Research studies

Levels of interaction with media coverage of social issues in electronic newspapers on social networking sites A comparative analysis of the two pages of ‘Al-Ahram’ and ‘Al-Masry Al-Youm


Prepared by the researcher

  • Dr. Eman Mohamed Ahmed Hassan, Assistant Professor of Radio and Television, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education- Minia University-
  • Dr. Doaa Abdel-Fattah Muhammad Al-Sadiq – Ph.D. in Electronic Journalism – Faculty of Arts – Zagazig University

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Media Studies : Twenty-Two Issue – February 2023

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN 2512-3203
Journal of Media Studies

:To download the pdf version of the research papers, please visit the following link


The study aimed at identifying the levels of interaction with the media coverage of social issues in the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm, The method was used in content analysis as a data collection tool, The analytical sample was represented in the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masri newspapers, Results show the existence of statistical differences  Between the pages of ‘Al-Ahram newspaper’ and ‘Al-Masry Al-Youm’ newspaper in the levels of media coverage of social issues, the value came (0.90 **), It is not a function at the (0.01) level, And the existence of statistically significant differences between the two pages of ‘Al-Ahram’ newspaper and ‘Al-Masry Al-Youm’ newspaper in the forms of interaction with media coverage of social issues, and in the direction of the ‘Al-Ahram newspaper’ page, And the value came (407.64 **), which is a function at the level (0.01).


     Interactivity is one of the important features that characterize modern media and communication, especially electronic newspapers on social media, It aims to transform the recipient into an active and active element in the communication process, Network journalism has worked to create a climate of freedom and democracy based on interaction, dialogue and participation towards various social issues, It is based on multi-directional communication and mutual feedback between sources and users.

    The electronic network journalism is an informative and interactive means and an important source for obtaining news and information related to current events, Especially news related to social issues on the pages of Al-Ahram newspaper and Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper, which interest users, In addition to the availability of interaction mechanisms on the site, which allow users to interact with the opinion and the other opinion through the reactions between them, As well as the ability to participate in the content industry, Depending on the importance of the topic, the study will look at: The levels of interaction with the media coverage of social issues between the two pages of Al-Ahram newspaper and Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper.

Previous studies:

In dividing previous studies, the researchers relied on the following axis:

  • Studies on electronic newspapers and social media interactions:

Sarah Hamza’s study (2019). To address the issues of marginalized groups and their relationship with the Egyptian public’s awareness of their reality, Results show: Media coverage of slum issues was introduced, followed by special needs issues, street vendor sissues, street children’s issues, and, finally, women’s issues([1]).

In the same context, the study of Nahla Salah (2018). To know the extent to which Egyptian youth interact with video journalism and its impact on their degree of social awareness towards social issues, Results show: The admirable interaction with the contents of the video came in the foreground, followed by a lack of admiration and then commentary ([2]).

In a related context, Johnson’s study, Kay (2016), sought. to know the level of interaction of the American public with a range of traditional and new means as a source of political information and their dependence on its credibility, Results show: Print and electronic newspapers were the most credible sources of political information for the researchers, followed by CNN, fox news, and finally Twitter ([3]).

In the same vein, the Study of Paolo Mensan (2016). was directed. to compare the print press’s coverage of corruption issues in the EUROPEAN Union and its actors and their relevance to the social and political contexts surrounding them, Results show: that the print press’s coverage of corruption cases varies from country to country in the EU countries, There was a diversity of patterns of coverage of corruption cases, where corruption was always shown in a negative way ([4]).

Comment on previous studies and their benefits:

  • Previous studies have shown that Arab and foreign schools are interested in social media interaction, Being an important source of public access to news and information related to current events and shaping their attitudes towards issues of interest to them, particularly the social issues under consideration.
  • The two schools differed in objectives, sample, curriculum and results, The results formed the scientific basis on which the study was based, with an attempt to build on it to provide a scientific addition and benefit from its reading mainly in: Identify the problem, purpose, purpose, purpose, questions and eye of the study; These studies include Nahla Salah (2018), Paolo Mensan (2016), Sarah Hamza (2019), Johnson, Kay (2016), The theoretical frameworks of previous studies commented in the current study are related: Levels of interaction with media coverage of social issues on the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm, A content analysis of media coverage of social issues will be carried out on both pages and patterns of interaction will be monitored.

The Study Problem:

Through a review of previous studies, network journalism is particularly important in covering different issues and topics, Being an important interactive media that the public relies on for information and news on the social issues in question, In relation to the levels of interaction with the media coverage of social issues on the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm, Which represents a great deal in shaping the public’s attitudes towards the issues under consideration through interaction, dialogue and participation,The researchers also conducted their survey on a random sample of (12) users of electronic newspapers on social media sites, in order to identify the levels of interaction with social issues in the sample pages of the study, The reasons for the research esthesis follow the pages of the newspapers have resulted in:The speed of access to information, credibility and honesty in coverage (41.67%), followed by allowing me to interact with others on different issues (33.33%), and then modernity and femininity in news processing by (16.67%), followed by dealing with issues of interest to me (8.33%), The results of some previous studies, such as Iman Muhammad (2014), Lucy Morrison (2010), She stressed the importance of the researchers benefiting from network journalism in following up on current events, As an important interactive means of news processing, it contributes to the trends of the burrows towards the issues that interest him.

Since media coverage is a key pillar in influencing producers, participants and followers of the media material, It is based on interaction, dialogue and participation between media organizations and their audiences towards issues that interest them, which is now worth scientific study.

In the same context, we will focus on conducting an analytical study on: Media coverage of social issues on the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm, and monitor patterns around them using quantitative analysis without recognizing the uses of the undecideds on both pages, So the problem of study ing is a key question: What are the levels of interaction with the media coverage of social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers?

The significance of the research:

  • The theoretical importance is to focus on the levels of interaction with the media coverage of social issues between the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry Al-Youm, because it benefits both pages in knowing the highest level of interaction with media coverage of social issues, In addition to the possibility of interacting with the issues under study by communicating directly with the recipients, Social dialogue about media coverage of social issues remains the most effective method of study sample pages.
  • The applied importance of research: Based on a comparative analysis of media coverage of social issues on the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm, Monitoring patterns of interaction around them without recognizing the uses of undecideds on both pages.

Objectives of the study:

The current study seeks to identify the following main goal: Levels of interaction with media coverage of social issues in online newspapers on social media sites.

The following sub-goals emanate from the main objective:

  • Identifying the differences Between al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm pages in the levels of media coverage of social issues.
  • Stating the differences between the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm in terms of interactions with media coverage of social issues.

Study questions:

  • What kind of topics related to media coverage of social issues on the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm?
  • What is the scope of geographical coverage used in social media coverage of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm?
  • How long is the media used in media coverage of social issues on the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm?
  • What are the forms of interaction with the media coverage of social issues on the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm?
  • What are the sources of news related to media coverage of social issues on the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm?
  • How long do the contents related to media coverage of social issues be published on the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm.

The Study Hypotheses:                

  • There are significant statistical differences between the pages of The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the levels of media coverage of social issues.
  • There are significant statistical differences between the pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the forms of interaction with the media coverage of the social issues.

The Study Sample:

      An analytical study is conducted on the Levels of interaction with media coverage of social issues between al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm on facebook,

The analytical sample was selected based on the results of the survey, which resulted in the following:Follow-up of the researchers for al-Ahram newspaper in the introduction, followed by al-Masry al-Youm newspaper, followed by al-Jumhuriya newspaper, the seventh day, and finally al-Watan newspaper, The previous result indicates that the pages of al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm received the highest follow-up percentage, The selection of the sample was taken into account that these sites belong to the sector of sites that provide daily news, and the following is a presentation of the description of the sample:

                                           Analysis Study Sample (Table (1

The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers F %
The page of Al-Ahram newspaper 122 48.99%
The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper 127 51.01%
Total 249 100%

  The data of the table above show the following:

  • The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper ranks first in terms of media coverage of the For social issues with a rate of (51.01%),While The page of Al-Ahram newspaper ranks second and last with with a rate of (48.99%), Previous results show: that there is superiority in The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper In terms of media coverage of social issues, And that’s because in The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper, It seeks to prove its worth in covering various issues at the local and international level to attract the largest number of followers and to be a place and competition among the state-owned media.

Study community:

The analytical study community is social issues in The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers.

The limits of the study are:

  • Objective boundaries: Are social issues in The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, These issues are:” Wage inequality, Sexual harassment in Egypt, Unemployment, violence against women, school violence.’
  • Time limits: This is the period that researchers have taken to apply the research tool, which is the academic year 2020.

Type and method of study:

This study belongs to descriptive studies that rely mainly on the use of the method of analysis of the content, Where the optimal way to obtain quantitative and qualitative data in research units, quantitative analysis contains the collection of data according to word and subject units as essential parts of the measurement of the enemy, So to find out The levels of interaction with the media coverage of social issues between the two pages of Al-Ahram newspaper and Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper, Where the qualitative analysis depends on the interpretation of the numerical results obtained in the quantitative analysis on the study sample pages, This is because in this type of studies the researcher begins by observing the results through the data.

We have followed this approach because it responds to the aim of the study in knowledge, The levels of interaction with the media coverage of social issues between the two pages of Al-Ahram newspaper and Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper, This is to analyze the form and content of topics related to social issues. The study sample is represented by: “Wage inequality, Sexual harassment in Egypt, violence against Woman, The unemployment, School violence”, And monitor the patterns of interaction around it, Based on that, the levels of interaction with the studied issues are deduced on both pages.

Study variables are:

  • Independent variable: Levels of interaction with media coverage of social issues.
  • Dependent variable: Online newspapers on social media sites.

The Analytical Study Tool:

  • A content analysis paper prepared by the researcher to identify the levels of interaction with the media coverage of social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, and to monitor the forms of interaction with them. Firstly, the initial drafting of the content analysis form design was prepared and then it was presented to a number of specialized arbitrators in the field of the study.
  • The paper focused on modifying some of the analysis categories related to media coverage of the social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, and removed some other categories,
  • Following the amendments made by the researchers, the paper is now ready for application in its final form to serve the purposes of the study. The form was applied through the follow-up of the media coverage of the of the social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, and through monitoring the forms of interaction with it all over a three months, from 1 January2020 to 30 March 2020, as every issue has a specific life cycle linked to a specific time frame.

definitions of the analysis categories included in the content analysis paper:

The content analysis paper included the main category and five sub-categories.The main content category includes:

  1. The category of media coverage of the social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, which the researchers have divided it into: “Wage inequality, Sexual harassment in Egypt, violence against Woman, The unemployment, School violence”,

While the sub-categories analysis includes five sub-categories, namely:

  1. The time category of visual media used in the media coverage of the of the social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, the researcher divided it into: “From 3: 1 minutes, from 2: 3 minutes, more, Furthermore.
  2. The sources of the media coverage of the social issues, on the two pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers The researchers has divided them into:” newspapers and news agencies world on the Internet, correspondents and delegates’ reports in Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, correspondents and delegates’ reports in Al-Ahram, A responsible source, Phone contact with an official, Party and judicial sources, Civil Society Activists’.
  3. The category Geographical range of news related to social issues, The researchers has divided them into:” local, global’.
  4. The category of forms of interaction with the social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers. The researcher divided it into: “Number of likes, number of comments, number of posts.”
  5. Category of the period of publishing the contents of media coverage of social issues. ”. The researcher divided it into: ” Morning Shift 6:12, Noon Shift 6: 12, Evening shift 6:12, Evening period 12: 6.

The truthfulness and constancy of the content  analysis paper:

To test the validity and reliability of the content analysis sheet, And to ensure its ability to achieve the objectives of the study, The form was presented to a group of arbitrators, In light of the observations made by the arbitrators, the form was modified, The researchers also analyzed the contents under study in The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, And that is under the guidance of a researcher who has the same experience in analyzing the contents under discussion on both pages, And that is how to deal with the model and analyze its vocabulary, The stability coefficient was also calculated by using the Holosti equation = 2m from% n1 + n2, The value of the correlation coefficient between the opinions of the two analysts was (0.96%),It is a statistically significant correlation coefficient indicating the clarity of the content analysis sheet. And then its suitability for analysis.

Statistical Analysis:

After completing the data collection of the analytical study, the researchers used the following statistical factors and tests in analyzing the data, namely: ” Ratios and percentages of questions of the content analysis sheet, Ratios and percentages of questions of the content analysis sheet, Ca2 test to calculate differences between repeats, The ‘Holoste’ equation to calculate the stability of the analysis for all classes of the questionnaire.

Study concepts are:

  • Interactive: Procedurally it is defined as: Multi-directional communication and opinions between the parties to the communication process.
  • Social issues: Procedurally it is defined as: They are issues of Egyptian concern in The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, It is represented in “Wage inequality, Sexual harassment in Egypt, violence against Woman, The unemployment, School violence”.
  • Electronic newspapers: Procedurally it is defined as: It is an audible, read and visual journalism that broadcasts its media contents on its social media page with text, sound and image.
  • Social Media sites: It is a group of interactive websites on the Internet that allow its users to communicate and interact about common issues and interests at any time they want and anywhere in the world.

The Knowledge Framework:

the media coverage of social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers:

                It is the presentation of news related to current events to the public in the form of texts, pictures and videos ([5]).Media coverage in network journalism relies on broadcasting its news content on multimedia technologies on its page on social media platforms ([6]).

The media coverage in network journalism is characterized by transcending the boundaries of time and place and by communicating between the public and each other ([7]),Which enables users to participate in various political, social and economic topics in an interactive and reciprocal framework between them and a high climate of freedom ([8]),And this is through Rudd forming their actions towards the contents of the topics of interest to them ([9]).

Interactive in electronic journalism through social media:

It is the percentage of response between the participants in the communication process towards the published content, where the response is through reactions between the sender and the receiver ([10]),In addition to the participation of users in modifying the form and content of the content in the media immediately([11]).

interaction with the media coverage of social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers:

     They are the tools available on modern Internet sites that make the user a sender, receiver, and share of information ([12]).This allows the sender to control the content, structure, and speed of communication between the parties to the communication process ([13]), In addition to the ability to contribute readers to publish the content and refer to it as desired by the user ([14]).

    Network journalism is characterized by the ability to send pictures and videos to network users ([15]).

     The interaction between the editors of electronic newspapers and the readership also occurs through contact between the editors of the site and the users([16].(

Forms of interaction with the media coverage of social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers:

    There were many forms of interaction with social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, AND They include the following:

  • LIKES records: it means showing admiration for the content on the site available for friends, groups and channels that join them([17]).
  • Interaction through writing comments: It is a form of interaction available on the news pages on “Facebook”, where users can write comments about the issues that interest them and then press the enter key. This method enables users to interact with each othe ([18]).
  • Shares: It means the users’ sharing of the content provided by the news pages on “Facebook”, and its circulation between the users via their e-mails or posting it on a shared group among users or on another social networking site ([19]).

The “Facebook” network as an interactive medium with the media coverage of social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers:

It means that the individual in the pages of electronic newspapers on ‘Facebook’ is a sender, receiver, and participant more in the various topics of analysis, criticism or comment([20]).

The ‘Facebook’ social network can be used as a media to cover social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers:

    Facebook can be used as a media to cover social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, as follows:([21]).

  • The speed of spreading news and information and overcoming the limits of time and place.
  • The ability to interact with news, photos, and videos by liking, commenting, and sharing.
  • The ability to subscribe to electronic newspaper pages and TV channels, and to share news and programs and interact with them without restrictions.
  • Ability to browse news and important information related to current events(.([22]

Results of the analytical study:

          The analytical study was conducted on the media coverage of the social issues on The two pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, from 1 January2020 to 30 March 2020. An analysis has been carried in terms of the issues related to in the media coverage of the social issues on The two pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, below is a presentation of the analytical study outcomes:

Table (2) the media coverage Category of social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers

The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper The page of Al-Ahram newspaper  

The issues under study

% F % F
12.94% 11 19.17% 14 Wage inequality
24.72% 21 19.17% 26 Sexual harassment in Egypt
38.82% 33 35.61% 15 violence against Woman
5.88% 5 16.45% 12 The unemployment
17.64% 15 8.21% 6 School violence
100% 85 100% 73 Total

The data of the table above show the following:

  • the media coverage of social issues in The page of Al-Ahram newspaper: The issue of sexual harassment in Egypt received a rate of (35.61%), followed by violence against women (20.56%), then inequality in wages (19.17%), unemployment came at (16.45), and finally school violence (8.21%), This result is consistent with the findings of the study of Mahmoud Muhammad (2017),The issue of unemployment has received attention among social issues, and it also received attention in the current study([23]).
  • And in the media coverage of social issues in The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper: The issue of violence against women received a rate of (38.82%), followed by sexual harassment in Egypt (24.72%), then school violence (17.64%), followed by inequality in wages (12.94%), and finally unemployment at (5.88%), Previous results show: The two pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers Interested in covering the cases of ‘sexual harassment in Egypt, violence against women’, This is because they are the most prominent social issues that raise the public’s interest in the local and Arab arena, As a result of the high costs of marriage and the absence of moral and educational values, Thus, increasing the percentage of follow-up on these cases, and reaching the goal to be achieved.

Forms of interaction with of social issues in The page of Al-Ahram newspaper(3) Table

of social issues in The page of Al-Ahram newspaper Forms of Interaction
Total School violence violence against Woman The unemployment Sexual harassment in Egypt Wage inequality F
3828 762 898 634 946 588 F Number of Likes
100% 19.92% 23.45% 16.56% 24.71% 15.36% %
2670 701 536 444 712 277 F Number of Comments
100% 26.25% 20.07% 16.64% 26.67% 10.37% %
2233 203 855 233 815 127 F Number of Posts
100% 9.09% 38.29% 10.45% 36.49% 5.68% %

The data of the table above show the following:

  • With regard to the number of likes: The percentage of likes for to The issue of sexual harassment in Egypt has reached the rate of (24.71%), Then violence against women has reached the rate of (23.45%), And then school violence has reached the rate of (19.92%), while the percentage unemployment has reached the rate of (16.56%), And finally, wage inequality has reached the rate of (15.36%).
  • In Regarding the number of comments: percentage of comments for to The issue of sexual harassment in Egypt has reached the rate of (26.67%), And then school violence has reached the rate of (26.25%),Then violence against women has reached the rate of (20.07%), while the percentage unemployment has reached the rate of (16.14%), And finally, wage inequality has reached the rate of (10.37%).
  • In Regarding the number of posts: percentage of posts for to The issue of violence against Woman has reached the rate of (38.29%), Then sexual harassment in Egypt has reached the rate of (36.49%), while the percentage unemployment has reached the rate of (10.45%), And then school violence has reached the rate of (9.09%), And finally, wage inequality has reached the rate of (5.68%), Previous results show: The page of Al-Ahram newspaper Interested in covering the cases of ‘sexual harassment in Egypt, violence against women’, This is because they are the most prominent social issues that raise the public’s, Which has spread to a large degree in society, In addition, there was a difference in the patterns of interaction with issues ‘Wage inequality, school violence, and unemployment’ This is due to its importance on the scene for the public.

Table (4)  Forms of Interaction with of social issues in The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper

of social issues in The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper Forms of Interaction
Total School violence violence against Woman The unemployment Sexual harassment in Egypt Wage inequality F
2738 478 794 345 758 363 F Number of Likes
100% 17.46% 28.99% 12.62% 27.68% 13.25% %
2235 106 79 1570 239 241 F Number of Comments
100% 4.76% 3.53% 70.24% 10.69% 10.78% %
1286 403 347 288 137 111 F Number of Posts
100% 31.35% 26.98% 22.39% 10.65% 8.63% %

The data of the table above show the following:

  • With regard to the number of likes: The percentage of likes For an issue violence against women has reached the rate of (28.99%),Then The issue of sexual harassment in Egypt has reached the rate of (27.68%), And then school violence has reached the rate of (17.46%), then wage inequality has reached the rate of (13.25%), finally, The unemployment has reached the rate of (12.62%), This result goes in line with the findings of the study of Marwa Wael (2013), where the issue of education received attention among the social issues, and it also received attention in the current study ([24]).
  • In Regarding the number of comments: percentage of comments For to unemployment issue has reached the rate of (70.24%), then wage inequality has reached the rate of (10.78%), while The issue of sexual harassment in Egypt has reached the rate of (10.69%), And then school violence has reached the rate of (4.76%), And finally, wage inequality has reached the rate of (3.53%).
  • In Regarding the number of posts: percentage of posts for to The issue of school violence against has reached the rate of (31.35%),Then violence against Woman has reached the rate of (26.98%), while the percentage unemployment has reached the rate of (22.39%),Then sexual harassment in Egypt has reached the rate of (10.95%), And finally, wage inequality has reached the rate of (8.63%),Previous results show: The page of Al-Ahram newspaper Interested in covering the cases of ‘sexual harassment in Egypt, violence against women’, This is because they are the most prominent social issues that raise the public’s, Which has spread to a large degree in society, In addition, there was a difference in the patterns of interaction with issues ‘Wage inequality, school violence, and unemployment’ This is due to its importance on the scene for the public.

Table (5) Geographical range of news related to social issues in The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers

The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper The page of Al-Ahram newspaper  

Geographical scope

% F % F
73.77% 90 77.16% 98 local news
26.23% 32 22.84% 29 World news
100% 122 100% 127 Total

The data of the table above show the following:

  • Geographical range of news related to social issues in The page of Al-Ahram newspaper: The percentage of For local news has reached the rate of (77.16), And then International news has reached the rate of (22.23%), This result goes in line with the findings of the study of Mahmoud Mohammed (2017), Where local news received attention in covering current events, and also received attention in the current study ([25]).
  • In the Geographical range of news related to social issues in The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper: The percentage of For local news has reached the rate of (73.77), And then International news has reached the rate of (26.23%), This result goes in line with the findings of the study of Mahmoud Mohammed (2017), Previous results show: The page of Al-Ahram newspaper was Most talked about displaying local news related to issues ” Sexual harassment in Egypt, Wage inequality, School violence, The unemployment, As she was at the forefront of the media coverage, This is because it is one of the most important issues that interest Egyptian society,while I took care The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper by With international news related to the issue of violence against women, Which is one of the most important issues on the international arena That interest the audience Thus increasing the percentage of viewership, interaction and reaching the goal to be achieved.

Table (6) the media coverage Category of social issues on The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers

The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper The page of Al-Ahram newspaper  

The issues under study

% F % F
28.69% 35 22.83% 29 Newspapers and news agencies world on the Internet
42.51% 54 Reports of correspondents and delegates by The page of Al-Ahram newspaper
31.97% 39 Reports of correspondents and delegates by The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper
19.67% 24 12.59% 16 Official source
0.00 0 3.18% 4 Contact an official
0.00 0 0.00 0 Party and judicial sources
11.48% 14 18.89% 24 Witnesses
8.19% 10 0.00 0 Experts and specialists
0.00 0 0.00 0 Civil society activists
100% 122 100% 127 Total

The data of the table above show the following:

  • The page of Al-Ahram newspaper” relied primarily on the reports correspondents and delegates in obtaining news related to the of social issues with a rate of (42.51%), followed by newspapers and news agencies world on the Internet with a rate (22.83%), And then Eyewitnesses has reached the rate of (18.89%),while Official source has reached the rate of (12.59%), then Contact an official has reached the rate of (3.18%), While the experts, specialists, and civil society activists did not get any percentage.
  • In The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper “relied primarily on the reports correspondents and delegates in obtaining news related to the of social issues with a rate of (31.97%), followed by newspapers and news agencies world on the Internet with a rate (28.69%), while Official source has reached the rate of (19.67%), And then Eyewitnesses has reached the rate of (11.48%), And then Experts and specialists has reached the rate of (8.19%), While a phone call to the official, party and judicial sources, civil society activists did not receive any percentage, Previous results show: The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers relied primarily on the reports correspondents and delegates in obtaining news related to the of social issues, This is because they are an essential resource for covering current events According. around the world, With an increase of media coverage of social issues in The page of Al-Ahram newspaper, In addition to the diversity of the other sources in both newspapers.

Table (7) Visual media used in the media coverage of the to social issues in The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers

The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper The page of Al-Ahram newspaper  

The time period of the media

% F % F
61.91% 13 46.67% 14 From1: 3 minutes
33.33% 7 30% 9 From 2: 3 minutes
4.76% 1 23.33% 7 Furthermore
100% 21 100% 30 Total

The data of the table above show the following:                    

  • The page of Al-Ahram newspaper” relied primarily on Visual media used in the media coverage of the in related to social issues From1: 3 minutes with a rate of (46.67%), followed by From 2: 3 minutes with a rate (30%), and finally more than that with a rate of (23.33%), and regarding Visual media used in the media: It came in the form of ‘video clips, videotapes, subject photos, and personal photos.
  • The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper” relied primarily on Visual media used in the media coverage of the in related to social issues From1: 3 minutes with a rate of (61.91%), followed by From 2: 3 minutes with a rate (33.33%), and finally more than that with a rate of (4.76%), and regarding Visual media used in the media: It came in the form of ‘video clips, videotapes, subject photos, and personal photos.This result goes in line with the findings of the study of Eman Mohamed (2017), A media duration of 1: 3 minutes received attention in covering current events, and was also given attention in the present study ([26]),Previous results show: That there is an Visual media used increase in the media coverage of the to social issues in The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, With a difference on both pages in Visual media used in the media coverage of the to social issues ,With differences on both pages in display duration of Visual media used in the media coverage of the to social issues, The shorter the time, the greater the audience following.

Table (8)The period in which the content is published the media coverage of social issues on The page of Al-Ahram

The period in which the content is published the media coverage of social issues
Total Evening interval Evening interval Noon interval Morning interval
12: 6 6:12 12: 6 6:12
127 22 44 21 40
100% 17.34% 34.64% 16.53% 31.49%

        The data of the table above show the following:            

  • The page of Al-Ahram”relied primarily on of Noon interval in the media coverage of the to social issues with a rate of (34.64%), followed of Morning interval with a rate (31.49%), And then  of Evening interval has reached the rate of (17.34%), and finally, then  of Evening interval has reached the rate of (16.53%),The evening period received attention in the media coverage of current events, and also received attention in the current study. This result goes in line with the findings of the study of Marwa Wael (2013), The evening period received attention in the media coverage of current events, and also received attention in the current study. ([27]).

Table (9)The period in which the content is published the media coverage of social issues          page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper   The on

The period in which the content is published the media coverage of social issues
Total Evening interval Evening interval Noon interval Morning interval
12: 6 6:12 12: 6 6:12
122 7 33 18 64
100% 5.73% 27.04% 14.77% 52.46%

        The data of the table above show the following:

  • The page of Al-Masry al-Youm” newspaper relied primarily on of Morning interval in the media coverage of the to social issues with a rate of (52.46%), followed of Evening interval with a rate (04%), then  of Noon interval has reached the rate of (14.77%), And then  of Evening interval has reached the rate of (5.73%).

Results of the hypotheses:

  • The First Hypothesis: This hypothesis states that: There are significant statistical differences between the pages of The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the levels of media coverage of social issues.

Table (10) The differences between the pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the levels of media coverage of  social issues

The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers Frequency X2 Observed X2  Expected
The page of Al-Ahram newspaper 73 0.90** 3.84
The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper 85

    significant at the 0.05 level                                                               significant at the 0.01 level                                                                                                 The data of the table above show that:

  • There are not statistically significant differences between the pages of The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the levels of media coverage of the social issues, To verify the hypothesis: the chi-square test is used to find the above-mentioned differences, the number of the observed frequencies reaches (85, 73), respectively for the two pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, the value is (0.90**), at the level significant of (0.01), and thus we not  accept the hypothesis which states that: There are not  statistically significant differences between the pages of The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the levels of media coverage of the social issues, in favor of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper page.
  • The second hypothesis: This hypothesis states that: There are significant statistical differences between the pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the forms of interaction with the media coverage of the social issues.

Table(11) The differences between the pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the forms of interaction with the media coverage of the of  social issues

The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers


The page of Al-Ahram newspaper The page of Al-Masry al-Youm newspaper X2 Observed X2  Expected
the social issues Frequency Frequency 407.64** 3.84
8731 6259

    significant at the 0.05 level                                                 significant at the 0.05 level                                                                      :The data of the table above show that

  • There are significant statistical differences between the pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the forms of interaction with the media coverage of the social issues, in favor of Al-Ahram newspaper page, To verify the hypothesis: the chi-square test is used to find the above-mentioned differences, the number of the observed frequencies reaches (8731, 6259) respectively for the two pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, the value is (407.64**), at the level significant of (0.01), and thus we accept the hypothesis which states that: There are significant statistical differences between the pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the forms of interaction with the media coverage of the social issues, The researcher attributes the conscious public’s interest in following up the social issues on the of Al-Ahram page and interacting with it to the existence of a non- ideologized writer specialized in Egyptian socialite affairs who has gained the followers’ confidence. This indicates the high rate of interaction with the aforementioned issue.

The results of the study in light of the hypotheses:

After conducting the analytical study, we reached a number of results, the most important of which are:

  • The not Confirmation of the first hypothesis validity: There are not statistically significant differences between the pages of The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the levels of media coverage of the social issues,To verify the hypothesis: the chi-square test is used to find the above-mentioned differences, the number of the observed frequencies reaches (85, 73), respectively for the two pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, the value is (0.90**), at the level significant of (0.01).
  • The Confirmation of the second hypothesis validity: There are significant statistical differences between the pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the forms of interaction with the media coverage of the social issues, in favor of Al-Ahram newspaper page, To verify the hypothesis: the chi-square test is used to find the above-mentioned differences, the number of the observed frequencies reaches (8731, 6259) respectively for the two pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers, the value is (407.64**), at the level significant of (0.01).

Discuss the results:

  • The results showed: There are not statistically significant differences between the pages of The pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the levels of media coverage of the social issues,The researchers attributes interest in the media coverage of the of the aforementioned social issues in the study was  equal the media coverage in the sample sites. In addition, the calculated Ca2 value is less than the tabular Ka2.
  • The results showed: There are significant statistical differences between the pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers in the forms of interaction with the media coverage of the social issues, in favor of Al-Ahram newspaper page, The researcher attributes the conscious public’s interest in following up the social issues on the of Al-Ahram page and interacting with it to the existence of a non- ideologized writer specialized in Egyptian socialite affairs who has gained the followers’ confidence, The higher the percentage of follow-up on issues related to media coverage of social issues, the greater the rate of interaction.


  • There are A great role for interactive media In forming the audience’s attitudes towards the social issues that interest them The page of Al-Ahram newspaper has been created caused a great leap in the scoop, outperforming the Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper, And in terms of the financial capabilities and the professional media competencies that you possess to cover all current events around the world, In order to attract a greater audience of readers. That is why the researcher tried, through this study, to know the levels of media coverage of the social issues on the two pages of Al-Ahram and Al-Masry al-Youm newspapers as a media platform to present the different opinions and ideas related to the social issues and to highlight the differences between the two pages in terms of media coverage levels of the of the social issues and in forms of interaction with it. The study ended up with a number of recommendations, the most important of which are:
  • Emphasizing the importance of the presence of electronic newspapers on social networking sites as an important informational and interactive platform for the public to obtain news and information related to current events, With an interest in providing media content that meets the needs of the audience of these newspapers, As well as conducting opinion polls on the network about the extent of public satisfaction with the performance of workers in these newspapers.
  • The need to pay attention to training media workers to use modern communication techniques and electronic publishing programs.

Research proposals:

In light of the study, the researchers presents a set of proposals, namely:

  • Employing social networks in tourism marketing.
  • The role of social media in combating the phenomenon of addiction.


  • Abdullah Saad Al-Anari (2019). Relationship between Kuwaiti youth exposure to social media and their political awareness, an unpublished master’s thesis, Jordan: Yarmouk University, College of Media, Department of Radio and Television,p.22.
  • Alaa Maher Khafaja (2018). Interactivity with news sites and social networks and its relationship to the level of social, political and cultural participation, unpublished PhD thesis, Minia University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Media,p.53.
  • Badr Al-Din Bin Bel Abbas (2015). Social media networks and the cultural identity of university students: “Facebook and the students of Biskra University as a model”, an unpublished master’s thesis, Mohamed Khaider University of Biskra, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of SociologY,P55-57.
  • Barbara K. Kaye.(2011). Between Barack and a Net Place: Motivations for Using Social Network Sites and Blogs for Political Information, Edited: Zizi Papacharissi, A Networked Self: Identity, Community and Culture on Social Network Sites, New York, Routledge, p.210.
  • Hind Muhammad Abdel Moneim Bashandi (2012). Website User Comments About Public Affairs in Egypt, Unpublished Master Thesis, Cairo University, Faculty of Mass Communication, Department of Journalism,p61.
  • Iman Mohamed Ahmed (2017). The effect of interactive communication among users of news channel pages on social networking sites on interaction with religious issues, research published in the Egyptian Journal of Media Research, Cairo University, Faculty of Information, Issue 59, November 2017,p.33.
  • Iman Mohamed Ahmed Hassan (2014). The use of electronic newspapers for the interaction of social networks and its relationship to the levels of interaction towards terrorism issues among university students, a research published in the scientific journal of the Faculty of Specific Education, Egypt: Menoufia University, Faculty of Specific Education, 2nd issue June 2014,p.30.
  • Jonathan de Haan, W. Michael Reed, and Katsuko Kuwada( 2010). The Effect Of Interactivity With A Music Video Game On Second Language Vocabulary Recall”, Language Learning & Technology Journal ,Vol. 14, No. 2, p.75.
  • Jude Corrigan (2007).”Trust uses face book website to link up staff and patients”, Nursing Standard.Vol.22, no.10, Nov.14,.p1.
  • Jieun Sung and Constantinos Coursaris (2011). Interactivity Effects on the Usefulness, Ease of Use, and Enjoyment of University Mobile Websites” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, TBA, Boston, MA, May 25, 2011, p.7.
  • Khaled Mahdi Hamid Achaer (2018). Treatment on YouTube channels and the extent of Egyptian public awareness of it, unpublished MA Thesis, Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Mass Communication, Department of Radio and Television,p59.
  • Kuan-Ju Chen(2011).A Test of the Spiral of Silence Theory on Young Adults’ Use of Social Networking Sites for Political Purposes, Unpublished Master of Science, USA: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
  • Lusy, Morieson (2010): Reconsidering Interactive in Online Journaism: Tow Australian Case Studies.
  • Mahmoud Mohamed, Jad Oweidat (2019), Media Coverage of the New Zealand Mosque Attacks on Social Media, a research published in the Media Message Magazine, Algeria: Al-Arabi Al-Tebsi University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Issue 4, Volume 3, December 20189 AD,p.67.
  • Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed (2017). Interactive communication for users of news channel pages on social networking sites and the gratifications obtained from them, an unpublished master’s thesis, Minia University, Faculty of Specific Education, Department of Educational Media,p57-58.
  • Marwa Wael Ghali (2013). The Effect of Interactive Communication of Social Programs of Internet Radio Stations on Addressing Social Issues of Egyptian Youth: An Applied Study, Unpublished Master Thesis, Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University.
  • McQuail, D. (2010) McQuail’s Mass Communication theory, the ed. Los Angeles: Sagep144.
  • onathan de Haan, W. Michael Reed, and Katsuko Kuwada(2010).The Effect Of Interactivity With A Music Video Game On Second Language Vocabulary Recall”, Language Learning ,Technology Journal ,Vol. 14, No. 2, 2010, p.75.
  • paolo Mancin (2016).A comparative research on the print press coverage of corruption, anticorruption policies revisited global trends and European responses to the challenge of corruption, available at:
  • Reda Abdel-Wajid Amin (2007). Electronic Press, Cairo, Dar Al-Fajr for publication and distribution,p.519.
  • Sarah Hamza Abdullah (2019). Electronic newspapers address marginalized groups’ issues and their relationship to public perception, an unpublished MA Thesis, Al-Azhar University, College of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls, Department of Journalism and Publishing
  • esim wlusu (2010). Determinant factors of time spent on Facebook: Brand community engagement and usage types “journal of yasar university, vol 18, NO, 5,2010,p,556.

[1] Sarah Hamza Abdullah (2019). Electronic newspapers address marginalized groups’ issues and their relationship to public perception, an unpublished MA Thesis, Al-Azhar University, College of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Girls, Department of Journalism and Publishing.

[2] Nahla, Salah Abdel Samie (2018). Interactivity in video journalism and its impact on shaping social awareness among Egyptian youth, unpublished master’s thesis, Mansoura University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Media.

[3] Kaye bk gohnoson td(2016).string theming the or examining interactivity orediblity,and reliance as measures of social media use electronic news.

[4] paolo Mancin (2016).A comparative research on the print press coverage of corruption, anticorruption policies revisited global trends and European responses to the challenge of corruption, available at:

[5] Mahmoud Mohamed, Jad Oweidat (2019), Media Coverage of the New Zealand Mosque Attacks on Social Media, a research published in the Media Message Magazine, Algeria: Al-Arabi Al-Tebsi University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Issue 4, Volume 3, December 20189 AD,p.67.

[6] Iman Mohamed Ahmed Hassan (2014). The use of electronic newspapers for the interaction of social networks and its relationship to the levels of interaction towards terrorism issues among university students, a research published in the scientific journal of the Faculty of Specific Education, Egypt: Menoufia University, Faculty of Specific Education, 2nd issue June 2014,p.30.

[7] Reda Abdel-Wajid Amin (2007). Electronic Press, Cairo, Dar Al-Fajr for publication and distribution,p.519.

[8] Abdullah Saad Al-Anari (2019). Relationship between Kuwaiti youth exposure to social media and their political awareness, an unpublished master’s thesis, Jordan: Yarmouk University, College of Media, Department of Radio and Television,p.22.

[9] Kuan-Ju Chen(2011).A Test of the Spiral of Silence Theory on Young Adults’ Use of Social Networking Sites for Political Purposes, Unpublished Master of Science, USA: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

[10] McQuail, D. (2010) McQuail’s Mass Communication theory, the ed. Los Angeles: Sagep144.

[11]Jonathan de Haan, W. Michael Reed, and Katsuko Kuwada.” The Effect Of Interactivity With A Music Video Game On Second Language Vocabulary Recall”, Language Learning ,Technology Journal ,Vol. 14, No. 2, 2010, p.75.

[12] Alaa Maher Khafaja (2018). Interactivity with news sites and social networks and its relationship to the level of social, political and cultural participation, unpublished PhD thesis, Minia University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Media,p.53.

[13] Jieun Sung and Constantinos Coursaris (2011). Interactivity Effects on the Usefulness, Ease of Use, and Enjoyment of University Mobile Websites” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, TBA, Boston, MA, May 25, 2011, p7.

[14] Hind Muhammad Abdel Moneim Bashandi (2012). Website User Comments About Public Affairs in Egypt, Unpublished Master Thesis, Cairo University, Faculty of Mass Communication, Department of Journalism,p61.

[15] Barbara K. Kaye.(2011). Between Barack and a Net Place: Motivations for Using Social Network Sites and Blogs for Political Information, Edited: Zizi Papacharissi, A Networked Self: Identity, Community and Culture on Social Network Sites, New York,  Routledge, p 210,p.210.

[16] Jude Corrigan (2007).”Trust uses face book website to link up staff and patients”, Nursing Standard.Vol.22, no.10, Nov.14,.p1.

[17] Khaled Mahdi Hamid Achaer (2018). Treatment on YouTube channels and the extent of Egyptian public awareness of it, unpublished MA Thesis, Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Mass Communication, Department of Radio and Television,p59.

[18] Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed (2017). Interactive communication for users of news channel pages on social networking sites and the gratifications obtained from them, an unpublished master’s thesis, Minia University, Faculty of Specific Education, Department of Educational Media,p57-58.

[19] Khaled Mahdi Hamid Achaer (2018). Treatment on YouTube channels and the extent of Egyptian public awareness of it, unpublished MA Thesis, Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Mass Communication, Department of Radio and Television,p59.

[20] Badr Al-Din Bin Bel Abbas (2015). Social media networks and the cultural identity of university students: “Facebook and the students of Biskra University as a model”, an unpublished master’s thesis, Mohamed Khaider University of Biskra, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of SociologY,P55-57.

[21] Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed (2017). Interactive communication for users of news channel pages on social networking sites and the gratifications obtained from them, an unpublished master’s thesis, Minia University, Faculty of Specific Education, Department of Educational Media,p.62.

[22] yesim wlusu. “Determinant factors of time spent on Facebook : Brand community engagement and usage types “journal of  yasar university, vol 18, NO, 5,2010,p,556.

[23] Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed (2017). Interactive communication for users of news channel pages on social networking sites and the gratifications obtained from them, an unpublished master’s thesis, Minia University, Faculty of Specific Education, Department of Educational Media,p.111.

[24] Marwa Wael Ghali (2013). The Effect of Interactive Communication of Social Programs of Internet Radio Stations on Addressing Social Issues of Egyptian Youth: An Applied Study, Unpublished Master Thesis, Mansoura University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Media,p.148.

[25] Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed (2017). Interactive communication for users of news channel pages on social networking sites and the gratifications obtained from them, an unpublished master’s thesis, Minia University, Faculty of Specific Education, Department of Educational Media,p.101.

[26] Iman Mohamed Ahmed (2017). The effect of interactive communication among users of news channel pages on social networking sites on interaction with religious issues, research published in the Egyptian Journal of Media Research, Cairo University, Faculty of Information, Issue 59, November 2017,p.33.

[27] Marwa Wael Ghali (2013). The Effect of Interactive Communication of Social Programs of Internet Radio Stations on Addressing Social Issues of Egyptian Youth: An Applied Study, Unpublished Master Thesis, Mansoura University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Media,p.159.

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