Research studies

The Impact of Age and Gender Stereotypes on Teachers’ Performance: Case Study of High School Teachers in Tiaret Province

Prepared by the researcher 

PhD Student, Founes Oussama, University of Mostaganem-Algeria

Professor, Benneghrouzi Fatima Zohra, University of Mostaganem-Algeria

Democratic Arab Center

Journal of Social Sciences : Seventh Issue – December 2018

A Periodical International Journal published by the “Democratic Arab Center” Germany – Berlin.

Nationales ISSN-Zentrum für Deutschland
ISSN 2568-6739
Journal of Social Sciences

Journal of Human Resources Development for Studies and Research


This paper probes the injustice caused by the sociolinguistic variables of age and gender. Differences do not amount solely to numbers or physiques but to the groups having divergent behaviours and values. Such discrepancies are due to being raised in different environments where each cohort is steeped in a set of beliefs that it naturalizes and embraces while rejecting and condemning those opposing its own. In order for this sociological investigation to be conducted, we opted for the survey method to examine teachers’ attribution of negative adjectives to four different cohorts. This study demonstrates how high school teachers surveyed make are gender/age insensitive which results the perpetuation of stereotypes and thus of biased practices.

5/5 - (2 صوتين)

المركز الديمقراطى العربى

المركز الديمقراطي العربي مؤسسة مستقلة تعمل فى اطار البحث العلمى والتحليلى فى القضايا الاستراتيجية والسياسية والاقتصادية، ويهدف بشكل اساسى الى دراسة القضايا العربية وانماط التفاعل بين الدول العربية حكومات وشعوبا ومنظمات غير حكومية.

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