Research studies

Extracurricular Activities in Yemeni Schools


Prepared by the researcher : Roqaia Hamid Al-Hadrami – Qualitative College for Academic Sciences, Damt. Yemen

Democratic Arab Center

Arabic journal for Translation studies : Third Issue – April 2023

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN 2750-6142
Arabic journal for translation studies

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This research aimed to explain the importance of extra-curricular activities and their role in the educational process, their objectives and different types and the availability of these activities in a number of Yemeni schools. The descriptive analytic approach was followed. Sample of the research included 206 teachers, students, supervisors and administrators in a number of public and private schools. A questionnaire, including types of extra-curricular activities such as (scientific activities, cultural sports activities and others), was distributed to investigate the availability of such activities or not. The results concluded that activities are available in large cities such as Sana’a city more than other cities. Also, such activities are available in a greater proportion in private schools. Cultural activities are more available than other activities while scouting activities are the least available. The research recommends that extra-curricular activities should receive more attention at schools.

  1. Introduction

The educational process is the basis for the development and progress of states and all that is based on the right foundations of education, which lead to the rising of educated, conscious and qualified generations. Therefore, the development of educational process is so necessary in order to maintain up-to-date knowledge and meet the requirements of the present moment, and face the challenges of the future, by implanting the seeds of venture in today’s generation. One way to do that is to implement extra-curricular activities in their proper instruction.

Extra-curricular activities refer to the activities performed by students outside of the scope of classroom in. They are part of informal education and important aspect of educational expertise. They consist of different kinds activities such as sports, music, band, drama, vocational clubs, theatre, fine arts, voluntary works, and special interest activities. The aims of such activities are to help students shape their personalities, execute their skills in different fields such as leadership, self- confidence, self-discipline and sportsmanship, and focus on talents owned by students with a view to develop them and also benefit from them in directing their careers. These activities are implemented under the supervision of teachers and educational supervisors (Zeycan & Nevin ,2017).

Many studies conducted by researchers about education and development of educational activities showed the importance of extracurricular activities for students. Such activities have a positive impact of students’ personalities, amend their behaviors, deter the deterrence of hostile behaviors with some students, promote self-esteem, promote power points, and protect students from dropping out of schools. Studies have also confirmed that students participating in extracurricular activities are better than others, and they are more willing to work and have the ability to express their views better and encourage others. Extracurricular activities are of special importance in internationally oriented universities, in the context of a multinational and multi-cultural educational environment where the socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students is an important component.

As a result, many researchers were interested in conducting research to investigate the extent to which extracurricular activities are applied in schools and universities, plus examining the extent to which they affect students and the course of the educational process, and studying the obstacles that prevent the application of such activities (Zeycan & Nevin ,2017).

1.2 Background of the Problem of the Study

In general, the educational process is based on a number of principles, which aim at improving it and making it a comprehensive process, including curriculum development, teacher training and other methods.

Extracurricular activities were considered part of the educational process in the United States in early 1990s, following the development of several basic principles of education such as health, command of fundamental processes, worthy home membership, civic education and ethical character. In 1997, extracurricular activities were considered a way of building cooperation and unification (Watkins,2004).

In this context, the application of extracurricular activities is criticized that they do not benefit students, and that they are only a waste of time and affect at the level of educational attainment of students.

Similarly, some researchers argue that application of extracurricular activities faces many obstacles such as schools and universities are not geared to their application, and do not explain the correct objectives of each activity, in addition to lack of knowledge of the impact of the activity on students, and lack of possibilities.

Therefore, such beliefs, arguments, and considerations have encouraged the researcher to investigate availability and impact of extracurricular activities in the Yemeni context.

1.3 Problem of the study

In this research we seek to find out the extent to which extracurricular activities are applied in Yemeni schools, the extent to which they affect the academic achievement of students, the obstacles that prevent or limit their application, and the differences in educational attainment of students who participate in these activities and students who do not participate in them.

1.4 Questions of the study

Problem of the research can be stated in the following questions:

  1. 1. Do Yemeni schools implement extracurricular activities in their academic programs?
  2. 2. What are the extracurricular activities that Yemeni schools implement?

1.5 Objectives of the study

The present study aims at:

  1. 1. Exploring the importance of extracurricular activities.
  2. 2. Finding out the extent to which extracurricular activities are applied in Yemeni school.
  3. 3. Identifying the obstacles that prevent or reduce the practice of extracurricular activities in Yemeni schools.

1.6 Terms of the study

Extracurricular activities: are all activities performed by students outside the classroom and they exist at all levels of education (Zeycan & Nevin ,2017).

 School: A specialized body in the field of education through the implementation of a range of regulations and laws to provide the appropriate school conditions for each age period for students, which guarantees them proper growth and give them different sciences and diverse knowledge (Haizia,2016).

 Motivation: It is a process of stimulating and stimulating the behavior of the individual to carry out a desirable reaction by arousing enthusiasm, initiative and trust, which are internal factors, which are the personality and feeling of the individual who moves him to adopt a particular behavior or external factors, which is all that surrounds the individual and leads him to get his goal and satisfy his need. (Hadf, 2018)

1.7 Organization of the Study

The study will be divided into 5 chapters. Chapter one is about the introduction and background of the study. Chapter two reviews literature and related study. Chapter three presents methodology and instruments of the study. Chapter four discusses the results obtained after applying the instruments. In this chapter, the answers to the study questions and how extracurricular activities are applied in Yemeni schools and the obstacles to their practice will be discussed. Chapter five summarizes results and offers some recommendations to enable the people in charge to implement extracurricular activities in schools.

  1. Literature Review and Related Studies

2.1 Literature Review

Attention has been paid to the effects of extracurricular activities on academic performance and social behavior is increasing, so there are several researches in this respect. It was also mentioned earlier that there are many who consider that extracurricular activities are not useful and affect educational attainment so in this research we will clarify many studies that have shown the positive effects of students’ participation in activities through the development of their personalities and improving their educational level and also explain some negative effects and how to modify the resulting imbalance. Some judge the effects of participation based on the results of the participation (Odea,1994).

2.2 Objectives of extracurricular activities

Activities are one of the main elements of the curriculum provided by schools, which must receive attention from the teacher who helps him to develop abilities, discover talent, evaluate behavior and enrich knowledge for students, and there are many objectives that these activities work to achieve, including:

  • Work to make use of students’ free time in useful.
  • Affirming the spirit of belonging to students of the country.
  • Establishing religious, social and human values and beliefs.
  • Guide students and help them discover their talents, abilities and inclinations and work to develop and improve them.
  • Enable students to interact socially by participating in teamwork and working to achieve the goals of the community and present them on their own goals.
  • Work to establish the scientific information gained in the class in the minds of students. (Musa & Hamid ,2016)

2.3 The importance of extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities are important for they:

  1. 1. Help students achieve self-learning.
  2. 2. They give students self-confidence and increase their abilities.
  3. 3. They link the educational process to reality.
  4. 4. They Satisfy students’ inclinations, interests and needs and discover their creative abilities.
  5. 5. They develop creativity and innovation.
  6. 6. They motivate students to participate actively in the educational process.
  7. 7. They Confront individual differences between students by diversifying activities to suit the students’ different abilities
  8. 8. They increase discipline and commitment (Musa & Hamid ,2016).

2.4 Types of activities

  • Cultural activities: Such activities aim at enriching the student’s culture and developing their thinking, analysis and research skills such as (school press – school radio – seminars and literary and cultural lectures – school library).
  • Sports activities: Such activities are concerned with the physical and health aspects of students, giving them healthy habits and developing the spirit of the same team It is an area for venting repressed hostile emotions, physical and muscular emotions and emptying negative and excessive energy.
  • Scientific activities: Such activities raise the educational level of students by linking the theoretical information studied in the class to practical reality and encouraging them to carry out scientific research and develop scientific and creative thought.
  • Artistic activities: They represent works which develop taste and a sense of beauty and provide the opportunity for artistic creations such as painting, acting, theatre, music and songs, photography and hobbies (such as calligraphy – decoration – composition) to appear in an atmosphere of responsible freedom.
  • Social activities: Such activities include works which develop communication skills and communication with society of different categories and levels of intellectual and age and work to develop ties and social responsibility to become an effective member of society performs his duties towards society by:

    Participating in social events.

    Social competitions.

    Targeted and promotional trips and educational camps.

    Summer centers.

    Public service groups.

    Board of Directors.

  • Health activities: They Promoting healthy habits in food, sleep, study and play.
  • Computer activities: such activities are practiced by working on intellectual and educational games that help communicate information in more attractive ways.
  • Environmental activities: They include works to enhance the role of the student in preserving the environment and to clarify that the effects of the environment negatively or positively reflect on the health and life of the individual, and to clarify how the environment can be exploited in all that is beneficial.
  • Scouting activities: They are an educational means to prepare the student properly for life and train him health training to be able to assume the responsibilities of life and its future results, and these activities depend on its philosophy aimed at preparing a good citizen and its programs are closely related to the environment, and from its fields (Scouts – Guides – Cubs) (Gahoji, 2010).

2.5 Extracurricular activities functions

  • Psychological function: Activities work to compensate for the lack of certain aspects of behavior for students, the field to vent the trapping emotions, achieve psychological growth, know social behavior, acquire religious and social values, develop feelings of friendliness and love, give them the ability to take responsibility by directing themselves and controlling them, working to rid them of isolation, introversion and undesirable behavior
  • Social function: Activities develop the student’s social skills that suit his stage of development by facilitating integration with small groups and informal attitudes, facilitating the process of compatibility with the social environment in which he lives.
  • Physiological function: Activities works to adequate physical activity and physical health safety through red crescent associations and improve fitness by reducing irritability associated with anger.

2.6 Extracurricular activities in some schools

Extracurricular activities in Algerian schools:

There are many extracurricular activities that are being carried out in schools in Algeria in um al-Bouaki state, including handicrafts, theatre, clubs (scientific-cultural), music, sound collections, libraries, excursions (Mujahid Museum – House of Culture – Entertainment Center) and Sports. These activities are carried out either within the school (pupil section, restaurant, square, empty rooms) or outside the school (theatres, houses of culture- stadiums) and appropriate times and activities are allocated for each study stage (Haizia, 2016).

Extracurricular activities at the Regional Academy in Fez Meknes, Morocco:

The Academy carries out many extracurricular activities, including environmental activities, through the formation of 48 environmental clubs in all rural and urban areas of the Academy. The activities of environmental clubs are to carry out waste collection campaigns, greening, cultural awareness of the environment, environmental competitions such as painting, and essay writing (Alalmi,2019).

Extracurricular activities at Dad High School in Georgia, United States:

The school carries out many extracurricular activities such as sports activities such as athletics and evaluates many cultural and scientific activities shared with other schools. (Watkins,2004).

Mansoura college American Schools in Egypt:

The school holds many extracurricular activities    such as (charity events, swimming, open days, laboratory experiments, reporting, painting, making scientific figures, preparing art exhibitions, Qur’an conservation competitions, football,  various computer activities, handicrafts, music, preparing breakfasts for fasting people, distributing food baskets to the needy, building models that illustrate natural phenomes, Orphanage visit, Various educational games , marketing activities, Religious and educational seminars, Social Celebrations, Business Administration Training, Celebrating religious occasions,camping (See photos No. )1))

Photos No. (1): Activities in Mansoura college American Schools

 The American International School of Jeddah:

Activities available at the school (library, theatre, drawing, laboratory activities, scientific research, motorcycles, winter holiday camps, celebrations, participation in national competitions, participation in the Jujitsu competition, summer camps, making murals, Seminars, activities related to healthy food and proper nutrition, reading workshops, chess, teaching leadership skills and taking responsibility through a number of activities, photography, football, Cooking, drawing, programming, basketball, table tennis, badminton (See photos No. (2)).

Photos No. (2): Activities in American International School

The International Schools of Choueifat –Dubai:

Activities available at the school (robotics competition, participation in SABIS competitions, role-sharing through students teaching, swimming, basketball, participation in international sports competitions such as cricket competition, environmental activities such as afforestation, environmental concern and stereoscopic work that illustrate the importance of conservation, book fair, leisure trips, social studies exhibition, football, Celebrating social events, acting, swimming, football, table tennis, tennis, athletics, running, participating in the Arab reading challenge, poetry and singing competitions (See photos No. (3)):

Photos No. (3): Activities in International Schools of Choueifat

2.7 Related Studies

Daley and Leahy (2003) conducted a study on two groups of students, the first group consisting of 126 students between the ages of 8 and 9 years and another group of 63 students, so that the first group was included in extracurricular physical activities, which include (athletics – gymnastics – exercise, etc.). These activities are applied at least once every 7 days. The second group did not participate in activities inside or outside the school, the result was that the students who participated in the activities had a better subjective concept than non-participants, and that there was a direct relationship between self-awareness and participation in extracurricular physical activities, increased friendship and the development of social culture, enhanced maturity and self-discipline and gave them a greater and more committed sense of responsibility.

Brown (n.d.) investigated the effects of participation in extracurricular activities on academic achievement so that students participating in these activities receive higher grades and have higher achievements in the educational process than others, and are more disciplined and organized in attending the semester, and also less involved in the use and use of drugs and alcohol, the rate of drop-out from school is lower, and they also resort to suicide than others who do not participate in these activities.

Smith (2008) explored the role of sports activities in teaching students the skills to interact with their colleagues and work in a team spirit for the common interest as well as leadership skills that play a major role in the development of a student’s self-identity.

Herbert and Reis (1999) indicated that extracurricular activities students can develop positive peer associations and identify themselves as part of group and this peer association motivates them to success in their study and they do well academically more than another student.

 Tavani and Losh (2003) similarly pointed out that school activities academic or extracurricular contribute to levels of motivation and self-confidence, the motivation and self-confidence that students hold influences the academic success and increase the student’s energy and time invested in a goal result in higher level of performance and give them good experience in school career.

Vintin (2016) mentioned that extracurricular activities are significant factor in educational and upbringing process, and development of the personality of student.

  1. Methodology of the study

This chapter presents the population, sample, and instruments of the research in addition to the approach followed.

3.1 Approach of the Study

The study followed the descriptive analytical approach.

3.2 Population of the Study

This study was intended to focus on extracurricular activities in Yemeni schools. Therefore, a questionnaire was prepared and distributed to a number of teachers according to their scientific specialties and years of experience and a number of students at different stages of study.

3.3 Sample of the Study

The questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 206 respondents in 116 private schools and 90 government schools as follows:

Table (1): Number of sample depending on work position

No. Position Number of Questionnaires
1 Principals 4
2 Deputy principals 4
3 Administrators 14
4 Teachers 73
5 Students 111
Total 206

It was distributed to a number of cities as follows:

Table (2): Number of sample depending on city

No. City Number of Questionnaires
1 Sana’a 111
2 Dhalea 62
3 Dhamar 10
4 Ibb 8
5 Hodeidah 1
6 Hadramout 2
7 Al-Bayda 1
8 Aden 2
9 Taiz 8
10 Al-Mahweet 1
Total 206

3.4 Instruments of the Study

A questionnaire was used to collect data for the study. The questionnaire was first prepared by the researcher and then handed over to specialized educators for validation. The researcher followed the specialists’ recommendations and suggestions to prepare the final draft of the questionnaire (Appendix 1). The questionnaire was designed electronically

( and then distributed to the sample via WhatsApp application, which helped the researcher save time and money.

  1. Discussion of the Results

4.1 Discussion of the Results

4.1.1 Analysis of the Results of the Questionnaire

After collecting the data of the research, the results obtained can be discussed as follows:

Table (3): General Results of the Questionnaire

Items (Activities) Available Not Available
A: Cultural Activities
1 School press 36.9% 63.1%
2 School radio 95.6% 4.4%
3 Seminars 53.9% 47.1%
4 Cultural sessions 36.4% 63.5 %
5 School library 64.6% 35.4%
6 Craft activities 12.6% 87.4 %
7 Multicultural Classroom Celebrations 72 % 28 %
8 Cultural Quizzes 70.9% 29.1 %
9 Cultural Debates 35.9% 64.1 %
B: Sports Activities    
1 Football 86.4% 13.6 %
2 Ping Pong 24.3% 75.7%
3 Volley ball 44.2% 55.8%
4 Tennis 15.5% 84.5%
5 Swimming 11.2% 88.8%
6 Karate 14.6% 85.4%
7 Chess 22.8% 77.2%
8 Bicycle riding 10.7% 89.3%
9 Running 61.7% 38.3%
C: Scientific Activities    
1 Laboratory experiments skills 66% 34 %
2 Scientific trips 61.2% 38.8%
3 Scientific research 54.9% 45.1%
4 Reporting 32% 68%
5 Critical thinking activities 15.5% 84.5%
6 Scientific competitions 73.8% 26.2%
D: Artistic Activities    
1 Painting 76.7% 23.3%
2 Acting 58.7% 41.3%
3 Theatre 50.5% 49.5%
4 Music and songs 31.6% 68.4%
5 Photography 25.7% 74.3%
6 Calligraphy 77.2% 22.8%
7 Decoration 36.4% 63.6%
8 Composition 28.6% 71.4%
E: Social Activities    
1 Participation in social events 47.6% 52.4%
2 Social competitions 37.9% 62.1%
3 Targeted and promotional trips 39.8% 60.2%
4 Educational camping 13.6% 86.4%
5 Summer centers 48% 52%
6 Public service groups 21.8% 78.2%
7 Social Responsibility activities 33% 67%
F: Health Activities    
1 Food related activities 22.8% 77.2%
2 Sleep related activities 9.7% 90.3%
3 Fitness activities 42 % 58%
4 Infection awareness related activities 63% 37%
5 Personal Protection related activities 49.5% 50.5%
6 First aid activities 47.6% 52.4%
G: Computer Activities    
1 Email communication skills 20.4% 79.6%
2 Encouraging social media applications usage 22% 78%
3 Designing 29.6% 70.4%
4 Microsoft Office skills 35.4% 64.6%
5 Programming 21.4% 78.6%
H: Environmental Activities    
1 Garbage collection 89.3% 10.7%
2 Environmental research 39.8% 60.2%
3 Afforestation 64.6% 35.4%
4 Environment awareness activities 60.7% 39.3%
5 Formation of environmental groups 42.2% 57.8%
6 Gardening 32.5% 67.5%
I: Scouting activities    
1 Scout camps 13.6% 86.4%
2 Visiting historical sites 35.4% 64.6%
3 Viewing landscapes 29.1% 70.9%
4 Adventures in the Open 9.7% 90.3%
J: Community Serving activities    
1 Visiting orphanages 15.5% 84.5%
2 Raising money for humanitarian assistance 70.9% 29.1%
3 Participating in the organization of traffic 15.5% 84.5%
4 Donating food or clothes 57.3% 42.7%
5 Helping younger students 58.7% 41.3%
6 Writing thanking letters to community workers 34.5% 65.5%
7 Charity events 51.5% 48.5%
8 Participating in festivals 48.5% 51.5%

Table (3) reveals that the most available cultural activities are school radio, which is available at a rate of (95). The most popular sporting activity is football, which is available by (86%), The most available scientific activities are scientific competitions, which are available by (73.8%). The most available artistic activities are calligraphy, which is available by (77.2%). Participation in social events is the most available of social activities, as the activity availability rate was (47.6%). Activities related to personal protection are available by 49.5% and are the most health activities available, Microsoft software skills 35.4% available, Garbage collection activity is the most available among the environmental activities, with an availability rate of 89.3%. The activity of visiting the natural site is available with 35.4% as it is considered the most available scouting activity, fundraising for humanitarian aid is available at a rate of 70.9%, and it is considered the most widely available community service activity.

to obtain more detailed results we analyzed the data based on cities, type of schools and job title.

4.1.2 Analysis of the results of the different types of activities

Table (4): Analysis of the different types of activities

Activities Available Not Available
1 Cultural Activities 16.9% 10.7%
2 Sport Activities 10.3% 15%
3 Scientific Activities 10.7% 7.5%
4 Artistic Activities 13.6 % 10.3 %
5 Social Activities 8.5% 11.6%
6 Health Activities 8.3% 9.3 %
7 Computer Activities 4.6 % 9.4 %
8 Environment Activities 11.6% 6.9 %
9 Scouting Activities 3.1% 7.9%
10 Community Activities 12.4% 11.4%

Table (4) indicates that the most available activities compared to the rest of the activities are the cultural activities, with an availability rate of 16.9%, The least available activities are scouting activities, with an availability rate of 3.1%.

4.1.3 Analysis depending on cities

Table (5): Analysis depending on cities

City Available Not Available
1 Al-Mahweet 1% 0.1%
2 Hodeidah 0.3% 0.5%
3 Al-Bayda 0.5% 0.5%
4 Hadramaut 0.9 % 0.9 %
5 Aden 0.6% 1.2%
6 Taiz 3.9% 3.9 %
7 Sana’a 58 % 51.1 %
8 Al-Dhalea 27.3% 32.2 %
9 Ibb 3.9% 3.9%
10 Dhamar city 3.9% 5.5%

Table (5) shows that the application of extra-curricular activities is more available in the city of Sana’a, where the percentage of availability of activities reached 58%.

4.1.4 Analysis depending on the type of schools

Table ( 6 ): Analysis depending on type of school

School Available Not Available
1 Public school 40.1% 46.2%
2 Private school 59.9% 53.8%

From the results obtained in table (61), it is clear that extracurricular activities are applied more in private schools, with a rate of 59.9%.

4.1.5 Analysis depending on job title

Table (7): Analysis depending on job title

City Available Not Available
1 Principals, administrators, teachers, and deputy principals 56.7% 43.3%
2 Students 43.3% 56.7 %

Table (7) shows that availability of extracurricular activities from the students’ point of view is available by 43.3%, and it is also from the point of view of principals, agents, administrators and teachers, where the number of their voices agreeing to the availability of activities is 56.7%, while the number of students’ votes in disapproval of the availability of activities was more. 56.7% of their votes disapproved.

  1. Results, Recommendations and Suggestions

 Results, Recommendations, and Suggestions

5.1 Results

Based on the results of the questionnaire, the researcher reached the following:

    The school radio activity and the garbage collection activity are among the most available activities at the level of both types of schools and in different cities.

    Scouting activities are the least available activities in all schools and cities.

    The city of Sana’a is considered to be the city where extra-curricular activities are applied most compared to the other cities.

    Extracurricular activities are implemented in private schools more than in public schools.

    Students consider that extracurricular activities are not available in abundance.

5.2 Recommendations

Through the research, we find that extracurricular activities have a great role in developing the educational process as it works to attract students’ focus, increase their understanding and work on their scientific progress. Therefore, the researcher recommends focusing on the application, diversification and employment of extracurricular activities in line with students’ abilities and talents, and constantly striving to keep pace with scientific and technological development.

5.3 Suggestions

Below is a number of suggestions proposed by the researcher in order to properly implement extracurricular activities in Yemeni schools:

  1. 1. School administrations should provide the necessary tools and needs to implement the target activities.
  2. 2. Teachers are required to include extra-curricular activities within the study plans and practice them.
  3. 3. Specialists should conduct related courses to prepare teachers and introduce them to extra-curricular activities and their types.
  4. 4. Focus should be given to activities that have an impact on student’s future.
  5. 5. Attention should be paid to activities that concern the psychological aspect and the formation of the student’s personality.
  6. 6. Games should be included in teaching as aids.
  7. 7. Clinics should be provided in schools to educate students to maintain their health and prevent infection in light of the spread of many epidemics.
  8. 8. There should be a kind of cooperating between school administrations and clubs to train students to acquire self-defense skills.

Bibliography List

  • Zeycan, A. & Nevins, D. (2017). Participation Motivation for Extracurricular Activities: Study on Primary School Students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, (5), 901-910.
  • Watkins, A. (2004). The Effects of Participation in Extracurricular Activities on the Mean Grade Point Average of High School Students in a Rural Setting (A Dissertation Presented for the Doctor of Education Degree the University of Tennessee). Knoxville.
  • Hadf, S. (2018). Professional pressures and their relationship to achievement motivation among workers of the National Social Security Fund for non-wage workers (A complementary note to obtain a master’s degree in the specialty of psychology). Arab University Bin Mahidi.
  • G. (1994). The effect of extracurricular activities on academic achievement (A Thesis Presented to the School of Education Drake University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the master’s degree). Drake university- USA.
  • Musa, E. & Hamid, R. (2016). Evaluation of classroom and extracurricular activities from the point of view of Arabic students in the Faculty of Basic Education. Babel Center for Humanities Journal, 6(4): 152,153.
  • Gahoji, S. (2010). Impact of extracurricular scientific activities on the level of educational achievement in biology Field, study on students for the seventh grade of basic education in Damascus (A research submitted for a master’s degree in education). Damascus university.
  • Haizia, A. (2016). The role of extracurricular activities in highlighting the creative features of primary school pupils from the teacher’s point of view (A supplementary note for the master’s degree management and management of education). Arabi bin Mehidi University.
  • Alalmi, A. (2019). Extracurricular Environmental Activities in Moroccan Middle Schools: Opportunities and Challenges to Promoting Effective Environmental Education. European Journal of Educational Research, 8 (4): 1013 – 1028.
  • N., AbdulRaheem, M. Iqbal, M., Salman, M. & Shahzad, T. (2018). Effects of Extracurricular Activities on Students. National University of Sciences and Technology.
  • Rees, E, (2008). The effects of participation in Extracurricular Activities on Academic performance in Secondary School Students (A research project in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Education). Regis university.

Appendix (1)

The Questionnaire

Dear Sir, ………………………………………

The researcher is doing a research entitled extra-curricular activities offered by schools in Yemen to investigate whether Yemeni schools offer extracurricular activities as a requirement of education.

In view of your job and work in the field of education, please kindly answer the items of the questionnaire and indicate the activities offered or practiced at the school to which you belong.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Ruqaya Hamid Al-Hadrami.

Items (Activities)    
A: Cultural Activities Available Not Available
School press    
School radio    
Cultural sessions    
School library    
Craft activities    
Multicultural Classroom Celebrations    
Cultural Quizzes    
Cultural Debates    
B: Sports Activities    
Ping Pong    
Volley ball    
Bicycle riding    
C: Scientific Activities    
Laboratory experiments skills    
Scientific trips    
Scientific research    
Critical thinking activities    
Scientific competitions    
D: Artistic Activities    
Music and songs    
E: Social Activities    
Participation in social events    
Social competitions    
Targeted and promotional trips    
Educational camping    
Summer centers    
Public service groups    
Social Responsibility activities    
F: Health Activities    
Food related activities    
Sleep related activities    
Fitness activities    
Infection awareness related activities    
Personal Protection related activities    
First aid activities    
G: Computer Activities    
Email communication skills    
Encouraging social media applications usage    
Microsoft Office skills    
Searching skills    
H: Environmental Activities    
Garbage collection    
Environmental research    
Environment awareness activities    
Formation of environmental groups    
I: Scouting activities    
Scout camps    
Visiting historical sites    
Viewing landscapes    
Adventures in the Open    
J: Community Serving activities    
Visiting orphanages    
Raising money for humanitarian assistance    
Participating in the organization of traffic    
Donating food or clothes    
Helping younger students    
Writing thanking letters to community workers    
Charity events    
Participating in festivals    

4/5 - (4 أصوات)

المركز الديمقراطى العربى

المركز الديمقراطي العربي مؤسسة مستقلة تعمل فى اطار البحث العلمى والتحليلى فى القضايا الاستراتيجية والسياسية والاقتصادية، ويهدف بشكل اساسى الى دراسة القضايا العربية وانماط التفاعل بين الدول العربية حكومات وشعوبا ومنظمات غير حكومية.

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