TV’ and Roya” channels in the levels of media coverage of related topics protection of Jordanian women’s rights, and forms of interaction with it, As an informational platform for presenting different  opinions and ideas related to the Related topics.

The study also reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which are:

  • Emphasizing the need for social media attention to media coverage of topics relevant to current events; As well as the need to host experts and specialists in Jordanian political affairs to discuss the issues of the mirror and its role in society, It also affirmed her right to political participation.
  • Media must conduct campaigns to educate society on the importance of women’s role in Jordanian society, as well as encouraging them to exercise participation in all political rights.
  • Media must conduct campaigns to educate society on the importance of women’s role in Jordanian society, as well as encouraging them to exercise participation in all political rights,With an interest in in-depth media treatments for legislation that guarantees their rights


  • Arshad Yassin Al-Zuhairi (2021). Employing satellite television channels for social networks to enhance interactive participation with the Iraqi public regarding political issues, research published in the Journal of the College of Arts, Iraq: University of Baghdad, College of Arts, Issue 4, Volume 4, March 2021 AD.
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