الشرق الأوسطتحليلاتعاجل

Absent justice … The Sabra and Shatila Holocaust

Prepared by the researcher : Fouad baker – member at international criminal court bar association and member at foreign affairs – DEPARTMENT in DFLP

Democratic Arab Center

When we pass through the streets of the Shatila camp and the Sabra neighborhoods, we still smell the smell of death, and the voices of the martyrs, children and women, despite the fact that 41 years have passed since the occasion of the Sabra and Shatila massacre, which was carried out by the Israeli occupation army and some Lebanese militias, which lasted for three continuous days during the Israeli invasion of the city of Beirut in 1982, the number of deaths reached approximately 3,000 Palestinian and Lebanese martyrs, and a large number of missing persons whose children and mothers are waiting for them until now, in light of the absence of international accountability and criminal justice, which only sheds its swords on the weak.

When a Palestinian refugee visits the Sabra and Shatila camp, some scenes of the massacre still come to mind, which have become engraved in the conscience of every Palestinian, making him defend more his right to return to his land, where images of the Israeli criminality that cut open the bellies of pregnant women, beheading them with swords and sharp instruments, and preventing Ambulances and the International Committee of the Red Cross provide entry and relief to Palestinian refugees…

The Israeli goal was to eliminate the Palestinian refugees after expelling them from their lands and committing massacres against them at the hands of extremist Zionist organizations in 1948. This plan continues to this day, but its plans and features have changed, as the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon no longer have the right to live in dignity. They are deprived their rights to work, own property, health, education… especially with the decline in financial support for the United Nations Agency, UNRWA.

The Sabra and Shatila massacre is not the only massacre committed by Zionist and Israeli gangs against the Palestinian people. We have not forgotten the Qana massacre, Deir Yassin, the Haifa massacres, the Balad al-Sheikh massacre, the Jerusalem massacres, the Abbasiya massacre, the Jaffa massacre… and with the absence of justice and accountability of the Israeli occupation government, The Israeli massacres continue every day against the Palestinian people.

In the face of hundreds of Israeli massacres against the Palestinian people, it is certain that the Israeli occupying state wants to eliminate the Palestinian people in order to prove to the world the false narrative of the Zionist organization that Palestine is a land without a people for a people without a land, which is refuted by all historical and scientific sciences.

What the Israeli occupying state is doing is a real holocaust to annihilate the Palestinian people wherever they are, whether inside or outside Palestine, and when the Palestinian people want to hold it accountable, the weapon of anti-Semitism takes over them even though the Palestinian people are Semites.

We saw how the government of Belgium amended its laws when it filed a criminal case against Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, to prevent him from being tried for the crime of genocide, and this matter is repeated today through the International Criminal Court when the US administration of Donald Trump imposed sanctions on Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda when she announced the opening of an investigation into Israeli war crimes committed in the Gaza Strip in 2014, and after Attorney General Karim Khan took over, the investigation was frozen from 2020 until today.

Prime Minister of the Occupation Government Golda Meir (1969-1974) said when she was asked about peace in Palestine that the old die and the young forget, but how can the young forget their martyred fathers, their wounded brothers, and their prisoner’s mothers? How can they forget how the Israeli occupation state demolished their homes and displaced them from their homes? They are still refugees to this day, they do not have the right to self-determination and establish their independent state. We are talking about peace while justice is absent, the land is still usurped, and thousands of settlers live in refugee homes who enjoy their livelihood and property, Judaizing time and place, stealing Palestinian heritage and food, and falsely ascribing it to them!!

In the face of all these crimes and massacres committed by the Zionist and Israeli gangs against the Palestinian people, the major powers force the Palestinian people to give up their legitimate rights stipulated in international legitimacy resolutions, by normalizing some official Arab regimes with Israel, as if nothing had happened, and impose a siege on Gaza Strip, depriving Palestinians of benefiting from their natural resources that are stolen by the Israeli occupation government.

After all that, when the Palestinian people want to resist the occupation, and take away their freedom and rights stipulated in international legitimacy resolutions, some countries accuse them of terrorism and violence, and they try them for their reaction and rejection of Israeli injustice. They ignore their non-violent struggles, such as the boycott of Israel movement, which they criminalize, and they ignore the prisoners’ strike Food, as there are 5,000 Palestinian prisoners without charge or fair trial, including children, women and the elderly. They are living martyrs sentenced to life imprisonment, because they struggle against injustice and against the occupation.

The countries that support Israel focus on resisting the Palestinians and neglect to hold Israel accountable. Rather, they support it with weapons and money to kill the Palestinian people and commit more massacres and crimes against them. Not only did the countries that financially and militarily support Israel fight the Palestinians, but they also took control of the media to spread the false Israeli narrative over the true Palestinian narrative, and restrict content supporting the Palestinian question on social media. it is a cultural, military, ideological, demographic…

We all hope for the freedom fighters and free people of the world, who reject injustice wherever it exists, as Guevara said, “Wherever there is injustice, this is my homeland,” and we call on them to put pressure on their governments with the aim of boycotting Israel, imposing sanctions on it, withdrawing investments from it, and stopping its support financially, militarily, and politically… And holding it accountable for its crimes committed against the Palestinians, and supporting the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, establishing their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, and the return of refugees to their homes.

5/5 - (2 صوتين)

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